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Reflections on Sin
3 - Sin by Cornelius Plantinga, Jr.
5 - The Calling of Matthew by Calvin Van Reken
7 - Get Rid of Sin in Church by John Rottman
9 - The Threads of Guilt and Shame in the Gospel Message by Richard E. Sytsma
10 - Sin and Grace in Pastoral Care Class by Kathy Smith
12 - Formation for Ministry
Publication Date
Fall 10-1-2006
Biblical Studies | Christianity | Liturgy and Worship | Missions and World Christianity | Practical Theology | Religious Thought, Theology and Philosophy of Religion
Recommended Citation
Plantinga, Cornelius Jr.; Van Reken, Calvin; Rottman, John; and Sytsma, Richard E., "Calvin Theological Seminary Forum: October 2006" (2006). Calvin Theological Seminary Forum (2002- ). 15.

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Biblical Studies Commons, Christianity Commons, Liturgy and Worship Commons, Missions and World Christianity Commons, Practical Theology Commons, Religious Thought, Theology and Philosophy of Religion Commons