The Henry Institute sponsors a number of ongoing events and opportunities that help us advance the integration of faith and public life. Explore below to see examples of events from the past.


Submissions from 2020


Path to Justice: A Conversation on Criminal Justice Reform, Aaron Kinzel

Submissions from 2019


Faith, Democracy, and the Media, Michael McCurry, Elizabeth Dias, Emma Green, Amy Sullivan, and Ken Woodward

Submissions from 2018


Liberalism is Not Free: The Myth of Religious Liberty, Patrick Deneen


The 'Conscience of the State': Religion's Role as an Independent Check on Governmnet, Melissa Rogers

Submissions from 2017


Are International Insitutions Dispensable?, Rod Ludema


Before the End of Time: Religion and Politics in this Messy, Broken Age, Ben Sasse

Submissions from 2016

Christianity Among the Marginalized: Empowering Poor Women in India, Rebecca Shah

Submissions from 2015


The Future of American Christianity: The Christian Crisis of the 20th Century and Its Implications for the 21st, Ross Douthat

Submissions from 2014


Approaching the Ledge: Why We Must Risk our Faith in Order to Save It, Joshua DuBois


The Church's Witness and the Church's Freedom, John Inazu

Submissions from 2013


Economic Growth, the rule of Law, and the Image of God, P. J. Hill


Building the Rule of Law in New States: Kosovo and the Shadow of the European Union, Sandra Joireman


What Does the Lord Require? The Grounds for Christian Civility in Politics, Corwin Smidt

Submissions from 2012

Paul Henry: Reflections on His Life and Services, Beth Bandstra Decker

Fostering Religious Freedom in China: Are Property Rights the Key?, Kevin R. den Dulk

Abraham Kuyper, Pope Leo XIII and the ACLU Consider Faith-Based Organizations' Religious Freedom Rights, Stephen Monsma

Submissions from 2011

American Grace: How Religion Divides and Unites Us, David Campbell

Herman Dooyeweerd: Christian Philosopher of State and Civil Society, Jonathan Chaplin

Who's Sanctioning Whom? The Continuing Evolution of the Federal Faith-Based Initiative, Douglas L. Koopman

Globalization: Seeking to Reconcile Theological and Economic Perspectives, John Tiemstra

Submissions from 2010

God and Government: Abraham Kuyper, Pope Leo XIII, and George W. Bush Confront the Social Question, Lewis Daly


Tensions at the Crossroads of Religion and Politics, Michael Gerson

The Causes and Consequences of Religious Minority Repression in Muslim Countries, Ani Sarkissian

Rule of Law in Russia: Problems and Perspectives, Andrey Shirin

Submissions from 2009


No Final Victories, No Final Defeats: Doing Our Duty While Living in Exile, Michael Coromartie

Transformation in Jesus, Tamrat Layne

God and Race in American Politics, Mark A. Noll

World Christianity and American Christianity: What About the Future?, Mark A. Noll

The Disappearing God Gap? Religion and the 2008 Presidential Election, Corwin Smidt

Political, Cultural, and Spiritual State of the Union, Cal Thomas

Submissions from 2008

Thinking Christianly - Voting Secularly? How to Vote in November (2028), Jonathan Chaplin

The Papal Revolution, Conscience, and the Rule of Law, Bruce Frohnen


Religious Tolerance: Love your Neighbor, Dean Koldenhoven

Through a Glass Darkly: Politics and the Problem of Knowledge in Calvin's Thought, Matthew Sitman

Submissions from 2007

Islamic Fundamentalism and Secularization, Mona Abousenna

Doing Good in the World: How Congregations Make a Difference, Nancy Ammerman

Practicing Repentance: Christian Politics after Arrogance, Douglas L. Koopman

Submissions from 2006

Spiritual Public Theology: Advancing Abraham Kuyper's Legacy, Vincent Bacote

Democratization: African Female Political Behavior in Islam and Christianity, Virginia Beard

Road Rage on the Way to Heaven: Religious Resurgence and Rising Religious Conflict, Gary Bouma

Orthodoxy, Islam and Religious Intolerance in Russia, Vyacheslav Karpov

Renewing American Culture: The Pursuit of Happiness, Theodore Malloch

Public Virtue, Republican Government, Seperation of Church and State, Michael McConnel

Submissions from 2005

Forging a Faithful Consensus: The Future of Public-Private Partnerships Involving Community-Serving Religious Organizations, John Dilulio

Can There be a "Christian Politics" Today?, Garrett Paul

Jesus' Politics, Alan Storkey

Submissions from 2004


State of the World as Seen Through the Eyes of the Church, Robert Edgar


Freeing God's Children: The Unlikely Alliance for Global Human Rights, Allen Hertzke

Between Fundamentalism and Secularization: Church-State Relations in Orthodox Post-Communist Romania, Silviu Rogobete

Followers of Jesus, Doers of Justice, Gerald VandeZande

Followers of Jesus, Doers of Justice Part 2, Gerald VandeZande

Submissions from 2003

Faith & the Public Arena, Tim Goeglein

Real Challenges: Faith in the Public Arena, Tim Goeglein

Christian Peacemaking in the Middle East:Healing the Dysfunctional Family of Abraham, Jerry Levin

Submissions from 2002


Myths, Lies, and Soundbites: Reaction to President Bush's Faith-Based Initiative, Stephen Monsma

Submissions from 2001


Faith in Politics, Paul Hillegonds

Submissions from 2000

Struggling Toward the 'Beloved Community' [audio], John Lewis

Submissions from 1999

Compassionate Conservatism: Oxymoron or Opportunity [audio], Dan Coats

Compassionate Conservatism: Oxymoron or Opportunity [video], Dan Coats

Submissions from 1998


Christianity and Politics: A Personal Reflection, Paul Simon

Submissions from 1997

Apostles of Common Grace, J. Budziszewski

Paul B. Henry Institute Inaugural Address, Mark O. Hatfield