Communication in Religion, Eugene Nida
In man dy 't twa soannen hie. Matteus 21:28-32, Jelle Nutma
Book #2 of the Quarter, Ronald J. Nydam
Calvin Theological Seminary Convocation Address, Ronald J. Nydam
Relinquishment, Love and Faith, Ronald J. Nydam
Seven Variations of Gender in Broken Humanity, Ronald J. Nydam
The Knottiness of Divorce, Ronald J. Nydam
The Messiness of Marriage, Ronald J. Nydam
The Messiness of Marriage and Relationships in the Midst of Seminary, Ronald J. Nydam
The Role of Elders in Marriage and Divorce, Ronald J. Nydam
The Role of Elders in Marriage and Divorce (Earlier Lecture), Ronald J. Nydam
Method of Ministry: Discipleship Training, John Oak
Philosophy of Ministry: A Study on the Church, John Oak
Strategy of Ministry: Discipleship, John Oak
The Problem: Slumbering Laity, John Oak
Perplexities of Abortion, Wayne E. Oates
Reformation Heritage Lecture, Thomas Oden
Calvin's Concept of Liturgy and His Commentary on the 1st Tablet, Hughes Oliphant Old
Marriage and Family, James Olthuis
A Graduate Student Panel, James H. Olthuis
Finally, My Brothers & My Sisters, Dick J. Oostenink and Wilbert M. Van Dyk
Secular Humanism, Religion of the Schools, Donald Oppewal
The Gospel and Nigerian Culture, John Orkar
Preaching to Believers, John Ortberg
Preaching to Unbelievers, John Ortberg
Growing Into Ministry, Juan Carlos Ortiz
Making Disciples, Juan Carlos Ortiz
Street - Sign Chicago: A Missiological Complexity, Manuel Ortiz
The Lord's Supper as an Act of Worship in the Theology and Practice of Calvin, M. Eugene Osterhaven
How to be Interesting Even Though You're Preaching, Tom Ozinga
Redemptive - Historical Preaching, Tom Ozinga and John H. Stek
Reformed Spirituality, James I. Packer
Theological Reflections on Charismatic Movement, James I. Packer
William Perkins: Puritan Popularizer, James I. Packer
El Reino de Dios, las Misiones, y la Justicia Social, Rene Padilla
Kingdom Mission and Christian Missions, Rene Padilla
Kingdom Priorities for Missionary Work, Rene Padilla
The Kingdom of God, Missions and Social Justice, Rene Padilla
A Korean Classis in the CRC, Alexander Pak
Luis Palau Crusade, Luis Palau
A Personal Journey (Seminar 1), Earl F. Palmer
Case for Expositiory Preaching (Seminar 2), Earl F. Palmer
A Spirituality for Public Life, Parker Palmer
Stories that Make Us Unique, Parker Palmer and Nancy Chaffee
The Christian Faith in Indonesia: Issues and Opportunities, Peter Pamundji
Celebration, Community and Change, William Pannell
Celebration in the City, William Pannell
The Task of Christian Eschatology, Wolfhart Pannenberg
Role of Reason in Calvin's Theological Anthropology, Charles B. Partee
Seeking the Shalom of the City, Ronald D. Pasquariello
Extending the Reformed Faith in Church and the World, Sam Patterson
Reviving the Reformed Faith, Sam Patterson
Homosexuality, E. Mansell Pattison
The Church of South India, Rajamanickam Paulraj
That They May Be One (on the 500th Anniversary of the birth of Bucer), James Payton
Christian Alternatives to Violence: Wealth and Poverty in Kingdom Perspective, John Perkins
Going to Samaria, John Perkins
The Urban Church & the Urban Poor, John Perkins
Christian Alternatives to Violence The Way of the Cross; Wealth and Poverty in Kingdom Perspective, John Perkins and Virgil Vogt
The Sovereignty of an Active God, Perry Perkins
The Church Community and Renewal, John Perry
Report on the Population-Food Policy Conference, Kenneth Piers and Uko Zylstra
Mid-America Reformed Seminary, John H. Piersma
Gospel in the Street, J. Piet
Pippert-Friday; Where Do We Go From Here?, Rebecca M. Pippert
Pippert-Thursday; Response, God's and Ours, Rebecca M. Pippert
Pippert-Tuesday, Rebecca M. Pippert
Pippert-Wednesday; If I'm So New, Why Do I Feel So Old?, Rebecca M. Pippert
Preaching Christ-How Sermons Grow, Ian Pitt-Watson
Shaping Our Skills as Preachers, Ian Pitt-Watson
Against Naturalism, Alvin C. Plantinga
An Evolutionary Argument Against Atheism, Alvin C. Plantinga
Divine Knowledge, Alvin C. Plantinga
Naturalism and Nature's Integrity: Science, Religion and Epistemology, Alvin C. Plantinga
On Christian Scholarship, Alvin C. Plantinga
Pluralism-A Defense of Religious Exclusivism, Alvin C. Plantinga
Warrented Christian Belief: Revealed to Our Minds, Alvin C. Plantinga
Warrented Christian Belief: Sealed Unto Our Hearts, Alvin C. Plantinga
What's the Problem?, Alvin C. Plantinga
Calvin Theological Seminary Commencement 2002, Cornelius Plantinga Jr.
Calvin Theological Seminary Commencement 2003, Cornelius Plantinga Jr.
Calvin Theological Seminary Commencement 2004, Cornelius Plantinga Jr.
Calvin Theological Seminary Commencement 2005, Cornelius Plantinga Jr.
Calvin Theological Seminary Commencement 2008, Cornelius Plantinga Jr.
Calvin Theological Seminary Commencement 2011, Cornelius Plantinga Jr.
Forgiving Sin in an Angry Age, Cornelius Plantinga Jr.
Preaching Sin Gracefully, Cornelius Plantinga Jr.
Preaching Sin Gracefully, Cornelius Plantinga Jr.
The Social Analogy of the Trinity: Doctorinal, Ethical, and Devotional Implications, Cornelius Plantinga Jr.
The Social Analogy of the Trinity: Historical and Contemporary Theological Perspectives, Cornelius Plantinga Jr.
The Threeness/Oneness Problem of the Trinity, Cornelius Plantinga Jr.
What I've Learned From My Mentors, Cornelius Plantinga Jr.
Schumann in the 1830's: A Decade of Piano Music, Leon B. Plantinga
The Confrontation Between Christianity and the World's Religions, Richard Plantinga
An Encounter with the Future: Addressing the Challenge, Harold Pluimer
Hymns for the Church Today, Bertus F. Polman
The Import of Calvin's Legacy for Church Music Today, Bertus F. Polman
Ecumenical Liturgical Agreement and the CRC, Robert Polman
A Black Church Theology for the Eighties, John Porter
Radical Ethics for Urban Pastors, John Porter