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Reflections on Preaching
3 - Preaching Christ by Sidney Greidanus
5 - Reading for Preaching by Neal Plantinga
6 - Triple A (AAA) Assurance from Psalm 121 by Carl Bosma
8 - From Text to Sermon: An Interview with Carl Bosma
9 - Who Seeks for a Spring in the Mud? by David Rylaarsdam
10 - Would Jesus Drive a Hummer? by John Bolt
12 - Four Recent Books on Preaching by John Rottman
13 - Pastoral Care
14 - News
Publication Date
Spring 4-1-2003
Recommended Citation
Greidanus, Sidney; Plantinga, Neal; Bosma, Carl; and Rylaarsdam, David, "Calvin Theological Seminary Forum: April 2003" (2003). Calvin Theological Seminary Forum (2002- ). 5.