

The Covenant (II), George Gritter

The Covenant (III), George Gritter

Love, Inc.-Linking Churches with People in Need, Virgil Gulker

Banquet Program, David Hanson

Keynote Address, David Hanson

Atonement-Bridging the Gap, John Hare

The Moral Gap, John Hare

The Road to Jericho; The Road to Calvary, Dirk J. Hart

Discipline with Dignity, Edward Heethuis

Evening Discussion; My Beloved Is Mine and I am His- Mixed Marriages, John Hellinga

I Will Send You; Assurance is not a Guessing Game, Richard Hertel

Providence, Power and Pastoral Care (Part 1), I. John Hesselink

Providence, Power and Pastoral Care (Part 2), I. John Hesselink

Providence, Power and Pastoral Care (Part 3), I. John Hesselink

Worship-Developing and Implementing a Vision for Local Church, Jon Heugli

The Christian's Self-Image, Anthony A. Hoekema

God's Thankful People; If God is for us, Anthony Hoekma and Elco Oostendorp

Stewardship, Dennis Hoekstra

Opening Worship, Scott Hoezee

Workshop-Worship as Evangelism, Alvin Hoksbergen

Christian Reformed Families, Henry Holstege

Communicating Spiritual Values Within the Family, Henry Holstege

Elders and Family Life, Henry Holstege

Ministry to the Retiring and the Aged, Henry Holstege

Current Issues in the Church, David Holwerda

Worship Service, David Holwerda

Gotta Wanna - An attitude of Righteousness; Where is God when We Hurt?, Al Hoogewind

Alcoholism and the Miracle of Intervention, Allan Hoogewind

The Church and the Elderly-How They Can Serve Each Other, Henry Hostege

Communicating the Gospel, David A. Hubbard

Pastoring the Homosexual, Melvin Hugen

Abiding in Christ; The Other God's in the Temple, Melvin Hugen and James A. De Jong

Preaching Prophecy Today-Amillenial Position, Philip Edgecumbe Hughes

Morning Service, Christian Huissen

Authentic Christianity, Bill Hybels

Reaching the Non-Churched, Bill Hybels

Workshop-Too Busy Not to Pray, Bill Hybels

Worship-A Taize Service, Carl Kammeraad

Nurturing Faith in Youth and Young Adults, Douglas Kamstra

Keynote Address, Patrick Keifert

Keynote Address 2, Patrick Keifert

Toward a Reformed Hermeneutic, Fred H. Klooster

A Pastor's Reflection on Pain and Suffering, James R. Kok

Human Suffering and A Responsive God, James R. Kok

Serving A Sovereign Lord, James R. Kok

Vital Tactics for Caring Chaplains, James R. Kok

Workshop-Pain and Suffering, The Implications and Applications, James R. Kok

The Minister's Wife and Her Fulfillment as a Person, James R. Kok and Duane A. Visser

The Minister's Wife as a Counselor, James R. Kok and Duane A. Visser

When the Heartbeat Stops, Ron Kool

Scenes From the Media-Varieties of Persuasion, Irvin Kroese

Combined Reformation Day Services with Fuller Ave. and Neland Ave. CRCs, John H. Kromminga

Perspectives for Advance, John H. Kromminga

Where is our Glory?; Are you Prepared For His Coming?, Kuldipgangar and Tymen Hofman

The Pentecost, Andrew Kuyvenhoven

Four Chapters of the Easter Story; Three Times Blessed, Andrew Kuyvenhoven and Wilbert M. Van Dyk

A Rare Type; Jesus Reveals Divine Compassion, Arie C. Leder and Joel DeBoer

Racing Toward the Goal; Relief For our Distress, Bruce Leiter

How Can it Hurt So Bad When It Feels So Good?, William Lenters

Spirituality and the Implication for Pastoral Care, Bill Lewis

Spirituality: Developing a Helpful Definition, Bill Lewis

Victory Through Jesus Christ, A. Lichterberger

Keynote Address, Thomas G. Long

Worship Service, Thomas G. Long

Worship Service, Thomas G. Long

Worship Service, Thomas G. Long

Global Projections for the Reformed Faith, Ed Luidens

Setting Your Purpose as a Pastor's Wife, Gail MacDonald

A Spirituality for Real-World Living (Part 1), Gordon MacDonald

A Spirituality for Real-World Living (Part 2), Gordon MacDonald

A Spirituality for Real-World Living (Part 3), Gordon MacDonald

Earliest Christianity and Criticism, Paul Maier

Keynote Address, Paul Maier

Keynote Address, Paul Maier

The Infancy Narratives and Criticism, Paul Maier

The Passion Accounts and Criticism, Paul Maier

The Tap on the Shoulder, Peter Marshall

And God Lets Them; God's Big Ugly Stick, Stan Mast

Science and the Christian Faith, Clarence Menninga

Surprises in the Kingdom of Heaven; If the Lord is with us, Why do we suffer, Geralderff Meyer and Galen Meyer

Remembering God, Scott Moezee

His Resolute Face; Harvest Time in Cities, Timothy Monsma and Dale Cooper

Communication/Mission, Joel Nederhood

The Spirit and Liberation, Joel Nederhood

Nuturing Faith in Children, Patricia Nederveld

Worshipping With Children, Patricia Nederveld

Panel Discussion- Themes from the book, Searching for home, Ronald J. Nydam and Calvin Theological Seminary

Dynamics of a Team or Staff Ministry, Robert Nykamp

Sermon-Disarming Grace, Colossians 2:8-15, John Ortberg

The Secret of Fruitfulness; The Faith of Rahab, John Pasma and Al Vander Griend

A Partner, Not a Yes-man, Ben Patterson

Journey on a Promise, Ben Patterson

Laughing At or With God, Ben Patterson

Morning Worship-Christ, our Reason for Hope, Ian Pitt-Watson

Morning Worship-The Love of Christ, Ian Pitt-Watson

Morning Worship-The Touch of Christ, Ian Pitt-Watson

Inaugural Worship Service, Cornelius Plantinga Jr.

Ins and Outs of Doctrinal Preaching: Case Study-Justification, Cornelius Plantinga Jr.

Ins and Outs of Doctrinal Preaching-Case Study Sin and Evil, Cornelius Plantinga Jr.

Ins and Outs of Doctrinal Preaching-Problems and Challenges of Doctrinal Preaching, Cornelius Plantinga Jr.