Staff and writers of Dialogue
Volume: 24, Issue: 3Editorial
Inviting a Friend to Supper 6
Short Story
The Pot that Never Tilted for Me Irvind S. Ghai 10
Coffee: beyond the bean Mark Cullison 14
George Marsden Robert Kroese 22
from Britain Sketchbooks April Diephouse 33
Stranded at Unrealest City's Edge by Timothy Ladd 9; I become 29; Kenosis Chad Engbers 31
Photograph Tessica DeHaan 3; Photograph Julie Versluys 8; Photograph Tessica DeHaan 13; Lithograph Jonathan Eiten 20; Photograph Julie Versluys 30; Photograph Christy Anderson 38; Cover art Andy Botts & Conrad Bakker -
Staff and writers of Dialogue
Volume: 24, Issue: 2Editorial
Le Mot Injuste: of Buzzwords and Zingers 6
Short Story
Cruise Amy Olson 10
I Wanted to Help Stacey Washburn 20
Owen Gingerrich the man behind asteroid 658-1980CK David Steensma 28
Flotsam & Jetsam
This month's special: clip and save on tuition 33
(untitled) Jeremy Lloyd 9; nature Dan emshoff Weepers & Sowers 24; The Vigil Chad Engbers, Amy Olson 27
photograph Don Zeilenga 3; mezzotint 8; mezzotint Josh Cooley 15; photograph Don Zeilenga 17; drawing Rob Patete 18; drawing Elizabeth Boyd 26; drawing Karen Meinema 32; photograph Dan emshoff 34; cover Conrad Bakker -
Staff and writers of Dialogue
Volume: 24, Issue: 1Editorial
6 Public Privacy
Victoria Hardy Robert Kroese 10
Short Story
Conversation Steve Vander Ark 18
Questions from a Coffin: The Changing Definition of a Victim Jackie Frens 28
Untitled Dan Emshoff 8; Romans 7:19 Part I M. Arie Van Kley 23; Romans 7:19 Part II M. Arie Van Kley 23; Faster Dan Emshoff 26; continuum Lambert Van Poolen 34; dad died February 26, 1989 Lambert Van Poolen 35
Photography Elaine Tolsma 3; Photography RiRe N akpodia 9; Lithography Jonathan Eiten 16; Photography Boglarka Tapolyai 24; Photography Andy Botts 27; Woodcut Jonathan Eiten 36; Photography Andy Botts 38
Flotsam & Jetsam
she being Age Geoff Zylstra and Steve Lauthan 37 -
Staff and writers of Dialogue
Volume: 23, Issue: 6Essay Jackie Kennedy and the Seven Dwarfs John Hare 20
Interview Wendell Berry: Toward a Moral Economy Catherine DeWitt 14
Short Story Life at the Zoo Anthony Meyer 8
Editorial 4
The Other Shoe 34
Dave VanderLaan 12; Mary Vander Meer 6
Conrad Bakker 32, 33; Arie Ringnalda 7 -
Staff and writers of Dialogue
Volume: 23, Issue: 5Essay
Snubbing Science: The Necessity of Scientific Illiteracy Rebecca Falb 16
Harry Olmstead Nathan Bos 28
Short Story
Epiphany Tacye Langley 9
Editorial 4
The Other Shoe 36
Amy Z. Olson 24 26; Lambert J. Van Poolen 38
Christopher De Jong 67
Conrad Bakker 27; Mary Jarvis 8; Lisa Strom 25; Boglarka Tapolyai 35
Kirk Datema 14 15 -
Staff and writers of Dialogue
Volume: 23, Issue: 4Essay
Ironies of War John Lundell 15
Molly Yard Shelley Klop 27
Short Story
What about Faith Anthony Meyer 9
Editorial 4
The Other Shoe 35
Dan Emshoff 26; Jenny Gage 8 32; Jennifer Snoeyink 7 25
April Diephouse 24 32
Jim Heethuis 6 34 -
Staff and writers of Dialogue
Volume: 23, Issue: 3Essay
Free Speech vs. Racism: The Campus Dilemma Gerard Hammink 12
Michael Medved Laura Vander Hart 18
Short Story
After My Last Quarter Steve Vander Ark 6
Editorial 4
The Other Shoe 27
Amy Z. Olson 10; Lambert J. Van Poolen 9
Joel Vandesloot 26
Jonathan Eiten 10 -
Staff and writers of Dialogue
Volume: 23, Issue: 2Essay
Empty and Waiting Rebecca Warren 14
William Seidman E. Eduardo Romero P. 29
Short Story
Blood of Amsterdam Tacye L. Langley 8; Lara Steven T. Rugel 22
Editorial 4
The Other Shoe 33
