Preaching in the Power of the Spirit (with a Global-South Twist)

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Session Description

Through delivery and discussion of a sermon based on a Gospel text, the fi rst part of the seminar reflects on ways to preach a text through a global-South lens that highlights issues of marginality and welcome into God’s kingdom. Drawing from the Galilean identity of Jesus and his disciples, hearers of the Word are invited to be empowered by the Spirit to acknowledge their own marginality and call to hospitality in the world. The second part of the seminar introduces practices through which preachers of the Word can invite the Spirit to empower their preaching.

Conference Title

2020 Calvin Symposium on Worship

Event Date


Event Type


Type (recording/text)


Subject Area





global-south, Holy Spirit, marginality, hospitality

Upload Date

30-1-2020 12:00 AM


Jan 30th, 12:00 AM

Preaching in the Power of the Spirit (with a Global-South Twist)

Through delivery and discussion of a sermon based on a Gospel text, the fi rst part of the seminar reflects on ways to preach a text through a global-South lens that highlights issues of marginality and welcome into God’s kingdom. Drawing from the Galilean identity of Jesus and his disciples, hearers of the Word are invited to be empowered by the Spirit to acknowledge their own marginality and call to hospitality in the world. The second part of the seminar introduces practices through which preachers of the Word can invite the Spirit to empower their preaching.