Staff and writers of Dialogue
Volume: 35, Issue: 203 Editorial Meagan Luhrs; 04 Self Portrait Ari Tenyenhuis; 05 Dress
Rachael Stevenson; 06 Cancer, Communion, and Christmas Chad Engbers; 07 Radioactive Jesus, Abril 25, Tegucigalpa, Honduras
Ben Frederiksen; 08 No Common Ground Raleigh Chadderdon; 09 Black Roses T. C. Avery, Untitled Zachary Campbell; 10 Lamp Katie Alley; 11 cop-out Zachary Campbell; 12 Heaven-Haven Nathan Sytsma; 13 StarTrail Lake Andrew Vanden Heuvel; 14 November, PA Noah Borgondy; 16 Untitled, Terra lncognita Series Jennifer Steensma Hoag; 18 Threads of Home Abram Van Engen; 19 Window Sight Tiffany Leighton, Chris and Nina Michelle Vondiziano; 20 Dance Jessica Head; 21 A Small Wreath Daniel McWhirter; 22 Self Portrait Andy Stob; 23 Arse Poetica Noah M. Thomas; 24 On the Poesy of Dialogue v.35.1 Andrew White, Title Nine Molly F. Delcamp; 25 Polka Party Jenny Scott; 26 The Beejabers Thomas B. Phulery; 27 Architecture Conference Text and Images, AIAS Calvin College; 30 Contributor Information -
Staff and writers of Dialogue
Volume: 35, Issue: 103 Editorial Meagan Luhrs Ryan Thompson; 04 Lights of a Different Nature Chad Terpstra; 05 Man Aaron Bandstra; 06 September, Indiana
Noah Borgondy; 07 Overexposure Nate Carpenter, Id Sum Matthew Hall; 08 Dad Kevin Buist; 09 Footnote on Plantonism Adam Petty, untitled b. h.; 10 Heart Trouble William J. Vande Kopple; 12 MAN OF [((1 +4)"2)-(3(2(4)))+ 1] MINDS Ben Giudice; 13 Self-Portrait Helena Wunderink; 14 Self-Portrait Shaving Andy Stob; 15 Essay David Billings; 16 Shoe Jessie Lair; 17 Paint Study Michelle Vondiziano; 18 My Dad & my summer Ted Fackler; 19 Acorns and Photo #2 Lee Bolt; 20 Surreal 1 Tiffany Leighton; 21 A Small Case of Ergative Poems James Vanden Bosch; 22 Interview with Miroslav Volf Mike Van Eerden; 24 Our History is the Summer of 1982 Josh Speyers; 25 Artifacts Bert de Vries, Sally de Vries; 26 untitled Peter Berghoef, Blatantly Buscemi Tamara Goodrich; 27 Who is Tommy Hilfiger Thomas B. Phulery; 28 Experience No. 1 Ali Vander Woude; 29 Installation from FGA Show Kasarian Dane; 30 Contributor Information -
Staff and writers of Dialogue
Volume: 34, Issue: 3Art
3. jeanette feddes untitled; 6,7. ari tenyenhuis collage series; 9. rebecca vanwyk baby in blue; 11. michelle vondiziano sighs of minarets; 12. raleigh chadderdon all form, no content; 16. diane dekorte untitled; 18. tim scholten untitled; 21. melissa keeley contour line study 1; 24. keven buist boy with pistol, manila; 29. patrick martin untitled; 33. ryan schoonover untitled; 43. tiffany leighton hongkou man and alley; 44. susan bonner ephemeral space; 45. conrad bakker untitled (beachball); 47. juan garcia untitled; 60. jenny scott jigga who?
14-15 matt stolle; 36-37 katherine bonner; 40-41 christopher filippini
48-49 joel leo; 52-53 mariela castillo; 56-57 miriam vanderkooy
5. rohan thomas premise one; 8. eunice ham spinach sisters; 10. ruth krygsheld one year's reflection; 13. noah poal borgondy a new testament; 17. rachel zylstra in search of "ahh"; 19. miriam vanderkooy to those who do not read poems; 20. peter berghoef untitled; 22-27, 46. tim thompson/phil christman an interview with scott cairns; 30-32. william j. vande kopple a new earth; 34. tammy goodrich it's bitter; 35. peter berghoef untitled; 38, 39. tim thompson translated poems/ reading to herself; 50. matt walhout commission; 51. nathan systsma st. gregory's abbey: after compline; 54. ron reinstra an interview with david wilcox; 55. t.c. avery middle-school playground drama; 58. elizabeth bishop my own questions of travel; 59. noah poal borgondy kidsketch -
Staff and writers of Dialogue
Volume: 33, Issue: 31 A Math Poem Edward DeVries; 2 Pilgrimage Mike Buma, Holly Van, Staalduinen; 4 filing for divorce Nathan Sytsma; 5 Falling sonnet #3 Joe Lapp, The Mitt (#2) anne elissa brown; 6 Regenisis Chris Baker; 7 BFA; 23 but i digress Annie Anderson; 24 Impossibility Reconsidered Mike Buma; 26 Small Window Peter Berghoef, Note on Apathy Jesse Meyer; 27 Hands Chris Baker
Staff and writers of Dialogue
Volume: 33, Issue: 21 Worthy's Dance Barry Van Dyke; 6 Slap-Butt Janet Nowlin, Tiffany Leighton, Shawna Bouwers; 11 Confucus Melissa Slager; 15 Katie Bonner; 16 Hit & Run IV Amber VanderMolen; 17 Soccer Language Christy Van Arragon; 20 Katie Bonner; 21 Central Station Peter; 23 Matt Stolle; 24 Travis Blom; 25 Glassed Butterflies Heidi Ohman; 26 Lee Bolt; 27 Who will Marry a Princess With a Tree Growing out of Her Head? Travis Blom, Melissa Mertz
Staff and writers of Dialogue