Matthew DeGroot 12; Dan Emshoff 6; Christina de Jong latinga 27; Michael Mraz 19; Amy Z. Olson 11
Jeffrey C. Van Abbema 10 13 26; Matt Van Zomeron 7 20 38
Julie Vander Laan -
Staff and writers of Dialogue
Volume: 23, Issue: 1Essay
Seductive Advertising: What About Subliminal Techniques? Julie Kuiper 12
On Women in the Ministry Sarah Koops 28
Short Story
You Can't Keep Everything Steve Vander Ark 8; Discovery Christina de Jong Latinga 22
Matthew DeGroot 6, 35; Dan Emshoff 25, 26, 38; Ryan Gritter 14; Daniel Hutt 17
Editorial 4
The Other Shoe 36 -
Staff and writers of Dialogue
Volume: 22, Issue: 7Editorial H Gemmen 4; "Daydream of a Man (Poem) B Watson 6; Disability and Wholeness T. Hoeksema 8; "Staghorn Sumac" (Poem) K Swedberg 11; "Killer August" A Carpenter 12; "Militant Anti-Intellectualism" (Poem) J LaGrand 13; "Winter Days" (Poem) S Mulder 23; Lesser Known Poets of the Nethelands S Morganstein 24; Earth Day Poems Two Davids 32; "Hug" (Poem) J Van Abbema 34; Editorial Cartoon S Bardolph 35
Staff and writers of Dialogue
Volume: 22, Issue: 6Editorial S Mulder 4; Speechless and Writeless K Swedberg 6; Restructuring the American Dream R Koopmans 9; "Progression Tow(here)ards God: (Poem) J Van Abbema 15; Portfolio R Luth 16; "Appalachia in May" (Poem) T smits 22; "Two Men in the Barbary Coast" (Poem) M Dengler 23; Educating for Shalom C Plantinga 24; "Needless (Poem) T Smits 26; "Please Don't Fool Yourself" (Poem) B Wiersma 28; Biking Through Australia R Berens 30
Staff and writers of Dialogue
Volume: 22, Issue: 5Editorial H Gemmen 4; "Uncontrollable Laughter" (Poem) K Swedberg 7; Did You Pet Your Dog Today? G Van Harn 8; From "Under the Grape Arbor" (Poem) J Worst 12; Portfolio M Yarhouse 14; Concrete Examples R Flietsra 20; "The Smoking Gun of Love" (Drama) K Vanden Heuvel 27; A Russin Journal J Heethuis 31; "At the Jewish Cemetery in Parague" (Poem) H Bouwman 33
Staff and writers of Dialogue
Volume: 22, Issue: 4Editorial H Gemmen 4; "Love is Fire" (Poem) J Bood 7; Knowledge and a vital Piety D Cooper 8; "Mike's Place" (Poem) J Worst 14; "Fairy Child" L Limburg 17; "Apple Wars" (Poem) G Sikma-Pot 22; American Images D Smith 24; "The Baker Man" (Poem) G Sikma-Pot
Staff and writers of Dialogue
Volume: 22, Issue: 3Editorial H Gemmen 4; "Grand Rapids" (Poem) S Ondersma 6; Two Poems S Douma 8; "Moving Pictures" T Hegewald 11; "A Chimp and a Typewriter (Poem) M Dykstra 13; Portfolio A Banning 14; Three Poems K Opie 20; Backstage Notes M O'Brien 22; "Empty Cradle" (Poem) H Gemmen 24; "Thoughts" (Poem) S Hoeksema 25; About People Various Artists 26; "Saturday Night Eternal" (Poem) L Van Poolen 30; Herstory M Loyd-Paige 31; "Black" (Poem) K Swedberg
Staff and writers of Dialogue
Volume: 22, Issue: 2Editorial H Gemmen 4; "The Bird" K Opie 7; Was Hamlet Crazy? J Timmerman 9; "Autumn Whirl" (Poem) A Persenaire 16; "At 8:30 Am I See No Break" (Poem) J Bood 17; Portfolio T Musbach 18; One out of Six R Flietstra 24; "Passing Windows" (Poem) A Olson 27; Words and Works H Bouwman 29; "The Vault of Mister Vault of Mister Thomas" S Mulder 32; "Representation" (Poem) C Dyke 34
Staff and writers of Dialogue
Volume: 22, Issue: 1Editorial H Gemmen 4; "Mystery" Poem S Douma 7; "Full Circle" J Brower 8; "A Voodoo Song" Poem R Gritter 10; Contributors Guidelines 12; "Ancient Rhythm" (Poem) C Dyke 13; Portfolio (Artwork) A Ringnalda 14; "When Reading Poetry" Poem R Gritter 19; Holograms (Interview) 20; In China This Summer L Herzberg 26; "Memories" Poem R Flietstra 28 "Diary of a Simple Pastor" Poem P Holtrop 29
