The Calvin Forum: Winter 2025
Calvin Theological Seminary
CONTENTS - Vol. 35., WINTER 2025
Main Features: 2 - Letter from the President
6 - Where are the Pastors?
10 - Formation of Leaders in a Liminal season
16 - Where do Pastors come from?
23 - The minister as a manager of the mysteries of God
29 - Pastors are there and will be there
34 - Who will disciple the next generation of Disciple-makers?
39 - Raising up Ministry Leaders from the next generation
42 - Training Ministry leaders from the next generation
48 - Hope in the ruins
55 - A journey through Seminary in the Presbyterian church in Korea (Kosin)
60 - Breaking the Vicious cycle: Raising up church leaders from within the local church
Calvin Seminary News: 66 - A day of Worship: Adoring God in every moment
68 - The Old Testament, Calvin, and the Reformed tradition
70 - The wars of the Lord
72 - New faculty and staff
80 - The Forum gains Global Reach
The Calvin Forum: Summer 2024
Calvin Theological Seminary
CONTENTS - Vol. 33., SUMMER 2024
Main Features: 5 - Letter from the President
8 - Calvin Theological Seminary: A living tradition of service for the 21st Century
12- Virtuous reasoning
15 - Why on Earth look to the church for help in society?
19 - Bringing the trouble to church: the call to Christ-Centered mental health support
22 - The need for effective leaders: Competency-based education on the rise
24 - A challenging journey: Preaching through competition, wariness, and trauma
Calvin Seminary News: 28 - Calvin Theological seminary partners with Missional training center
31 - Calvin Theological Seminary receives grant from Lilly Endowment
32 - Center for Excellence in preaching celebrates 20th Anniversary
34- Faculty Book Releases
40 - Staff & Faculty announcements
Alumni News: 50 - Letter from the director
52 - Ministry in the 21st century
56 - Distinguished Alumni Award Recipients
The Calvin Forum: Winter 2024
Calvin Theological Seminary
CONTENTS - Vol. 33., Winter 2024
Main Features: 5 - Letter from the President
8 - Introduction: What does it mean to be Reformed?
10- Coming around the table to explore our reformed identity
14 - Understanding reformed identity from a teaching, learning, & scholarship perspective
18 - Essays on being Reformed
20 - Reformed identity through the eyes of a Professor of philosophical theology
24 - New faculty members' reflections on Reformed Identity
28 - Looking ahead: A faculty project on the Reformed Identity of Calvin Theological Seminary
Calvin Seminary News: 32 - Latino Minitries program update builds on history of excellence
34- Doctor of Ministry Studies in a VUCA world
38 - New staff & Faculty
Alumni News: 46- Global Reformed Identity
The Calvin Forum: Summer 2023
Calvin Theological Seminary
CONTENTS - Vol. 32., Summer 2023
Main Features: 5 - Letter from the President
8 - Engaging scripture in Uganda: A cross-cultural context
12- The fifth gospel
16- The Bible Core and the New Curriculum at Calvin Theological Seminary
20 - Reading scripture in the country with the largest Muslim population in the world
22 - Hearing the book of revelation with "Teo Ears"
Calvin Seminary News: 28 - CTS Faculty Mary Vanden Berg publishes book on Human Uniqueness
30 - Responding to a critical need: Calvin Seminary launches MA in Clinical Mental Health Counselling
32 - CTS takes bold new step to further support Canadians
34- Empowering students through Competency-based theological education
38 - The compelling word: the center for excellence in preaching
42 - CTS Community in First Year as public reading of scripture site
44 - New staff & Faculty
Alumni News: 52- Letter from the Director
54- From MDiv to Missional Partnership: Seminary grads lead Ontario church
56- Distinguished Alumni
The Calvin Forum: Summer 2022
Calvin Theological Seminary
CONTENTS - Vol. 30. No. 2, SUMMER/FALL 2022
Main Features: 3 - The gift of hospitality.
4 - The hospitality of God.
8 - Hospitality in the doctrine of election
12 - Misreading Jesus' command to serve
18- Bringing Global Mission experience to Calvin Seminary
24- Alumni serving around the world
Calvin Seminary News: 28 - New faculty hires
30- Calvin Theological Seminary retirees
34- Faculty Book Highlight
35- New Staff Member
36- Distinguished Alumni
The Calvin Forum: Winter 2022
Calvin Theological Seminary
CONTENTS - Vol. 30. No. 1, WINTER 2022
Main Features: 3 - Rooted in Christ, reforming for the future.
4 - Seminaries aren't just for pastors anymore: Equipping the priesthood of all believers
8 - Formation and the act of being attentive
11 - Vocational Ministry in Action
12 - Ready and open to God's leading: Seminary renovations to be completed this Spring
18- Handlon's priesthood of believers
22- Next steps initiative
26- Center for excellence in preaching
Calvin Seminary News: 26 - Faculty Book Highlight
27 - New Staff
The Calvin Forum: Summer 2021
Calvin Theological Seminary
CONTENTS - Vol. 28. No. 2, SUMMER 2021
Main Features: 3 - 25 years & Counting!
