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Ripples of Global Christianity at Calvin Seminary
3 - Emerging World Christianity by Albert Strydhorst
6 - Ph.D. Program Serves the Church Around the World by Bruce Buursma
Country Profiles
8 - Brazil by John W. Cooper and Carl J. Bosma
9 - China by Sarah Schreiber
10 - Indonesia by Dean Deppe
12 - Mexico by Mariano Avila
14 - Nigeria by Albert Strydhorst
15 - Pakistan by Emily R. Brink
16 - South Korea by Sarah Chun
Called to Serve
18 - What’s Transcendant About the Arts? Jeremy Begbie Delivers Stob Lectures by Bruce Buursma
Publication Date
Winter 1-1-2015
Recommended Citation
Strydhorst, Albert; Buursma, Bruce; Bosma, Carl J.; and Cooper, John W., "Calvin Theological Seminary Forum: January 2015" (2015). Calvin Theological Seminary Forum (2002- ). 37.