Volume: 33, Issue: 1.52 September 20 Manifesto Mike Buma; 3 beads and a picture of a pretty face Annie Anderson; 4 Bradde Travis Blom; 5 Abercrombie Matt Stackowitz; 6 Sanctuary Sar Kontz; 7 Mandy Mitchell; 8 Studies of Light and Shadow Holly VanStaalduinen; 10 Notes on Racism Prof. Bob Butler; 11 gap Ryan Thompson; 12 Marie Ryan Thompson; 13 Ryan Reed; 14 Double Vision Tim Thompson; 15 Focus Anonymous; 16 Ryan Reed; 17 Chicago. November 27, 1999 Holly VanStaalduinen; 18 Kyoto: In the Courtyard of the Temple of the Goddess of Love Prof. James Vanden Bosch;19 Hattori Ryokuchi, July 24, 2000 Prof. James Vanden Bosch; 20 Prescience Nathan Sytsma, Johan de Zoete, T. J. Grant, Patrick Martin; 24 In which she ponders her ways Christy Phillips J. Rowley Kennerk; 27 Composition #1 Matt Stolle; 28 The Squirrel Joel Apple; 30 Suburban Landscapes Paul Birza; 32 Joy Anonymous Dave Van Noord; 38 Jetsmoke Nathan Sytsma; 39 Dave Van Noord; 40 Ben Hoekstra; 41 Dave Van Noord; 42 Preface to a Love Letter Josh Hagedorn; 50 Suburban Landscapes Paul Birza; 52 A homecoming, of sorts Mike Buma; 53 Interview with Myself Josh Hagedo; 54 Book Reviews; 55 Joey's Room Luke Moore; 56 Bridesmaid Bootcamp Anonymous; 58 Middle Road Peter Bratt; 59 Blinky Josh lppel; 62 Pie. # 5 from Reflection Series Justin Van Genderen; 63 T. J . Grant; 65 Justin Van Genderen
Staff and writers of Dialogue
Volume: 33, Issue: 11 Holly Van Staalduinen Discovery; 2 Anonymous Focus; 3 Benjamin Hoekstra Book Reviews; 4 lppel Inc. Advertisement; 5 Annie Anderson Beads and a Picture of a Pretty Face; 6 T.J. Grant; 7 Joel Apple The Squirrel; 8 Luke Moore Joey's Room; 9 Matt Stolle Composition; 10 Nathan Sytsma Prescience; 11 Travis Blom Bradde 1-3; 13 Mike Buma Manifesto September 20; 14 Ryan Thompson gap; 15 Caleb Abetti A Little While Before the Feet Washing Incident; 19 Ryan Thompson Marie; 21 Josh Hagedorn Genderen Editorial-Interview with myself; 22 Justin Van Pie. 5 From Reflection Series; 23 Appendix
Staff and writers of Dialogue
Volume: 32, Issue: 4Gallery
5 Editorial: A Bucket of Marbles Peter Stroobosscher; 4 untitled Matt Poole; 6-7 untitled Christopher Filippini; 9 untitled Aimee Bell; 12-13 B. F. A. 2000: Luke Moore select works; 15 untitled Matt Stolle; 35 untitled Christopher Filippini; 36-37 B.F.A. 2000: Brian DeYong; 40-41 B. F. A. 2000: Stafford Trapp select works; 44 "Your tree" Eric Ebels; 48-49 B. F .A. 2000: Jill Bonner select works; 52-53 B.F .A. 2000: Jessica Getchell select works; 55 "Wonderstone" Travis J. Blom; 56-57 B. F. A. 2000: Mark Douma select works; 59 "The view from Moses" Peter La Grand; 60-61 B.F.A. 2000: Beth "Turtle" Barber select works
8 "saint gregory's" Meagan Luhrs; 8 "march 1" Meagan Luhrs; 10-11 "'Three Berry Poems" Rebecca Ruth; 14 "The Needful Portion" Jesse Meyer; 45 "Insides Out" Fled; 46 "An American Fhoto Album" Jay Robinson; 47 "A View: Wooster, Chio" Jay Robinson; 50 "Archaeology" Arny Cloud; 50 Untitled Amy Cloud; 51 13 March Jane c. knol; 54 "Frosted Over" Tim Thompson; 58 "on looking out of a window" melissa kruse
Short Fiction
38 "Depression" Thomas J. Grant
Festival of Faith & Writing
17 Interview with Walter Wangerin Peter La Grand; 21 Book Review: Recovered Body, by Scott Cairns Jesse Meyer; 24 Interview with Chaim Potok Peter La Grand; 29 Essay: "An Afternoon with Donald Hall" Jay Robinson -
Staff and writers of Dialogue
Volume: 32, Issue: 35 Editorial: "Dysfunctional Toasters" and the Human Condition" Peter Stroobosscher
4 "Deus ex Machina" Jessica Getchell; 7 untitled Christopher Filippini; 9 untitled Tina Anderson; 12 untitled Stafford Trapp; 20-21 "bed pen" Phil Orr; 24 untitled Stafford Trapp
Book Review; 27 "Hello, Goodbye" (I) Matt Poole; 29 "nude reclining on asteroid" Josh Ippel; 31 "Hello, Goodbye." (II) Matt Poole; 32 untitled Luke Moore, Jessica Getchell, Jill Bonner; 37 untitled Beth "Turtle" Barber
Book Review
28 Travelling Marcies: Some thouhgts on Faith by Anne Lamott, Benjamin Boss
8 "A midnight walk: the gypsy's eternity" Melissa Kruse; 10 "Poriphera's Swing" Tim Thompson; 11 "Slow in Coming but Waiting Hard" Jill Eelkema; 11 "Leftovers" Peter La Grand; 22 "A Doxology of Love: Three Poems"; 28 "I am not a Romantic Person" Amber Vander Molen; 30 "winter Aubade" Mike Buma; 38 untitled Tina Anderson; 38 "The Troubadour's Song of the Hummingbird" Heather L. MacLean; 39 "two rabbits after mass" Joe Lapp
Short Fiction
13 "The long, quiet whisper" Brad Fruhauff; 23 untitled Rohan Thomas; 33 "Blue Please Forget-Me-Nots" Annie Amos -
Staff and writers of Dialogue
Volume: 32, Issue: 25 Editorial: Peter Stroobosscher
