This section provides access to various works of student scholarship and student publications from Calvin Theological Seminary and Calvin University. These range from papers submitted for competitions, poster presentations, undergraduate research, and a capstone or culminating work for a seminary or university degree. The views and opinions expressed in these works are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Calvin University, Calvin Theological Seminary, or its funders.


Works from 1985


Dialogue, Staff and writers of Dialogue

Editorial 4 Roh Schreur
Feature 28 Words from Alumni David S. de Boer
Roundtable 14 Worship at Calvin
Poetry 32 In Search of Precedence Tom van Milligen; 33 Still Life with Motion at Calvin College Dave Shaw; 34 Visions on Leaving Calvin Rob Schreur
Art 2 So Neat Nadine Haven; 5 Untitled Dawna Schuld; 13 Untitled Suzanne Mackenzie; 39 Relic Tracy Van Rys
Words & Works 19 Chris Stoffel Overvoorde; Portblo 35 Deborah Ebbers
Meditation 30 Paul Vander Klay



Dialogue, Staff and writers of Dialogue

4 Rob Schreur

20 What Dialogue Was Lori Walburg

12 The Decline of Western Culture?

17 I have reality like this Dave Shaw; 17 There she sits, alone in the middle Dave Shaw

2 Obvious function Nadine Haven; 5 Balk Goddess UJ84 J:5,6 Joy Erlich; 11 David Billie Hadley; 18 In the Rain Tracy Van Rys; 19 Wendy Tracy Van Rys; 35 Countryside Deborah Ebbers

Short Stories
6 The Beginning of Our Twilight Dan Scheeres; 8 Lessons Mike Hancock; 9 Fragile Winged Creature Jay Guikema

Words & Works
26 James Korf

31 Dwight van Toi

34 Glenn Weaver



Dialogue, Staff and writers of Dialogue

4 Roh Schreur


14 A Visit to South Africa Dr. Daniel Cloete; 30 Marge, What the Devil Are Those Kids up to, Anyway? Craig Taatjes; 36 O Father, Give the Spirit Power to Climb Ben Kornelius


18 Students on Nuclear War


28 Small Waterfalls Carla Witteveen


2 Why Go? Nadine Haven; 5 The New Roommate Raymond D. Van Velsen; 13 Spring Arts Festival Dwight Van Tol; 17 Montreal Bus System-January 3, 1985 Tracy Van Rys; 25 Eli: High Priest, Helpless Parent Chris Stoffel Overvoorde; 26 Incongruous Juxtapositions Robin Jensen; 29 Heska Pam Havinga; 39 Madrid Lamp Post Joy Erlich; 51 Ants Go Underneath Nadine Haven

6 Esther Ruth McBurney

Words and Works


Dialogue, Staff and writers of Dialogue

4 Rob Schreur


7 How Terribly Strange to be Seventy Pat Westerhof; 10 On Moral Criticism James Vanden Bosch

14 Five Voices on Art


19 Beneath the field in which we walk Janette Kok; 22 Winter's Solace Francine Buis; 32 The Length of Waiting Dan Scheeres; 32 Inside each one there is a passion Nathan Beversluis


2 Smiling Old Man Lorilee Huizenga; 5 Untitled Deborah Ebbers; 6 Ada Lorilee Huizenga; 13 Untitled Dave Shaw; 19 Untitled Deborah Ebbers; 20 Saturday Night in Pella, Iowa Steve Crozier; 23 Ferriswheel
Tracy Van Rys; 31 Untitled Deborah Ebbers

24 Falling Down the Stairs; Marsha Plafkin

Words & Works

26 Anna Greidanus Probes

Works from 1984


Dialogue, Staff and writers of Dialogue

4 Rob Schreur

6 What Should I Major In? A Partial Anser from Wall Street Ronald A. Wells

14 Talk about Language

13 Marina Observed Rob Schreur; 26 Song Rob Schreur; 28 Kyrie I Tom van Milligen

2 Untitled Lisa Ramsey; 5 Ring of Kerry Pam Havinga; 18 Untitled
Dwight Van Tol; 27 Untitled Dwight Van Tol; 39 Self-Portrait David P. Schaap

8 An Isaac Bashevis Singer Reader Lisa Stegink; 9 The Naked Public Square A. Houston Smit; 10 Shivering Babe, Victorious Lord Tom van Milligen; 11 Space for God Pam Vermeer

Words and Works
20 Chas. S. Cairns

29 Nadine Haven

34 Natalie A. Dykstra



Dialogue, Staff and writers of Dialogue

4 Rob Schreur

14 Kicking at the Darkness Carol Knibbe; 24 The Pavement Steve Wykstra


16 The Questions of Ecumenism


22 In the Hour of Division Dan Scheeres; 23 General Solution Dan Scheeres


2 Untitled Lisa A. Ramsey; 5 Farm Protection Gary De Boer; 12 Self-portrait Dwight Van Tol; 13 Little Bostwick Dan Meulenberg; 20 Journey's End Dan Meulenberg; 28 Untitled Lisa A. Ramsey; 29 Mile Marker Gary De Boer; 39 Untitled Gary De Boer

