Trauma, Culture Care and Public Worship
Streaming Media
Session Description
What does faithful ministry look like after trauma? What if that trauma is public trauma, like ministry after 9-11 in New York or after recent trauma in Ferguson or Orlando? Hear testimonies and reflections from those who shaped liturgical responses to these events in both “ground zeros” of these kinds of events, as well as in communities who were far removed geographically from them, but who were close in spirit. Ponder the intersection of preaching, worship, pastoral care, and arts ministries for redemptive responses to local, national, and international trauma.
Conference Title
2017 Calvin Symposium on Worship
Event Date
Event Type
Type (recording/text)
Faithful Ministry, Public Trauma, Intersection
Recommended Citation
Bailey, David M.; Fujimura, Makoto; Gibson, Danjuma; Goodjoin, Chineta; Salguero, Gabriel; and Witvliet, John D., "Trauma, Culture Care and Public Worship" (2017). Symposium on Worship Archive. 1.
Trauma, Culture Care and Public Worship
What does faithful ministry look like after trauma? What if that trauma is public trauma, like ministry after 9-11 in New York or after recent trauma in Ferguson or Orlando? Hear testimonies and reflections from those who shaped liturgical responses to these events in both “ground zeros” of these kinds of events, as well as in communities who were far removed geographically from them, but who were close in spirit. Ponder the intersection of preaching, worship, pastoral care, and arts ministries for redemptive responses to local, national, and international trauma.