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3 - From the President: How Now Shall We Live? by Jul Medenblik
4 - Every Believer Called to Mission by Cory Willson
6 - Prayers from the Missional Conference by Mary Vanden Berg and Sarah Schreiber
8 - Bavinck’s Reformed Dogmatics by John Bolt
9 - Meet Herman Bavinck by Jessica Driesenga
12 - Fostering Formation for Mission in Our Classrooms by Kristy Manion
15 - Is There a Future for Sacrifice? by Erin Zoutendam
16 - Taste and See Israel Trip by Paula Seales
18 - Church Growth and Its Challenges in Ethiopia by Fikre Norcha
Publication Date
Spring 3-1-2016
Biblical Studies | Christianity | Liturgy and Worship | Missions and World Christianity | Practical Theology | Religious Thought, Theology and Philosophy of Religion
Recommended Citation
Medenblik, Julius T.; Willson, Cory; Vanden Berg, Mary; and Schreiber, Sarah, "Calvin Theological Seminary Forum: March 2016" (2016). Calvin Theological Seminary Forum (2002- ). 40.

Included in
Biblical Studies Commons, Christianity Commons, Liturgy and Worship Commons, Missions and World Christianity Commons, Practical Theology Commons, Religious Thought, Theology and Philosophy of Religion Commons