Short Story

6 Rain Dave Shaw

Words & Works

30 John Worst


34 Betsy Steele


38 James Lamse



Dialogue, Staff and writers of Dialogue

4 Rob Schreur

6 1984: The Revenge of Winston Smith Clark Smith


12 Calvin's Mission and Liberal Arts


17 Autumnal Natalie A. Dykstra; 20 8409.11 Dave Shaw


2 Isaac Hardy House 1805 Jennifer Bowden; 5 Untitled Betsy Steele; 17 Untitled Betsy Steele; 18 After Durer Dwight Van Tol; 19 Study of Degas Dwight Van Tol; 35 Church Window Jennifer Bowden

Short Story

22 In the Summer of Louis Farrakhan Marvin Norman

Words & Works

28 Tom van Milligen


31 Dan Meulenberg


34 Marsha Plafkin



Dialogue, Staff and writers of Dialogue

Editorial 2

4 Christian Education-Which Direction? An Interview with Nicholas Wolterstorff compiled by Lori Kort; 10 Slow Trains and Fairy Tales Nancy Jacobs; 12 Calvin College: Preparation for What End? Mary-Lee Bouma

8 Untitled Dave Gelderloo; 8 Untitled Dave Shaw; 15 Camouflage Dave Gelderloos; 16 Untitled Tracey Gebbia; 16 Untitled Deborah Ebbers; 17 Untitled Dave Shaw; 17 Another in a Seemingly Endless Series of Beach Pictures Dave Gelderloos

9 Starry, Starry Night Dan Scheers; 11 Untitled Dore Antonello



Dialogue, Staff and writers of Dialogue

Editorial 2

4 Overcoming Despair compiled by Mary Baerman; 12 Salem's Crisis Dan Cole; 18 Living in Two Worlds compiled by Jennie VanMeer; 24 An Open Letter to the Straight Community Jennie VanMeer
26 EHMcB Ruth McBurney; 29 "And I Protest, Oh Lord, Against So Many Murders" Dale Cooper; 32 To Stand in Awe Lori Kort; 34 Love is the Answer Nancy Jacobs; 38 How I Learned to Stop Worrying Maarten Pereboom

8 The Balloon Plan Lori Kort

10 Paradise Refused Tom Van Milligan; 11 J.C.R. (1897-1983) Kathleen Harris; 11 Consequence Dan Scheeres; 17 Last Bastion of Man Chas. S. Cairns; 33 A Reverie Chas. S. Cairns; 37 While Out Walking Dave Shaw

1, 40 Covers Tracey Gebbia; 16 Untitled Chas. S. Cairns; 22 Untitled Bob Johnston; 25 Untitled Bob Johnston; 2...


Dialogue, Staff and writers of Dialogue

4 Using the World as a Classroom Patricia Westerhof; 6 Love Across Racial Barriers compiled by Ruth McBurney; 8 Growing Up in the Mission Fields Maarten Pereboom; 8 A Day in the Life Joel Koedoot; 10 Hospital Literature: Getting Better with Books Karen Hoogeboom; 24 Defining Children's Church Ross Hoogewerf; 26 Another Labor Option: Home Birth Mary Baerman; 28 An Interview with Lewis Smedes Lori Kort; 30 To Be or Not to Be Parents compiled by Mary-Lee Bouma; 36 A Tale of Two Schools Nancy Jacobs; 38 Untitled Natalie Dykstra; 38 Untitled Natalie Dykstra

5 Jo-Jo Dave Gelderloos; 4 Matthew Mark Wierenga; 15 Freddy Ruth McBurney; 25 Mike Dave Gelderloos; 34 Rachel Mark Wierenga; 35 Yes, That is Her Real Hair Dave Gelderloos; 38 Baby Dave Gelderloos; 39 Aaron John Sue Meppelink

15 Grandma's Knee J...


Dialogue, Staff and writers of Dialogue

6 It's Due When? Richard Bingle; 8 Science and Theology: Together at Last? Keith Peterson; 16 Words and Works: Susan Schmalz Speaks; 18 Untitled Shannon Senti VanHemert; 18 Untitled lan Brander; 21 The Calvin Klein Bottle Kit Jack Snoeyink and Pam Vermeer

