The Impact of History on Worship Today: Commemorating the 400th Anniversary of the Synod of Dort

Kathy Smith, Calvin Institute of Christian Worship

Session Description

What does an event held 400 years ago mean for our worship and faith formation today? This workshop will highlight the key learnings of the Synod of Dort, held in 1618–1619 in the Netherlands to help the newly developing Protestant and Reformed churches sort out their beliefs and worship practices. Come and learn how this significant historical event continues to affect Christian theology and worship today in North America and around the world.


The Impact of History on Worship Today: Commemorating the 400th Anniversary of the Synod of Dort

What does an event held 400 years ago mean for our worship and faith formation today? This workshop will highlight the key learnings of the Synod of Dort, held in 1618–1619 in the Netherlands to help the newly developing Protestant and Reformed churches sort out their beliefs and worship practices. Come and learn how this significant historical event continues to affect Christian theology and worship today in North America and around the world.