Staff and writers of Dialogue
Volume: 21, Issue: 6Editorial
4 Church in State; 5 Alphabet Soup - John LaGrand
8 SouthAfrica: The Reformed Church History - Jeff Stoub; 24 Why Should We Care? - Tom VanMilligen; 31 Good News, but ... - Paul Moyo; 32 Knowing the Enemy - Sam Mulaleke
Special Writing Section Words & Works
16 Writers' Guild: An Anthology; 26 Open Eyes and Opening Eyes - Ronald Kok; 34 An Interim Abroad - Helen Petter Westra, Scott Faber, photos
2 Jeff VanAbbema; 6 Jeff Abbema; 12 Shots Were Fired - Ronald Kok; 15 Usutu! - Ronald Kok; 14 Sue Engelbrecht; 25 Jeff Van Abbema
7 Old Woman Bay - Brad Monsma -
Staff and writers of Dialogue
Volume: 21, Issue: 5Editorial
4 John LaGrand
Computer Art
9 Tom Bryant; 16 Tim Myers; 24 Don Mulder
12 Reply to Mark Stover - Nicholas Wolterstorff; 18 Why I came to Mali - George Monsma; 28 Bonhoeffer and Niemoller: Christian Protest - IDS W58
26 Cool Jazz - Heather Gemmen; walking green lake - ANdy Deliyannides; 27 Debts - David Mezynski; The Road Never Taken - David Mezynski; Bondage - Carol Jenkins -
Staff and writers of Dialogue
Volume: 21, Issue: 4Editorial
4 Calvin University: Facing Change John LaGrand
6 Cotton Mather, Joseph McCarthy, Leo Peters and the Hunt for Witches James Bratt; 17 The English Assignment Robert Kroese; 18 Graduate Studies at Calvin: The University Dilemma Sara DeBoer; 33 Plastic Plants Heather Gemmen
26 The Calvin University: Another "Diary School?" A Dissenting View John H. Timmerman; 34 A Table of Two Colleges Davis A. Young
Roundtable Poetry
38 A Look at Graduate Programs at Calvin; 24 Poetry Faced at Gunpoint John Bolhuis; 24 Hallelujah: Timothy J. VanNoord; 24 Resurrection Timothy J. VanNoord; 24 Resurrection Amber Veverka; 25 The Gentle Constant; Amber Veverka; 25 Thinks He's Ulysses Timothy VanNoord; 25 Sister Amber Veverka; 32 Quietus Heather Gemmen
2 untitled John LaGrand; 12 Strings Mark Yarhouse; 13 Territorial Dispute Series Jill Stegink; Art Around Campus 21, 23, 33, 37 -
Staff and writers of Dialogue
Volume: 21, Issue: 3Editorial Features
4 John LaGrand; 6 CCM and Christian Spirituality Brian Plescher; 10 Statement of Conviction Jack Terpstra; 19 Inaugurate Heather Gemmen; 25 The Wait Thomas Hegewald; 28 Israel, The Palestinians, and Nicholas Wolterstorff: A Review Article Mark Stover; 34 Memorial Service Tim Van Noord; 44 Banana Paul Lantinga
Words & Works Poetry
14 Recollections of a new world John VanderVelde; 13 Jester Dance John Steenhoek; 13 Prayer Andy Deliyannides; 18 Ice Hockey on Figure Skates Heather Gemmen; 18 Fisherman's Bend Heather Gemmen; 20 China Doll John Steenhoek; 24 Camping in the Catskills Tim VanNoord; 24 The Two Forty Five Tim VanNoord; 24 Orpheus Unbound Tim VanNoord; 25 At the Beach M. Inoue
2 Tim VanNoord; 5 Tim VanNoord; 6 Mark Yarhouse; 7 Mark Yarhouse; 9 Mark Yarhouse; 21 Naoma, Ronald Kok; 22 Her Protest, Mark Yarhouse; 27 M. Lutgendorff; 28 Tim VanNoord; 30 Mark Yarhouse; 31 Mark Yarhouse; 33 Ed Heil; 33 Mark Yarhouse; 35 Mark Yarhouse; 36 Mark Yarhouse; 38 Mark Yarhouse; 39 Tim VanNoord; 41 Tim VanNoord; 43 Tim VanNoord -
Staff and writers of Dialogue
Volume: 21, Issue: 2Editorial Features
4 John LaGrand; 7 Tinuviel Andy Deliyannides; 15 Cross Country with Oma and Opa Phil Klapwyk; 16 A Semester Abroad: London Karl Swedberg; 20 Compassion Coping Series Robin Jensen; 31 Musings of a Disillusioned Apple-treader Rose Cunningham
