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Reflections on Unity and Diversity
3 - God’s Deepest Purposes for the Human Family by Duane Kelderman
6 - Interview with Esteban Lugo, Director of Race Relations for the Christian Reformed Church
8 - The Hispanic Accent in the Christian Reformed Church by Mariano Avila
10 - The Blessings and Challenges of Korean Christian Reformed Churches by Jay Shim
11- Reflections of an African American CRC Pastor by Reginald Smith
12 - Formation for Ministry
14 - Continuing Education
15 - News
Publication Date
Winter 1-1-2007
Recommended Citation
Kelderman, Duane; Avila, Mariano; Shin, Jay; and Smith, Reginald, "Calvin Theological Seminary Forum: January 2007" (2007). Calvin Theological Seminary Forum (2002- ). 16.