cover "Between Comfort and Reason"; 4 "Drawing #1!" Stafford Trapp; 7 untitled Stacy Wieringa; 8 "Substance" Tim Terry; 11 "sailing a broken ship" Aaron Horevay; 12 "Topography of Tion" Brian Deyong; 15 untitled Rachel Epp; 19 untitled Natasha Nelson; 21 untitled Beth "Turtle" Barber; 23 "Proclaimer" Luke Moore; 24 Ryobi RSll2 Matt Poole; 27 "anatomical study: Nate Post; 24 "Self-Consciousness is Exhausting" Josh Ippel; 31 from "hard evidence" series Mark Douma
18 "bagatelle" Scott Blasco
8 "Excuse" Jesse Meyer; 10 "In the wake of your future in Pennsylvania to D." Kathryn Kuipers; 13 "the midnight of his birthday" jane c knol; 14 "The Bible's Book of Sex" Lise Evans; 17 "By the Spirit" Jay Robinson; 18 "The Desire Quintet I" Karen Bulthuis; 18 "The Desire Quintet II" Jessie Glover; 20 "The Desire Quintet III" Michelle Schaap' 20 "The Desire Quintet IV" Cecily Squier; 22 "The Desire Quintet V" Sara VanderHaagen; 25 "First train ride" Peter LaGrand; 26 "(a pinecone, a rabbit's foot)" jane c knol; 28 "eyes open" Peter LaGrand; 30 "Under the Influence" Peter Stroobosscher -
Staff and writers of Dialogue
Volume: 32, Issue: 15 Fditorial: "Nursing Regret" Peter Stroobosscher
cover untitled Paul Birza; 4 "Chicken Little" Mark Douma; 7 untitled Stafford Trapp; 11 untitled Josh Ippel; 13 untitled Stafford Trapp; 15 untitled Paul Birza; 20 "Alhambra" Paul Birza; 24 untitled Matthew Stackowicz; 27 untitled Josh Ippel; 29 untitled Brian De Yong; 30 untitled Manny Figueroa
8 Greenskin Peasants from Mars Brad Fruhauff; 12 "Visual A++raction" Adam Stout; 14 "Belief in God" Nick Dekker; 18 The umbilical Chord, The Tomb" Brad Fruhauff; 22 "Erratica" Joel Apple; 28 "Yardwork" Tim Thompson; 31 "An Unfinished Poem on Graces" Todd Slager
Short Fiction
8 "Thomas Grant" Thomas Grant; 19 "A Good Bed" Jay Robinson -
Staff and writers of Dialogue
Volume: 31, Issue: 5Cover Andrea Vanderpol; Poetry Josh Hagedoru; Fiction "a.m." Jay Robinson; Art untitled Brian De Yong; Poem "Throwing Rocks" Lauren Togtman; Art Aaron Schottelkorb; "Saint Anders Passion" Matthew Walhout; "untitled" TIm Terry; Essay (IN)corporatory Calvin (Out); "When the Stars Come Out" Aaron B. Smith; "Incidents from a life frozen still in the terror of unromanizing love" Todd Slager; "Reconstruction project" Mike Richtson; "Backpacks"; The Opera" Kevin Huizenga; "My Love" Candice Anderson; "To You" Tira Anderson
Staff and writers of Dialogue
Volume: 31, Issue: 3Cover Wendy Grevengoed; editor's brainfart #3: a static life; "Sparky's Virtual Romance" Lorenzo Prada; "Partial Shade" P.W. Dykema; "Woman Resting" Jill Bonner; "Amalgorn" Peter Kooiman; "The Project" Brett Budde; "Emily" Sara Shewan; "Samuel" Michael Meinema; "Plymouth, Massachusetts" Rachel Schoerfuhs; "Meditation two: in between days" Josh Hagedorn; "Theiere d'Alladin" Dan vos; "Katrina Vegter; "Pablo and two weasel balls" Dave Prinsen; "Ode to the Gardener" Nick Dekker; "Julianne" Beth Barber; "A Queenly Solution to Fracture Feminism" Julianne Smith; "Inventory" Mike Richison; "Idealism, Dear ___, will kill you" Sara Byker; Kevin Huizenga; "Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow" William; Cover Wendy Grevengoed
Staff and writers of Dialogue
Volume: 31, Issue: 2Cover Steve Smith "Drums"; Editor's Brainfart #2: Curtain things last; Art: Brad Tetzlof; "Procustean" Beoky Thomas; "The Intermediate State" Coray Ames; "to my pessimist re anger over suicides" Katrina Vegter; Art Krista Vander Wal, Tim Terry; Poem Betsy Verduin; Interview David Summers; "The 3Rs: representation/reproduction of reality" Reubon VanTil; "Bemis Street" Mike Meinema; "Main" - "Hombre" Manuel Vasquez; Art Jill Bonner; "Hardly Fitting" Part 2; Art "TEAPOT 5" Dan Vos, David Baxter; "Remembrance" Joe Lapp; Art Jessica Full James; "Anyone But Kerouac" Christy Bratt; "East Houston Street: #1 & 2" Mark Douma; Comic Kevin Huizenga; Poem Josh Hagedorn: This Amazing; Do-It Yourself DADA POETRY; Jayme Mellema & Jared Van Alstyne
Staff and writers of Dialogue
Volume: 31, Issue: 1Cover "Foresight" Becky Thomas; Editor's Brainfart #1: our (dis)inherited past; "Camera Thinking Itself" Mark Douma; Melissa Berghoef; "Mary Ellens-Bishop" Matthew Smith; "33" Peter Kooiman; "Couch" Janet Nowlin; Mike Richison "Commentary on Activity"; Nathan Woudenberg; "Desayuno Matutino" - "Daily Breakfast" Manuel Vasquez; Paul Schrader; "A Childhood without movies" Jessica Gotchell "Ophelia Brink"; Comic Kevin Huizenga; Poem Lori Slager; "Daniel" Jennifer de Boer; "Hardly Fitting" David Baxter; "Verius as a Wall Hanging" Christy Bratt; "Hardly"; "A Slow Intelligence"; "Cafe Sketch" Philip Christman; Art Melissa Berghoef; Poem Julianne Smith; "Hidden" Becky Thomas; Dialogue's Top 10 Books of The 20th Century
Staff and writers of Dialogue
Volume: 30, Issue: 5Gallery
