Session Description
Sessions related to mental health are not (yet) a common feature of many conferences on worship. Yet mental-health-related concerns affect as many as one in five people overall, with one of every twenty-five people living with serious mental health challenges. What we say or fail to say about these challenges in worship settings can be profoundly formative for how Christian communities respond to these challenges. Further, decisions we make about how to shape and lead worship can do a lot to either welcome or inhibit the participation of those among us who struggle with mental health issues. This session is an agenda-setting conversation that will seek to identify key priorities for congregations in the years ahead as well as for organizations such as the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship who seek to serve and strengthen congregational life.
Conference Title
2018 Calvin Symposium on Worship
Event Date
Event Type
Type (recording/text)
Culturally-Contextual Worship
Resources, Priorities, Mental Health
Recommended Citation
vanOyen-Witvliet, Charlotte; Holtrop, Cindy; Kinghorn, Warren; and Swinton, John, "Mental Health and the Practice of Christian Public Worship: An Exploratory Conversation" (2018). Symposium on Worship Archive. 5.
Included in
Mental Health and the Practice of Christian Public Worship: An Exploratory Conversation
Sessions related to mental health are not (yet) a common feature of many conferences on worship. Yet mental-health-related concerns affect as many as one in five people overall, with one of every twenty-five people living with serious mental health challenges. What we say or fail to say about these challenges in worship settings can be profoundly formative for how Christian communities respond to these challenges. Further, decisions we make about how to shape and lead worship can do a lot to either welcome or inhibit the participation of those among us who struggle with mental health issues. This session is an agenda-setting conversation that will seek to identify key priorities for congregations in the years ahead as well as for organizations such as the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship who seek to serve and strengthen congregational life.