1, 32 Covers Susan Schmalz; 4 Untitled Lisa Ramsey; 7 Untitled Linda Vredeveld; 7 Strong Foundations Keith Prins; 13 Apple on Chair and Tennis Shoes Susan Schmalz; 14 Untitled Lisa Ramsey; 16 Sketch Book Entry Susan Schmalz; 16 Sketch Book Entry Susan Schmalz; 17 Susan and Friend Nadine Haven; 24 Untitled Nadine Haven; 25 Untitled Nadine Haven; 25 Untitled Nadine Haven; 27 Untitled Susan Schmalz; 28 "Sabachthani" Peter J. Gordon

5 Moon Rising Over Graveled Shore Ed Nyman; 9 dakota Lambert VanPoolen; 15 Uncle's Farm hil Vriend; 19 To a Sparro...

Works from 1983


Dialogue, Staff and writers of Dialogue

Editorial 2

4 Student: Appendix or Appendage? Lori Kort and Patricia Westerhof; 6 Confessions of a Pill Popper Sharon Watson; 8 Conquering Cancer Nancy Jacobs; 12 Acres of Thrift Patricia Westerhof and Tracey Gebbia; 14 Risque Business Maarten Pereboom; 20 Confrontational Art Mary-Lee Bouma; 24 Fashion Do's and Don't's Linda Vredeveld; 26 Specific Hospital Ruth McBurney

7 Perfect Pair Ellen Glashower; 7 The Shy One Ellen Glashower; 15 Masai Woman at the Well James Wanjau; 30 Untitled Dave Gelderloos; 30 Titled Dave Gelderloos

11 Die Hitler Jugend Chris R. van Someron; 16 God in Man Chas. S. Cairns; 18 Bar Mitzvah Tom Van Milligan; 18 Mother Dave Shaw

28 Fascinating Dullness Maarten Pereboom

31 The Tyranny of Tr...


Dialogue, Staff and writers of Dialogue

Editorial 2

4 Finding a Black Identity compiled by Mary-Lee Bouma; 8 Lost Within and Without Lynda Parrish; 14 Calvin Is it ALl in the Family? Ruth McBurney and Sharon Watson; 16 The Berlin Walls Nancy Jacobs; 19 "I decided that I wanted to be a minister." compiled by Lori Kort; 24 Black and Proud at Calvin compiled by Mary-Lee Bouma; 28 Yankees and Hosers Mary VanderGroot; 30 The Art of Neighborlines Patricia Westerhof

Covers Linda Vredeveld; 7 Untitled Tracey L. Gebbia; 13 Investigations Dan Meulenberg; 22 Untitled Lisa Ramsey; 22 Untitled Bob Johston; 23 Untitled Bob Johnston; 23 Untitled Loren Kooy

10 "I See Ten!" William VandeKopple

29 The Peaceful Separation of Friendship Lori Kort

13 (Laughter is a S...


Dialogue, Staff and writers of Dialogue

Editorial 2

4 Satisfying the Soul: an interview with Ed Ericson Nancy Jacobs; 6 Are You Normal? Mary-Lee Bouma; 8 Creating Evolutionary Links Mary Boerman; 10 President Diekema's First Annual State-of-the-Reunion Address Mark VandenBerg and Ms. Elenius; 13 How to Avoid the Slump Dale Cooper; 18 Can Poetry Do My Laundry?; 22 Challenged and Changed by Chicago Sharon Watson; 24 Why Are You Here? Patricia Westerhof; 26 In Review Evelyn Dekker

7 Untitled Dave Gelderloos; 7 Spring's Sunny Face I Kerre Leigh Kelder; 7 Spring's Sunny Face II Kerre Leigh Kelder; 9 Untitled Dave Gelderloos; 11 Untitled Dave Gelderloos; 12 Untitled Jeff Miller; 14 Untitled Susan Schmalz; 25 Untitled Dave Gelderloos

6 She Walks on Rainy Nights Patricia Westerhof; 12 Economy Tom VanMilligan; 15 Ars Departmen...


Dialogue, Staff and writers of Dialogue

4 Beyond Calvin Ed Nyman; 5 An Interview with Barb Schreur; 10 Reflections on a Senile Castle Shannon Senti; 11 Welsh Reminiscence Katy DeVries; 16 Journalism Evelyn Dekker; 19 How Come? Henry Guetter; 20 I Spent a Lifetime in Israel One Day Marsha Plafkin; 24 The Joy of Friendship Greg Simoncini; 26 Stephen R. Donaldson: A Review Ed Nyman; 28 The "Witness" to Two Brothers William Ashman Sanderson

Short Story
12 Just Another Christmas Craig Pyne

7 Shearing Keith DeRose; 8 Reflections On the Rhonda Valley-Wales Jo Ann VanReeuwyk; 9 Abus Paul Faber; 27 Call Solange Claudette; 30 Construction Site Rob Schreur; 30 Epitath Katherine Bitner; 31 Spring Headache Ms. Eleniu

Cover Jan Polinder (photo); 2 Light & Shadow #1 (woodcut) Betsy Buurma; 10 Jan Polinder (photo); 10 Sh...


