Submissions from 2016
Cephaloticoccus gen. Nov., a new genus of ‘Verrucomicrobia’ containing two novel species isolated from Cephalotes ant guts, Jonathan Y. Lin, Jacob A. Russell, Jon G. Sanders, and John T. Wertz
PhamDB: A web-based application for building Phamerator databases, James G. Lamine, Randall J. DeJong, and Serita M. Nelesen
Determination of GLUT1 Oligomerization Parameters using Bioluminescent Förster Resonance Energy Transfer, Brendan D. Looyenga, Calvin VanOpstall, Zion Lee, and Jed Bell
Roles of a teacher and researcher during in situ professional development around the implementation of mathematical modeling tasks, Hyunyi Jung and Corey Brady
Involvement of the extrinsic and intrinsic pathways in ultraviolet B-induced apoptosis of corneal epithelial cells, John L. Ubels, Courtney D. Glupker, Mark P. Schotanus, and Loren D. Haarsma
Persuasion and Public Theology, James K.A. Smith
A chiroptical molecular sensor for ferrocene, Marco Agnes, Andrea Nitti, Douglas A. Vander Griend, and Daniele Dondi
Controlling cyber arms, and creating new LEGOs, John Arquilla and Joel C. Adams
Computational and experimental evaluation of α-(N-2-quinolonyl)ketones: a new class of nonbiaryl atropisomers, Andrea N. Bootsma and Carolyn E. Anderson
Antioch Podcast, Michelle Loyd-Paige, Jane Bruin, Reggie Smith, Libby Huizenga, Susie Dixon, and Eric Nykamp
Submissions from 2015
Rewiring the Brain for Happiness: The Neuroscience of Happiness, Part 2, Kevin Corcoran
Happiness on the Brain: The Neuroscience of Happiness, Part 1, Kevin Corcoran
Conducting Research With Community Groups, Mary Molewyk Doornbos, Adejoke Ayoola, Robert Topp, and Gail Landheer Zandee
Local characterization of a class of ruled hypersurfaces in C2, Michael Bolt
The Roots of Despair, Rebecca Konyndyk DeYoung
Characterization of Folic Acid and Poly(amidoamine) Dendrimer Interactions with Folate Binding Protein: A Force-Pulling Study, Pascale R. Leroueil, Stassi Dimaggio, Abigail N. Leistra, and Craig D. Blanchette
Sound production and associated behavior of tagged fin whales (Balaenoptera physalus) in the Southern California Bight, Alison K. Stimpert, Stacy L. DeRuiter, Erin A. Falcone, and John Joseph
Believing in "inner Truth": The Protocols of the Elders of Zion in Nazi Propaganda, 1933-1945, Randall L. Bytwerk
Attracting songbirds with conspecific playback: A community approach, Leanna N. DeJong, Samuel D. Cowell, Thuy Nhi Nguyen, and Darren S. Proppe
IJCE’s editors: Broadening the scholarly conversation, David I. Smith
Nonparametric inference in hidden Markov models using P-splines, Roland Langrock, Thomas Kneib, Alexander Sohn, and Stacy L. DeRuiter
Introducing young women to CS, and supporting advanced research environments, Joel C. Adams and Daniel A. Reed
Structural insights into the cubic-hexagonal phase transition kinetics of monoolein modulated by sucrose solutions, Caleb W. Reese, Zachariah I. Strango, Zachary R. Dell, and Stephanie Tristram-Nagle
The Kerzman–Stein operator for piecewise continuously differentiable regions, Michael Bolt and Andrew Raich
Excellence, Success, and the Protective Function of Common Grace in Accounting, Jason Stansbury, Marilyn Stansbury, and Debra Snyder
The small binary asteroid (939) Isberga, B. Carry, A. Matter, P. Scheirich, and P. Pravec
IJCE and scholarship on Christianity and education, David I. Smith and Trevor Cooling
A radio interview on "Karl and June", Derek Schuurman
A thread safe graphics library for visualizing parallelism, Joel C. Adams, Patrick A. Crain, and Mark B. Van Der Stel
Drosophila Muller F elements maintain a distinct set of genomic properties over 40 million years of evolution, Wilson Leung, Christopher D. Shaffer, Laura K. Reed, Sheryl T. Smith, Randall J. DeJong, and Arlene J. Hoogewerf
Minding the interpersonal gap: Mindfulness-based interventions in the prevention of ostracism, Alex T. Ramsey and Eric E. Jones
Moral Imagination as a Reformational Influence in the Workplace, Jason M. Stansbury
