

Sin and Addiction-A Paradigm, Cornelius Plantinga Jr.

The Many Faces of Sin, Cornelius Plantinga Jr.

The Terrible Truth of Self, Cornelius Plantinga Jr.

Worship Service, Cornelius Plantinga Jr.

Fellowship Banquet, Egbert (E.R.) R. Post

Pew View, Egbert (ER) R. Post

Don Postema at Chaplain's Conference, Don Postema

Filling Potholes in our Spiritual Journey, Donald Postema

Worship - Stranger to Self, Raines

The Communion of the Suffering, David Read

In His Presence-The Basics of Praise and Worship, Colleen Reinders and Grace Moes

Recent Developments in Church and Theology, H.N. Ridderbos

The Biblical Doctrine of Reconciliation, H.N. Ridderbos

Towards New Forms of Reformed Confessions, H.N. Ridderbos

Church Disipline, Richard Ridder, Henry Erffmeyer, Edward A. Van Baak, and Verlyn Verbrugge

Dogs, Pigs, Pearls and Preachers, Haddon Robinson

Good Guys, Bad Guys, and Us Guys, Haddon Robinson

Mid-life Crisis-A Problem . . ., Haddon Robinson

Worship-A Healing Service, Jack Roeda

Communicating the Gospel, William Romanowski

Is There A Barley Field Burning?, William Romanowski

I Want My MTV, William Romanowski

John Calvin Meets The Creature From the Black Lagoon, William Romanowski

The Adventures of Calvin's Heirs, William Romanowski

Developing Third World Missionary Leaders, Ezequiel Romero

A New Vision for the Church-Bringing Outreach and Evangelism from the Edges to the Core, John Rozeboom

Worship/Staff Part 1, Salem Avenue Church

Worship/Staff Part 2, Salem Avenue Church

Endurance, Encouragement and Hope; Chosen for Justice, Paul Schrotenboer

Media Mania- How to Help Churches in Communication Trouble?, Quentin J. Schultze

Testing the Media Spirits, Quentin J. Schultze

Barriers and Bridges to Friendship, Ruth Senter

Life in the Parsonage, Ruth Senter

The Christian and Social Responsibilty, Ronald J. Sider

Family Atmosphere Control or Grace?, Donald Sloat

Concentration Camps - Where is God?, Lewis B. Smedes

Helping Hurting People Forgive-Coping with Hard Cases, Lewis B. Smedes

Helping Hurting People Forgive-Do's and Don’t's for a Ministry, Lewis B. Smedes

Helping Hurting People Forgive-Understanding the Process, Lewis B. Smedes

Hoping, Lewis B. Smedes

The Seriousness of Joy, Lewis B. Smedes

Daily Bread; Managing Money, Harvey Smit

Grace and Renewal (Session 1), Jim Smith and Richard Poster

Grace and Renewal (Session 1) Part 2, Jim Smith and Richard Poster

Imagination in Preaching, Marion Snapper

The Missions Curriculum of the Future, Addison Soltau

Our Change of Masters, C.H. Spurgeon

Some Past Doctrinal Decisions Revisited, Gordon Spykman

The Lost Song; A Ministry of Reconciliation, Gordon Spykman and Lee Koning

Developing Capable Young Christians in the Parsonage and Pew, Muriel Stehouwer

And How Does it All End?, Edmund Steimle

Panel Discussions, Bradley Stenberg, Joe Lamigo, David Strabers, Bassam Madany, and Kennedy Smart

Salvation (Luke 23:35-43), Henry Stob

Service (Matt. 19:16-22), Henry Stob

Sin (Gen. 4:1-16), Henry Stob

Invitation to Rest; Paul's Plea For a Slave, William Stob

Contemporary Roman Catholic Theology-God, Christ, and Salvation, Robert B. Strimple

Heaven, Billy Sunday

The Rainbow, Louis M. Tamminga

Frisian Church Service (50th & Final), Louis M. Tamminga, Hindrik Baron, Koen Zondag, Wiebe Buursma, Hindrik Gysen, and Sierd Woudstra

Cross-Cultural Discipleship, Gary Teja

Key Ideas Series, Frank Tillapaugh

Leadership, Frank Tillapaugh

Leadership Part 2, Frank Tillapaugh

MOPS - Mothers of Pre-Schoolers, Frank Tillapaugh

Reclaiming the Church 1. What's on God's Heart (Neh. 1-2:10), Frank Tillapaugh

Reclaiming the Church 2. Rebuilding the Wall (Nehemiah 2:11-4), Frank Tillapaugh

Reclaiming the Church 3. Finishing the Task, Frank Tillapaugh

Reclaiming the Church 4. The Making of the Fortress (a), Frank Tillapaugh

Reclaiming the Church 5. The Making of the Fortress (b), Frank Tillapaugh

Reclaiming the Church 6. Unleashing Our Churches, Frank Tillapaugh

The Blessed Servant, Frank Tillapaugh

The Tragedy of Asking the Wrong Question, Frank Tillapaugh

Use of the Facility, Frank Tillapaugh

Little Foxes in the Vineyards, John J. Timmerman

Memories of Grundy College, John J. Timmerman

Workshop-The Church and the Dysfunctional Family, Carol Topp

Disciplined Disciples, Edward A. Van Baak

God and Caesar; The Pentecost Proclamation, Edward A. Van Baak

Life as a Psalm; Hallowed Be Thy Name, Gary VanDalfsen and Theodore Minnema

Clerical Errors or Our Sins of Linguistic Besetment, James VandenBosch

Today's Youth, Today's Issues, Daniel VanderArk

Personal Devotions, Nelle VanderArk

The Pastor as Counselor, Mary Vander Goot

Workshop-Enlarging the Pastors Spiritual Life, Alvin Vander Griend

The Spirit and the New Creation, William Vanderhoven

Workshop-AIDS Education for Pastors, Jan Vander Kolk

The History of Christian Philosophy: A Sketch (Part 1), John Vander Stelt

The History of Christian Philosophy: A Sketch (Part 2), John Vander Stelt

Spiritual Hygiene for the Spiritual Professional, Leonard Vander Zee

Finally, My Brothers & My Sisters (Ephesians 6:10-24), Wilbert M. Van Dyk

His Name is Jesus (Lord's Day 11), Wilbert M. Van Dyk

The God of Providence (Lord's Day 10), Wilbert M. Van Dyk

The Holy Spirit (Lord's Day 20), Wilbert M. Van Dyk

The Holy Trinity (Lord's Day 8), Wilbert M. Van Dyk

True Faith (Lord's Day 7)|, Wilbert M. Van Dyk

Jesus Resurrection; The Hope of the World; The Arrest of the Arrester, Wilbert M. Van Dyk and John W. V

The Children of Bethlehem; Friends of God, Peter Van Elderen and Jacob D. Eppinga

The Inn Keeper; The Song of Salvation, Peter Van Elderen and Jacob D. Eppinga

The Wrath of the Lamb; Speaking with Boldness, Peter Van Elderen and Cornelius Plantinga Jr.