Words & Works Poetry
22 A True Nigerian: An Interview with Bill Evenhouse
6 Perfection I, L. VanPoolen; 11 B.C. nulled, L. VanPoolen; 13 Modernist Poetry, Heather Gemmen - Poet's Familiar, Heather Gemmen - Perfection III, L. VanPoolen - Perfection IV, L. VanPoolen; 14 Horton Street 7:02 pm, Heather Gemmen - Perfection VI, L. VanPoolen - Perfection VII, L. VanPoolen; 32 question xiii, Andy Deliyannides
2 Tim VanNoord; 5 Dawn Curtis; 6 D. Huibregtse; 7 Tim VanNoord; 9 Unknown; 11 Tim VanNoord; 12 D. Huigbregtse; 15 Tim VanNoord; 27 Mark Yarhouse; 28 Timothy Graziani; 29 Timothy Graziani; 30 Tim VanN oord -
Staff and writers of Dialogue
Volume: 21, Issue: 1Editorial
4 John LaGrand; 8 Life In An Art Museum Brad Monsma; 9 A Most Unusual Tale Heather Gemmen
15 California Jeff Millen
Words & Works
18 Interview with karl Swedberg; 23 Dance Natalie A. Hart; 25 Handbook to Heterodox Excision Don Oppenwal
12 Untitled Jeff De Vries; 13 The Televangelist Calls the Square Dance Jeff De Vries; 14 Looking Back, Looking Forward Tom Bryant
5 Krister Evenhouse; 7 Krister Evenhouse; 28 Krister Evenhouse; 6 Tomm Bryant; 12 Tomm Bryant; 8 Raphael; 10 Sandra teVelde; 29 Sandra teVelde -
Staff and writers of Dialogue
Volume: 20, Issue: 6Photo Documentary
8 Calvin Photographers Capture a Day in the Life of Calvin College
18 Our Future Nicholas WOlterstorff
5 John Pott
43 Anon
12 Lisa DeMol
16 Jeffrey DeVries; 17 Steve Ondersma; 39 Kurt Hoeksema
28 Jeffrey Devries; 34 Kurt Hoeksema; 40 William VandeKopple
Cover-Norm Zylstra; 2 Lydia VanderLeest; 4 Jon Vandervelde; 7 Jon Vandervelde; 14 Tom Bryant; 15 Jon Jeninga; 17 Tammy Musbach; 25 Tom Bryant; 26 Lydia VariderLeest; 27 Lydia VanderLeest; 29 Lydia Vander Leest; 31 Tim VanNoord; 33 Tom Bryant; 35 Ron Kok; 41 Tim VanNoord; 42 Tim VanNoord -
Staff and writers of Dialogue
Volume: 20, Issue: 5Feature 10 Babes in Babylon Douglas Frank
Interview 30 Young Turk to Elder Statesman An Interview with William Speolhof
Editorial 4 Mike Rubingh
Meditation Louis A. Villaire
9 Mike Rubingh; 25 Sherri Korhorn; 41 Tom VanMilligen; 41 Mike Rubingh
26 James Arkema; 38 Bill Cornell
Cover-Mindi Myers; 2 Krister Evenhouse; 5 Annette VanLeeuwen; 8 Marlene Schaly; 15 Tom Bryant, John Jeninga; 18 Tim VanNoord; 21 Jchn Jeninga; 24 Brian Schepel; 25 Brian Schepel; 28 Jane Mary Doorn; 29 Krister Evenhouse; 39 Krister Evenhouse; 40 Jane Mary Doorn; 42 Krister Evenhouse; 43 Krister Evenhouse -
Staff and writers of Dialogue
Volume: 20, Issue: 4Roundtable
6 After the Haze Clears: Discussing the Sixties
26 Who We Are Nicholas Wolterstorff
5 Mike Rubingh
42 Natalie Hart
24 Melanie Jongsma; 24 Karl Swedberg
35 Mike McDonald
Cover-John Jeninga; 2 Krister Evenhouse; 4 Dale Hulst; 23 John Jeninga; 25 Krister Evenhouse; 34 John Jeninga; 40 John Jeninga; 42 Krister Evenhouse; 43 Krister Evenhouse -
Staff and writers of Dialogue
Volume: 20, Issue: 3Feature 14 Our Tradition Nicholas Wolterstorff; 32 On Modern Poetry: Confessions of a Reformed Addict John H. Timmerman
Editorial 2 Mike Rubingh
Meditation 8 Chris Wolterstorff
Essay 9 Bill Cornell
7 Tom Bryant; 22 Heather Gemmen; 29 Heather Gemmen; 37 Tom Bryant
24 Renee VanderStelt
Cover-Renee VanderStelt; 2 Tim VanNoord; 6 Tom Bryant; 8 Tim VanNoord; 10 Renee VanderStelt; 13 Renee VanderStelt; 23 Tom Bryant; 30 Tim VanNoord; 36 Tom Bryant; 39 tim VanNoord -
Staff and writers of Dialogue
Volume: 20, Issue: 2Cover: An Arts Issue - How do Christian artists order the chaos of the modern world?
