
Submissions from 2006

The Text : Luke 15 - A Study of the Prodigal Son, F. Dale Bruner

Q&A Session, F. Dale Bruner and Timothy Brown

Pastoral Care: Coming along side our churches, Dirk Evans

Pastoral Care: Coming along side ourselves, Dirk Evans

Opening Worship, Scott Hoezee

Frisian Church Service (50th & Final), Louis M. Tamminga, Hindrik Baron, Koen Zondag, Wiebe Buursma, Hindrik Gysen, and Sierd Woudstra

Compassion: Looking Heavenward, Allen Verhey

Suffering: Looking Heavenward, Allen Verhey

Fireside Chat with Lauren Winner, Lauren Winner

Submissions from 2005

Korean Protestant Church in Modern Times, Mark Achtemeier

Discovering the Voice of the Listener, David Davis

Interview and Q & A with Rev. Davis, David Davis

Opening Worship in the Chapel, David Davis

Toward A Shared Preaching Life, David Davis

Ministry to the Retiring and the Aged, Henry Holstege

The Spirituality of Ordinary Speech, Timothy Larsen

Calvin Theological Seminary Commencement 2005, Cornelius Plantinga Jr.

Why Listening is the Beginning of All Good Communication, Quentin Schultze

Submissions from 2004

Scripture Texts for Preaching, M. Craig Barnes

Searching for Home: Spirituality for Restless Souls, M. Craig Barnes

The Preacher as Minor Poet, M. Craig Barnes

Panel Discussion- Themes from the book, Searching for home, Ronald J. Nydam and Calvin Theological Seminary

Calvin Theological Seminary Commencement 2004, Cornelius Plantinga Jr.

Submissions from 2003

Will the Real Plato Please Stand Up? Participation vs. Incarnation, Bruce Benson

Atonement as the Ecclesio-Christological Practice of Forgiveness in John Milbank, Hans Boersma

Suspended Communitites or Covenantal Communities?: Reformed Reflections on the Social Thought of Radical Orthodoxy, Jonathan Chaplin

Concluding Roundtable, Creston Davis

Waning Matter: The World Reformed and the Politics of Truth, Creston Davis

The Invisible and the Sublime: A Critical Reading of the Aesthetics of Radical Orthodoxy, Adrienne Dengerink Chaplin

1,400 Sermons Later: Reflections On The Preacher's Craft, Howard Edington

Take This Job and Love It: Reflections On The Preacher's Call, Howard Edington

Being a Chaplain: Calling, Charity, Conversation, Jaco Hamman

Chaplains and Crying Steeples, Jaco Hamman

Being Bound to God: Covenant or Participation?, Justin Holcomb

Meeting a Stranger: A Covenantal Account of Sacramental Presence, Michael Horton

Alternative Protestantism, John Milbank

Why Africa May Become the First Islamic Continent, Paul Mbunga Mpindi

Why African Christianity is a Thousand Miles Wide and an Inch Deep, Paul Mbunga Mpindi

A Graduate Student Panel, James H. Olthuis

The Kingdom of God, Missions and Social Justice, Rene Padilla

Calvin Theological Seminary Commencement 2003, Cornelius Plantinga Jr.

The Concept of the Kingdom of God: Ancient Near Eastern Backgrounds and Preaching Today, Richard L. Pratt Jr.

The Role of Humanity in the Kingdom of God: Theocentrism or Anthropocentrism-A False Dilemma, Richard L. Pratt Jr.

