Submissions from 2004
Analysis of photoassociation spectra for giant helium dimers, J. Léonard, A. P. Mosk, M. Walhout, and P. Van Der Straten
Submissions from 2003
Power made perfect in weakness: Aquinas's transformation of the virtue of courage, Rebecca Konyndyk DeYoung
Managing the reference desk online, Greg Sennema
An extended burst tail from SGR 1900+14 with a thermal x-ray spectrum, Geoffrey T. Lenters, Peter M. Woods, Johnathan E. Goupell, and Chryssa Kouveliotou
Material persons, immaterial souls and an ethic of life, Kevin Corcoran
QR factorization with Morton-ordered quadtree matrices for memory re-use and parallelism, Jeremy D. Frens and David S. Wise
Hyalgan® has a dose-dependent differential effect on macrophage proliferation and cell death, Kyle M. Sheehan, Lindsey B. DeLott, Susan M. Day, and David H. DeHeer
The inability to ignore auditory distractors as a function of visual task perceptual load, Donald J. Tellinghuisen and Erin J. Nowak
Submissions from 2002
Apple 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate synthase in complex with the inhibitor L-aminoethoxyvinylglycine: Evidence for a ketimine intermediate, Guido Capitani, Darla L. McCarthy, Heinz Gut, and Markus G. Grütter
On simplicial commutative algebras with Noetherian homotopy, James M. Turner
The mathematics of T. Benny Rushing, James Keesling, Luis Montejano, and Gerard A. Venema
Representing homology classes of simply connected 4-manifolds, Vo Thanh Liem and Gerard A. Venema
Submissions from 2001
Bipolar cells contribute to nonlinear spatial summation in the brisk-transient (Y) ganglion cell in mammalian retina, Jonathan B. Demb, Kareem Zaghloul, Loren Haarsma, and Peter Sterling
Hyper-polynomial hierarchies and the polynomial jump, Stephen Fenner, Steven Homer, Randall J. Pruim, and Marcus Schaefer
A 4-dimensional 1-LCC Shrinking Theorem, Mladen Bestvina, Robert J. Daverman, and Gerard A. Venema
X-ray diffraction structures of some phosphatidylethanolamine lamellar and inverted hexagonal phases, Paul E. Harper, David A. Mannock, Ruthven Lewis, and Ronald N. McElhaney
Comparing classical and quantum dynamics of strong-field double ionization, R. Panfili, J. H. Eberly, and Stanley L. Haan
Language support for Morton-order matrices, David S. Wise, Gregory A. Alexander, and Jeremy D. Frens
Submissions from 2000
Further investigation of the time delay, magnification ratios, and variability in the gravitational lens 0218 + 357, A. S. Cohen, J. N. Hewitt, C. B. Moore, and Deborah B. Haarsma
Faint radio sources and star formation history, Deborah B. Haarsma, R. B. Partridge, R. A. Windhorst, and E. A. Richards
Scotus on morality and nature, John E. Hare
Kant on recognizing our duties asgod's commands, John E. Hare
Parallel computing to start the millennium, Joel C. Adams, Chris Nevison, and Nan C. Schaller
Directional correlation in direct and sequential double ionization of model atoms, Stanley L. Haan, N. Hoekema, S. Poniatowski, and W. C. Liu
On simplicial commutative algebras with vanishing André-Quillen homology, James M. Turner
Submissions from 1999
Relations in the homotopy of simplicial abelian Hopf algebras, James M. Turner
Submissions from 1998
Mutational analysis of a transcriptional activation region of the VP16 protein of herpes simplex virus, Susan M. Sullivan, Peter J. Horn, Victoria A. Olson, and Allen H. Koop
German Propaganda Archive, Randall L. Bytwerk
Gn.3(C) is prime if n is odd, John Ferdinands
A computational study of M-M multiple bonding in Ph2MMPh2n-, where M = B or Al, and n = 0, 1, or 2, Edward L. Hamilton, Justin G. Pruis, Roger L. DeKock, and Karl J. Jalkanen
A homotopy equivalence that is not homotopic to a topological embedding, Vo Thanh Liem, Yukio Matsumoto, and Gerard A. Venema
Operations and spectral sequences. I, James M. Turner
A manifold that does not contain a compact core, Gerard A. Venema
Submissions from 1997
Testability Properties of Divergent Trees, Ronald D. Blanton and John P. Hayes
Algebraic fiberings of Grassmann varieties, R. J. D. Ferdinands and R. E. Schultz
Submissions from 1996
A pathsearch damped Newton method for computing general equilibria, Steven P. Dirkse and Michael C. Ferris
Destabilizing effect of proline substitutions in two helical regions of T4 lysozyme: Leucine 66 to proline and leucine 91 to proline, Terry M. Gray, Eric J. Arnoys, Stephen Blankespoor, and Tim Born
Amino acid substitutions in membrane-spanning domains of Hol1, a member of the major facilitator superfamily of transporters, confer nonselective cation uptake in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Matthew B. Wright, Elizabeth A. Howell, and Richard F. Gaber
Effectiveness of contingency contracting: Component of a worksite weight loss program, Gail Landheer Zandee and Marilyn H. Oermann