cover Untitled Peter Zylstra; 6 Sammy Whammy as Deadbeat Nick Jess Lilly; 9 Psalm 139 Jennifer Slofstra; 1 Listermint Carin Palsrok; 12 High Noon Jim Van Farowe; 15 Untitled Jill Bonner; 20 Landscape in the manner of Tung Yung Kevin Huizenga; 25 Untitled Mark Douma; 29 Don't Be Sad Brian De Yong; 30 Girl from J. Crew Krista VanderWal; 33 Brian De Yong Jon Den Hartigh; 37 Graveyard Barry Lemmen
8 deviant charms Peter Kooiman; 17Through the Eyes of The Virgin Andy Dykhouse; 18 Fade to White Joel Vanderveen
Untitled John Steenwyk; 19 Promised Land Tim A. Thompson
Tijuana Kevin Hommes; 19 Ducks Gesse and Pigeons Brad De Vries; 20 Mints Na than Swanson; 28 For T Sara Zoeterman; 31 Untitled Brook Pauley; 32 Let Go Amber McGill; 32 Untitled Benjamin David Brandt; 32 sleepy Becky Rosier; 36 Black, No Sugar Pam Henshell; 36 The Shadow of a Smile Kara Hunt; 38 Pushpins and Pitchforks Ellie White-Stevens; 38 Poem-Parties Gabrielle Darnell
13 All Things to All People Brian Lavery; 34 Thursday Coray Ames
22 Bridges and Signposts: An Interview with Katherine Paterson Joanna Kirkpatrick
2 Contributors; 4 Editorial Robert Huie; 10 A Time for Sheep Kelley Evans; 39 Flashing Swords, Radiant Beams marginalia by janers -
Staff and writers of Dialogue
Volume: 30, Issue: 3Gallery
Cover Assemblage: Juxtaposition of Time Jason Reiffer; 6 Vibration Jason Reiffer; 11Transylvania Laurie Penning; 14 Tabby, Age 11 Sara Zuiderveen; 17 The Chicken Coop Brett Budde; 20 Fisherman Jim Van Farowe; 25 Relic Brett Budde; 30 alveoli (detail) Peter Zylstra; 33 left handed Becky Thomas; 38 Lounge Figure Study Brian De Yong
12 Winter Michael J. VanderBrug; 13 Fowl Preferences Andrew Zwart; 23 Contrasted Feminism Katrina Vegter; 24 the shape of the wind in silk jane c. knol; 29 Scars Andrew Zwart; 37 Flicker Todd Slager
39 Inheritance Katrina Vegter
8 The Things I Learned in Dutch Ruth Michelle Hollander; 26 For Communion Purposes Rebecca Ruth
15 Revealing the Law Jay Budziszewski discusses politics and Christianity, with special attention to natural law.
Book Review
31 athematics: Discovered or Invented? Andrew Samuel reviews Conversations on Mind, Matter, and Mathematics by Jean-Pierre Changeux and Alain Connes.
2 Contributors; 4 Editor's Loaf Robert Huie -
Staff and writers of Dialogue
Volume: 30, Issue: 2Gallery
cover Fat bottom bees, you make this rockin' world go round Nora Lagerway; 5 nudie John Den Hartigh; 7 After Richard Carin Palsrok; 11 L.A.G.W.A.F.I.S. Mark Johnson; 19 Victoria Harbor, Hong Kong Peter Szto; 21 The Harvester Jacoba Sytsma; 22 Playtime in a Vase Elizabeth Duffield; 26 Bodyscape #117 Steve Smith; 29 Nucleaer Arms Christina Bratt; 33 Solitude Greg Scholtens; 35 Untitled Diane Gillenwater; 37 Willie Jeff Casemier
6 21 lines on water Todd Slager; 13 Starry Nights Tim Thompson; 13; It's 3 am, I'm still awake Kara Breems; 14 50's Lambert J. Van Poolen; 18 "passion/plea" Mike Heerema; 18 less than before Chicago Mike Heerema; 20 artists Sarah Byker; 23 Emily Sherry Koll Levy; 30 unseen Michael J. VanderBrug; 32 Untitled Sarah Byker; 36 fame Todd Slager; 36 Untitled Matt Smith; 38 A Silly Story for Axl Jesse Buck
8 Nighthawk's Star Miyazawa Kenji, translated by Timothy Veltman; 15 The Restaurant Din Luke Pals
24 A Mixed Bag Lori Engbers; 35 Turkey Town, Louisville, and Kate Dale Brown
2 Contributors; 4 Editorial jane c. knol; 18 Cartoon Matt Faraci -
Staff and writers of Dialogue
Volume: 30, Issue: 1Gallery
Cover Lone Shopping Cart Carin Palsrok; 7 Comfortable Shoes Carin Palsrok; 9 Cocoon Kelly Benjamin VanderBrug; 12 Nicole Jacoba Sytsma; 15 Bound Jim Van Farowe; 23 Crank (Cold) Mike Richison; 25 Big Steps Rachel Vandenbroek; 29 Alchemy Holly Huisman; 31 The Quest Jacoba Sytsma; 33 from "the lunatic dream series" Greg Scholtens; 37 Untitled Reuben Van Til; 38 Uncle Bud July 97 Sara Zuiderveen
14 Cut Flowers Michael J. VanderBrug; 16 WhispringWind Timothy J. Veltman; 17 Secure Lori Engbers; 32 the dream library jane c. knol; 34 Front Porch Michael J. VanderBrug; 39 denouement jane c. knol
6 Binko Andrew Zwart; 24 A Lost Story John Ye
35 In the Buck Kelly Van Andel
19 Vigilante on a Slow Dark Train Bill Mallonee raps on the Vigilantes of Love, Christian Contemporary Music, and the Song of Solomon.
2 Contributors; 4 Editorial Robert Huie; 18 Cartoon Matt Faraci; 38 Uncle Bud's Story Contest -
Staff and writers of Dialogue
Volume: 29, Issue: 5Poetry
[untitled] by Sarah Byker ll 21; Nude Nylons by Kristi Dykstra 31; Jane E. Tebben: Four Poems Realism on the Wall 35; Black Butts 36; A waiting A Rising 37; Extended Lent 37; Scented by Claire Basney 40; Details by Sara Zuiderveen 44
Descriptions of Reality 18; Hilary Putnam, a leading Anglo-American philosopher, speaks of his experience as a scientific materialist, and other issues that shaped his career.
