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Testimonies of Conversion and Calling
3 - Our Stories and The Story by Scott Hoezee
5 - Reclaiming God’s Gifts by Sarah Meekhof Albers
6 - Philip and Sarinah Djung’s Story as told to John Cooper
8 - God’s Calling Doesn’t Involve Detours by Michael TenHaken
9 - God’s Interruptions by Reginald Smith
11 - Lifelong Promises by Richard Sytsma
12 - The Power of a Moment by Darwin Glassford
13 - Formation for Ministry
15 - News
Publication Date
Winter 1-1-2011
Recommended Citation
Hoezee, Scott; Albers, Sarah Meekhof; TenHaken, Michael; and Smith, Reginald, "Calvin Theological Seminary Forum: January 2011" (2011). Calvin Theological Seminary Forum (2002- ). 28.