Safe in the Lord; When You're Really Forgiven, Peter Van Elderen and Charles Steenstra
Peace Surpassing All Our Dreams; A Sermon for Children, Peter Van Elderen and Seymour Van Dyken
Lengthening Our Cords-Can We Open the Front Door of the Christian Reformed Church?, Craig Van Gelder
Strengthening our Stakes, Craig Van Gelder
Reformed Missionary Theory Since 1945, Dick Van Halsema
China: Advance Through Partnership, Richard Van Houten
The Christian Reformed Church, Mary Stewart Van Leeuwen
Why Follow Jesus?; In the Presence of God, Ray Van Leeuwen and John Rozeboom
Computer Application in Church Work, Gerald VanOyen
Worship Service, Van Reken
Workshop-Building a Caring Ministry, Anthony Van Zanten
Evening Discussion-Children's Singing, Various
Worship and Celebration of Holy Communion, Various
The End Time #1, Jesus Paradigm; Unto You, Allen Verhey and Ed Walhout
Why do you believe?; Lord I believe, Ted Verseput and Duane K. Kelderman
What About Our Other Children?, Theodore Verseput
Keep Crying; Sons or Slaves, Clarence Vos and Andrew Kuyvenhoven
Pastor's Wife-The Myths and Models, Mirth Vos
The Quiet Miracle; Jeremiah, Spokesman for God #5: A Hopeful Future, Ed Walhout and Robert DeVries
The Good Shepherd; The End Time #3; Disciples in Transition, Ed Walhout and David Engelhard
Three Groens; Our Peninent Longing For Advent, Ed Walhout and Carl Kromminga
Spiritually Gentle; Jeremiah, Spokesman for God #2: Jeremiah's Temple, Ed Walhout and Theodore Minnema
Tongue Control; Keeping our Bearings Straight; The Tragedy of Man, Ed Walhout and John H. Primus
Friendships in the Ministry, Donna Walters
Preaching Prophecy Today-Premillenial Position, John F. Walvoord
Closing Worship-Sermon, Don Wardlow
Sermon Shape as Sermon Itself, Don Wardlow
Shaping Sermons by the Shape of Scripture, Don Wardlow
Strategies for Congregational Involvement, Jay Weener
A Pilgrimage Into Faith, John Westerhoff III
Christian Faith Formation, John Westerhoff III
The Making of Christians, John Westerhoff III
What is the Faith of Christians?, John Westerhoff III
A Labor not in Vain; Lord's Day, George Whyte
Worship-A Praise Service, Henry Wildeboer
The Kingdom is like Treasure; Making a Home Run, Henry Wildeboer and Tim Monsma
Women's Missionary Union 50th Anniversary Celebration-Afternoon Session, Women's Missionary Union
Women's Missionary Union 50th Anniversary Celebration-Evening Session, Women's Missionary Union
Women's Missionary Union 50th Anniversary Celebration-Morning Session, Women's Missionary Union
Impact of Music In Worship in 20th Century Culture, John Worst
The Incomprehensible God Does Care; The Man Who Heard A Voice, Sierd Woudstra
Keynote Address, Philip Yancey
Keynote Address 2, Philip Yancey
The Nerve to Submit; The Way to Peace, Charles Young and Robert Meyering
Live by the Spirit, Bill Zeilstra