Introduction to the Seminary Lectures, John H. Kromminga
What Holds the CRC Together, John H. Kromminga
Zingend Geloven with W. Kroon, W. Kroon
Friday Chapel, Bert Kruithof
Acceptance or Resignation: Tape 3 of 5, Elisabeth Kubler-Ross
Children and Death: Tape 4 of 5, Elisabeth Kubler-Ross
Denial: Tape 2 of 5, Elisabeth Kubler-Ross
Sudden Death: Tape 5 of 5, Elisabeth Kubler-Ross
The Fear of Death: Tape 1 of 5, Elisabeth Kubler-Ross
Flagstaff Mission Conference 50th Anniversary, Cornelius Kuipers
Language in Preaching, Kuitert
The First Chapters of Genesis and the Authority of the Bible, Kuitert
Zingend Geloven with J. Kuntz, J. Kuntz
Stories Jewish Parents Tell Their Children, Harold Kushner
Covenant Plan for Funding Christian Day School Education, Milt Kuyers
Calvin Theological Seminary Commencement 1981: Married to Christ, Andrew Kuyvenhoven
He Annoints Us as God's Servants, Andrew Kuyvenhoven
He Intercedes for His Children, Andrew Kuyvenhoven
He Makes Us God's Temple, Andrew Kuyvenhoven
Inspirational Devotional by Andrew Kuyvenhoven, Andrew Kuyvenhoven
Inspirational Devotional by Andrew Kuyvenhoven Part 2, Andrew Kuyvenhoven
Issues and Mentalities in the Church, Andrew Kuyvenhoven
Pentecost, Andrew Kuyvenhoven
The Church and Women Officers, Andrew Kuyvenhoven
The End is in Sight: The Lord's Return, Andrew Kuyvenhoven
Debate between Andrew Kuyvenhoven and Robert Godfrey, Andrew Kuyvenhoven, W. Robert Godfrey, and Ted Plantinga
Question and Answer Session, Andrew Kuyvenhoven, W. Robert Godfrey, and Ted Plantinga
Why We Are Here / Are You a Follower of Jesus?, Graham Kyle
Sex Addiction, M. Laaser
Opportunities in Prison Chaplaincy, John Lamsma
The Power of the Pulpit, Ray Lanning
Jesus Christ as Liberator, Jorge Lara-Braud
Liberation Theology, Jorge Lara-Braud
The Spirituality of Ordinary Speech, Timothy Larsen
We Have This Treasure; A Theology of Disability, Linda Larson
The Challenged and Expanding Church Part 1, Kenneth S. Latournette
The Challenged and Expanding Church Part 2, Kenneth S. Latournette
The Challenged and Expanding Church Part 3, Kenneth S. Latournette
Undiscovered Power, Charles T. Leber
Ministers of the Word: Priests Faithful in God's House, Arie C. Leder
The Church in a Postmodern World: Implications for Theology, Arie C. Leder, John Bolt, and Robert Devries
Issues Facing the CRC Synod 2000, Arie C. Leder, Henry Zwaanstra, and Becker
Science and Religion: War or Peace, Arie Leegwater
Stresses and Burnout among Korean - American Pastors in American Culture, Kwanjik Lee
What is Lynwood Saying to the CRC?, Rein Leetsma
Homosexuality: The Way of Deliverance, Lee Lefebre
Proclamation of the Word According to Calvin, John H. Leith
Leman-Thursday; Relationships: Christian and Non-Christian Worlds, Kevin Leman
Leman-Wednesday; Relationships: Christian and Non-Christian Worlds, Kevin Leman
Ministry to Older People, Jane Lentis
Ministry to Older People (Part 1), Jane Lentis
Ministry to Older People (Part 2), Jane Lentis
Congregational Ministry and National Urban Strategy, William Lesher
The Ministering Church, William Leslie
Validity of Urban Ministry, William (Bill) Leslie
Not Mine to Keep, Donald G. Lester, Robert Skinner, Earle Craford, Glenn Moore, Charles T. Leber, and Raymond Campbell
On Reading Scripture, Clayton Libolt
Plain Sense and the Word of God, Clayton Libolt
Plain Sense and the Word of God-Panel Discussion, Clayton Libolt, Cornelius Plantinga Jr., Barry Bandstra, William T. Koopmans, Paul Ingeneri, and Bastiaan Van Elderen
Viret, Calvin, and the State, Robert Linder
The Death Beyond the Death of God: Reexamining the Theology of the 60's, Richard Lints
Justified By Faith Alone, Martin Lloyd-Jones
The Church In Action On The College Campus, R.W. Lloyd
Building a Leadership Team Tape 6 of 9, Robert E. Logan and Carl F. George
Developing People Through Delegation Tape 7 of 9, Robert E. Logan and Carl F. George
Goal Setting / Project Tape 4 of 9, Robert E. Logan and Carl F. George
Introduction Tape 1 of 9, Robert E. Logan and Carl F. George
Managing Time More Tape 3 of 9, Robert E. Logan and Carl F. George
Obtaining Goals Tape 9 of 9, Robert E. Logan and Carl F. George
Skills for Effective Ministry Tape 5 of 9, Robert E. Logan and Carl F. George
Using Spiritual Gifts Tape 2 of 9, Robert E. Logan and Carl F. George
Using the Pastor's Planning Workbook Series Tape 8 of 9, Robert E. Logan and Carl F. George
Accompany Them With Singing: The Recovery of Authentic Christian Funeral Practices, Thomas G. Long
Spirituality in the Reformed Tradition, Richard Lovelace
Expository Preaching in the Narrative Mode, Eugene Lowry
Jazz Homiletics, Eugene Lowry
The Homiletical Plot Revisited, Eugene Lowry
The State of N.A. Homiletics, Eugene Lowry
Nimble Believing: Dickinson, Ricœur and the Conflict of Interpretations, Roger Lundin
Men, Machines and the Image of God, Donald MacKay
Split Brains - How Many Minds, Donald MacKay
Designing Life's Building Blocks, Jed Macosko
Biblical Mandate for Mission & Evangelism in an Urban Setting, Andrew D. Macrae
Mission and Evangelism through Human Need, Andrew D. Macrae
Church & State in Islam, Bassam Madany
Religion and Politics in Islam, Bassam Madany
The Palestine Problem & Christian Duty, Bassam Madany
Earliest Christianity and Criticism, Paul Maier
The Infancy Narratives and Criticism, Paul Maier
The Passion Accounts and Criticism, Paul Maier
Spiritual Needs of Young People, James D. Mallory Jr.
Building Bridges: Domestic Abuse and the Faith Community, Jennifer Marcum
Youth Ministry in the Twenty-First Century Part 1, Roland Martensen
Youth Ministry in the Twenty-First Century Part 2, Roland Martensen
Youth Ministry in the Twenty-First Century Part 3, Roland Martensen
Preaching in the Spirit, Albert Martin
The Holy Spirit and Pastoral Counseling, Albert Martin
The Perseverance of the Saints, Albert Martin
The Mighty Work of God: The State of the Church of Cuba, Obed Martinez
Lifestyles in View of the Second Coming, Richard Mattox