Dialogue, Staff and writers of Dialogue

Editorial 3


6 The Role of Women in the CRC Dr. Louis Vos; 9 The Future of the CRC: War or Peace?; 9 Dr. Clarence Vos; 11 Internationalizing the CRC Dr. Gordon Spykman; 13 De-Labeling the CRC Dr. William Brinks; 14 The Mother Church: In Mid-Life Crisis? Arie Nijman; 17 How Come?; 18 Dishonesty is Academic Chris R. VanSomeren; 31 Computer Graphics; 34 Looking Back: An Interview with George Harper Cindy Abbott

Short Story
26 The Last Adam Craig Pyne

5 Green Pepper Solange Claudette; 22 Concerto Lori Kort; 24 Reversals H.J. Buurman; 30 Object Lesson Tom VanMilligen

Cover Dawna Schuld; 4 Behind Bars David Gelderloos; 16 Winter Solstice Peter Gordon; 16 Forest Kerre Leigh Kelder; 16 Untitled Kerre Leigh Kelder; 22 Antique Interiors Dawna Schuld; 24...


Dialogue, Staff and writers of Dialogue

2 How Come?; 4 The White Sin M. Howard Rienstra; 8 Of a Cat... Willie Postma; 16 Wherein Lies Our Comfort? Keith Mannes; 18 WCAL: A Voice Silent or Changing? Marlene deGroot; 23 Touloose the Centipede Sandy Cares; 24 What's Become of the Youth of the Sixties? A Partial Answer William Ashman Sanderson; 28 Calvin: Seeking to Serve or Survive Ed Nyman

Short Story
12 Angry Young Man Marvin Norman


6 homes Laurel Vanderkleed; 7 Weekend at Home Dave Shaw; 11 Do You Remember, Mary? Greg Oudeman; 31 M---Solange Claudette

5 Orgo's Power David Sobotka; 6 Untitled Dave Shaw; 7 Feminine Textures Sondra Dunn; 15 Stone Staircase David Sobotka; 17 Untitled Dawna Schuld; 21 Cable and Rungs Walking the Rail David Sobotka; 31 Untitled Dawna Schuld



Dialogue, Staff and writers of Dialogue

Short Story
8 "Human Kind Cannot Bear Very Much Reality" William J. Vande Kopple; 10 The Ragman John Timmerman; 20 A Living Example of Faith Cheryl L. Setsma; 24 The Examination Norman Prenger


4 Home and School Greg Oudeman; 7 We Were Ourselves Philip Rose; 7 Pieces of Pastel Betsy Buurma; 7 Fragment #2 Joy Kerkstra; 16 Up From·the Grave, She Tom VanMilligen; 18 The Gift Anonymous; 19 Explanation Patricia Westerhof; 22 Religion 108/Academic Confines Kimberly Wyngarden; 23 Silence Lori Kort; 29 Friendship's Wall Emily Yost; 30 Wonder Jill Wilson; 31 A Song of Descents Lambert VanPoolen; 31 Will's Cove Robert J. Plank

Covers Untitled Sharon Schuld; 2 Mother and Child (Woodcut Print) Betsy Buurma; 4 Untitled Sharon Schuld; 5 Untitled Sharon Schuld; 6 Revealed Sondra Dunn; 9 Forgotten Yet Revered Sondra D...

Works from 1982


Dialogue, Staff and writers of Dialogue

5 Art: The Necessity James D. Korf; 6 A Photo Essay James D. Korf; 8 Caught Between Past and Progress Sharon Watson; 11 T.V. Advertising: Means and Extremes Paul Faber; 19 Martha Mabey: The Anointing A Review Ed Nyman; 21 An Interview; 24 Christian Rock? John Worst; 28 Toward a Christian Poetic Rob Schreur; 30 The Joy of Dancing Evelyn Dekker; 32 Conversing With Art An Interview with Macyn Bolt; 34 The Sculpture Speaks Robin Jensen; 37 Doing the "Two-Step" Doug Evenhouse

Short Story

15 Dal Bread! Marvin Norman; 26 The Lisbon Express Paul VanArragon


9 Sunset over Subic Bay Mark Boer; 10 Song for Detroit Dave Shaw; 18 A Train Whistle Whining Melanie Fisher; 18 Sighting Someone James Randall; 39 Silent Wanderings James Randall

Covers Besty Buurma; 4 Ri...


