The Gospel of John-Lecture 7, David Holwerda
The Gospel of John-Lecture 8, David Holwerda
The Gospel of John-Lecture 9, David Holwerda
The Story of Sarospatak in Hungary: New Opportunities, Richard Horcsik
The Future of the Old Testament Studies, Horn
Meeting a Stranger: A Covenantal Account of Sacramental Presence, Michael Horton
Confused Compassion, Douglas Houck
Hope & Healing for the Homosexual: Four Stages of Healing, Douglas Houck
Women in the Early Church, Margaret Howe
Bureaucratic Theology, David A. Hubbard
Subjective Theology, David A. Hubbard
Syncretistic Theology, David A. Hubbard
Suffering: Sent or Shared, B. Hubert
Managing Change in the Life of the Local Church, John Huegli
Clothed by the LORD-In Wrath He Remembers Mercy, Gordon Hugenberger
David-Myth or Type, Gordon Hugenberger
Compassion and Truth in the Church's Ministry to Homosexuals, Mel Hugen
Homosexuality: The Clinical Case for Change, Mel Hugen
Anatomy of Conflict; Role of Conflict in the Kingdom of God, Melvin Hugen
Banana Peels, Melvin Hugen
Pastoral Leadership in Conflict, Melvin Hugen
Pastoral Leadership Strategies, Melvin Hugen
The Liberation of Women - Women, Children, Slaves, Melvin Hugen
Why I Believe the Bible Requires the Ordination of Women, Melvin Hugen
Women in the Church: Where Do We Go from Here?, Melvin Hugen and Leonard Hofman
Jacques Lefevre d'Etaples As A Bridge Figure Between Humanism and Calvinism, Philip Edgecumbe Hughes
Centrality of Worship and Preaching, William E. Hull
Come Let Us Worship, J.B. Hulst
The Gospel & Western Culture, George Hunsberger and Waldron Scott
Magnificent Church, E.G. Hunt
Creative Relationships, Gladys Hunt
Who in the World are Women?, Gladys Hunt
Building Prevailing Churches, Bill Hybels
Leading Through Volunteers, Bill Hybels
The Gift of Leadership, Bill Hybels
Toward a Reformed Theology of Missions in the Perspective of the Kingdom of God, Yasunori Ichikawa
Witness to Muslims in North America, Peter Ipema
Ministry Resources in Community Systems, William Ipema
Strategy for Urban Ministry, William Ipema
The Draft, Vince Ireenay
Radical Implications of Reformed Theology, Bill Iverson
Living and Dying with Cancer, Lois Jaffe
Urban Ministry Focused on Grand Rapids, Earl James
Is the Church Society's Keeper?, Lynn Jappinga
Creating Interfaith Church Networks to Address Public, Kim Jefferson
The Reason for Rationality, William Harry Jellema
Church Growth in Black congregations, Willie Jemison
Infant Baptism, Con, Paul Jewett
The Forgotten Addiction - Panel Discussion, John, Patti, Huey, and Penni
Being Useful Servants - Isaiah, Peter, and Paul, Wayne Joosse
Controlled By Love, Wayne Joosse
Endurance, Wayne Joosse
Idolatry in Relationships, Wayne Joosse
Joy and Suffering, Wayne Joosse
Resurrection Faith, Wayne Joosse
Sanctified Speech, Wayne Joosse
Sarah's Children - or - Who is in Control?, Wayne Joosse
Servanthood, Wayne Joosse
The Celebration of Giving, Wayne Joosse
The Need for Workers, Wayne Joosse
Worship at Westminster, Jordan .
You Say it With Music: A Workshop on Intonation in, Larry Jordan
Inspiration of the Scriptures, Jerome Julien
Human Depravity, David Jussely
The Historic Creationist: From The Perspective of Theology, Christopher Kaiser
The Present Religious Situation in Europe: A Challenge for Modern Evangelism, A.R. Kayayan
The Sacraments in Reformed Worship, James Kay
Future Concerns of Chaplaincy, Herm Keizer
From the Pentagon in Washington to CTS, Herman Keizer
The Status of Just War Theory, Herman Keizer
A Thief in Paradise, James D. Kennedy
How to Recognize Opportunity, W.K. Kerr
Winner Take All, W.K. Kerr
Spiritual Neurosis; More Power for You, W.K. Kerr and B Herbert
Workshop: Preparing to Preach, John Killinger
Calvin Theological Seminary Commencement 1983: Priviledge of Being a Calvin Seminary Graduate, John E. Kim
Comparative Studies of Korean and Japanese Churches, John E. Kim
Factors Contributing to the Rapid Growth of the Korean Church, John E. Kim
Major Theological Controversies in the Korean Presbyterian Church, John E. Kim
The Sayings of Jesus in Paul, Seyoon Kim
Control of Morals in Geneva, R.M. Kingdon
Theology for the Sake of Mission Part 1, Andrew Kirk
Theology for the Sake of Mission Part 2, Andrew Kirk
The Need and Wisdom of an Alternative Seminary, Nelson D. Kloosterman
Justice in the Old Testament, Rolf Knierim
Spirituality in the Old Testament, Rolf Knierim
The Old Testament, The New Testament and Jesus Christ, Rolf Knierim
The Light of the World: Imagery in the Gospel of John, Craig Koester
Martyrologies as Microcosm: The Theory of the Reformers as Tales of Ultimate Witness, Robert Kolb
Creation Out of Nothing and Versus Nothing, Adrio Konig
Is God in control of History? (A South African Perspective), Adrio Konig
Calvin Theological Seminary Commencement 1979: The Pastoral Prospect, Hugh Allan Koops
AIDS: Myths and Facts, Steven Kraker
Zingend Geloven with P. Kranenburg, P. Kranenburg
The Church ad Alcohol Addiction, Herman Kregel
Church Discipline, Kromminga, De Ridder, and Erffmeyer
Anniversary Reflections Part 1, John H. Kromminga
Anniversary Reflections Part 2, John H. Kromminga
Calvin Theological Seminary Commencement 1987: Visions and Dreams, John H. Kromminga
Christian Reformed Church in Ferment, John H. Kromminga