4 - Women-In-Office: What is the CRCNA position, how did we get here, and what does it mean?
8 - Partners in the Gospel
12 - Twenty-Five Years on: Just look at what God has done!!
18- My Calling
22- Following step by step
26- Moments in ministry formation 30- Songs of Redemption
Calvin Seminary News:32 - New Books
34- Distinguished Alumni
Calvin Theological Seminary Forum: January 2021
Julius T. Medenblik, Lisa De Young, Shawn Brix, and Todd Cioffi
Main Features
3 - Loving your Neighbor by Jul Medenblik
4 - Loving Your Neighbor Conference Devotions by Lisa Deyoung
8 - The Role & Response of the Church in an Age
12 - Incarceration in Canada: Addressing a Colonial Past by Shawn Brix
16 - Visit the Prisoner - and Don't Forget to Bring Books, Exams, and Paper Assignments by Todd V. Cioffi
22 - Loving Your Neighbor: Calvin Prison Ministry by Gary Burge
26 - Change from the Inside Out by Christy Wolff
Calvin Seminary News
28 - New Books
30 - New Faces -
Calvin Theological Seminary Forum: January 2020
Julius T. Medenblik, Amanda W. Benckhuysen, Jeffery A. D. Weima, and Shannon Jammal-Hollemans
Main Features
3 - Hurting Churches & Hurting Pastors by Jul Medenblik
4 - Grief & Doubt in the Christian Life
8 - Christian Triumphalism by Gibson Danjuma
12 - Dementia & Wilderness by Mary L. Vanden Berg
Q&A: The Hurting Church
16 - Are Christians Allowed to Grieve the Death of a Loved One? by Jeffrey A. D. Weima
18 - Where Does Pastoral Care End? by Shannon Jammal - Hollemans
20 - What to Do When Church Leadership Feels Lonely? by Cecil Van Niejenhuis
Calvin Seminary News
22 - Calvin Seminary Names New Canadian Church Relations Liaison: Shawn Brix
24 - Calvin Seminary's New Website
26 - New Doctor of Ministry Program
28 - The Gospel According to Eve
30 - Calvin Seminary Welcomes Its New Scholar-in-residence
31 - Schaafsma Steps in as Visiting Lecturer -
Calvin Theological Seminary Forum: May 2020
Julius T. Medenblik, Mary S. Hulst, Denise Posey, and Gary M. Burge
Main Features
3 - OK Boomer: The Generational Diversity of the Church by Jul Medenblik
4 - Millenials Want a Church that Talks about tTHese Three Things by Mary S. Hulst
10 - Called to Serve adn Lead Well with Different Ethnicities by Denise Posie
12 - Pew or Canoe: The Unexpected Turn by Gary M. Burge
20 - Tuko Pamoja: We are Together by Sepa Nashale and Andrew Mead
22 - From One Generation to the Next: Empowering a New Generation of Church Leaders by Sarah Schreiber and Ryan Shrieber
Calvin Seminary News
24 - Faculty News
26 - Celebrating Distance Education at Calvin Seminary by Amanda Greenhoe
28 - International Students and Scholars, Welcome! by Sarah Chun
20 - Anne Harrison Integrates Ministry and Library Backgrounds as New Theological Librarian by Nathhan Bierma
30 - Calvin Seminary Students Visit Israel by Mitch Schroder -
Calvin Theological Seminary Forum: May 2019
Julius T. Medenblik, Karin Maag, Lyle D. Bierma, and Kathy Smith
3 - Dordt or Dort? What Still Matters? by Jul Medenblik
4 - The Canons of Dordt in Thier Historical Context
8 - Canons of Dordt adn the Heidelberg Catechism
12 - Commemorating the 400th Anniversary of the Synod of Dordt in Worship
20 - Mary Vanden Berg Awarded Henry Institute Research Grant
22 - Faculty News
22 - New Faces
25 - Partnering Together
26 - Available Conferences & Lectures
28 - Distinguished Alumni -
Calvin Theological Seminary Forum: January 2018
Amanda W. Benckhuysen, Matthew Cooke, Mariano Avila, and Margaret Mwenda
3 - God's Plan by Jul Medenblik
4 - Making Immigration Our Problem by Amanda W. Benckhuysen
8 - Trauma, Forced Migration, and the Role of the Church by Matthew Cooke
12 - Latino/ A Evangelical Immigrants in West Michigan by Mariano Avila
16 - Informing, Equipping, and Connecting African Immigrants in Grand Rapids, Michigan
19 - Loving Your Neighbor
22 - Faculty News
22 - New Faces
23 - Other News
24 - Year in Review -
Calvin Theological Seminary Forum: October 2018
Julius T. Medenblik, Mary Vanden Berg, Amanda W. Benckhuysen, and Geoff Vandermolen
4 - Why Go to Seminary? Hoop, Hurdle or Vital Necessity? by President Jul Medenblik
6 - Are You on the Journey towards Seminary?