Submissions from 2014
A central support system can facilitate implementation and sustainability of a classroom-based undergraduate research experience (CURE) in genomics, David Lopatto, Charles Hauser, Christopher J. Jones, Don Paetkau, and Randall J. DeJong
Defining the Flora Family: Orbital properties, reflectance properties and age, Melissa J. Dykhuis, Lawrence Molnar, Samuel J. Van Kooten, and Richard Greenberg
Guest editorial, Herman J. De Vries
Shaping a Digitial World, Derek Schuurman
On the Spectral Stability of Kinks in Some PT-Symmetric Variants of the Classical Klein-Gordon Field Theories, A. Demirkaya, Todd Kapitula, P. G. Kevrekidis, and M. Stanislavova
Church against State? Resident Aliens at 25, James K.A. Smith
Transgressors’ guilt and shame: A longitudinal examination of forgiveness seeking, Blake M. Riek, Lindsey M. Root Luna, and Chelsea A. Schnabelrauch
Osthole activates glucose uptake but blocks full activation in L929 fibroblast cells, and inhibits uptake in HCLE cells, Ola D. Alabi, Stephen M. Gunnink, Benjamin D. Kuiper, and Samuel A. Kerk
Spectrum of the Kerzman-Stein operator for a family of smooth regions in the plane, Michael Bolt
The Value of Virtue: An Organizational Approach to the Challenges of Workplace Disabilities, Jason D. Whitt, Brian D. Cawley, Julie E. Yonker, and Danielle C. Polage
Alkaline pH activates the transport activity of GLUT1 in L929 fibroblast cells, Stephen M. Gunnink, Samuel A. Kerk, Benjamin D. Kuiper, and Ola D. Alabi
A course-based research experience: How benefits change with increased investment in instructional time, Christopher D. Shaffer, Consuelo J. Alvarez, April E. Bednarski, and David Dunbar
A course-based research experience: How benefits change with increased investment in instructional time, Christopher D. Shaffer, Consuelo J. Alvarez, April E. Bednarski, and David Dunbar
Microstructural abnormalities in language and limbic pathways in orphanage-reared children: A diffusion tensor imaging study, Ajay Kumar, Michael E. Behen, Piti Singsoonsud, and Amy L. Veenstra
Microstructural abnormalities in language and limbic pathways in orphanage-reared children: A diffusion tensor imaging study, Ajay Kumar, Michael E. Behen, Piti Singsoonsud, and Amy L. Veenstra
Cluster M mycobacteriophages Bongo, PegLeg, and Rey with unusually large repertoires of tRNA isotypes, Welkin H. Pope, Kirk R. Anders, Madison Baird, and Charles A. Bowman
Cluster M mycobacteriophages Bongo, PegLeg, and Rey with unusually large repertoires of tRNA isotypes, Welkin H. Pope, Kirk R. Anders, Madison Baird, and Charles A. Bowman
A broadly implementable research course in phage discovery and genomics for first-year undergraduate students, Tuajuanda C. Jordan, Sandra H. Burnett, Susan Carson, and Steven M. Caruso
A broadly implementable research course in phage discovery and genomics for first-year undergraduate students, Tuajuanda C. Jordan, Sandra H. Burnett, Susan Carson, and Steven M. Caruso
The Other, Derrida, James K.A. Smith
Whose Kuyper? Which Inheritance?, James K.A. Smith
Growth of nasal and laryngeal airways in children: Implications in breathing and inhaled aerosol dynamics, Jinxiang Xi, Xiuhua Si, Yue Zhou, and Jong Won Kim
Growth of nasal and laryngeal airways in children: Implications in breathing and inhaled aerosol dynamics, Jinxiang Xi, Xiuhua Si, Yue Zhou, and Jong Won Kim
Electrophoretic particle guidance significantly enhances olfactory drug delivery: A feasibility study, Jinxiang Xi, Xiuhua A. Si, and Rachel Gaide
Acton on Tap event to provide forum to discuss threats to religious liberty, David V. Urban
Szego kernel transformation law for proper holomorphic mappings, Michael Bolt
Szego kernel transformation law for proper holomorphic mappings, Michael Bolt
An Instability Index Theory for Quadratic Pencils and Applications, Jared Bronski, Mathew A. Johnson, and Todd Kapitula
An Instability Index Theory for Quadratic Pencils and Applications, Jared Bronski, Mathew A. Johnson, and Todd Kapitula
