Where Two or Three (Thousand) Are Gathered: The Evolution of American Megachurch Worship

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Session Description

Loved by some and derided by others, evangelical megachurches have unquestionably changed the landscape of American Christianity with new technologies, cultural adaptations, and philosophies of ministry. At the same time, megachurches themselves have evolved over the last forty years, moving beyond early “seeker service” experiments to pioneer new forms of evangelistic worship and community outreach. This session—both an appreciation and a critique—combines case study fieldwork with insights from musicology and the social sciences to reflect on the unexpected ways megachurches continue to influence worship in American churches of all sizes.

Conference Title

2020 Calvin Symposium on Worship

Event Date


Event Type


Type (recording/text)


Subject Area



Contemporary Worship


megachurch, seeker service, megachurch worship

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31-1-2020 12:00 AM


Jan 31st, 12:00 AM

Where Two or Three (Thousand) Are Gathered: The Evolution of American Megachurch Worship

Loved by some and derided by others, evangelical megachurches have unquestionably changed the landscape of American Christianity with new technologies, cultural adaptations, and philosophies of ministry. At the same time, megachurches themselves have evolved over the last forty years, moving beyond early “seeker service” experiments to pioneer new forms of evangelistic worship and community outreach. This session—both an appreciation and a critique—combines case study fieldwork with insights from musicology and the social sciences to reflect on the unexpected ways megachurches continue to influence worship in American churches of all sizes.