8 - The Stranger at the River Jabbok by Amanda W. Benckhuysen
12 - Courageous Leadership in God's Kingdom by Geoff Vandermolen
16 - Honing Contextual Savvy by Cory B. Wilson
23 - Seminary: A Layman's Perspective by Sidney J. Jansma, Jr.
24 - Encouraging One Another to Grow Up into Christ
26 - Together, We'll Invest in Your Calling
28 - Discerning Your Call by Aaron Einfeld
30 - Calvin Seminary Q&A by Gary Burge -
Calvin Theological Seminary Forum: April 2017
Karin Maag, Lyle D. Bierma, Laura de Jong, and Wayne TenHarmsel
3 - From the President: More Than a Slogan by Jul Medenblik
4 - Sola Fide by Jeffrey A. D. Weima
6 - Sola Scriptura by John W. Cooper
8 - Solo Christo by Karin Maag
10 - Sola Gratia by Lyle D. Bierma
12 - Soli Deo Gloria by Matthew J.Tuininga
14 - John Cooper by Bruce Buursma
16 - Dean Deppe by Bruce Buursma
18 - Defeating the Powers of Darkness and Establishing a Kingdom of Love by Chris Meehan
20 - Handlon Students Mark First Milestone at Convocation by Jonathan Gorter
26 - Surprised by Snow: Study Tour through Greece and Turkey by Laura de Jong
28 - Forming Better Leaders for Today’s Churches by Geoff Vandermolen
30 - Distinguished Alumni Award Winners 2017
32 - Reflections by Missionary-In-Residence Wayne Ten Harmsel
34 - A New Face at Calvin Seminary
35 - Presidential Reformation Tour 2017 -
Calvin Theological Seminary Forum: October 2017
Karin Maag, Lee Hardy, Matthew Cooke, and Bruce Buursma
3 - From the President: What Can Catholics and Protestants Learn From One Another Today? by Jul Medenblik
4 - Reformed and Catholic Worship – Are There Any Points of Convergence? by Karin Maag
7 - Learning about the Lord’s Supper from Roman Catholics by Ronald Feenstra
10 - Christian Ethics, Protestant and Catholic: 500 Years After the Reformation by Matt Tuininga
13 - The Meaning of Martha: Catholics and Protestants on Work and Vocation by Lee Hardy
16 - 500 Years Later: A Conversation Between Catholics and Protestants by Matt Cooke
18 - John Bolt Retires by Bruce Buursma
20 - Recent CTS Events In Photos
22 - Faculty Publications
24 - New Faces -
Calvin Theological Seminary Forum: May 2017
Matthew J. Tunninga, Jeffery A. D. Weima, Lyle D. Bierma, and Bruce Buursma
3 - On the Potter's Wheel by President Jul Medenblik
4 - The Grace of Discipline by Matthew J. Tunninga
8 - Dare to Discipline! by Jeffery A. D. Weima
12 - Practicing Church Discipline: Wisdom from the Field by Jul Medenbik + Sarah Schereiber
15 - What's New @ Calvin Seminary
16 - Phd Program Celeberates Silver Anniversary by Lyle Bierma
18 - Retirement Profile: Michael Williams by Bruce Buursma
20 - Distinguished Missionaries
22 - Distinguished Alumni
26 - Recent Faculty Publications + New Faces -
Calvin Theological Seminary Forum: May 2016
Julius T. Medenblik, Jessica Driesenga, Aaron Einfeld, and Chris Meehan
3 - From the President: The Challenge and Opportunity of Hospitality by Jul Medenblik
4 - The Consummate Host by Sarah Schreiber
6 - Become What You Are by Mariano Avila
11 - How We Teach Forms People for Ministry by Ronald Feenstra
14 - Welcoming Youth to Deep Places by Jessica Driesenga
15 - Pardon Our Dust by Aaron Einfeld
16 - Earning a College Degree Behind Bars by Chris Meehan
19 - Faculty Publications by Monica Brands
20 - Arie Leder by Bruce Buursma
22 - Calvin Van Reken by Bruce Buursma
23 - Al Gelder by Jeff Sajdak
24 - Farewell to Darwin Glassford by Bruce Buursma
25 - Welcome Ann Plantinga Kapteyn
26 - Distinguished Alumni Awards -
Calvin Theological Seminary Forum: March 2016
Julius T. Medenblik, Cory Willson, Mary Vanden Berg, and Sarah Schreiber
3 - From the President: How Now Shall We Live? by Jul Medenblik
4 - Every Believer Called to Mission by Cory Willson
6 - Prayers from the Missional Conference by Mary Vanden Berg and Sarah Schreiber
