Submissions from 2025
An Excellent Conversation, David I. Smith
Hands-on Parallel & Distributed Computing with Rasperry Pi Devices and Clusters, Elizabeth Shoop, Suzanne J. Matthews, Richard Brown, and Joel C. Adams
An Evaluation of Sports Nutrition Knowledge and Influencing Factors in NCAA Division III Athletes, Kerrie Berends, Michael J. Wierenga, and Madeline Frens
Attention to our Limitation, Donald J. Tellinghuisen
Sabbath for the Restless: Rediscovering God’s Gift of Rest, Youngkhill Lee
An update on the scientific evidence for and against the legal banning of disciplinary spanking., Marjorie Lindner Gunnoe
We Need Deep Theories of Virtues: Four Principles for Advancing Research on Virtues in Positive Social Science, David S. Bright, Jason M. Stansbury, and Bradley A. Winn
Artificial Intelligence: Villain or Saviour? Some Thoughts from a Christian Computer Scientist, Derek Schuurman
Submissions from 2024
Dr. Derek Schuurman on AI and the Kingdom of God, Derek Schuurman
A Conversation with Dr. Derek Schuurman for the Ride Home with John and Kathy, Derek Schuurman
Review of Jessica Begon, Disability Through the Lens of Justice in Ethics, 135.2 (2025): 337-342., Kevin Timpe
Review: Garth Greenwell's mystical novel "Small Rain" teaches the art of living from a hospital bed, James K.A. Smith
Book review of Josh Larsen's recent book "Fear Not", Craig Mattson
Personhood and the Perception of Truth in the Age of AI, Derek Schuurman
Sex, Tech, and Faith: Ethics for a Digital Age, Kate Ott
Regarding Friendship in Place-based Development for Colleges and Universities, Craig Mattson
AI and the Biblical Story: Thoughts from a Christian Computer Scientist, Derek Schuurman
Engineering, Design and the Christian Faith, Derek Schuurman
Engineering, Design and the Christian Faith with Dr. Derek Schuurman, Dr. Derek Schuurman
“Arduous and Difficult to Obtain”: Teaching as a Hopeful Educational Practice, David I. Smith
Usage Reporting and Analysis: Current Options and Future Opportunities, Katherine Swart, Tim Lloyd, and Tricia Miller
A Day of Worship | Sam Ha | Calvin Seminary, Sam Ha
The Problem with AI is Deeper Than You Think, Derek Schuurman
The Problem with Chatbot Personas, Derek Schuurman
Dr. Julie Yonker on Mental Health for Boys and Girls, Dr. Julie Yonker
The Future Direction of Calvin Studies? Sam Ha (Calvin Conversations Series), Sam Ha
Coaching America's Youngest College Football Team: My Plan, Trent Figg
Creativity and “gadget overload”, Derek Schuurman
AI in Education: Villain, Savior, or Something Else?, Derek Schuurman
Becoming Acquainted with Grief, Derek Schuurman
Resolving the Contradictory Conclusions from Three Reviews of Controlled Longitudinal Studies of Physical Punishment: A Meta-Analysis, C.J. Ferguson, J. Pritsker, M.L. Gunnoe, and R.E. Larzelere
Artifical Intelligence in Academia, James E. Carpp and Crystal N. Bruxvoort
Kenneth Koch, Cincinnatian, Poet of Confetti, Lew Klatt
Conversation with Derek Schuurman, Derek Schuurman
Generating Assignments in Science Methods Using Research-based Transparency: Challenging Preservice Teachers to Do Likewise, University of Northern Iowa and Crystal Bruxvoort
Because of Who We Are: A Fresh Perspective on Calvin’s Doctrine of the Image of God and Human Dignity, Sam Neulsaem Ha
Artificial Intelligence and the Christian Faith, Derek Schuurman
Autism Awareness in the Church with Dr. Kevin Timpe, Kevin Timpe
The endoplasmic reticulum as an active liquid network, Laura M. Westrate, Zubenelgenubi C. Scott, Samuel B. Steen, Greg Huber, and Elena F. Koslover
AI Jesus?, Derek Schuurman
Sin in Business: The Contributions of Perversion, Defilement, and Idolatry, Jason M. Stansbury
Seeking Shalom through AI, Derek Schuurman
The Pointing Instinct & How to Cultivate It, Lew Klatt
Introducing Pascal-bot: What Would Pascal Say?, Derek Schuurman
Exercising Healthy Skepticism of Artificial Intelligence, Derek Schuurman
The Lifelong Journey of Inner Transformation, Rebecca Konyndyk DeYoung
Endoplasmic reticulum morphology regulation by RTN4 modulates neuronal regeneration by curbing luminal transport., Laura M. Westrate, Pierre Parutto, Cecile C. Crapart, Elena F. Koslover, Edward Avezov, and Tasuku Konno
Shaping a Digital World, Derek Schuurman
Derek Schuurman on Using Artificial Intelligence in Church, Derek Schuurman
Abdiel’s Preaching the Word ‘Out of Season’: An Allusion to 2 Timothy 4:2 in Milton’s Paradise Lost 5:850, David V. Urban
The Story of Progress and a Path to Responsible Technology, Derek Schuurman
Religious Freedom, Disability Discrimination, and Civic Virtue, Kevin Timpe
Country-level primary-final-useful (CL-PFU) and world long-run (WLR-PFU) energy and exergy databases, Matthew Kuperus Heun