Dialogue, Staff and writers of Dialogue

5 Sacred Technology James Bosscher; 8 Sheiks, Souks, and Servorgs Sharon Watson; 11 Charlemagne and Camillia: a short story Marvin Norman; 18 Genetic Engineering: Probing the Possibilities Bernard TenBroek; 22 The Tyranny of Success: a meditation Dale Cooper; 24 Calvin and Redeemer: Sisters or Rivals? Prologue; 25 Anthony Diekema; 27 Theodore Plantinga

Short Story

15 Dal Bread! Marvin Norman; 26 The Lisbon Express Paul VanArragon


15 "Morning" and "Evening" Tom VanMilligen; 16 To My Brother Laurel Vanderkleed; 20 Freedom Lost Kimberly Wyngarden; 21 After Picking Corn I Tell You a Story Dave Shaw; 23 Beyond Doubt Lori Kort

4 Something Borrowed Esther VanEek; 9 Ornate Gate Sondra Dunn; 10 Wise Men Sondra Dunn; 5 Yawn after; 16 Sondra Dunn; 21 Origins E...


Dialogue, Staff and writers of Dialogue

6 First Night: A Short Story Paul Faber; 10 The Psalms: God's "Especial Treasure" Dale J. Cooper; 13 Man is the Measure: An Essay in Film Theory Darrell Davis; 18 Tom Swiftsmas; 20 Words and Works: Doug Even house; 26 Working Lee Hardy


2 taptap (foot) Mark Stephenson; 2 The Rose Tree Ann Faber; 8 self-portrait James Postema; 25 Twilight, Really Robert Schreur; 30 After all William Postma

5 Reverie; 9 Dawna Schuld Through Yellow; 19 Cheryl Strikwerda Jane and Gloria; 24 Dawna Schuld C.O. and Me Jeffrey B. Poppen

12 Paul Klee

Parting Shot 31



Dialogue, Staff and writers of Dialogue

5 Alcoholic Professor: A Self-Interview; 9 After the Flood: A Short Story; 16 Marvin Norman Coming Home James Van Hemert; 21 Is There Christianity on Monday? Kingdom-Building in Business; 29 Regarding Planned M isunderstanding


2 second Play Lambert Van Poolen; 18 Walk to the Windrows; John T immerman; 28 Since lshmael Did Not Say Richard Bernath

4 Storm #3 Jeff Poppen; 7 Untitled Dwight Baker; 15 Untitled Esther Van Eek; 20 Cradle David Sobotka; 27 Untitled Dwight Baker; 29 Untitled George Gercama; 5 Portfolio: Willem de Koening

Parting Shot
31 Winter's Last Shot James Postema



Dialogue, Staff and writers of Dialogue

6 A Man's Place is in the Yard A Play by Louis Vos; 9 Across the Beltline and Into the Breeze James Postema; 14 Words and Works: Keith Cok; 18 The End of the Beginning, the Beginning of the End A Book Review by Cindy Abbott; 24 The Beauty of Sex Philip C. Holtrop

Good Groceries
4 Poetry Wilderness Watch by David Benson; 22 "Move 'm Out" by Rob Schreur; 28 A Marriage on the Sun Prairie by David Shaw Fiction; 10 The Maple by Laurel Vanderkleed


21 Blest Be the Lord God of Israel Abigail VanderHart

5 Branches Against Moonlight Betsy Buurma; 8 LightandShadow#2 Betty Buurma; 12 Linda G. David VanDyke; 13 Untitled Photograph Sharon Schuld; 20 Gazebo Against Light Betsy Buurma; 23 Untitled Sharon Schuld; 27 From The American Chart Suite James Kuiper


Works from 1981


Dialogue, Staff and writers of Dialogue

5 Students Searching for Self-Respect: An Interview with Anne Hein; 10 Human Dignity and Responsibility: Ethics in Science/Gordon VanHarn; 18 Light Play at Cobmoosa Shores: A Photo Essay /Howard Van Till; 22 A Carol for Many Voices; 28 Shivering Baby, Pondering Mother: A Christmas Meditation /Dale Cooper

2 Christmas; 7 David Benson Division Street South; 15 David Benson
An Open Letter Sietze Buning; 27 August 12 Sarah Young; 29 perception Keith DeRose

4, 14, 25 Dirk VanDyke; 26 Incomplete Sketch, 1973; 30 James Kuiper Downtown #2; 8 Richard Bishop Portfolio: Piet Mondrian

Parting Shot
31 Silent Night, written by Fengming Lu



Dialogue, Staff and writers of Dialogue

6 Displaced Persons: Sin and Salvation in the stories of Flannery O'Connor/Betsy Jansen; 10 Words and Works: George Gercama Controlled Abandon; 15 Mary Stewart Vanleeuwen; 18 People of Moscow: A Photo Essay Cathy Ridder; 22 James Korf: An Interview Petrified; 25 Roberta H illibrand Broomly

4 The Camel Rob Schreur

14 Unfortunately Reserved Freedom Hallelujah; 29 Architecture; 16 Rob Schreur Tableau James Postema

2 Olive Line-up; 5 Bob Alderink Untitled; 27 Green That Glows; 30 Mother's Bouquet; 24 Ula Shibazaki Wendy; 28 Portrait of Barb; 17 Betsy Buurma Portfolio Dali's ThePersistance of Memory

