The Christian Case for Free Love, Calvin Seerveld
Lebanon, A Shema
Christian Witness (cont'd)/ Sufism as a Bridge, D. Shenk
The Missionary Encounter with Culture: Lessons for the Local, Wilbert R. Shenk
Reprobation in Covenant Perspective: Biblical Doctrine, Norman Shepherd
Reprobation in Covenant Perspective: Discussion, Norman Shepherd
Reprobation in Covenant Perspective: Reformed Doctrine, Norman Shepherd
Sherrow-Thursday; Time and Leisure, Jeanne Sherrow
Sherrow-Wednesday, Jeanne Sherrow
How To Begin A Christian Experience, Samuel Shoemaker
What Is The Christian Religion?, Samuel Shoemaker
Complex, Unjust Structural Systems, Ronald J. Sider
God is on the Side of the Poor, Ronald J. Sider
Rich Christians in an Age of Hunger, Ronald J. Sider
The Christian & Social Responsibility, Ronald J. Sider
Wealth and Poverty in Light of the Gospel: How Can Christians Work Together if We Disagree?, Ronald J. Sider and Robert Sirico
God is a Feminist, David Sieplinga
The Jewish Background of the Lord's Prayer, Philip Sigal
Missio as Confessio (2 of 3), Gary Simpson
Missio as Promisio (1 of 3), Gary Simpson
Missio as Vocatio (3 of 3), Gary Simpson
A Preferential Option for the Poor, Robert Sirico
Christian Ministry & Social Justice, James Skillen
Of Covenants, Contracts & American Politics, James Skillen
On the Bork Nomination, James Skillen
The Socio-Political Aspect, James Skillen
Zingend Geloven, L. Slofstra
Zingend Geloven with L. Slofstra, L. Slofstra
A Reasonable Morality-Honor and Authority, Lewis B. Smedes
A Reasonable Morality-Sex and Fidelity, Lewis B. Smedes
A Reasonable Morality-Truthfulness and Trust, Lewis B. Smedes
Discerning the Will of God, Lewis B. Smedes
Four Components of Christian Character: Part 1 - Discernment Courage, Lewis B. Smedes
Four Components of Christian Character: Part 2 - Commitment Truthfulness, Lewis B. Smedes
Keynote Lecture, Lewis B. Smedes
Owning Our Own Stories, Lewis B. Smedes
Preaching the Moral Message of the Bible, Lewis B. Smedes
Seeing What is Really Going On, Lewis B. Smedes
Exposition of Psalm 42 and 43, Elmer C. Smick
Habakkuk (Tape 1), Elmer C. Smick
Habakkuk (Tape 2), Elmer C. Smick
Habakkuk (Tape 3), Elmer C. Smick
Habakkuk (Tape 4), Elmer C. Smick
Habakkuk (Tape 5), Elmer C. Smick
Habakkuk (Tape 6), Elmer C. Smick
Pulpits, Preachers, and Politics, Corwin Smidt
Pulpits, Preachers, and Politics, Corwin Smidt
Missionary Interview - Nigeria, Nell Smith (Breen)
Purpose for Living, Paul Smith
Between Thomas and Zwingli: Introducing Calvin's Doctrine of the Eucharist to RO, Laura Smit
An Anabaptist Perspective on Cross-Cultural Ministry, John I. Smucker
Imagination in Teaching and Preaching, Marion Snapper
The Future of the New Testament Church, H. Snyder
Demonology and Mental Illness, Samuel Southard
Formal Opening, William Spoelhof
Special Synodical Session Commemorating the Centennial Anniversary, William Spoelhof
How Far is Too Far?, R.C. Sproul
Fundamentalism in the CRC, Gordon Spykman
Fundamentalism in the CRC Part 2, Gordon Spykman
God's Word for Covenant Living, Gordon Spykman
Questions-Answers, Gordon Spykman
Sign Posts on the Way of the Coming Kingdom, Gordon Spykman
The Church and the Christian Community, Gordon Spykman
Lecture on Spiritual Warfare, Jeff Stamm
Some Unfamiliar Aspects of 1st Head of Doctrine in the Preaching of John Calvin, Richard Stauffer
Christian Perspectives: A Beginning of Ground Narrative, Peter J. Steen
Christian Perspectives: Basic Cultural Driving Forces, Peter J. Steen
Christian Perspectives: Christian Critique of Nature/Grace, Peter J. Steen
Christian Perspectives: Ground Motive of Secular Humanism-Nature and Freedom, Peter J. Steen
Christian Perspectives: Law Creation Idea vs. Wrong Law Creation Ideas, Peter J. Steen
Christian Perspectives: Nature-Grace After Luther, Peter J. Steen
Christian Perspectives: The Authority of Scripture, Peter J. Steen
Christian Perspectives: The Spirit of God, Peter J. Steen
Christian Perspectives: What is a Law?, Peter J. Steen
Christian Perspectives: What is Philosophy?, Peter J. Steen
Christian Perspectives: What is Science and Naïve Experience, Peter J. Steen
Christian Perspectives: What Philosophy Ought to Be ?, Peter J. Steen
Dr. Peter Steen Lecture at Dordt College 1 of 2, Peter J. Steen
Dr. Peter Steen Lecture at Dordt College 2 of 2, Peter J. Steen
Dr. Steen at Geneva College, Peter J. Steen
Education, Peter J. Steen
Humanism: Nature-Freedom, Peter J. Steen
John Dewey, Peter J. Steen
Prophecy and the Book of Revelation Tape 1, Peter J. Steen
Prophecy and the Book of Revelation Tape 10, Peter J. Steen
Prophecy and the Book of Revelation Tape 11, Peter J. Steen
Prophecy and the Book of Revelation Tape 2, Peter J. Steen
Prophecy and the Book of Revelation Tape 3, Peter J. Steen
Prophecy and the Book of Revelation Tape 4, Peter J. Steen
Prophecy and the Book of Revelation Tape 5, Peter J. Steen
Prophecy and the Book of Revelation Tape 6, Peter J. Steen
Prophecy and the Book of Revelation Tape 7, Peter J. Steen
Prophecy and the Book of Revelation Tape 8, Peter J. Steen
Prophecy and the Book of Revelation Tape 9, Peter J. Steen
Renewal of the City: Faithful to the End, Peter J. Steen
Renewal of the City: Going, Going, Gone, Peter J. Steen
Sphere Sovereignty, Peter J. Steen
The Time Has Come, Peter J. Steen
Creating a Healthy Congregation, Peter Steinke
Leadership in Congregations, Peter Steinke