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Reflections on Evangelism
3 - Keeping the Front Door Open by Kevin Adams
4 - Closing the Back Door by Ron Kool and George Mossel
6 - Come, Follow Me: Using the Bible in Personal Evangelism by Ruth A. Tucker
8 - Giving a Reason for the Faith: Apologetics and Evangelism in Postmodern Culture by John W. Cooper
10 - Reformed Evangelism and the Postmodern Challenge by Pieter Tuit
12 - Making Connections
14 - Continuing Education
15 - News
Publication Date
Fall 10-1-2005
Recommended Citation
Adams, Kevin; Mossel, George; Tucker, Ruth A.; and Cooper, John W., "Calvin Theological Seminary Forum: October 2005" (2005). Calvin Theological Seminary Forum (2002- ). 12.