Calvin's biology core curriculum includes a Sophomore level ‘Research Methods’ class, a course that uses the Plaster Creek Watershed as its living laboratory. Students learn how to do research in small groups by designing and carrying out a research project focused on the health of Plaster Creek. The students present the findings of their project at a public forum at the end of each spring semester.
Additionally, each summer Calvin students apply and are hired for specific research positions that advance our research and restoration work. These students are invaluable to the work of Plaster Creek Stewards as researchers, hard workers, educators, and volunteer site leaders throughout the year.
Submissions from 2024
Water Quality of Silver Creek, a Buried Urban Stream, Nick Bultje, Valerie Krause, and Rebecca Nulty
Submissions from 2021
Green Team - Ecological Restoration of Plaster Creek, Jia Luchs, Caleb Mathai, Rachel Warners, David Warners, and Deanna Geelhoed
Submissions from 2020
Trees vs. Reed Canary Grass, Josian Aardema, Moses Jangala, David E. Martinez Vasquez, and David Warners
Plaster Creek Stewards Green Team Initiative, Michael Akpabey, David E. Martinez Vasquez, and David P. Warners
Stormwater Capture via Green Infrastructure in the Plaster Creek Watershed, Brett Barents, Kiara Bromley, Haley Weesies, Deanna Geelhoed, and David P. Warners
Tree Planting to Inhibit Reed Canary Grass Growth and Watershed Education, David E. Martinez Vasquez, Deanna Geelhoed, and David P. Warners
Native Plant Transpiration Research in Urban Curb-Cut Rain Gardens with Plaster Creek Stewards and Michigan Sea Grant, Ana Singh, Deanna Geelhoed, and David P. Warners
Submissions from 2019
Stormwater Capture via Green Infrastructure in the Plaster Creek Watershed, Kyle Dankert, Ana Singh, Deanna Geelhoed, and David P. Warners
Podophyllum peltatum: Relationship of Colony Size and Age, Emily Holst, Heidi Keswick, and David P. Warners
Green Team: Ecological Restoration of Plaster Creek, Yeri Kim, Benjamin Steenwyk, Rachel Warners, David P. Warners, and Gail Heffner
Submissions from 2017
Plant Performance in Curb Cut Rain Gardens, Max DeYoung, Gregory Manni, and David P. Warners
Green Team-Urban Ecological Restoration, Aracely Eikenberry, Stephanie Praamsma, Gail Heffner, and David P. Warners
Stormwater Capture via Green Infrastructure in the Plaster Creek Watershed, Skyler Fish, Ben Johnson, Deanna Geelhoed, and David P. Warners
Buried Alive: Urban Stream Burial in Grand Rapids, Michigan, Tqz1`nner Vincent
Submissions from 2016
Curb-Cut Rain Garden Research, Patrick Jonker and David P. Warners
The Green Team and the Restoration of Plaster Creek, Leira Lew, Micah Warners, Gail Heffner, and David P. Warners
Mapping Mayapple Growth in Restored Forest, Jonathan Walt, Stephanie Praamsma, Tanner Vincent, and David P. Warners
Runoff Volume Reduction from SubBasins in Plaster Creek Watershed, Kent County, MI, Julie Wildschut and Dena De Kryger
Submissions from 2015
Hydrologic Modeling of the Effects of Stormwater Runoff in Plaster Creek Watershed, Ryan DeGroot, Julie Wildschut, and Robert Hoeksema
Installation of Rain Gardens in the Alger Heights Community, Wesley Dykstra, Dena De Kryger, Mike Ryskamp, and David P. Warners
The Green Team and the Restoration of Plaster Creek, Deanna Geelhoed and Micah Warners
Submissions from 2014
Assessing a Reconciliation Ecology Approach to Suburban Landscaping: Biodiversity on a College Campus, Christopher Bouma, Emily Huizenga, and David P. Warners