8 - Bavinck’s Reformed Dogmatics by John Bolt
9 - Meet Herman Bavinck by Jessica Driesenga
12 - Fostering Formation for Mission in Our Classrooms by Kristy Manion
15 - Is There a Future for Sacrifice? by Erin Zoutendam
16 - Taste and See Israel Trip by Paula Seales
18 - Church Growth and Its Challenges in Ethiopia by Fikre Norcha -
Calvin Theological Seminary Forum: October 2016
Richard Mouw, Amanda W. Benckhuysen, Danjuma Gibson, and Geoff Vandermolen
3 - From the President: Loving Your Neighbor Today (and Tomorrow!) by Jul Medenblik
4 - Loving Your Neighbor by Richard Mouw
6 - Old Testament Insights on Loving Your Neighbor by Amanda Benckhuysen
8 - Why & How Should Christians Engage Their Neighbors of Other Faiths? by Cory Willson
11 - Trauma: Suffering in Silence by Danjuma Gibson
14 - Loving Your Neighbor with Dementia by Mary Vandenberg
16 - CEP Summer Seminars 2016 by Scott Hoezee
19 - Vocational Formation — A new name, a renewed focus by Geoff Vandermolen
20 - Reflections on China Today by Aaron Einfeld
22 - Convocation 2016
23 - Calvin Theological Journal — My Vision by Karin Maag
24 - Launching Alumni Engagement
25 - New faces at Calvin Seminary -
Calvin Theological Seminary Forum: April 2015
Mary S. Hulst, Keith Doornbos, Scott Hoezee, and John Rottman
Excellence in Preaching
3 - Preaching to a Millennial Audience by Mary S. Hulst
5 - Preaching for Church Renewal by Keith Doornbos
8 - Looking Ahead: 21st Century Trends in Preaching by Scott Hoezee
10 - Preaching and Prison by John Rottman
12 - Preaching the Catechism in a Postmodern Age by Stan Mast
Called to Serve
15 - For Classroom and Congregation: New Books from Seminary Faculty by Kristy Manion
18 - Retirement Tribute for Richard A. Muller
19 - Distinguished Alumni -
Calvin Theological Seminary Forum: October 2015
Julius T. Medenblik, John W. Cooper, Jeffrey A.D. Weima, and Arie C. Leder
Biblical and Hermeneutical Reflections on Same-Sex Relationships
3 - Entering the Conversation by Jul Medenblik
5 - Not Like Women in Office: Scripture, Hermeneutics, and Same-Sex Relations by John W. Cooper
9 - Same-Sex Activity: What Does the New Testament Say? by Jeffrey A.D. Weima
13 - Until my Body Finds its Rest in You, O Lord by Arie C. Leder
17 - From Dream to Forum Editorial from the Inaugural Issue by David E. Holwerda
Called to Serve
18 - Calvin Seminary’s Certificate for Hispanic Ministry Program
19 - 2015 Convocation Address excerpts from Professor Mary Vanden Berg
20 - Nepal: A Young and Growing Church
21 - New Faces at Calvin Seminary
23 - Pastoral Ministry Internships Sites — 2015 -
Calvin Theological Seminary Forum: January 2015
Albert Strydhorst, Bruce Buursma, Carl J. Bosma, and John W. Cooper
Ripples of Global Christianity at Calvin Seminary
3 - Emerging World Christianity by Albert Strydhorst
6 - Ph.D. Program Serves the Church Around the World by Bruce Buursma
Country Profiles
8 - Brazil by John W. Cooper and Carl J. Bosma
9 - China by Sarah Schreiber
10 - Indonesia by Dean Deppe
12 - Mexico by Mariano Avila
14 - Nigeria by Albert Strydhorst
15 - Pakistan by Emily R. Brink
16 - South Korea by Sarah Chun
Called to Serve
18 - What’s Transcendant About the Arts? Jeremy Begbie Delivers Stob Lectures by Bruce Buursma -
Calvin Theological Seminary Forum: April 2014
Arie C. Leder, Michael J. Williams, John M. Rottman, and Carl J. Bosma
Old Testament: God’s Word for Today
3 - Reading the Bible Backwards by Arie C. Leder
5 - Christ in the Old Testament by Michael J. Williams
8 - Preaching Old Testament Texts by John M. Rottman
10 - Forgiveness—A Key to Happiness by Carl J. Bosma
12 - The Old Testament as a Resource for Christian Discipleship Amanda W. Benckhuysen
15 - Teaching the Language of the Old Testament by Michael J. Williams