Amy Ray: Opening Parameters 6 Amy Ray reflects on the Indigo Girls'
albums, religion, and homosexuality.
Chicago Style by Benjamin Nava 5; Mother: Batahola, Nicaragua
by Betsy McCanse 9; Coorong Desen, South Australia by Sara Zuiderveen II; Self Ponrait by Marie O'Dell 15; Solace by Amy Anderson17; The Taking by Mike Byl 20; Porfolio: Carin Palsrok Parabolic 24; Elemental 25; Confluence 26; Convergence 27; Geisha by Tanya Black 30; Birch by Peter Zylstra 34; [untitled] by Rebecca Bamford 38; Bos by Phil Boersma 41; Praha River Ride by Chris Doelman 46; Orange Sweater, from two sides cover by Julia Anema
Shalom for the Pecple in the Pews by Ann Speyer 10; Christians have struggled with the issue of homosexuality. In this essay Speyer explores a non-traditional answer to the question of acceptance.
39 Voicing the Oppressed by Kelley Evans; Poisoned Ivy, by Toni A.H. McNaron, confronts the homophobic and heterosexist policies of the Academy; 43 Keeping the Historical Faith by Megan Halteman C. Stephen Evans' book, The Historical Christ and the Jesus of Faith, argues the importance of a historical Christ.
Duane's Night Out by Tami Vanden Berg 28
Quotes and Contributors Editorial by Sarah C. Vos 4; Canoon by Gary DeWitt 33; Staff Notes 45; Flotsam Jetsam Random Doodles by Gary DeWitt 47 -
Staff and writers of Dialogue
Volume: 29, Issue: 4Poetry
[untitled] by Timothy J. Veltman 16; t/he poet by Yvonne Bouma 18; driving by Michael J. Vander Brug 27; [untitled] by Michael Heerema 28; Triptych by Matthew Walhout 36
Witness for Justice 6
Learning, China by Holly Huisman 5; Transformation by Mike Shih 8; Fagot by Rachel TeBrake 11; Confined-A Self Portrait by Daniel Vos 14; Reflection of my Passing by Jayme Mellema 17; Portfolio: Brenna Geehan I am Here 21; Step Unto 22; Reach 23; Transient 24; Two of Oneby Becky Thomas 26; Cat by Jim Van Farowe 29; Musabuwera's Gift
by Kelly Edwards 30; Haley and Joe by Jason Glerum 35; Be Yourself
by Jon Den Hartigh 38; Peppermints by Holly Huisman cover
Her by Karl Voskuil 25
12 Looking at the Frames by Julia Anema, For centuries museums have stood, containing their objects in a purported "empty" space. Anema deconstructs this myth.
Making Sense of Religious Pluralism by Luke Keele 31; It Might Have Been Otherwise by Amy Sitar 33
Qotes and Contributors 2; Editorial by Kelley Evans 4; Cartoon by Gary De Witt 20; Flotsam & Jetsam 39; Random Doodles by Julia Anema -
Staff and writers of Dialogue
Volume: 29, Issue: 3Poetry
body of water by Jane C. Knol 10; Gravemarker by Amy Sitar 18; When I Walked in Heaven by Timothy J. Veltman 24; Modem Judas y Timothy Lillis 33
On the Reality of Tables and Atoms by Joel Schickel 17
Three Doors by Carin Palsrok 5; Moment of Grace by Barbara Carvill 9; Quiet Musings by Amy Anderson II; Portfolio: Marie O'Dell D.H. 13; D.H. 14; D.H. 15; Amy 16; Thrown and Altered Bulbous Vessel by Anna Greidanus Probes 20; Ephemeral Vessd Study No.5 by Anna Greidanus Probes 22; The Fallen and Broken by Mike Byl 25; Untitled
by Gary De Witt 32; Diptych by Julia Schickel 34,35; Gestural Study of Michelle by Mike Byl 38; On to you by Brenna Geehan cover
Mechanic #7 by Gregory Veen 26
Round Table
Real Women's Lives 6
The Last American Cowboys by Abram Steen 30; Science and Crisis by R.L. Hillner 36
Quotes and Contributors 2; Editorial by Sarah C. Vos 4; Cartoon by Gary DeWitt 29; Flotsam & Jetsam 39; Random Doodles by Julia Anema -
Staff and writers of Dialogue
Volume: 29, Issue: 2Poetry
Interstate 96 to Budapest by Claire Basney II; Desire by M. B. Smith 17; spirits by Lambert J. Van Poolen 18; encompassed by Sarah Byker 28; Impotency by Katherine Cummings 30; Lull by Ian Griffin 35; paperdoll by Jane C. Knol 37
Short Fiction
Eileen by Amy Adair 6; A Matter of "Principle" by Matt Forsythe 20
Aware by Mike Byl 5; Abandonment by Mike Shih 7; Car by Jon Den Hartigh 10; Pocket: Looking Inside by Julia Anema 12; One Crow, Two Crow by Susan Van Sant 16; The Silent Observer by Joel Zwart 19; Untitled by Jason Glerum 21; Portfolio: D.H. Chung Light Motifs: I. Shadow Climbing Wall 22; IL Three Rays of Light 23; IV. Stability 24; V. Action 25; Some Dreams Last Forever ... by Greg Scholtens; 29 Mother and Child II by Holly Huisman 36 The Display by Tricia Bos; Cover Art
by Gary De Witt
Bus Heat by Sarah C. Vos 26
Round Table
Multicultural Year: One Painting in the Studio 8
Redrawing the Circles that Enclose by Kelly Van Andel 32; Under the "Underclass" by Kelley Evans 34
Quotes & Contributors 3; Editorial by Shannon Hoff 4; Cartoon by Gary De Witt 31; Flotsam & Jetsam by Matt Miller 6l Friends 39; Random Illustrations by Gary DeWitt -
Staff and writers of Dialogue
