

Be Narrow - An Old Commandment Made New…, E.W. Crawford, G.R. Campbell, and C. Bowles

Oneness in Evangelism, E.W. Crawford, Raymon G. Campbell, S.C. Weir, R.W. Lloyd, and J.W. Hamilton

Speech by Malcolm Cronk, Malcolm Cronk

Denominational Strategy for Metropolitan Evangelism, Dale Cross

Black Theology: An Interpretation of Urban Ministry, George Cummings

Be Steadfast, 1 Corinthians 15; Justice of God, Romans 3, James Daane

Hidden with Christ, Colossians 3; What God Requires, Micah 6, James Daane

In Rememberance of Me, 1 Corinthians 11; The House of God: And I Knew it Not, Genesis 28, James Daane

Spiritual Ecstasy; Almighty Father, James Daane

The Power of Preaching, James Daane

Lion in Your Loins, Gordon Dahnke

Black Preaching, Abraham Davis

Concluding Roundtable, Creston Davis

Waning Matter: The World Reformed and the Politics of Truth, Creston Davis

Workshop: Effective Preaching, Lee Ron Davis

Emerging Trends in Contemporary Hymnody, Carl Daw

Finding a Voice for Faith: Engaging Imagination in Liturgical Prayer and Congregational Song, Carl Daw

Hymn Selectioin as Pastoral Care, Carl Daw

Meet the Hymnwriter: The Hymns of Carl Daw, Carl Daw

Opening Remarks and First Plenary Session, Carl Daw, Holtrop, and Juel

The Christian School: Asset or Liability to the Mission, Peter De Boer, John Bolt, and Douglas Blomberg

On Elijah Cycle in 1 Kings, De Graaf

The Role of the Seeker Service In Reaching Today's Generation, Eugene DeJong, Sidney Greidanus, and Roger Kok

Calvin Seminary: Past, Future, Present, James A. De Jong

China 1 Discussion, James A. De Jong

Drawing Near to the Lord, James A. De Jong

Resistance Forces (Lord's Day 52), James A. De Jong

Structure-The Church and Its Ministry, James A. De Jong

The Anatomy of a Seminary, James A. De Jong

The CRC in Transition: An Analysis of Present Ferment, James A. De Jong

The CRC in Transition: The CRC Under Review, James A. De Jong

The CRC in Transition: Toward a Creative Pastoring, James A. De Jong

Theological Education into the 1990s, James A. De Jong

The Task of the Church, James A. De Jong

Women in Office, James A. De Jong

Worship - The Church and its Lord, James A. De Jong

Seeking to Minister in Today's World, James A. DeJong

Alternative Seminary Speech, Peter Y. DeJong

Godly Living Amid Growing Godlessness, Peter Y. DeJong

Songs of Degrees, Peter Y. DeJong

The Christian Hope in the Crisis of History (Eschatology), Peter Y. DeJong

The Paralytic, Peter Y. DeJong

The Saving Gospel for a Lost World, Peter Y. DeJong

The Word Which Cannot Be Broken, Peter Y. DeJong

What is the Reformed Conception of Godliness, Peter Y. DeJong

Zingend Geloven with A. Dekker, A. Dekker

Freedom and Sin in the Theology of Jacob Arminius, E. Dekker

Neoconstantinianism, James Dekker

Guatemala Experience, Jim Dekker and Rose Dekker

Bureaucracy in the CRC, Lester R. DeKoster

Discussion and Dialogue on Preaching, Lester R. DeKoster

Mid-America Seminary, Lester R. DeKoster

Professionalism for the Teacher, Lester R. DeKoster

The Banner, The Church, and the Word, Lester R. DeKoster

Why the Dissention in the Church?, Lester R. DeKoster

My Name is Peter, Arthur DeKruyter

Our National Beatitude Christ's Cup and Ours, Arthur DeKruyter

The Pastor as Pacesetter, Arthur Dekruyter

Specified Complexity: Is There Another Way to Detect Design?, William Dembski

Erosion at the Front - Inauguration of Henry De Moor, Henry De Moor

Review of the SIC Report on the Restructuring, Henry De Moor

The Use of Scripture in Church Political Controversy, Henry De Moor

Singing unto the Lord, Henry DeMots

Studies in the Dying Experience, Lawrence Den Besten

The Invisible and the Sublime: A Critical Reading of the Aesthetics of Radical Orthodoxy, Adrienne Dengerink Chaplin

Children and the Lord's Supper, Dean Deppe

Conflict in the CRC and the Gospel of Mark, Dean Deppe

Functions of Elders and Deacons, Dean Deppe

Rest and Recreation Work, Dean Deppe

The Meaning of the Lord's Supper, Dean Deppe

Wholeness of Relationship to God, Dean Deppe

Servant Leadership, Max De Pree

Components of Management, Richard De Ridder

Management as Ministry, Richard De Ridder

Theological Basis for Management, Richard De Ridder

What is Biblical Theology?, F.R. De Vaux

Worship of God #1: The Principles of Public Worship, John De Vitt

Worship of God #2 The Nature of Biblical Worship, John De Vitt

Worship of God # 3: The Sermon's Relationship to Public, John De Vitt

Developing the Church and Motivating Members, Rich DeVos

An Educational Agenda for Young Pastors, Robert Devries

The Church's Educational Agenda for the Beginning of the Third Millenium, Robert Devries

Trends in Ministry. Report of Quest. From CTS, Robert Devries

The Biblical Concept of Divine Sovereignty in Historical Event, Simon De Vries

The Biblical Concept of Divine Sovereignty in Historical Event Part 2, Simon De Vries

Historical Theology Preaching, John R. De Witt

Necessity of the New Birth, John R. De Witt

The Holy Spirit and Effective Ministry, John R. De Witt

What Does it Mean to Be Reformed?, John R. De Witt

Calvin Theological Seminary Commencement 1995, Anthony J. Diekema

Biblical Authority in Secular America, R.H. Dilday Jr.

Dialogue with Students and Faculty, Ed Dobson

Forgiveness of Sins, G.M. Docherty

God, The Father Almighty, G.M. Docherty

Holy Catholic Church, G.M. Docherty

I Believe, G.M. Docherty

Jesus, Ascended Lord, G.M. Docherty

Jesus, Crucified Savior, G.M. Docherty

Jesus, Human and Divine, G.M. Docherty

Life Everlasting, G.M. Docherty