Submissions from 2024
Umm Al-Jimāl Site Management Plan, Dr. Elizabeth Osinga and Mrs. Jenna de Vries Morton
María de San José Salazar’s Mount Carmel: Global Identity through the Natural World in Libro de las recreaciones, Alisa Tigchelaar, Antónia Conde, Fábio Mário, Luísa Vilela, and José Eduardo Franco
Educating for Shalom in Engineering, Julie Wildschut
Incorporating evidence-based teaching practices in a civil/environmental engineering course to improve learning, Julie Anne Wildschut
Submissions from 2023
The Inevitability of Sin, Kevin Timpe
The Advent Art of Waiting, Noah Toly
A Low-Cost Classroom Network without the Internet, Derek Schuurman
Artificial Intelligence Roundtable, Derek Schuurman, Eddy Wu, and Jeremy Peckham
ChatGPT, AI, and the Biblical Story, Derek Schuurman
Gold, Technology, and Wisdom, Derek Schuurman
A Tectonic Shift in Technology: The Pandemic Greatly Accelerated the Adoption of and Reliance on Technology Among Churches, Tyler Greenway
ChatGPT, AI, and the Biblical Story: Thoughts from a Christian Computer Scientist, Derek Schuurman
Artificial Intelligence, Derek Schuurman
From Incarceration to Integration: A Critical Analysis of Reentry Care in Prison Education Programs in West Michigan, Emily Steen and Mark Mulder
The AI Takeover, Derek Schuurman
20 Years of Professing, Derek Schuurman
The Practice of Virtue Driven GIScience, Jason VanHorn
On Miller 2011: twenty-five ASA fellows and editors tell of PSCF articles that changed their lives, Ryan Bebej
Technology: neither saviour nor villian, Derek Schuurman
Talking with Tolkien, Derek Schuurman
With Whom Should One Worship? A Fresh Perspective on John Calvin’s Liturgical Theology of Physical Proximity and Spiritual Epidemic, Sam Neulsaem Ha
The Ride Home, Derek Schuurman
Exploring Virtue Formation and Virtue-by-Proxy in Artificial Intelligence, Derek Schuurman
Cyber-Tolkiens? Kuyper-bots?, Derek Schuurman
Le role d'une universite confessionnelle dans le systeme educatif, Jolene Vos-Camy
AI and the Biblical Story - FaithTech Online Meetup, Derek Schuurman
How Did the Landscape of Student Belonging Shift During COVID-19?, Shruti Misra, Neha Kardam, Jennifer VanAntwerp, and Denise Wilson
How Then Shall We Engineer?, Derek Schuurman
Shaping A Digital World Pt 2, Derek Schuurman
Engineering CAReS: Measuring Basic Psychological Needs in the Engineering Workplace, Jennifer J. VanAntwerp, Denise Wilson, and Shruti Misra
AI&Faith Interview with Derek Schuurman, Derek Schuurman
Defining the Integration of Faith and Learning, Derek Schuurman, Esau McCaulley, Todd Rearm, Andrea Scott, and Morgan Feddes Satre
A Christian Field Guide to Technology for Engineers and Designers, Derek Schuurman, Ethan J. Bruce, and Steven H. VanderLeest
ChatGPT and the rise of AI, Derek Schuurman
The role of religion and faith in the psychological and spiritual lives of LGBTQ+ persons, Emily J. Helder and Ellen Jones
Towards a Christian Understanding of Intersex and Transgender Identities: Key Questions, Linda Naranjo-Huebl
Disability as Part of God's Intended Creation, Kevin Timpe
Not a result of the Fall: entropy, earthquakes, malaria, mutations, and…?, Loren Haarsma
You’re Only Human: An interview with Kelly Kapic, Derek Schuurman
ChatGPT and the Rise of AI, Derek Schuurman
ChatGPT and the Rise of AI, Derek C. Schuurman
Ecuadorian Gravel Pack Spring Water Intakes, Derek Ten Pas, Julie Wildschut, Robert Hoeksema, Bruce Rydbeck, and Chris Visscher
Weighing Compatibilism and Libertarianism in Analytic Theology, Kevin Timpe
Une fee curieuse: Persinette de Charlotte-Rose de Caumont La Force, Jolene Vos-Camy
Submissions from 2022
Rhetoric and Affect in Undergraduate Research: A Diary Study, Kristine Johnson and J. Michael Rifenburg
Evaluating Filter Functionality and User Competence after a Hollow Fiber Membrane Filter Intervention in Liberia, Kristen R. Alford, Katherine D. Rosendale, Stacy L. DeRuiter, Randall J. Pruim, Jason E/ VanHorn, Abdul Hafiz Koroma, Matthew Bone, Adam DenHaan, Jamison Koeman, Sadie Kornoelje, Blerta Lika, Lydia Walls, Nathan Wang, and Jared Deighton
Connecting Bytes and Beliefs, Derek Schuurman
Gender Harassment in STEM: A Christian Perspective, Jennifer VanAntwerp
The trichloroethylene metabolite S-(1,2-dichlorovinyl)-l-cysteine inhibits lipopolysaccharide-induced inflammation transcriptomic pathways and cytokine secretion in a macrophage cell model, Sean M. Harris, Kelly M. Bakulski, John Dou, Ethan Houskamp, Eleanor Scheeres, Emily Schellenboom, Olivia Harlow, Rita Loch-Caruso, and Erica Boldenow
Why Does Jesus Influence My Engineering Career?, Derek Schuurman
Welcome to the Metaverse, Derek Schuurman
Jennifer Holberg talks with Makoto Fujimura, Jennifer Holberg and Makoto Fujimura
