Session Description
For more than 20 years, the Reformed Spirituality Network gathered a variety of Christians in learning about vital spiritual practices from the Reformed tradition, all aimed at deepening our engagement with Scripture, our participation in worship and sacraments, and our prayershaped walk with God. This session honors the legacy of the network’s contribution by focusing on the beauty of several fundamental spiritual practices and disciplines and how they can promote deeper ecumenical relations with other Christians: contemplative Bible reading in worship and daily life; discernment of our personal and corporate union with Christ; deeper engagement with baptism and the Lord’s Supper as means of grace; the Christian year as a window into the entire scope of Jesus’s life and ministry; and Lord’s Day observance as a witness to the coming kingdom. Each presenter will reflect on historic spiritual practices and explore how contemporary spirituality can be deeply enriched both by digging deeply into the wisdom of the past within a given tradition (in this case, Reformed) and by learning from Christians in other traditions and contexts. The aim of this session is to harvest insights from history, theology, and ecumenical encounters to promote a vital Christian piety that deepens our love for God, for each other, and for the entire world God made and loves.
Conference Title
2018 Calvin Symposium on Worship
Event Date
Event Type
Type (recording/text)
Subject Area
History of Christianity
Contemporary Spirituality, Piety, Practices
Recommended Citation
Snyder, Noel; Edmondson, Mika; Hulst, Mary; McNutt, Jennifer Powell; Schwanda, Tom; and Van Dyk, Leanne, "Vital Spirituality: Harvesting Wisdom from History, Theology, and Ecumenical Encounter" (2018). Symposium on Worship Archive. 8.
Included in
Vital Spirituality: Harvesting Wisdom from History, Theology, and Ecumenical Encounter
For more than 20 years, the Reformed Spirituality Network gathered a variety of Christians in learning about vital spiritual practices from the Reformed tradition, all aimed at deepening our engagement with Scripture, our participation in worship and sacraments, and our prayershaped walk with God. This session honors the legacy of the network’s contribution by focusing on the beauty of several fundamental spiritual practices and disciplines and how they can promote deeper ecumenical relations with other Christians: contemplative Bible reading in worship and daily life; discernment of our personal and corporate union with Christ; deeper engagement with baptism and the Lord’s Supper as means of grace; the Christian year as a window into the entire scope of Jesus’s life and ministry; and Lord’s Day observance as a witness to the coming kingdom. Each presenter will reflect on historic spiritual practices and explore how contemporary spirituality can be deeply enriched both by digging deeply into the wisdom of the past within a given tradition (in this case, Reformed) and by learning from Christians in other traditions and contexts. The aim of this session is to harvest insights from history, theology, and ecumenical encounters to promote a vital Christian piety that deepens our love for God, for each other, and for the entire world God made and loves.