Called to Serve
18 - Retirement Tributes by Bruce Buursma
21 - Distinguished Alumni Awards -
Calvin Theological Seminary Forum: January 2014
Ronald J. Nydam, Peter Choi, Ronald J. Nydam, and Bruce Buursma
Good Shepherding: The Church and Pastoral Care
3 - Good Shepherding by Ronald J. Nydam
5 - Profile of the Cover Artist
6 - Pastoral Care and the Faith Formation of All Generations by Peter Choi
9 - Five Characteristics for Flourishing in Ministry by Ronald J. Nydam
Called to Serve
12 - The Big Picture of God’s Mission by Bruce Buursma
14 - Walking in the Steps of the Apostle Paul by Jinny De Jong -
Calvin Theological Seminary Forum: October 2014
John Rottman, Kristy Manion, Bruce Buursma, and Scott Hoezee
Idols of Our Time
3 - leasure: The Greatest Idol of Our Time by John W. Cooper
7 - Idols of Our Time: What Does the Church Have to Say? by Jul Medenblik
Called to Serve
10 - Be Holy by John Rottman
12 - Making Her Way: Dr. Catherine González by Kristy Manion
13 - From the Ends of the Earth: Dr. Justo González on Missions by Bruce Buursma
14 - Center for Excellence in Preaching Celebrates Ten Year Anniversary by Scott Hoezee
15 - New Faces at CTS -
Calvin Theological Seminary Forum: October 2013
John W. Cooper, Julius T. Medenblik, Kristy Manion, and Scott Hoezee
Engaging the World
3 - Church, Kingdom, and the Great Commission by John W. Cooper
6 - What Difference Does This Make? by Julius T. Medenblik
8 - Engaging the World, for Jesus’ Sake by Kristy Manion
10 - Matthew 13:31-35 Gateway Chapel Message by Scott Hoezee
11 - Welcome New Staff Members -
Calvin Theological Seminary Forum: April 2013
Michael W. Goheen, Calvin P. Van Reken, Kevin Adams, and Carl J. Bosma
Engaging the Church
3 - The Church: Who and Whose Are We? by Michael W. Goheen
5 - Why Join a Church? by Calvin P. Van Reken
7 - What Attracts People to the Church? (and what puts them off) by Kevin Adams
9 - Church Engagement A Roundtable Discussion
11 - Vision for the Seminary’s Institute for Global Church Planting and Renewal (IGCPR) by Carl J. Bosma
14 - Distinguished Alumni
15 - New Staf -
Calvin Theological Seminary Forum: January 2013
Stan Mast, John W. Cooper, John Bolt, and Lyle D. Bierma
Engaging the Forms of Unity
3 - Preaching Sound Doctrine in a Time of Itching Ears by Stan Mast
5 - The Pros and Cons of Confessions by John W. Cooper
7 - The Belgic Confession (1561)—Testimony of an Oppressed Church by John Bolt
9 - Engaging the Heidelberg Catechism by Lyle Bierma
11 - The Canons of Dort by Richard Muller
13 - The Confessions in the Church
14 - Mentored Ministries by Al Gelder
14 - New Staf -
Calvin Theological Seminary Forum: April 2012
Scott Hoezee, John Bolt, Carl Bosma, and John Rottman
A Week at Calvin Theological Seminary
6 - The Ministry Theorem: Science for Ministry by Scott Hoezee
7 - Classic Reformed Theology: Still Serving the Church by John Bolt
8 - CTS: Serving Global Church Planting and Renewal by Carl Bosma
9 - Visiting, Learning and Serving in Angola Prison by John Rottman
10 - Preaching God’s Word in Classis Red Mesa by Jeff Weima
11 - International Conversation on the Gospel in Latin America by Mariano Avila
12 - Admissions Department Update by Matt Cooke
13 - A CTS Classroom in Your Own Context by Peter Choi
14 - Serving Church and Academy Faculty Book Updates
15 - Called to Serve at CTS Staff Updates -
Calvin Theological Seminary Forum: April 2011
Kevin Adams, Duane Kelderman, and Scott Hoezee
Reflections on a Decade of Ministry
3 - A Tribute to Neal Plantinga by Kevin Adams
5 - Reflections on the Past Ten Years An interview by Howard Vanderwell
7 - “An Extraordinary Teacher” A Roundtable Discussion
10 - Reflections on the Writing Career of Cornelius Plantinga, Jr. by Duane Kelderman