A Conversation with Dr. Derek Schuurman, Derek Schuurman
Advancing the Necessary Foundations for Empirical Energy Rebound Estimates: A Partial Equilibrium Analysis Framework, Matthew K. Heun, Gregor Semieniuk, and Paul E. Brockway
The Empathy Diaries: A Memoir, Derek Schuurman
Faith and Designing Technology, Derek Schuurman
Introducing a Christian Field Guide to Technology for Engineers and Designers, Derek Schuurman
Cognitive Disabilities, Forms of Exclusion, and the Ethics of Social Interactions, Kevin Timpe
The Tails of Two Avian Schistosomes: Paired Exposure Study Demonstrates Trichobilharzia stagnicolae Penetrates Human Skin More Readily than a Novel Avian Schistosome from Planorbella, Nathaniel J. Anderson, Curtis L. Blankespoor, and Randall J. DeJong
Reading The Irony of American History 70 years later, James K.A. Smith
Will There be Computers in Heaven?, Derek Schuurman
Restless Devices: an interview with Felicia Wu Song, Derek Schuurman
ESN Conversation: A Christian Field Guide to Technology for Engineers and Designers, Derek Schuurman
A conversation with Dr. Derek Schuurman about developing responsible technology, Derek Schuurman
Seven Ways to Ruin Your Life, Rebecca Konyndyk DeYoung and Lee C. Camp
Don’t Look Up as a Neil Postman Parable, Derek Schuurman
Developing a Multi-Regional Physical Supply Use Table framework to improve the accuracy and reliability of energy analysis., Matthew K. Heun, Emmanuel Aramendia, Paul E. Brockway, and Peter G. Taylor
Technology and the Opening Chapters of Genesis, Derek Schuurman
Which moral exemplars inspire prosociality, Hyemin Han, Clifford I. Workman, Joshua May, and Payton Scholtens
The Development and Validation of the Practicing Faith Survey, David I. Smith, Albert Cheng, and Beth Green
Submissions from 2021
The Heart of Christmas, Derek Schuurman
Catholics and the 2020 Presidential Election, Corwin E. Smidt
C. S. Lewis and His Later Respondents: Letting in Fresh Air, Preventing Questions, and Reimagining A Preface to Paradise Lost, David V. Urban
Kristen Du Mez Tells Me How Evangelicals Fell in Love with John Wayne, Kristin Du Mez
Gut bacteria are essential for normal cuticle development in herbivorous turtle ants, Christophe Duplais, Vincent Sarou-Kanian, Dominique Massiot, Alia Hassan, and John T. Wertz
Comparison of sample types from white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) for DNA extraction and analyses, Jessie Edson, Justin Brown, William L. Miller, and David Walter
An outbreak of canine schistosomiasis in Utah Acquisition of a new snail host (Galba humilis) by Heterobilharzia americana, a pathogenic parasite on the move, Eric S. Loker, Scott Z. Dolginow, Suzanne Pape, Colin D. Topper, and Randall J. DeJong
Kristin Du Mez: Love Thy Neighbor is for Wimps, Kristin Du Mez
The Mindful Christian with Irene Kraegel, Irene Kraegel
Beluga whale (Delphinapterus leucas) acoustic foraging behavior and applications for long term monitoring, Manuel Castellote, Aran Mooney, Russel Andrews, and Stacy L. DeRuiter
Irene Kraegel on Christian Mindfulness, Irene Kraegel
For the birds Absence and vision in teaching texts, David I. Smith
Faith and Engineering, Derek Schuurman
The Meaning of Technology, Derek Schuurman
Review of Laura W. Ekstrom, "God, Suffering, and the Value of Free Will", Kevin Timpe
Technology, Values, and Faith with Computer Scientist Derek Schuurman, Derek Schuurman
Technology and the Story of the Bible, Derek Schuurman
Loren Haarsma - When Did Sin Begin?, Loren Haarsma
Holding Close Both the Wonder and the Wounds, Kevin Timpe
What if Forgiveness were Unthinkable?, James K.A. Smith
Creating with Purpose with Artist Elaine Tolsma Harlow, Elaine Tolsma Harlow
The Problem of Heaven with Dr. Kevin Timpe, Kevin Timpe
Who was Herman Bavinck? An Interview with James Eglinton, Derek Schuurman
Guest Post: A Well-Read Post, Rebecca Konyndyk DeYoung
High-Density Blood Transcriptomics Reveals Precision Immune Signatures of SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Hospitalized Individuals, Jeremy W. Prokop, Nicholas L. Hartog, Dave Chesla, and William Faber
Geological and hydrogeological assessment of the Brito Formation Municipio de Tola, Nicaragua, James K. Adamson, Thomas LaVanchy, Brandon Stone, James A. Clark, and Stuart J. Dykstra
Strain fields in twisted bilayer graphene, Nathanael P. Kazmierczak, Madeline Van Winkle, Colin Ophus, and Karen C. Bustillo
Anthropogenic noise alters parental behavior and nestling developmental patterns, but not fledging condition, Meelyn Mayank Pandit, James Eapen, Gabriela Pineda-Sabillon, and Margaret E. Caulfield
Transhumanism and the Image of God: an interview with Jacob Shatzer, Derek Schuurman
A qualitative analysis of translanguaging by colombian migrants in North Carolina, Scott Lamanna