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Plaster Creek, though its watershed is home to many potential stewards in Grand Rapids, is the most polluted creek in West Michigan. The Green Team, a branch of Plaster Creek Stewards, is a group of students that work during the summer with a focus on research, education, and working directly to restore Plaster Creek. The team works toward this goal through urban green infrastructure, utilizing native plants to manage stormwater. Two Calvin students, Caleb Mathai and Jia Luchs, one high school intern, Ben Zwart, and twelve high school students living in the Plaster Creek watershed were hired by PCS this summer to work and learn together. The group was mentored by Rachel Warners, a recent Calvin College graduate. Nearby in Rockford, another Green Team for the Rogue River worked to maintain their watershed and joined the Plaster Creek team occasionally for projects.
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Recommended Citation
Luchs, Jia; Mathai, Caleb; Warners, Rachel; Warners, David; and Geelhoed, Deanna, "Green Team - Ecological Restoration of Plaster Creek" (2021). Student Papers and Reports. 22.