12 - A Tribute to Cornelius Plantinga, Jr. by Scott Hoezee
13 - News
15 - From the President-elect -
Calvin Theological Seminary Forum: January 2011
Scott Hoezee, Sarah Meekhof Albers, Michael TenHaken, and Reginald Smith
Testimonies of Conversion and Calling
3 - Our Stories and The Story by Scott Hoezee
5 - Reclaiming God’s Gifts by Sarah Meekhof Albers
6 - Philip and Sarinah Djung’s Story as told to John Cooper
8 - God’s Calling Doesn’t Involve Detours by Michael TenHaken
9 - God’s Interruptions by Reginald Smith
11 - Lifelong Promises by Richard Sytsma
12 - The Power of a Moment by Darwin Glassford
13 - Formation for Ministry
15 - News -
Calvin Theological Seminary Forum: October 2010
Mariano Avila, Lyle D. Bierma, John Bolt, and John W. Cooper
Reflections on Belhar Confession
3 - Confession of Belhar
5 - Making Shalom: The Belhar Confession by Mariano Avila
6 - Adopting the Belhar: Confession or Testimony? by Lyle D. Bierma
8 - Necessary Testimony—Flawed Confession? by John Bolt
10 - Context and Confusion: What Does the Belhar Confess? by John Cooper
12 - The Belhar Speaks Today by Ronald J. Feenstra
14 - Formation for Ministry -
Calvin Theological Seminary Forum: April 2010
John W. Cooper, Scott Hoezee, Calvin Van Reken, and Ronald J. Nydam
Reflections on Death and Dying
3 - What Happens When We Die? by John W. Cooper
5 - “As in Adam …” by Scott Hoezee
7 - A Hard Waiting for the Lord by Calvin Van Reken
9 - The Fear of Facing Death by Ron Nydam
11 - Growing Through Grief An interview with Robert C. DeVries and Susan J. Zonnebelt-Smeenge
14 - Formation for Ministry
15 - News -
Calvin Theological Seminary Forum: January 2010
Janice McWhertor, Michael J. Williams, and John D. Witvliet
Reflections on Discipleship
3 - The Mystery—and Hard Work—of Discipleship A Roundtable Discussion
7 - Making Disciples, and Disciples in the Making Interview with Jack Roeda and Janice McWhertor
9 - Discipleship in the Classroom by Michael J. Williams
10 - The Joy of Age- and AbilityAppropriate Obedience by John D. Witvliet
12 - Formation for Ministry
14 - News -
Calvin Theological Seminary Forum: October 2009
John W. Cooper, Duane Kelderman, and James K. A. Smith
Reflections on Money
3 - Stewards of God’s Kingdom by John W. Cooper
5 - The Grace of Giving by Duane Kelderman
8 - What’s Right with the Prosperity Gospel? by James K. A. Smith
10 - Money and Ministries of Mercy by Kathy Smith
12 - Contentment in Uncertainty by Howard Vanderwell
13 - News
15 - Formation for Ministry -
Calvin Theological Seminary Forum: April 2009
John W. Cooper, Ronald J. Nydam, John Rottman, and Mary Hulst
Reflections on Prayer
3 - Can Prayer Really Change Things? by John W. Cooper
5 - God Hears the Prayers of Many by Ron Nydam
6 - A School of Love and Prayer by John Rottman
8 - “Amen!” by Mary Hulst
10 - Praying Around the World Roundtable Discussion
14 - Making Connections
15 - Continuing Education -
Calvin Theological Seminary Forum: January 2009
Duane Kelderman, David Rylaarsdam, and John D. Witvliet
Reflections on Renewing Teaching and Learning
3 - The Circle of Ministry by Duane Kelderman
5 - Formation for Ministry Isn’t Just for Seminarians by David Rylaarsdam
7 - Exciting Changes at CTS — Roundtable Discussion
10 - The Self-Reflective Teacher in Christian Ministry by John D. Witvliet
13 - The New Master of Divinity Curriculum
14 - Making Connections
15 - Continuing Education -
Calvin Theological Seminary Forum: April 2008
Lyle D. Bierma, Henry De Moor, and Kathy Smith
Reflections on Being a Confessional Church
3 - Why Be a Confessional Church? by Lyle D. Bierma
5 - Theology That Sings: A Discussion on the Confessions Today
9 - With Integrity of Heart and Spirit by Henry De Moor
11 - Is It Time for a New Confession? by Kathy Smith