Feature: Talking with Prometheus: 10 An Interview with Bruce Cockburn
Editorial: 5 Mike Rubingh; Meditation: 42 Tom VanMilligen;
Fiction: 28 Rachel VanHarmelen; 38 Robert McRuer
Essay 8 Kurt Hoeksema
Poetry: 25 Tom Bryant; 36 Rose Cunningham; 36 Matt Walhout
Portfolio: 26 L. VanPoolen
Words & Works: 33 Tim VanNoord
Artwork: Cover-Sonja Overvoorde; 2 Jon Vandevelde; 4 David Smilde; 7 Bruce Wyma; 9 Sonja Overvoorde; 23 Sonja Overvoorde; 24 Tom Bryant; 36 Sonja Overvoorde; 39 Laura R. Herder; 41 Jon Vandervelde; 43 David Smilde; Back Cover-Cheryl Leep -
Staff and writers of Dialogue
Volume: 20, Issue: 1Feature: Liberty and Law: Recovering the Lost Balance 20 Ron Wells
Essay: The Moral of the Rime 11 Eric Jekkals
Editorial: 4 Mike Rubingh
Meditation: 38 Lisa Van Houten
Fiction: 14 Heather Bouwman; 28 Mike Rubingh
Poetry: 7 Chris Wolterstorff; 19 David J ellema; 36 Becky Tempest; 37 Tom Van Milligen
Portfolio: 33 Tom Bryant
Artwork: Cover - Susan McBurney; 2 Dale Hulst; 6 Susan McBurney; 10 Laura R. Herder; 18 Tom Bryant; 27 Susan McBurney; 39 Susan McBurney -
Staff and writers of Dialogue
Volume: 19, Issue: 6Editorial
4 David LaGrand
20 More Dialogue at the Wooden Shoe Craig James
10 Backroads John Bekker; 34 Funeral Ride Andrew Tempest; 40 Sitting
Becky Tempest
39 Barbara Veltema; 41 Einsamkeit Rose Cunningham, Lux Aeterna-F or Rourke Rose Cunningham
6 Amy VerMeulen; 36 Cheryl VanWynen
1 Dawn Curtis; 5 Jenny Flim; 17 John Aukema; 25 Cheryl VanWynen; 33 Mark Veldheer; 35 Cheryl VanWynen; 42 Dale Hulst; 44 Dawn Curtis
26 Calvin and Christian Community
Words and Works
22 Sixty-Second Poetry Andy Deliyannides
43 Patrick G. Jasperse -
Staff and writers of Dialogue
Volume: 19, Issue: 5Editorials 4 David LaGrand; 6 David LaGrand
Feature 18 Response and Responsibility Pamela VanHalsema
Stories 22 The Final J.M. Ruiter; 31 The Alma Schindler-MahlerGropius-Werfel Memoirs Mike Rubingh
Poetry 8 Poems from the Godless Land M. Inoue; 16 Grandmother-Woman Kramer; 17 10:00 Kramer; 17 Summer Job-Lunch Hour Kramer; 30 Verity Rose Cunningham
Portfolio 12 Tommy Allen
Art 1 Jenny Flim; 2 Jenny Flim; 5 Marlene Schaly; 7 Jenny Flim; 10 John Jeninga; 24 Jenny Flim; 29 Marlene Schaly; 36 Jenny Flim
Words and Works 25 Mike Rubingh
Meditation 34 David Diephouse -
Staff and writers of Dialogue
Volume: 19, Issue: 4Editorial 4 David LaGrand
Features 6 Dimensions of Evil Megan Holtrop; 10 Meditation on the Importance of Art Monique Groot; 21 The Reluctant Belligerent Daniel Holtrop; 28 The recruitment of ethnic minority faculty at Calvin Roland Hoksbergen
Stories 12 The Cat We Had With Us Always William VandeKopple; 32 One Date in the Life of Brad Denoir Kurt Hoeksema
Poetry 16 Glance, Reminder, The Gift Brad Monsma
Art 1 Dead Cat Derek Ottens; 2 Derek Ottens; 5 Derek Ottens; 9 Mark Veldheer; 15 Derek Ottens; 33 Kurt Hoeksema; 40 Tawanda Griffin
Words & Works 17 Yvonne VanderKooi
Portfolio 23 Bruce Wyma
Meditation 39 Walter Christiansdor -
Staff and writers of Dialogue
Volume: 19, Issue: 3Editorial 4 David LaGrand
Feature 23 Oh Happy.Days: A History of Fifties by Rock J. H. Timmerman
Poetry 6 The Island, Tim Jones; 18 Untitled, Amy Walt hall; 19 Acer Maria, Bride, Mike Rubingh
Art 2 Cheryl VanWynen; 5 Derek Ottens; 8 John Jeninga; 32 JohnJeninga; 33 Derek Ottens
Portfolio 20 Greg Stepanek
Roundtable 9 Liberation Theology
Meditation 34 David A. M. Shelow -
Staff and writers of Dialogue
Volume: 19, Issue: 2Editorial 4 David LaGrand
Words & Works 6 Lambert J. VanPoolen
Feature 10 A Theology of Murder Mysteries
Susan VanZanten Gallagher
Poetry 13 Wrench in the Works Bill Cornell Tundra Games, Shaman Danette Thomas; 33 A Housecall A. Deliyannides; 34 A Lullaby of the Moon M. Inoue
Story 14 Hey, Mr. Ice. Cream Man! Rosemary Apol
Artwork 2 Rand Hoelkeboer; 5 Mark Veldheer; 9 Rand Hoelkeboer; 12 Mark Veldheer
Roundtable 20 Just War and Pacifism
Portfolio 30 Sharon Hoff
Meditation 35 Rose Cunningham -
Staff and writers of Dialogue
Volume: 19, Issue: 1Editorial 4 David LaGrand
Feature 26 What Constitutes a Civil Right? Howard Rienstra