Volume: 29, Issue: 1Gallery
Solirude by Greg Scholtens 4; Study of the Backside by DH. Chung II; Portfolio : Mike Byl Gestural Figure Study 14; God Fearers 15; Burden Bearers 17; Jacob's Struggle with Angel 18; Silence and the Observer - Portrait of a Survivor by Eli:2;abeth Tjoelker 19; Virga by Kelly Edwards 22; Fallen Troy [ which I created] by Mike Shih 30; Clarissa: the Shoes and the Stairs by Julia Shickel 34; Evan by Aaron Breland 38; Falling by Kelly Edwards cover
epiphany by Sarah Byker 10; The Rapture by Salomon Orellana 24; Several Very Bad Sonnets by EJ. Feddes 28; Untitled by Bruce James 35; each night there is a moon by Jane C. Knol 36
The Apparent Asymmetry of Time by Edward L Hamilton 26; Slowness and Pleasure by Angela Ajayi 29; Postmodernism 32; Mapping the Bewildering Landscape by Rob Huie
Through a Glass Darkly 6
A Dance into Oppression by Kelley Evans 23
Chords through a Paper Window by Jane C. Knol, illustrations by Julia Anema 18
Quotes & Contributors 2; Editorial by Sarah C. Vos 5; Cartoon by Gary De Witt 33; Flotsam & Jetsam 39; Random Doodles by Gary DeWitt -
Staff and writers of Dialogue
Volume: 28, Issue: 5Editorial
Reading Lightly 4 Peter Vander Meer
King Arthur: The Man Behind the Myth 6 Matthew Carter; Magical Mystery Tour 40 John Rushing
Photographs 30 Daniel Cooper; Intaglia 35 Emily Watson
"Becoming One" 26 Jennifer Tarpley; "Daddy Longlegs" 28 Melissa La Grand; "Episode" 28 Melissa La Grand
"Life" 26 Amy Ewaldt
Visual Art
Untitled 5 Jason Glerum; "Engl berg" 10 Marc Wiegers; "Waiting for Mr. Tumnus" 11 Jason Glerum; Untitled 14 Jason Glerum; "Let's Swing" 15 Ralph Faasse; "Reflection the Empire" 16 Ralph Faasse; "The Farytale" 17 Karen Lugtigheid; Untitled 18 Dan Cooper; Untitled 33 Harriet Vander Meer; Untitled 22 Kim Speelman; "Hold On" 29 Emily Watson; "Serenity" 48 Emily Watson
"Untitled" Daniel Cooper -
Staff and writers of Dialogue
Volume: 28, Issue: 4Editorial
Variations on a Scene Peter Vander Meer 4
... And The Mountains Should Crumble into the Sea ... Jamey Bouwmeester 11; Russia, My Love Sarah C. Vos; Neighborhood Watch Laura J. Veltman 23; Severed in Unity Kelley Evans 34
Middle of Nowhere Kirk Dombeck 6; The Television Andy Rau 16; Lost, Found, and Hidden Susan Bruxvoort 27
Aaron Breland 30; Ralph Faasse 36
"The Cobalt Maternity" Jane C. Knol 19; "Her Testimony" Emily McDermitt 26; "Variation on Love" Sarah Byker 29
Visual Art
"Investment" Geneva J. De Groot 5; "The Hate Tree" Shawn Krueger 8; "Life On The Table" Julia Schickel 10; "Return To Innocence" Grace Lee 13; Untitled Jesse Claggett 15; "Sometimes Day in January" Wayne Adams 20; "The Regent Theatre" Gary De Witt 21; "My Heart is Full ... " Eric Nykamp 28; "A Sketchbook Drawing" Jesse Claggett 33
"Bush's Study No. 7" -
Staff and writers of Dialogue
Volume: 28, Issue: 3Editorial
Joseph Vander Meer 4
Mass Media in Song Dave Buursma 30
The Dead on Clearance Caleb Seeling 8; Elevator Karl Voskuil 22; Blindness J. Roger 24; Looks Can Be Deceiving Kim Clausing 33
Untitled Michael VanderBrug 10; "Acquaintanced Friendships" Risa Jung 11; "Awake" Phil deHaan 13; "Hospitality" Jane E. Tebben 15; "Saul" Karl Voskuil 19; "My Sometimes Peace" Emily Tanis 28; Untitled Joe Sushi
"Liberty State Park" Mark Wiegers 5; "The Long Drive" Daniel Cooper
Visual Art
"Coney Island" Mark Wiegers 2; "Sunset at the Bush's" Shawn Krueger 12; "Evoke" Dan Van Til 14; "Struggle" Dan Van Til 15; "Evan" Aaron Breland 16; "Dan" 17 Aaron Breland; Untitled 18 Jesse Claggett; ''Crucifixion'' 20 Erik Nykamp; "Over the Moors" 23 Shawn Krueger; "Lunge" 27 Dan Van Til; "Thinking of You" 29 Erik Nykamp -
Staff and writers of Dialogue
Volume: 28, Issue: 2Editorial 4
Reunion Andy Rau 15; Tracks Yvonne Bouma 22
Saints and Superstars John H. Timmerman 26
Environmental Stewardship Directors of the Au Sable Institute 6
"Guardian Angel" Dan Olydam 2; "Faring Well" Jane C. Knol 14; "The Twilight passage" Jouwert Shane Wagenaar 17; "Reflections in a Bowl" Tim Veltman 23; "Comfortable Silence" Risa Jung 29; "Emancipation" Robert V. Shipman Jr. 30
Visual Art
"Away" Susan Van Sant 5; "Angelic Tree" Emily McDermitt 12; "Bitter Tree" Emily McDermitt 13; "Manhole with Aaron's Shadow" Carin Palsrok 19; "Thinking of You" ErikNykamp 20; "Drums of Heaven" 21; Untitled Woodcuts Rob Monacelli 24, 25; "Sun Window" Carin Palsrok 31; "An Arch, A Pillar, and A Tree" Carin Palsrok
Untitled Lithograph Susan Van Sant -
Staff and writers of Dialogue
Volume: 28, Issue: 1Editorial 4
Beyond Pentium Jason Van Lier 7; Salty Drink Karl Voskuil 31
The New England Gazetteers Gary D. Schmidt 9; Music From The Underground Rebecca Lew 34