Submissions from 1995
Externalism, proper inferentiality and sensible evidentialism, Stephen J. Wykstra
Mcplib: A collection of nonlinear mixed complementarity problems, Steven P. Dirkse and Michael C. Ferris
Duality on noncompact manifolds and complements of topological knots, Gerard A. Venema
Submissions from 1994
Extrapolating human probability judgment, Daniel N. Osherson, Edward E. Smith, Tracy S. Myers, and Eldar Shafir
Submissions from 1993
Splitting theorems in recursion theory, Rod G. Downey and Michael Stob
Cell-like images and UVm groups, Gerard A. Venema
Friedberg splittings of recursively enumerable sets, Rod G. Downey and Michael Stob
Submissions from 1992
Automorphisms of the lattice of recursively enumerable sets: Promptly simple sets, Peter Cholak, Rod G. Downey, and Michael Stob
Automorphisms of the lattice of recursively enumerable sets: Orbits, Rod G. Downey and Michael Stob
A Universal Method of Scientific Inquiry, Daniel N. Osherson, Michael Stob, and Scott Weinstein
Submissions from 1991
Characterization of knot complements in the 4-sphere, Vo Thanh Liem and Gerard A. Venema
Some complex Grassmannian manifolds that do not fibre nontrivially, John Ferdinands
Default Probability, Daniel N. Osherson, Joshua Stern, Ormond Wilkie, and Michael Stob
Submissions from 1989
Neighborhoods of compacta in 4-manifolds, Gerard A. Venema
Submissions from 1988
De re and de dicto, Thomas Jager
Synthesizing inductive expertise, Daniel N. Osherson, Michael Stob, and Scott Weinstein
Finite dimensional complement theorems: Examples and results, R. B. Sher and Gerard A. Venema
Submissions from 1987
Designing the optimal placement of spaces in a parking lot, R. Bingle, D. Meindertsma, W. Oostendorp, and Gene A. Klaasen
CE equivalence and shape equivalence of 1-dimensional compacta, R. J. Daverman and Gerard A. Venema
Submissions from 1986
Structural interactions of the recursively enumerable T- and W-degrees, Rod G. Downey and M. Stob
Aggregating inductive expertise, Daniel N. Osherson, Michael Stob, and Scott Weinstein
Submissions from 1985
The problem of managing a strategic reserve, David Cole, Loren Haarsma, Jack Snoeyink, and Gene A. Klaasen
Embeddings of locally connected compacta, Gerard A. Venema
Submissions from 1984
Homotopy equivalences on 3-Manifolds, Gerard A. Venema
Submissions from 1983
The intervals of the lattice of recursively enumerable sets determined by major subsets, Wolfgang Maass and Michael Stob
On measures and distinguishability, Gregory Mellema
Submissions from 1982
An actualistic semantics for quantified modal logic, Thomas Jager
Ideal learning machines, Daniel N. Osherson, Michael Stob, and Scott Weinstein
Learning strategies, Daniel N. Osherson, Michael Stob, and Scott Weinstein
Invariance of properties under automorphisms of the lattice of recursively enumerable sets, Michael Stob
An approximation theorem in shape theory, Gerard A. Venema
Submissions from 1981
Complement theorems beyond the trivial range1, I. Ivanšić, R. B. Sher, and Gerard A. Venema
Submissions from 1979
Transfer of persistence across reinforced behaviors, Robert Eisenberger, Robert Terborg, and Jeffrey Carlson
An alternative semantics for knowledge, Gregory Mellema
Submissions from 1976
Chebyshev approximation by reciprocals of polynomials on [0, ∞), D. Brink and G. D. Taylor
Submissions from 1975
Supersaturated Zincate Solutions, W. Van Doorne and T. P. Dirkse
Submissions from 1973
Provocative opinion: Chemistry is real and relevant - Let's teach it as such, Enno Wolthuis
Submissions from 1971
Test, Gina Bolger
Nonstructural determinants of behavior in the replicated prisoner’s dilemma game, Lawrence A. Messé, Martin Bolt, and Jack Sawyer
The influence on a finite group of the cofactors and subcofactors of its subgroups, Larry R. Nyhoff
Prime ideals in a large class of nonassociatiye rings, Paul J. Zwier
Submissions from 1970
Permeability of Broken-Cell Foamed Materials, J. P. Bosscher and F. E. Fisher
Type of instruction, abstractness, and mnemonic system, Gordon Wood and Martin Bolt
Submissions from 1968
Precision measurement of the electronic g factors of the alkali metals, Paul A. Vanden Bout, Erol Aygun, Vernon J. Ehlers, and Tuncay Incesu
Nuclear spin, hyperfine-structure separation, and nuclear magnetic moment of 18-min Rb88, Paul A. Vanden Bout, Antoni Dymanus, Vernon J. Ehlers, and Michael H. Prior
Submissions from 1967
Hyperfine-structure separations, nuclear magnetic moments, and hyperfine-structure anomalies of gold-198 and gold-199, Paul A. Vanden Bout, Vernon J. Ehlers, William A. Nierenberg, and Howard A. Shugart
Submissions from 1963
Alpha-decay properties of some erbium isotopes near the 82-neutron closed shell, Ronald D. MacFarlane and Roger D. Griffioen
Submissions from 1952
Academic Freedom At Calvin, Henry Stob