A country-level primary-final-useful (CL-PFU) energy and exergy database: overview of its construction and 1971–2020 world-level efficiency results, Paul E. Brockway, Matthew Kuperus Heun, Zeke Marshall, Emmanuel Aramendia, Paul Steenwyk, Thomas Relph, Michelle Widjanarko, Jeonghoo (James) Kim, Anjana Sainju, and Julian Irtube
It Takes a Village to Form a Christian Scholar, Derek Schuurman
Shaping A Digital World Pt 1, Derek Schuurman
The Departed, Lew Klatt
Use Your Words, Jane Zwart and Lew Klatt
Estimation of useful-stage energy returns on investment for fossil fuels and implications for renewable energy systems, Emmanuel Aramendia, Paul E. Brockway, Peter G. Taylor, Jonathan B. Norman, Matthew K. Heun, and Zeke Marshal;
AI and the Church, Derek Schuurman
On the right track? Energy use, carbon emissions, and intensities of world rail transportation, 1840–2020, Bernardo Tostes, Sofia T. Henriques, Paul E. Brockway, Matthew Kuperus Heun, Tiago Domingos, and Tânia Sousa
Complete genome sequences of 9 Rhodococcus equi phages, Randall DeJong and Myles D Radersma, Gabrielle Lathrop, Karena C Moleakunnel, Luke Harlow, Aerin E Baker, Alison J. Chen, Jason G Churu, Carly A Dole, Sophia L Doorn, Ethan M Hill, Anna Howland, Amanda Janvier, Catie M Kramer, Matt J Minasian, Jocelyn R Nieze, Isabella K Perezios, Fiona J Ramsey, Katie L Seinen, Sierra K Swierenga, Michael M Veenstra, Grace E Weaver, Alexandra C White, Esther Yoon
S O, Lew Klatt
Virtue and Artificial Intelligence, Derek Schuurman
Hearing Iterative and Recursive Behavior: Sonification Improves Student Understanding, Joel C. Adams and Hayworth Anderson
How Sin Impacts the Marketplace, Jason M. Stansbury
Goal Attainment and Quality of Life through Inclusive College, Kate Strater, Mia Kurkechian, and Kassandra Weber
AI and Truth in a Post-Epistemic World, Derek Schuurman
Notes from the Cosmic Sea, James K.A. Smith
Swimmer’s itch control: timely waterfowl brood relocation significantly reduces an avian schistosome population and human cases on recreational lakes., Randall DeJong, Harvey D. Blankespoor, and Curtis L. Blankespoor
Congenital Disabilities and Gender Nonconforming Identities as Parts of God’s Intended Creation, Loren Haarsma, Kevin Timpe, Liran Naranjo- Huebl, and Emily Helder
Luminal transport through intact endoplasmic reticulum limits the magnitude of localized Ca2+ signals, Laura M. Westrate, Cécile C. Crapart, Zubenelgenubi C. Scott, Tasuku Konno, Aman Sharma, Pierre Parutto, David M. D. Bailey, Edward Avezov, and Elena F. Koslover
Easy, Bright, Fluorescence Demonstration of Buffer Action, Mariana Dykstra, Yejin Chung, and Mark Muyskens
Fluorescent pH indicators for classroom demonstration of buffer action, Mark Muyskens, Mariana Dykstra, and Yejin Chung
CLPFUDatabase: A suite of R packages for energy conversion chain analysis, Matthew Kuperus Heun, Zeke Marshall, and Emmanuel Aramendia
Directed Self-Placement for Multilingual, Multicultural International Students, Kristine Johnson and Sara Vander Bie
Umm Al-Jimāl Site Management Plan, Dr. Elizabeth Osinga and Mrs. Jenna de Vries Morton
María de San José Salazar’s Mount Carmel: Global Identity through the Natural World in Libro de las recreaciones, Alisa Tigchelaar, Antónia Conde, Fábio Mário, Luísa Vilela, and José Eduardo Franco
Educating for Shalom in Engineering, Julie Wildschut
Incorporating evidence-based teaching practices in a civil/environmental engineering course to improve learning, Julie Anne Wildschut
Submissions from 2023
The Inevitability of Sin, Kevin Timpe
The Advent Art of Waiting, Noah Toly
A Low-Cost Classroom Network without the Internet, Derek Schuurman
Artificial Intelligence Roundtable, Derek Schuurman, Eddy Wu, and Jeremy Peckham
ChatGPT, AI, and the Biblical Story, Derek Schuurman
Gold, Technology, and Wisdom, Derek Schuurman
A Tectonic Shift in Technology: The Pandemic Greatly Accelerated the Adoption of and Reliance on Technology Among Churches, Tyler Greenway
ChatGPT, AI, and the Biblical Story: Thoughts from a Christian Computer Scientist, Derek Schuurman
Artificial Intelligence, Derek Schuurman
From Incarceration to Integration: A Critical Analysis of Reentry Care in Prison Education Programs in West Michigan, Emily Steen and Mark Mulder
The AI Takeover, Derek Schuurman
20 Years of Professing, Derek Schuurman
The Practice of Virtue Driven GIScience, Jason VanHorn
On Miller 2011: twenty-five ASA fellows and editors tell of PSCF articles that changed their lives, Ryan Bebej
Technology: neither saviour nor villian, Derek Schuurman
Talking with Tolkien, Derek Schuurman
With Whom Should One Worship? A Fresh Perspective on John Calvin’s Liturgical Theology of Physical Proximity and Spiritual Epidemic, Sam Neulsaem Ha
The Ride Home, Derek Schuurman
Exploring Virtue Formation and Virtue-by-Proxy in Artificial Intelligence, Derek Schuurman
Cyber-Tolkiens? Kuyper-bots?, Derek Schuurman