13 - Formation for Ministry
15 - News -
Calvin Theological Seminary Forum: January 2008
Scott Hoezee, Howard Vanderwell, Mary Hulst, and John Rottman
Reflections on Preaching and Evaluation
3 - How Was the Sermon? by Scott Hoezee
6 - Good Preaching Takes Good Elders! by Howard Vanderwell
8 - Not at the Door: Thoughts on When and Where to Talk about Sermons by Mary Hulst
10 - The Move to Grace by John Rottman
12 - Formation for Ministry
15 - News -
Calvin Theological Seminary Forum: October 2008
Mary S. Hulst, Wilbert M. Van Dyk, and Lyle D. Bierma
Reflections on Baptism
3 - Remembering Baptism by Mary S. Hulst
6 - Grace Abounding: A Conversation on Baptism
10 - The Baptism of Babies: What Does the Bible Say? by Wilbert M. Van Dyk
12 - Infant Baptism in Our Reformed Confessions by Lyle D. Bierma
14 - Interview with David Gifford: Challenges of Baptism in a Missionary Setting
15 - Continuing Education -
Calvin Theological Seminary Forum: April 2007
Lyle D. Bierma, David M. Rylaarsdam, Jeffrey A.D. Weima, and John D. Witvliet
Reflections on Children at the Lord's Supper
3 - Children at the Lord’s Supper and Reformed Theology by Lyle D. Bierma
5 - United, Separated, Re-united: The Story of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper by David M. Rylaarsdam
7 - Children at the Lord’s Supper and the Key Text of 1 Corinthians 11:17-34 by Jeffrey A.D. Weima
9 - Children at the Table: Some Provisional Answers to the Practical Questions by John D. Witvliet
12 - Continuing Education
13 - News
14 - Formation for Ministry -
Calvin Theological Seminary Forum: January 2007
Duane Kelderman, Mariano Avila, Jay Shin, and Reginald Smith
Reflections on Unity and Diversity
3 - God’s Deepest Purposes for the Human Family by Duane Kelderman
6 - Interview with Esteban Lugo, Director of Race Relations for the Christian Reformed Church
8 - The Hispanic Accent in the Christian Reformed Church by Mariano Avila
10 - The Blessings and Challenges of Korean Christian Reformed Churches by Jay Shim
11- Reflections of an African American CRC Pastor by Reginald Smith
12 - Formation for Ministry
14 - Continuing Education
15 - News -
Calvin Theological Seminary Forum: October 2007
Cornelius Plantinga Jr., Scott Hoezee, David Holwerda, and Anne Zaki
Reflections on the Work of the Holy Spirit
3 - The Secret Agent by Cornelius Plantinga, Jr.
5 - The Work of the Holy Spirit A Faculty Discussion
9 - Bright Wings: The Ever-Moving Spirit by Scott E. Hoezee
11 - The Neo-Pentecostal Movement Encounters the Third Wave by David E. Holwerda
13 - It’s Not Even My Fight! by Anne Zaki
14 - Making Connections
15 - News -
Calvin Theological Seminary Forum: April 2006
John W. Cooper, Duane Kelderman, Jeff Bulthuis, and Brian McLaren
Reflections on Always Reforming
3 - Reformed and Always Reforming by John W. Cooper
5 - What Happens When People Believe Jesus Is Lord of All? by Duane Kelderman
7 - A Student Reflects on his Timothy Institute Experience by Jeff Bulthuis
8 - Always Reforming: A Conversation with Brian McLaren
11 - Preaching the Heidelberg to Postmoderns by Stan Mast
13 - Making Connections
14 - Continuing Education
15 - News -
Calvin Theological Seminary Forum: January 2006
Mary Hulst, John W. Cooper, Scott Hoezee, and Howard Vanderwell
Reflections on Providence
3 - Strange Comfort by Mary Hulst
6 - The Problem of Evil: The Shipwreck of Faith? by John W. Cooper
8 - The Troubles of the Day: Prayer and Providence in a Broken World
by Scott Hoezee
10 - When Pain Forms Us by Howard Vanderwell
12 - Making Connections
13 - Continuing Education
15 - News -
Calvin Theological Seminary Forum: October 2006
Cornelius Plantinga Jr., Calvin Van Reken, John Rottman, and Richard E. Sytsma
Reflections on Sin
3 - Sin by Cornelius Plantinga, Jr.
