

Two Centuries of Religious Pluralism in North America-Yankee Ingenuity and Religious Humbug, Ruth Tucker

Unraveling the Mystery or Belief and Unbelief, Ruth Tucker

New Religious Movements in Primal Society, Harold Turner

Ethics of John Calvin, S.B. Twiss

Response and Reading of William Van't Spyker Bucer's Idea, S.B. Twiss and Kittleson

Calvin on the Relationship Between Christ's Cross and the Lord's Supper: The Supper as Eucharistic Sacrifice, Joseph Tylenda

Calvin on the Relationship Between Christ's Cross and the Lord's Supper: The Supper as Eucharistic Sacrifice, Joseph Tylenda

Two Eucharistic Theologies in Conflict, Joseph Tylenda

The Challenge of Harbour Chaplaincy, Hans Uittenbosch

Singles in Christian Service, Melvin Upchurch

The Fundamental Meaning of Theology: Archetypal and Ectypal Theology in Seventeenth-Century Reformed Thought, Willem van Asselt

The Covenant Theology of Johannes Cocceius, W.J. Van Asselt

Missions in China, Edward A. Van Baak

Missions in Japan, Edward A. Van Baak

Missions at Crown Point, NM, Jack Van Bruggen and Geert Van Bruggen

How Does Our Ministry Help Persons, Anyway?, Larry VandeCreek

When Managed Care Comes Knocking: Arguments for Buying Pastoral Care, Larry VandeCreek

CRC in the West and Classis Iowa In Particular, Idzerd Van Dellen

Zingend Geloven with J.W. Vanderberg, J.W. Vandenberg

The Word in Your Life - Receiving It, Nelle Vander Ark

Including People With Disabilities in the Life of the Church, Baan Vander and Thomas Hoeksma

Covenant and Pentecost, James C. VanderKam

Dead Sea Scrolls and the Bible (Earlier Lecture), James C. VanderKam

Jesus the Jewish Rabbi, Ray Vander Laan

Jesus the Jewish Rabbi Part 2, Ray Vander Laan

The Role of the Ministry Center as a Type of Church, Lew Vander Meer

The CRC and World Hunger, Peter Vandermeulen

This is My Body: The Eucharist as Privileged Ontological/Epistemic Site, George Vandervelde

Zuni Mission History, Andrew Vander Wagen

Calvin Western Sectional, Howard Vanderwell

Reflections on Synod 1991, Howard Vanderwell

Things I Learned In The Ministry...Only Some of Which the Seminary Told Me, Howard Vanderwell

World Views and Cross-Cultural Witness, Lyle Vanderwerff

World Views and Cross-Cultural Witness, Lyle Vanderwerff

Right-Brained Preaching, Vern Vander Zee

The Cross and Violence: Paradox or Reassessment, Leanne Van Dyk

Calvin Theological Seminary Commencement 1993: Ministry Before the Face of God, Wilbert M. Van Dyk

Synod Prayer Service, 1986, Wilbert M. Van Dyk

The Case for Infant Baptism, Wilbert M. Van Dyk

Zingend Geloven with P. Van Egmond, P. Van Egmond

The Early Church in the Trans-Jordan, Bastiaan Van Elderen

Evangelicals and Social Concerns, Marlin Van Elderen

The Future of the Ecumenical Movement, Marlin Van Elderen

Let the Church be the Church Tape 1, Charles Van Engen

Let the Church be the Church Tape 2, Charles Van Engen

Let the Church be the Church Tape 3, Charles Van Engen

Tradition in the CRC, J. Van Engen

Jonathan Edwards, Jack Van Ens

Finding the Center; Defining the Boundaries Subject: CRC Concerns, Craig Van Gelder

Minister's Conference Lecture, Craig Van Gelder

Trends in Domestic Missions in the Eighties - Getting Ready, Craig Van Gelder

Current Trends in Missiology, Van Gelderen

Challenges and Opportunities in Campus Ministry, Willis Van Groningen

The Evangelistic Outreach, Dick VanHalsema

The Ordination of Women, Thea Van Halsema

Utilization of Women's Gifts in the Church, Thea Van Halsema

What Christians can Learn About Maturity from Recent Feminists, Mary Stewart Van Leeuwen

Ministry to Persons Who Are Homosexual, Van Noord, Zandstra, Hugen, and Zandstra

Freekanomics: Book of the Quarter Panel Discussion, Calvin Van Reken, John Rottman, Scott Hoezee, and Darwin Glassford

The Church's Role in Social Justice, Calvin Van Reken and P. Vander Meulen

Reformed Theology and Church Growth, John Van Schepen

The Inaugurated Eschatology of the Great Commision: Reformed, John Van Schepen

Modern Theology, Cornelius Van Til

The Wisdom of this World, Cornelius Van Til

Classis Rocky Mountain, Howard Van Till

Creation and Evolution, Howard Van Till

Norm Forum - Concerned Members of the CRC, Howard Van Till and Norman De Jong

Christian Schools: A Dutch-Calvinist Perspective, L. John Van Til

Extra Nos and In Nobis by Calvin in Pneumatological Perspective, Willem van't Spijker

Kingdom of Christ in Bucer and Calvin, Willem van't Spijker

Successful Principles for Christian Education, Ken Van Wyk

Urban Church Christian Education, Anthony Van Zanten

The Changing Face of the CRC, Tony Van Zanten

The Reformed Church in Hungary, Bela Vassady

The Word is Deed: An Autobiographical Vignette, Bela Vassady

Ministering to HIV/AIDS Patients and Dying Person Part 1, Veldheer, DeYoung, Vanderwel, and Quist

Ministering to HIV/AIDS Patients and Dying Person Part 2, Veldheer, DeYoung, Vanderwel, and Quist

Ministering to HIV/AIDS Patients and Dying Person Part 3, Veldheer, DeYoung, Vanderwel, and Quist

Short Term Missions: Do They Make a Difference?, Kurt Ver Beek

Man and Christian Perspectives, Leonard Verduin

Allen Verhey Session 1, Allan Verhey

Allen Verhey Session 2, Allan Verhey

Compassion: Looking Heavenward, Allen Verhey

New Beginnings in Life, Allen Verhey

Suffering: Looking Heavenward, Allen Verhey

The Strange World of Sickness in the Bible, Allen Verhey

Preparation for Dialogue with Marxists: The View of Man in Marxism/Leninism, J Verkuyl

Preparation for Dialogue with Marxists: The Doctrine Concerning the State in Power, J. Verkuyl

Preparation for Dialogue with Marxists: The Issue of Atheism, J. Verkuyl

Toward a Better Understanding of Yourself and Others, Stanley Vermeer

The Lordship of Christ, George Verver

How Should One Choose a First Charge After Graduating from CTS?, Duane A. Visser

Stress Management and Burnout, Duane A. Visser

Black Movement and Ministry, C.T. Vivian

Transgression, Memory, Love, Miroslav Volf

Have We Been Too Hard on Thomas Aquinas?, A Vos

Christ's Memorial, Clarence Vos

The Doctrine of Scripture and Hermeneutics: The Development, H.M. Vroom

The God of the Philosophers and the God of the Bible, H.M. Vroom

Urban Evangelism: Getting the Gospel Into Life, Robert Wainwright