Session Description
What if God didn’t place humans on earth to be stewards of creation but to be something else? If not stewards, then what? Join Calvin biology professor David Warners as he shares insights from Beyond Stewardship (Calvin Press, 2019), a book he co-edited with Matthew Kuperus Heun, an engineering professor at Calvin. The aim of this book, which includes contributions from scholars in diverse disciplines, is to equip Christians to live better in this world by helping us all think more intentionally about the relationship we have with the nonhuman creation in which we are necessarily and thoroughly embedded. They offer an expanded and enlivened understanding of the place of humans in the context of God’s creation and offer ways we can practice this in the context of a worshiping community.
Conference Title
2020 Calvin Symposium on Worship
Event Date
Event Type
Type (recording/text)
Spiritual Formation/Discipleship
Creation, Stewardship, Intentional Living
Recommended Citation
Warners, David, "Beyond Stewardship" (2020). Symposium on Worship Archive. 13.
Beyond Stewardship
What if God didn’t place humans on earth to be stewards of creation but to be something else? If not stewards, then what? Join Calvin biology professor David Warners as he shares insights from Beyond Stewardship (Calvin Press, 2019), a book he co-edited with Matthew Kuperus Heun, an engineering professor at Calvin. The aim of this book, which includes contributions from scholars in diverse disciplines, is to equip Christians to live better in this world by helping us all think more intentionally about the relationship we have with the nonhuman creation in which we are necessarily and thoroughly embedded. They offer an expanded and enlivened understanding of the place of humans in the context of God’s creation and offer ways we can practice this in the context of a worshiping community.