Sing It Again! The Art of Science of Repetition in Worship

Monique M. Ingalls, Baylor University

Session Description

The topic of repetition abounds in our conversations about worship. Whether we’re discussing words, actions, melodies, or songs, everyone seems to have an opinion on how much repetition is too much, too little, or just right. This workshop draws from recent work in cognitive science, musicology, and practical theology to present a framework for determining why we should repeat, what we should repeat, and how we should repeat when leading music in congregational worship.


Sing It Again! The Art of Science of Repetition in Worship

The topic of repetition abounds in our conversations about worship. Whether we’re discussing words, actions, melodies, or songs, everyone seems to have an opinion on how much repetition is too much, too little, or just right. This workshop draws from recent work in cognitive science, musicology, and practical theology to present a framework for determining why we should repeat, what we should repeat, and how we should repeat when leading music in congregational worship.