Poetry 6 Five Reformed Vows Seitze Buning; 36 The Octopus Mike Rubingh; 36 Peace Be With You Nathan Beversluis; 42 4th of July Together Michael Hancock
Roundtable 37 Christian Ethics in Nazi Germany
Artwork 3 Greg Stepanek; 5 Yvonne VanderKooi
Words and Works 32 Rand Holkeboer
Portfolio 22 Deborah Ebbers
Meditation 43 Mike Rubingh -
Staff and writers of Dialogue
Volume: 18, Issue: 6Cover
A Fine Arts Issue
35 Maniacal Leoparts Swallowing Loony Oboists
The Long Summer Tim Jones; The Power of the Lord Michael Hancock; Don't Close, O Lord Jason R. Peters; Morning Scholars Mike Rubingh
Words and Works
Mark Van Wienen
8 Gordon Spykman; 9 John Timstra; 12 Jeff Kooistra; 13 Eric B. Verhulst
4 Lori Walburg
44 I was a Teenage Sexist Kurt Hoeksema
2 Untitled Greg Stepanek; 7 Going Nowhere Kristi DeHaan; 15 Untitled Bruce Wyma; 16 Untitled Billie Hadley; 17 untitled Billie Hadley; 25 Lifelines Kathy Worst; 33 Untitled Lisa Ramsey; 34 Untitled Greg Stepanek; 43 The Human Condition Judy Horst; 51 Inside Out Carol Van Ess
51 Natalie A. Dykstra
47 Ron Shamery -
Staff and writers of Dialogue
Volume: 18, Issue: 5Cover
7 The End of Female Passivity
20 Two Variations On a Theme
On a Winter Island Bill Cornell; To the Crucified Jesus Melanie Jongsma
Lori Walburg
Words and Works
David Schaap
30 Journal of the Red Star Gary Schmidt
42 Karen Gritter
39 Kevin Vander Leek
15 Breaking the Mold Rose Cunningham; 18 A Confessional Cynthia Veldheer
2 Untitled Carol Van Ess; 6 Untitled Kathy Worst; 14 Self Portrait Ron Shamery; 25 Lady Macbeth Jana Eggebeen; 29 Untitled Suzanne MacKenzie; Cover Ron Shamery -
Staff and writers of Dialogue
Volume: 18, Issue: 4Cover
12 Curricular Goals of the Christian College
20 Confession of a Core Curriculum Revisionist
Dignity Wendy Scott; For the New Year Mike Rubingh; 131 North Mark Van Wienen
4 Lori Walburg
Words and Works
4 The Shadow of Death Tim Jones
26 The Patron Lionel Basney; 29 The Yard Lionel Basney
38 Michael Hancock
39 Suzanne Mackenzie
6 Ray Van Velsen; 8 Howard Van Till; 9 Clarence Menninga; 10 Mike Rubingh
2 Untitled Dwight Van Tol; 11 Shell Form I; 25 Romans 5:1,2 Ann Boelema; 31 Untitled Judy Horst; 43 Untitled Ralph Hall; Cover Ron Shamery -
Staff and writers of Dialogue
Volume: 18, Issue: 3Poetry
[the athletic ladies who live in manly souls] Jason Peters; Swing Song
Lambert J. Van Poolen; Bulletin Board Carla Witteveen
Lori Walburg
Mike Rubingh
24 Hot-blooded Lori Walburg
30 The West County Leaf Tim Jones
38 Rose Cunningham
35 Kristi DeHaan
Ron Shamery
2 The Flight Ralph Hall; 5 Shadows of Commitment Janee Luchtenburg; 19 Choices Judy Horst; 29 Becak Duduk Marjorie Star; 39 Science inspired image: Pond water Lorilee Huizenga -
Staff and writers of Dialogue
Volume: 18, Issue: 2Cover
6 Cannonical Crows at calvin
10 Hello Again to "Hello Again to All That"
22 Cedar Creek Tim Jones; 34 No Sound, No Fury Mike Rubingh; 34 Hospitality Wendy Scott
4 Lori Walburg
30 The Girl That Hank Knows Dave Shaw
38 Apology of a Chapel Cutter Mark Van Wienen
35 George Lorio
Ron Shamery
2 Dragon's Alley Kristi De Haan; 5 Reflected World Kristi De Haan; 9 Untitled Yvonne Vander Kooi; 17 Untitled Suzanne MacKenzie; 18 Untitled Carol Van Ess; 22 Untitled Carol Van Ess; 33 Study of Gourds Caroline Hoeks; 43 Leaves I Sherry Pierik -
Staff and writers of Dialogue
Volume: 18, Issue: 1Cover
Hello Again to All ThatFiction
Deputy'as Badge
1 Lines Composed in the Lab Theatre Bill Cornell; A Good Deed Mark Van Wienen
4 Lori Walburg
23 The Color Cards Tim West
30 Lori Walburg
26 Lorilee Huizenga
Ron Shamery
2 The Bound Tool Bruce Wyma; 5 Untitled Bruce Wyma; 9 Untitled Sue Meiras; 20 Barrien Deborah Ebbers; 31 Untitled Ron Shamery -
Staff and writers of Dialogue
Volume: 17, Issue: 7Editorial 4 Roh Schreur
Feature 28 Words from Alumni David S. de Boer
Roundtable 14 Worship at Calvin
Poetry 32 In Search of Precedence Tom van Milligen; 33 Still Life with Motion at Calvin College Dave Shaw; 34 Visions on Leaving Calvin Rob Schreur
Art 2 So Neat Nadine Haven; 5 Untitled Dawna Schuld; 13 Untitled Suzanne Mackenzie; 39 Relic Tracy Van Rys
