Worship, Cultural Difference, and a Kingdom Vision for Life Together

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Session Description

Churches and Christian leaders are often overwhelmed because they feel ill-equipped to engage effectively in the ministry of reconciliation in a diverse and divided society. This session will explore insights and practices that are helping congregations and leaders move forward in hope. Growth in this area can be stubbornly difficult but also profoundly sanctifying and fruitful. Come to explore what your first baby step in this direction might look like, as well as what it looks like for a church to be committed to racial reconciliation for the long haul.

Conference Title

2020 Calvin Symposium on Worship

Event Date


Event Type


Type (recording/text)


Subject Area



Global/Multi-Lingual Worship


multicultural ministry, racial reconcilliation

Upload Date

31-1-2020 12:00 AM


Jan 31st, 12:00 AM

Worship, Cultural Difference, and a Kingdom Vision for Life Together

Churches and Christian leaders are often overwhelmed because they feel ill-equipped to engage effectively in the ministry of reconciliation in a diverse and divided society. This session will explore insights and practices that are helping congregations and leaders move forward in hope. Growth in this area can be stubbornly difficult but also profoundly sanctifying and fruitful. Come to explore what your first baby step in this direction might look like, as well as what it looks like for a church to be committed to racial reconciliation for the long haul.