Philosophical Peelings James Blankespoor 22
Eric Nykamp 12
"Music Submits" Trevor Westerhoff 8; "Coming Disconsolate" Jane C. Knol 16; "Fireflies" Deborah S. Leiter 17; ''A Friend Remembered'' Peter V. Tigchelaar 17; "Writers' Block" Deborah S. Leiter 24; "September" Monique Bos 28; "Going Down" Claire Basney 29; "Upwards of Heaven" Dan Olydam 30; "Bigger" Jouwert Shane Wagenaar 32; "Jane Austen's Falling Women" Mary Dengler 38
Visual Art
Untitled Ink Drawing Daniel Vos 2; Untitled Photos Mark Wiegers 5,6; "Autumn" Daniel Cooper 11; Pottery and Figurines Lisa Daley 19; Raku Pottery Jonathan Quist 20, 21; ''Broadway'' Emily Watson 26; "Watching" Lisa Daley 30; "Aprons" Julia M. Schickel 33; "Girl" Jill Ritsema 37; "Girl by Window" Diane Gillenwater -
Staff and writers of Dialogue
Volume: 27, Issue: 56 Editorial The Litte Girl and the Golden Mountain - Christine Byl; illustrations, Gabriel Travis
11 Poem Redeeming - DanOlydam
12 Story A Boy and his Dog - Rob Lubbers; illustrations, Gabriel Travis
18 Conversation Finding an Earth-Careful Way - Lionel Basney, with Christine Byl
21 Poem Backbone Love - Betsy Grant
27 Poem A Poem for Claude about Claude - Dan Mudde; illustration, Dan Mudde
28 Poem Your Skin and Mine - Elizabeth VerHeul
29 Essay Whose Story?: Diversity in History - -Tom Guikema
32 Poem Creating - DanOlydam
34 Sketch Two Southern Towns - Kristin Dombek
46 A-haha, mhnff, heh Are You Game? -
Staff and writers of Dialogue
Volume: 27, Issue: 46 Editorial Homeward Bound-Audrey Orteza
8 Poem The Invitation-John Hare
10 Story The Laying of Hands-Tina Boscha
18 Poem Raisin the Host-Rob Huie
20 Poem A dubiousdoubtful Eden-Laura Veltman
22 Conversation From Patriarchy to Partnership-Gregory Heille, with Christine Byl
28 Poem jericho-Lambert VanPoolen
29 Essay Blue Gardens-Alan Aukeman
34 Poem STREETSigns-Jennifer Gillenwater
35 Portfolio The Further Adventures Of ..-Matt VanderPol
38 Yuk-Yuk Herman Newt Tickles Circle -
Staff and writers of Dialogue
Volume: 27, Issue: 36 Editorial Here and Trembling-Christine Byl
8 Poem Untitled-DanMudde
11 Round Table Once Upon a Time ... -Eight Women Speak; graphics, Lisa Daley
22 Sketch Some Fair, Some Foul-David Koning
24 Poem Bellyache-Christina Bratt
25 Poem The Front-Jane E. Tebben
26 Essay Learning to Float-Audrey Orteza
32 Poem To All the Men In My Life-Monique Bos
33 Conversation "The Ghosts of Puritans Die Hard"-Harry Stout, with Kyle Farley
38 Guffaw!! "AnvOpen Letter to the Calvin Community" -
Staff and writers of Dialogue
Volume: 27, Issue: 26 Editorial A Gentler Reign -Christine Byl, illustrated by Gabriel Travis
9 Poem Untitled -Elizabeth VerHeul
10 Essay The Rest of the Story -Doug Frank, illustrated by Gabriel Travis
18 Letter From Kazakhstan-Olga Babich, intoduction by Dave Ihmels
20 Poem Boulder Scene-Lambert Van Poolen
23 Portfolio Conceptual Explorations-Peter Vandenkieboom
29 Poem Hypocrisy-Lambert Van Poolen
30 Sketch Old Stone Bridge-Matt Forsythe, photograph by Ralph Faase
36 Poem Weather: the Bridgers-Lynelle Regnerus
38 Ho Ho Ho! You Can Dress Him Up ... w!! -
Staff and writers of Dialogue
Volume: 27, Issue: 16 Editorial Hanging from the Tree of Knowledge-Christine Byl
8 Poem Willow-Claire Basney
9 Essay Church Going-Cole Ruth
14 Poem After School-Elizabeth VerHeul
15 Portfolio Documentary: China-Lisa Daley
18 Conversation Prai rie Visions
26 Poem To J.D., for Lucille Clifton-Jennifer De Graff
28 Play Stuck Somewhere, a little ditty-Matt Sahr, illustrated by Aaron Breland
36 Poem Untitled-Jennifer De Graaf
38 Ha! Onomatopoeia -
Staff and writers of Dialogue
Volume: 26, Issue: 5Aaron Breland i; Sara Penninga ii; Ralph Faase 7; Amy Kitchin 16; Roland Hultink 17; Eric Nykamp 17; Kelly Benjamin 20; Mark Hofland 20; Lynelle Regnerus 21; Gabe Travis 21; Sarah Taylor 24; Kelly Benjamin 24; Heather Saxton 29; Jesseca Davis 29; Steve Luimes 30; KirkDatema 30; Matt VanZomeren 31; Steve Luimes 32; Roland Hultink 33; Kristi Visser 34; Kim Hartman 34; Sara Penninga 35; Gabe Travis 39; Amy Wenger 39
Staff and writers of Dialogue
Volume: 26, Issue: 4Editorial 2
Interview 4
Portfolio 9
Interview 12
Portfolio 16
Essay 24
Interview 32
Short Story 37
Letters and Such 40 -
Staff and writers of Dialogue
Volume: 26, Issue: 3Visual Contents
Cover, Sung Ha Shin mixed media construction
Sarah Taylor i; Kim Tran ii; Kelly Benjamin 11; Kristi Visser 11; Gabe Travis 12; Karen Mienema 13; Kristi Riemersma 14; Brad Tichelaar 15; Kevin Lise 15; Kelly Benjamin 21; Margaret Vos 22; Ted Sandstra 23; Lizanne Beckering 30; Jeannie Merkel 31; Gabe Travis 31; Roland Huitink 39 -
Staff and writers of Dialogue
Volume: 26, Issue: 2Visual Contents
