Session Description
As a resource for planning and leading worship, the Psalms are a fountain of wisdom and passion. The Psalms capture the breath of human experience, they guide us in our language for prayer, and they embody the heart’s most honest song before God. In this seminar—ideal for emerging worship leaders—we will explore basic principles, practices, and resources for planning and leading worship which place the Psalms at the center.
Conference Title
2018 Calvin Symposium on Worship
Event Date
Event Type
Type (recording/text)
Subject Area
Worship Planning
Wisdom, Passion, Resources
Recommended Citation
Ryan, Paul and Worship Apprentices, "Worship 101: Singing, Praying, and Reading the Psalms in Corporate Worship" (2018). Symposium on Worship Archive. 9.
Included in
Worship 101: Singing, Praying, and Reading the Psalms in Corporate Worship
As a resource for planning and leading worship, the Psalms are a fountain of wisdom and passion. The Psalms capture the breath of human experience, they guide us in our language for prayer, and they embody the heart’s most honest song before God. In this seminar—ideal for emerging worship leaders—we will explore basic principles, practices, and resources for planning and leading worship which place the Psalms at the center.