Practicing Hope, Rebecca Konyndyk DeYoung
A Mitochondrial RNAi Screen Defines Cellular Bioenergetic Determinants and Identifies an Adenylate Kinase as a Key Regulator of ATP Levels, Nathan J. Lanning, Brendan D. Looyenga, Audra L. Kauffman, and Natalie M. Niemi
A Mitochondrial RNAi Screen Defines Cellular Bioenergetic Determinants and Identifies an Adenylate Kinase as a Key Regulator of ATP Levels, Nathan J. Lanning, Brendan D. Looyenga, Audra L. Kauffman, and Natalie M. Niemi
Religion in Organizations: Cognition and Behavior, Gary R. Weaver and Jason Stansbury
Electrostatic charge effects on pharmaceutical aerosol deposition in human nasal-laryngeal airways, Jinxiang Xi, Xiuhua Si, and Worth Longest
Electrostatic charge effects on pharmaceutical aerosol deposition in human nasal-laryngeal airways, Jinxiang Xi, Xiuhua Si, and Worth Longest
Submissions from 2013
"It's who I am": Scout embraces his Eagle identity, David V. Urban
Instability indices for matrix polynomials, Todd Kapitula, Elizabeth Hibma, Hwa Pyeong Kim, and Jonathan Timkovich
Instability indices for matrix polynomials, Todd Kapitula, Elizabeth Hibma, Hwa Pyeong Kim, and Jonathan Timkovich
Griffins Youth Foundation, City of Grand Rapids celebrate expansion of Griff's Ice House, David V. Urban
Envy: The Enemy of Love, Rebecca Konyndyk DeYoung
Questions & Answers on Vainglory, Rebecca Konyndyk DeYoung
The Roots of Vainglory, Rebecca Konyndyk DeYoung
Downfall: Avoiding the Triple Threat of Money, Sex, and Power in Washington, Rebecca Konyndyk DeYoung
Seven Deadly Sins - Seriously?, Rebecca Konyndyk DeYoung
Spiritual (Re)Formation, Rebecca Konyndyk DeYoung
Unmasking the Vice of Vainglory, Rebecca Konyndyk DeYoung
Local journalism instructor reflects on The Rapidian's role in his development, David V. Urban
The krein matrix: General theory and concrete applications in atomic bose-einstein condensates, Todd Kapitula, Panayotis G. Kevrekidis, and Dong Yan
The krein matrix: General theory and concrete applications in atomic bose-einstein condensates, Todd Kapitula, Panayotis G. Kevrekidis, and Dong Yan
Silencing synuclein at the synapse with PLK2, Brendan D. Looyenga and Patrik Brundin
Silencing synuclein at the synapse with PLK2, Brendan D. Looyenga and Patrik Brundin
Knowing the standard American diet by its fruits: Is unrestrained omnivorism spiritually beneficial?, Matthew C. Halteman
Knowing the standard American diet by its fruits: Is unrestrained omnivorism spiritually beneficial?, Matthew C. Halteman
The Light of Faith: A Protestant Perspective, James K.A. Smith
Local Eagle Scout continues his Scouting journey, David V. Urban
Endothelial cell stimulation overcomes restriction and promotes productive and latent HIV-1 infection of resting CD4+ T cells, Anding Shen, Jacob J. Baker, Geoffrey L. Scott, and Yelena P. Davis
Development of an ecophysiological model for Diplosphaera colotermitum TAV2, a termite hindgut Verrucomicrobium, Jantiya Isanapong, W. Sealy Hambright, Austin G. Willis, and Atcha Boonmee
Why are the birds not singing? Calvin biology professor and students investigate, David V. Urban
Geometry of optimal control for control-affine systems, Jeanne N. Clelland, Christopher G. Moseley, and George R. Wilkens
Geometry of optimal control for control-affine systems, Jeanne N. Clelland, Christopher G. Moseley, and George R. Wilkens
Associations among indicators of depression in medicaid-eligible community-dwelling older adults, Elizabeth A. Byma, Charles W. Given, and Barbara A. Given
Associations among indicators of depression in medicaid-eligible community-dwelling older adults, Elizabeth A. Byma, Charles W. Given, and Barbara A. Given
Pursuing the Good Life, Kevin Corcoran
Griffins' off-season signings prepare team for 2013-14 season, David V. Urban
Teaching as Formation: The Embodied Shape of Apprenticeship, James K.A. Smith
Griffins Booster Club celebrates team's first Calder Cup, David V. Urban
Griffins join Oklahoma City tornado relief efforts, David V. Urban