Cover, Barb Brackemyer Raku
Gabe Travis i; Dan Ehrlich ii; Amy Kitchin 6; Kelly Benjamin 8; Marc -Wieggers 12; Allen Machielson 13; Eric Nykamp 14; Susan Holwerda 15; Rob Monacelli 20; Kim Hartman 21; Barb Brackemyer 22; Rob Patete 23; Esther Schaap 30; Mandy Ryan 31 -
Staff and writers of Dialogue
Volume: 26, Issue: 1Visual Contents Cover image, Susan Heida
Ted Sandstra i; Kelly Benjamin ii; Gabe Travis 6; Aaron Breland 7; Kevin Lise 11; Tanya Black 22; Mark Hofland 22; Steve Luimes 24; Diane Sundling 25; Sara Taylor 33; Jesse Claggett 34; Ben Kroese 35 -
Staff and writers of Dialogue
Volume: 25, Issue: 5Editorial
4/This is not an editorial... Kristin Dombek
Short Story
8/Prince of Frogs Nathan Bruinooge
Round Table
14/The Old Man And The Seals Jim Hommes
32/Basic Instict J. Alan Speer
40/The Mission Tim Carson
Flotsam & Jetsam -
Staff and writers of Dialogue
Volume: 25, Issue: 4Editorial
4/Voices, and a Serverer Listening
Short Story
8/Sunshine and the Fat Man
20/Susan Gallagher Matthew DeGroot
21/Mary Steward Van Leeuwen Bo-Mi Choi
Round Table
28/Four stories: Calvin Students on Being Gay
40/Artists' voices -
Staff and writers of Dialogue
Volume: 25, Issue: 3Editorial
4/Mosaic Peace by Christine Weeber
16/Bards, Bowls and Balance by Mark A. Cullision
Short Story
8/Denouement by Christ Byl
34/Greetings from Liberia by Rachel Ippel
Flotsam and Jetsam
41/The Calvin Catalog -
Staff and writers of Dialogue
Volume: 25, Issue: 2Editorial
4/Scrablle, with Love By Kristin Dombek
Short Story
8/Life in a Teapot By Daniel Paul Phillips
12/Will Campbell By the Fire with W. Dale Brown
20/A Rhetoric of Prudence By Kurt C. Schaefer
Short Story
28/Assistant G.A. By Nathan Bruinooge
38/Sketchbook Psalm 1 By Amy Orne
41/Flotsam and Jetsam -
Staff and writers of Dialogue
Volume: 25, Issue: 1Editorial
4 Treasure hoarding and the Emperor's new clothes-Kristin Dombek
8 Thoughts on Elections in Britain and America O Ronald A. Wells
26 Modem Philosophy and Philosophical Consciousness O Matt Sahr
16 "Kierkegaard Dealing Drugs" Jeremy Lloyd Interviews Paul Schrader
Denise Bloem
April Diephouse
Dave Ihmels
Patty Matuszak
Dave Vanderlaan
36 "Thoughts on Writing" - English 333, 1992
Flotsam and jetsam
41 Survey: Do you make a good date?
Andrew Botts
Rob Patete
Sarah Taylor
Sarah Kendall
Sarah Penninga
Patrick Byrne
Steve Bardolph
JinBarclay -
Staff and writers of Dialogue
Volume: 24, Issue: 6Editorial
Constructive Conspiracy 6
Short Story
Mister Thomas Benjamin Grierson Rey L.D. Romero 10
Walk like a new yorker J. Alan Spper 18
William Fyfe Jon Vandervelde 28
Flotsam & Jetsam
The Instant Spring Poem 37
On Life and M. Blanchot by Patti Matuszak 8; Friday, November 2, 1990 by Mary VanderMeer 17; Carnations by Sarah MacDonald 26; Teaching Lessons by Mary VanderMeer 34
Photograph by Julie Uken 3; lithograph by Wendy Levy 9; Photograph by Ralf Scharnowski 27; drawing by Scott Millen 36; photograph by Julie Uken 38; cover art Conrad Bakker -
Staff and writers of Dialogue
Volume: 24, Issue: 5Editorial
A Healthy Case of Mediterranean Fever 6
Short Story
Bastard Son Daniel Voteberg 10
Frederick Buechner Marlene Bos Jackie Frens Shelly Lemahieu 20
Doubt Kelly James Clark 28
Flotsam & Jetsam
Presidential Coloring Contest Winners 39
Do Not Always Stay Content by Christine Weeber 8; A Mall and the Knight Visitors by Evan Cater 19; Hear the Old Lady Breathe: a five act in miniature by Timothy Ladd 26; Maybe the Egyptians Had it Right by Lynelle Regnerus 36
Photograph by RiRe Nakpodia 3; Drawing Jonathan Eiten 9; Photograph Jonathan DeHaan 18; Photographs Wendy Levy 37; Photograph Rire Nakpodia 38; Cover Art Conrad Bakker -
Staff and writers of Dialogue
Volume: 24, Issue: 4Editorial
Watering the Green Age 6
Short Story
The Museum Jeff Brower 10
Catherine Comet Sarah Koops 18
Replicants and of Rayguns Science Fiction Film in the 20th Century Robert Kroese
Flotsam & Jetsam
Presidential Coloring Contest 37
Life by Dan Emshoff 8; On the Last of the Colors by Matt Sahr 16; Menstruation 25; Religion 201 by Mary VanderMeer 26; Damn by Jeremy LIoyd 36
Photograph by Julie Uken 3; Photograph Dan Emshoff 9; Photograph Julie Uken 17; Drawing Jin Barclay 24; Collage by Kelly Benjamin 27; Photograph Andy botts 38; Cover art Conrad Bakker
Founded in 1968, Dialogue is a journal of Calvin University's student-run creative journal, showcasing pieces submitted, edited, and curated by undergraduate students. Dialogue publishes student work in five categories: prose, poetry, photography, visual art, and music. A student jury evaluates all submissions and selects the finest pieces for publication.
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