9 Wimmin Nandy Heule

Parting Shot
31 Silent Night, written by Fengming Lu



Dialogue, Staff and writers of Dialogue

6 Homosexuality: Agape and Eros An Interview; 10 Burdens of Love: Reflections on Community B.E. Pekelder; 18 At the Edge: A Short Story
Laurel VanderKleed; 22 Freedom Gone A-Fowles: The French Lieutenant's Woman/James Postema; 28 "Dear, Beauteous Death"
Hilda DeVries

14 Twenty-One Today Doug Even house; 5 My Proud Scrap Keith DeRose; 24 Pink Lemonade: Three Children's Poems Henrietta TenH armsel

4 Rick Beerhorst Missing Persons; 9 Rick Beerhorst Evening Shadows; 13 Clara Peterson Richard Bishop; 20 After Rembrandt: Rick Beerhorst; 21 Rick Beerhorst; 16 Portfolio Picasso's Guernica

Parting Shot 31



Dialogue, Staff and writers of Dialogue

4 What You Will William Brashier: A Lapsed Calvinist's Impressions; 6 Patricia Rozema; 10 Words and Works: Phil Schreur; 12 Made in Germany: Screening the Best David Diephouse, Mary Jane Lamse; 17 Gallery Seventeen Fran DeJong; 18 "Tidings from Babylon" II; 26 The Fundamentals of History; 33 The Heresy of Apartheid Allan Boesak; 36 A Psychology Colloquium: The State of the Art

2 Portrait of Margaret Rick Beerhorst; 3 Collage ... Wanda Berkanpas; 23 Photograph J. Pieter Pere boom; 24 Group Portrait
Rick Beerhorst; 43 The Studio Where I Sleep Rick Beerhorst; 46 Upstairs Downtown Rick Beerhorst; 47 Self Portrait Richard Bishop

Mary Beth Aardema· (p. 5); Cathy Bouwsma; David Bouwsma; Margaret Dijkhuis; Sharon Schuld (p. 9)

Cathy Bouwsma; Ed Delong; Patr...


Dialogue, Staff and writers of Dialogue

4 What You Will; 6 The Serpent. and Snake Oil Kathy Faber; 12 Words and Works: Timothy Grubbs; 15 The Laboratory of History: What to Write on Yourffabula Rasa Arvin Vos; 19 Gallery Nineteen James Kuiper; 20 My Mother Never Said Anything Like That: A Critique of Pure Science; 28 Floating World Leonard Sweetman

3 Meadowscape Phil Woldman; 27 Pink Sofas Mark Mulder Snow tires

Paul Baker; Wanda Berkenpas; Cathy Bouwsma; David Bouwsma; Margaret Dijkhuis

Cathy Bouwsma; Edwin deJong



Dialogue, Staff and writers of Dialogue

29 Anatomy of Criticism and Conflict

4 What You Will; 6 Potsherds and Misconceptions Bert De Vries; 10 No More Cheap Tomatoes: An Interview with Francis Moore Lappe; 13 Learning in Style: Or A Guide to Methods of Mousing Philip Lucasse; 16 Words and Works: Peter Dijkhuis; 21 Man Sculpting Man Steve VanTill; 28 Gallery Twenty Eight Fran De Jong

20 Mirage Faith Van Alten; 20 Clematis Faith Van Alten

Aesthetics in Action: A Layperson's Perspective Kathy Faber

Cathy Bouwsma; David Bouwsma; Margaret Dijkhuis; Mark Tamminga

Bert DeVries; Peter Dijkhuis


Works from 1980


Dialogue, Staff and writers of Dialogue

4 What You Will; 6 The House that David Built Margaret Dijkhuis; 10 Gallery Ten Ken Bratt; 11 Milton and Mysticism: Interview with
C.A. Patrides; 18 Republican Southern Comfort Corwin Smidt; 23 Temperament: The Key to Harniony and Discord Sam Wiersma; 26 Words and Works; 30 Appendix

20 Maria David Krosschel; The Rubberband Catherine Bouwsma

9 bricks Edwin deJong; 21 Print Wanda Berkenpas; 22 Prometheus Eirik Evenhouse

Rick Beerhorst; Catherine Bouwsma; Catherine Bouwsma; David Bouwsma; Margaret Dijkhuis; Ruth VanBaak

Catherine Bouwsma; David Bouwsma; Edwin deJong



Dialogue, Staff and writers of Dialogue

Editorial 3


5 What You Will; 13 Confronting the Candidates Jack Smalligan Gallery Thirteen Clarence Walhout; 14 The Guardsman: Pain in Pretense Laura Smit; 18 Words and Works: William Fyfe; Tisch, Tisch Jack Smalligan