Between Thomas and Zwingli: Introducing Calvin's Doctrine of the Eucharist to RO, Laura Smit

Univocity, Analogy and the Mystery of Being according to John Duns Scotus, Robert Sweetman

This is My Body: The Eucharist as Privileged Ontological/Epistemic Site, George Vandervelde

Why Barth Needed Hegel: Apologetics and Reformed Theology, Graham Ward

A Roundtable Discussion, John Witvliet

Transcending Participation: A Reformational Critique of Radical Orthodoxy, Jens Zimmerman

Good Cities or Cities of the Good?: Radical Augustinians, Social Structures, and Normative Critique, Lambert Zuidervaart

Submissions from 2002

Is the Church Depressed, or Just Sad?, Jaco J. Hamman

Clothed by the LORD-In Wrath He Remembers Mercy, Gordon Hugenberger

David-Myth or Type, Gordon Hugenberger

Spirituality and the Implication for Pastoral Care, Bill Lewis

Spirituality: Developing a Helpful Definition, Bill Lewis

Calvin Theological Seminary Commencement 2002, Cornelius Plantinga Jr.

Mission in the 21st Century, Dana Robert

The Twentieth-Century Creation of the Church as Global Community, Dana Robert

Spiritual Hygiene for the Spiritual Professional, Leonard Vander Zee

Submissions from 2001

Dr. Joseph Abramajtys, Joseph Abramajtys

Christ Centered Therapy: A Counselee's Responsibility Tape 1, Dr. Neil T. Anderson

Christ Centered Therapy: A Counselee's Responsibility Tape 2, Dr. Neil T. Anderson

Sola Scriptura: The Christian Doctrine of Scripture as Translatable, Kwame Bediako

NCMSLC: Conference Theme, Calvin College

NCMSLC: Conference Theme Capstone, Calvin College

Applying Christ-centered Preaching-Without Moralism, Bryan Chapell

The Heart of Christ-centered Preaching, Bryan Chapell

Specified Complexity: Is There Another Way to Detect Design?, William Dembski

Father Joseph Driscoll, Joseph Driscoll

Basic Issues in Bible Reading, J.P. Fokkelman

Structure and Position of Genesis 38, J.P. Fokkelman

The Power of Precision: Job 10, J.P. Fokkelman

God and the Church in Acts of the Apostles: Getting the Story Straight, Beverly R. Gaventa

Lukan Paul: Recovering the Pastoral Dimension, Beverly R. Gaventa

Naturalism and Nature's Integrity: Providence, Evolution and the Promise of Nature, John Haught

Urban Ministry Focused on Grand Rapids, Dr. Earl James

Designing Life's Building Blocks, Jed Macosko

Taking up the Cross and Following Jesus: Discipleship in the Gospel of Mark, Marvin W. Meyer

Design and the Origin of Life: DNA by Design, Stephen Meyer

Irreducible Complexity, Scott Minnich

Prospects for ID as a Research Program: Prospects for Intelligent Design as a Biological Research Program, Paul Nelson

The Task of Christian Eschatology, Wolfhart Pannenberg

Naturalism and Nature's Integrity: Science, Religion and Epistemology, Alvin Plantinga

Lecture on Spiritual Warfare, Jeff Stamm

Christian Teachers in Public Schools, Gloria Stronks

Any Room for Jesus? Christology in an age of Ethnic Fragmentation, Tite Tienou

Covenant and Pentecost, James C. VanderKam

Infants, Nursing Mother and Father: Paul's Portrayal of a Pastor, Jeffrey A.D. Weima

What's in the Genes? Designer Genes, Jonathan Wells

NCMSLC: Plenary I, Herma Williams

NCMSLC: Plenary II, Herma Williams

Submissions from 2000

Church and Mission in China, Daniel Bays

The State of Evangelical Scholarship, Margaret Bendroth, Arie Leegwater, George M. Marsden, and Richard J. Mouw

Progressive Dispensationalism, Darrell Bock

The Kingdom of God in New Testament Theology, Darrell Bock

Challenges Facing Russia Today, Wendy Helleman

Human Suffering and A Responsive God, Jim Kok

Vital Tactics for Caring Chaplains, Jim Kok

Issues Facing the CRC Synod 2000, Arie C. Leder, Henry Zwaanstra, and Becker

A Personal Journey (Seminar 1), Earl F. Palmer