5 - The Calling of Matthew by Calvin Van Reken
7 - Get Rid of Sin in Church by John Rottman
9 - The Threads of Guilt and Shame in the Gospel Message by Richard E. Sytsma
10 - Sin and Grace in Pastoral Care Class by Kathy Smith
12 - Formation for Ministry -
Calvin Theological Seminary Forum: October 2005
Kevin Adams, George Mossel, Ruth A. Tucker, and John W. Cooper
Reflections on Evangelism
3 - Keeping the Front Door Open by Kevin Adams
4 - Closing the Back Door by Ron Kool and George Mossel
6 - Come, Follow Me: Using the Bible in Personal Evangelism by Ruth A. Tucker
8 - Giving a Reason for the Faith: Apologetics and Evangelism in Postmodern Culture by John W. Cooper
10 - Reformed Evangelism and the Postmodern Challenge by Pieter Tuit
12 - Making Connections
14 - Continuing Education
15 - News -
Calvin Theological Seminary Forum: April 2005
Duane Kelderman, John D. Witvliet, Arie C. Leder, and Emily R. Brink
Reflection on Worship Space Matters
3 - Embracing Tensions: The Story of How the Seminary Chapel Renovation Project Became an Occasion for Christian Formation by Duane Kelderman
5 - How Space Matters by John D. Witvliet
7 - Questions on Worship Space Edited by John D. Witvliet
8 - Well-Designed Walls Make for Good Christian Worship by Arie C. Leder
10 - Worship Around the World by Emily R. Brink
12 - Continuing Education
13 - Making Connections
14 - News -
Calvin Theological Seminary Forum: January 2005
Ronald J. Nydam, David Holwerda, John Bolt, and John Rottman
Reflections on Dealing with Divorce
3 - “The Messiness of Marriage: A Redemptive Theology” by Ron Nydam
5 - “The CRC Position on Divorce” by David Holwerda
7 - “Keeping Promises Today” by John Bolt
9 - A Sermon on Mark 10:1-12 by John Rottman
11 - “The Role of Elders in Marriage and Divorce” by Ron Nydam
12 - Council Room Q&A by Henry DeMoor
13 - News
14 - Connections Initiative -
Calvin Theological Seminary Forum: January 2004
Roger S. Greenway, Henry De Moor, Lyle D. Bierma, and Dean Deppe
Reflections on Ministry at the Boundaries
3 - Can’t We All Worship Together? The Ethos of Pluralism by Roger S. Greenway
5 - Reformed on Baptism — Without Apology by Henry De Moor
7 - CRC Dialogue with the Roman Catholic Church: A New Ecumenical Venture by Lyle Bierma
9 - Grace and Truth by Dean Deppe
10 - Ministry at the Boundaries: An Interview with Chaplain Carl Kammeraad
11 - East, West, North and South Meet at CTS by Richard Sytsma
12 - Pastoral Care
13 - Continuing Education
15 - News -
Calvin Theological Seminary Forum: October 2004
Jeffrey A. D. Weima, Michael J. Williams, Bob Rudesill, and Lugene Schemper
Reflections on Handling the Bible with Care
3 - “Correctly Handling the Word of Truth” by Jeffrey A. D. Weima
6 - Inviting the Prophets Back to Church by Michael J. Williams
8 - Faculty Interview: Becoming People of the Book
11 - An Unforgettable Chapel by Bob Rudesill
12 - Reading the Bible with the Experts by Lugene Schemper
13 - Preaching and Worship
14 - Continuing Education
15 - News -
Calvin Theological Seminary Forum: April 2004
John D. Witvliet, Ronald J. Nydam, and Gary Teja
Reflections on Ministry in Cultural Context
3 - The Holy Restlessness of Contextual Ministry by John D. Witvliet
6 - Faculty Interview: Preparing Students for Ministry in Cultural Context
9 - Relating “Cross-Culturally” to Generation Y by Ron Nydam
11 - Cross-Cultural Issues in Church Planting by Gary Teja Venture by Lyle Bierma
9 - Grace and Truth by Dean Deppe
10 - Ministry at the Boundaries: An Interview with Chaplain Carl Kammeraad
11 - East, West, North and South Meet at CTS by Richard Sytsma
13 - Preaching
14 - Continuing Education
15 - News -
Calvin Theological Seminary Forum: April 2003
Sidney Greidanus, Neal Plantinga, Carl Bosma, and David Rylaarsdam
Reflections on Preaching
3 - Preaching Christ by Sidney Greidanus
5 - Reading for Preaching by Neal Plantinga
6 - Triple A (AAA) Assurance from Psalm 121 by Carl Bosma
8 - From Text to Sermon: An Interview with Carl Bosma
9 - Who Seeks for a Spring in the Mud? by David Rylaarsdam
10 - Would Jesus Drive a Hummer? by John Bolt
12 - Four Recent Books on Preaching by John Rottman
13 - Pastoral Care
14 - News -
Calvin Theological Seminary Forum: January 2003
Duane Kelderman, John Bolt, and Lugene Schemper
3 - Is Seminary Education for Pastors Still Necessary? by Duane Kelderman
5 - Warning! Seminary May Be Hazardous to Your Spiritual Health by John Bolt
7 - Interview on Continuing Theological Education with editor Lugene Schemper
9 - Seminary Education for Hispanic Pastors by Lugene Schemper
10 - Discipling
11 - Preaching
12 - Continuing Education
14 - News -
Calvin Theological Seminary Forum: October 2003
Calvin Van Reken, Duane Kelderman, Pieter Tuit, and Kathy Smith
Reflections on Leadership
3 - Christian Leadership by Calvin Van Reken
5 - Who Has the Vision? by Duane Kelderman
7 - Leadership in the Church — and in the Church Order by Pieter Tuit
9 - The Changing Face of Leadership in Korean American Churches
by Kathy Smith
10 - Reflections on Hispanic Leadership by Mariano Avila
12 - Council Room
13 - Continuing Education
15 - News
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