17 Adagio con tristezza Paul Baker; 27 Versus a Friend Mary Boerman

By the Silver, Shining Stream John Timmerman

4 Untitled print Dirk Van Dyke; 9 Self Portrait as a Jewish Alchemist? Tim Grubbs; 16 Seascape Steven C. Baker; 30 Move V Mark Mulder

Catherine Bouwsma; David Bouwsma; Margaret Dijkhuis; James Korf



Dialogue, Staff and writers of Dialogue

Editorial 4


6 Jeanne Suiter: An Interview David Baker; 11 Androgynous Liturgy Sonja Jager; 15 And the Bride Wore Blue Sheryl De Weerd; 18 Styles of Liberation MaryVanderGoot; 20 Frogs and Snails, Sugar and Spice Joan Huyser; 22 Women in Office: Pro and Con Nicholas Wolterstorff, James O'Brien; 27 The Chivalrous Woman Sharon J. Anderson; 32 A Misogynist History Lucie Marsden

14 Faith Van Alten; 26 Faith Van Alten

30 Running Into the Night Claire Patterson

cover Ruth Van Baak; 12, 13, 16, 17, 26 David Bouwsma; 27, 33, 34, 35Catherine Bouwsma

31 David Cheadle; 22, 29 Catherine Bouwsma



Dialogue, Staff and writers of Dialogue

4 When All's Said And Done: An Editorial/Essay David Baker; 7 Towards A Faithful Poetics Nicholas Wolterstorff; 10 Iser the Exegete Barbara Carvill; 12 A Critics' Colloquim David Baker; 16 Words and Works: Writer's Guild Laura Smit; 19 Ricoeurian Hermeneutics Clarence Walhout; 24 Thoughts of A Distracted Reader Theo De Bruyn; 26 Careful Symmetry Paul Baker

23 I, II, City On the Hill Stephen Pruett

29 Night Reminiscence Herbert Vander Zwaal



Dialogue, Staff and writers of Dialogue

Letters to the Editor 4


5 Thespian Theatre Ervina Boeve'; 8 John Vreeke: An Interview David Baker; 11 Theatre Games James Nuttall; 12 Honest Words, Honest Theatre James Korf; 14 Hope For Theatre Mary Lucasse; 19 The Poetics of Elder Olson David Baker; 22 Theatre Is Alive and Well in Grand Rapids Jane Plantinga; 24 An Audience of One Helen Sterk Van Halsema; 26 Confessions of a Fry Scholar Stanley Wiersma; 28 The Dordt Cast of Purpaleanie: An Interview David Baker

5 Brian Bishop; 9, 13 Cathy Bouwsma; 5, 11, 22, 23, 28, 29, 30, 31 David Bouwsma; 16, 17, 18 James Korf; 1, 2, 4, 32 Ruth Van Baak

21 Bryan Bishop; 25 David Bouwsma; 7 Timothy Grubbs

Good Groceries 31


Works from 1979


Dialogue, Staff and writers of Dialogue

6 Richard Mouw: An Interview Len Diepeveen and Michael Hakkenberg; 9 Living Cross-Culturally Edna Greenway; 11 Ideology and Minorities at Calvin Ronald A. Wells; 16 Calvin College, Ethnicity and the Decade of the 80's Anthony J. Diekema; 20 Personal Perceptions Catherine Page; 22 Harambe Jahard; 26 Pursuit of a Vision John Timmerman; 32 Letter from a Dutch Mother Evelyn HOfstra and Fran De Jong; 18 Calvin's Canadians J. Pieter Pereboom

30 "Free" Frederick manfred

10 "Grand Rapids, South-Southeast" Bob Boomsma; 19 "Acceleration" Bob Boomsma; 23 Three Images from Holland Henrietta Ten Harmsel; 31 "Hercules" Ken Miinkema

13 Words and Works: William Franson

31 David Bouwsma

10 Steve ...


Dialogue, Staff and writers of Dialogue

10 The New World Quartet: An Interview Lori Broersma and Jane Plantinga; 14 Musical Language and Responsibility Michael Marissen; 16 The Anatomy of a Controversy Steve Van Til; 18 Treasure or Treasured? John Hamersma; 3 Symphonic Calvinism Mary Lucasse and Phil Scheur; 26 On Lyres, Flutes and Righteousness Kenneth Bratt; Rod Jellema: An Interview David Baker and Mary Lucasse

5 "A Letter to Ruth Rus, Autumn, 1979" Stanley Wiersma; 9 "Rebellion" Laura Smit; 9 "Dawn Song" Taliesin; 13 "The Hands of a Cellist" Ross Harbaugh; 13 "Villanelle" Stanley Wiersma; 17 "Mrs. D's Radio" Ken Minkema; 22 "Park Bench Artist" Ross McElroy