Words & Works 19 Chris Stoffel Overvoorde; Portblo 35 Deborah Ebbers
Meditation 30 Paul Vander Klay -
Staff and writers of Dialogue
Volume: 17, Issue: 6Editorial
4 Rob Schreur
20 What Dialogue Was Lori Walburg
12 The Decline of Western Culture?
17 I have reality like this Dave Shaw; 17 There she sits, alone in the middle Dave Shaw
2 Obvious function Nadine Haven; 5 Balk Goddess UJ84 J:5,6 Joy Erlich; 11 David Billie Hadley; 18 In the Rain Tracy Van Rys; 19 Wendy Tracy Van Rys; 35 Countryside Deborah Ebbers
Short Stories
6 The Beginning of Our Twilight Dan Scheeres; 8 Lessons Mike Hancock; 9 Fragile Winged Creature Jay Guikema
Words & Works
26 James Korf
31 Dwight van Toi
34 Glenn Weaver -
Staff and writers of Dialogue
Volume: 17, Issue: 5Editorial
4 Roh Schreur
14 A Visit to South Africa Dr. Daniel Cloete; 30 Marge, What the Devil Are Those Kids up to, Anyway? Craig Taatjes; 36 O Father, Give the Spirit Power to Climb Ben Kornelius
18 Students on Nuclear War
28 Small Waterfalls Carla Witteveen
2 Why Go? Nadine Haven; 5 The New Roommate Raymond D. Van Velsen; 13 Spring Arts Festival Dwight Van Tol; 17 Montreal Bus System-January 3, 1985 Tracy Van Rys; 25 Eli: High Priest, Helpless Parent Chris Stoffel Overvoorde; 26 Incongruous Juxtapositions Robin Jensen; 29 Heska Pam Havinga; 39 Madrid Lamp Post Joy Erlich; 51 Ants Go Underneath Nadine Haven
Short Story
6 Esther Ruth McBurney
Words and Works
40 Roh Schreur
45 Dave Shaw -
Staff and writers of Dialogue
Volume: 17, Issue: 4Editorial
4 Rob Schreur
7 How Terribly Strange to be Seventy Pat Westerhof; 10 On Moral Criticism James Vanden Bosch
14 Five Voices on Art
19 Beneath the field in which we walk Janette Kok; 22 Winter's Solace Francine Buis; 32 The Length of Waiting Dan Scheeres; 32 Inside each one there is a passion Nathan Beversluis
2 Smiling Old Man Lorilee Huizenga; 5 Untitled Deborah Ebbers; 6 Ada Lorilee Huizenga; 13 Untitled Dave Shaw; 19 Untitled Deborah Ebbers; 20 Saturday Night in Pella, Iowa Steve Crozier; 23 Ferriswheel
Tracy Van Rys; 31 Untitled Deborah Ebbers
Short Story
24 Falling Down the Stairs; Marsha Plafkin
Words & Works
26 Anna Greidanus Probes
33 Steve Crozier
38 Stanley Wiersma -
Staff and writers of Dialogue
Volume: 17, Issue: 3Editorial
4 Rob Schreur
Feature 6 What Should I Major In? A Partial Anser from Wall Street Ronald A. Wells
Roundtable 14 Talk about Language
Poetry 13 Marina Observed Rob Schreur; 26 Song Rob Schreur; 28 Kyrie I Tom van Milligen
Art 2 Untitled Lisa Ramsey; 5 Ring of Kerry Pam Havinga; 18 Untitled
Dwight Van Tol; 27 Untitled Dwight Van Tol; 39 Self-Portrait David P. Schaap
Reviews 8 An Isaac Bashevis Singer Reader Lisa Stegink; 9 The Naked Public Square A. Houston Smit; 10 Shivering Babe, Victorious Lord Tom van Milligen; 11 Space for God Pam Vermeer
Words and Works 20 Chas. S. Cairns
Portfolio 29 Nadine Haven
Meidtation 34 Natalie A. Dykstra -
Staff and writers of Dialogue
Volume: 17, Issue: 2Editorial
4 Rob Schreur
14 Kicking at the Darkness Carol Knibbe; 24 The Pavement Steve Wykstra
16 The Questions of Ecumenism
22 In the Hour of Division Dan Scheeres; 23 General Solution Dan Scheeres
2 Untitled Lisa A. Ramsey; 5 Farm Protection Gary De Boer; 12 Self-portrait Dwight Van Tol; 13 Little Bostwick Dan Meulenberg; 20 Journey's End Dan Meulenberg; 28 Untitled Lisa A. Ramsey; 29 Mile Marker Gary De Boer; 39 Untitled Gary De Boer
Short Story
6 Rain Dave Shaw
Words & Works
30 John Worst
34 Betsy Steele
38 James Lamse -
Staff and writers of Dialogue
Volume: 17, Issue: 1Editorial
4 Rob Schreur
6 1984: The Revenge of Winston Smith Clark Smith
12 Calvin's Mission and Liberal Arts
17 Autumnal Natalie A. Dykstra; 20 8409.11 Dave Shaw
2 Isaac Hardy House 1805 Jennifer Bowden; 5 Untitled Betsy Steele; 17 Untitled Betsy Steele; 18 After Durer Dwight Van Tol; 19 Study of Degas Dwight Van Tol; 35 Church Window Jennifer Bowden
Short Story
22 In the Summer of Louis Farrakhan Marvin Norman
Words & Works
28 Tom van Milligen
31 Dan Meulenberg
34 Marsha Plafkin -
Staff and writers of Dialogue
Volume: 16, Issue: 7Editorial 2
4 Christian Education-Which Direction? An Interview with Nicholas Wolterstorff compiled by Lori Kort; 10 Slow Trains and Fairy Tales Nancy Jacobs; 12 Calvin College: Preparation for What End? Mary-Lee Bouma
8 Untitled Dave Gelderloo; 8 Untitled Dave Shaw; 15 Camouflage Dave Gelderloos; 16 Untitled Tracey Gebbia; 16 Untitled Deborah Ebbers; 17 Untitled Dave Shaw; 17 Another in a Seemingly Endless Series of Beach Pictures Dave Gelderloos
9 Starry, Starry Night Dan Scheers; 11 Untitled Dore Antonello -
Staff and writers of Dialogue
Volume: 16, Issue: 6Editorial 2
4 Overcoming Despair compiled by Mary Baerman; 12 Salem's Crisis Dan Cole; 18 Living in Two Worlds compiled by Jennie VanMeer; 24 An Open Letter to the Straight Community Jennie VanMeer
26 EHMcB Ruth McBurney; 29 "And I Protest, Oh Lord, Against So Many Murders" Dale Cooper; 32 To Stand in Awe Lori Kort; 34 Love is the Answer Nancy Jacobs; 38 How I Learned to Stop Worrying Maarten Pereboom
8 The Balloon Plan Lori Kort
10 Paradise Refused Tom Van Milligan; 11 J.C.R. (1897-1983) Kathleen Harris; 11 Consequence Dan Scheeres; 17 Last Bastion of Man Chas. S. Cairns; 33 A Reverie Chas. S. Cairns; 37 While Out Walking Dave Shaw
1, 40 Covers Tracey Gebbia; 16 Untitled Chas. S. Cairns; 22 Untitled Bob Johnston; 25 Untitled Bob Johnston; 25 Untitled Dave Gelderloos; 37 Untitled Dave Shaw; 39 Untitled Bob Johnston -
Staff and writers of Dialogue
Volume: 16, Issue: 5Features
4 Using the World as a Classroom Patricia Westerhof; 6 Love Across Racial Barriers compiled by Ruth McBurney; 8 Growing Up in the Mission Fields Maarten Pereboom; 8 A Day in the Life Joel Koedoot; 10 Hospital Literature: Getting Better with Books Karen Hoogeboom; 24 Defining Children's Church Ross Hoogewerf; 26 Another Labor Option: Home Birth Mary Baerman; 28 An Interview with Lewis Smedes Lori Kort; 30 To Be or Not to Be Parents compiled by Mary-Lee Bouma; 36 A Tale of Two Schools Nancy Jacobs; 38 Untitled Natalie Dykstra; 38 Untitled Natalie Dykstra
5 Jo-Jo Dave Gelderloos; 4 Matthew Mark Wierenga; 15 Freddy Ruth McBurney; 25 Mike Dave Gelderloos; 34 Rachel Mark Wierenga; 35 Yes, That is Her Real Hair Dave Gelderloos; 38 Baby Dave Gelderloos; 39 Aaron John Sue Meppelink
15 Grandma's Knee James B. White; 34 The Following Moon Lori Kort; 35 Street of Time Lori Kort; 37 Intersection Lori Kort
16 The Magic Ribbon Sara VanderGoot
28 Morals for Mortals Lori Kort
Founded in 1968, Dialogue is a journal of Calvin University's student-run creative journal, showcasing pieces submitted, edited, and curated by undergraduate students. Dialogue publishes student work in five categories: prose, poetry, photography, visual art, and music. A student jury evaluates all submissions and selects the finest pieces for publication.
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