6 "A Parable" John Worst; 8 Words and Works: Michael Marissen Mary Beth Huissen and Ruth Van Baak; 21 "Minimal Song Series II" Robert Hoolsema and Todd Huizenga


Dialogue, Staff and writers of Dialogue

8 Life on the Line Len Diepeveen; 10 Closed Societies: A Parallel Michael A. Hakkenberg; 13 On Being a Christian Ron Feenstra; 18 Harmony and Diversity Ai Nguyen; 20 Blue Collar Steel Ron Pederson; 24 Lymen Kipp: An Interview Tim Van Laar and Jim Kuiper; 26 Return of the Native John H. Primus

12 "I am like a slip of comet" Bob Boomsma; 27 From the same branch Bob Boomsma; 31 Dragon Metamorphosis Taliesin

5, 27-29 William Franson; 20-25, Cover Charles Rus

14-17 Words and Works: Tim Van Laar; David Baker, Judy Van Gorp

9-11, 19, 30, 31 David Bouwsma; 3, 6, 12 Ruth Van Baak



Dialogue, Staff and writers of Dialogue

"Two Poems for St. Carol" Dan Hawkins; "jessica anne" Faith Van Alten; "Memories - One Fall" Ross McElroy; "for (a) Debbie" Greg Tasker; "thirty cedar waxwings" Faith Van Alten "Vice Versa" Eric Jager

Beulah Lori Allen; Against the Dying of the Light T. A. Straayer; The Kodak Kid Meets the Shadow Bob Boomsma; In Bits and Pieces Dale Mentink

Petals Helen Reitsma; Untitled; Lori Smalligan; Unstretched Canvas Nola Ann Neilsen; Child's Play Dennis DeWinter; I-Beans Dan Walbert; untitled Andrew Abma; Boiler Plate Dan Walbert; A Bed for the Calvinists Cathy Bouwsma



Dialogue, Staff and writers of Dialogue

8 Why Do You Like the Games You Like? Interviews with kids; 11 Professional Recreaion? Steve holtrop; 31 Lost in a Masquerade Ellen Ashford; 41 Thinking Play Seriously Christ Campbell; 44 Playtime at the Factory Jay Lewis


4 Childhood Poems fool helps build a house; 12 Chris Campbell; 20 Three by Eric Jager; 37 The Lone Ranger Rides in Legoland
Bob Boomsma

13 White Porcelain, Grandfather Clock, and Me, Joanne Linda Ruiter; 34 Listen To Your Music, Pa. Jennifer Morison

24 Words and Works: Dennis DeWinter; 17 James Kuiper: Feeling to Gesture to Symbol; 7 William Franson; 10 Kathy Hofman; 21, 32 Linda Ruiter; 22 Cathy Heerdt; 23, 36 Carol Fryling; 33 Richard Yntema; 46 Chris Campbell

28 The Minimal Song Series: I Bob Hoolsema ...


Dialogue, Staff and writers of Dialogue

7 The Schuller-Amway-CRC Connection Steve Van Till; 11 Salting the Earth? Jim Lucas; 13 Conspicuous Consumption: In Two Parts An American Standard for the World Carl Plantinga House of Cards Max Vreugdenhil; 21 Our Daily Bread Uko Zylstra; 24 Identifying with the Neighborhood An Interview with Jane Vander Ploeg


16 Meet-Me at the Fair Larry Vander Schat; 22 Suburbanite Rescued/Scott Joling; 31 Memories-Toledo/Ross McElroy; 31 Doc's Bar and Grill/John Suk

27 The Moon Seung Ho Choi

18 Words and Works: Macyn Bolt; 2 William Franson; 5 Dennis De Winter; 6 Sandy Jorritsma; 23 Linda Slenk; 26 Bruce Bouwma; 29 Ben Tamminga

Editorial 4



Dialogue, Staff and writers of Dialogue

14 The Best SF Dan Hawkins and T.A. Straayer; 16 Time, Black Holes, and a Lesson Howard Van Till

3 The Zorak Uprising Greg Lidstone; 10 The Shape of Things to Come T.A. Straayer; 13 The Bean Cathy Bouwsma

Editorial 9

Editor's Note 31
21 John Worst Short Piece for Voices and Flute; 20 Cathy Heerdt; 23 Tom Dykstra: Words and Works; 18 Merrie Amsterburg/Kites; 25 Heidi Kortman/Solstice Wind; 29 Christ Campbell/fool joins a band; 30 Bob Boomsma/Night walk and Loading firewood; 28 Laura DeNooyer The Sandlot; 24 Cindy DeVries Age on a Park Bench; 19 James Rinck Something Old, Somthing New


Works from 1978


Dialogue, Staff and writers of Dialogue

7 Notes on the Wasteland T.A. Straayer; 13 Ultra High Flippancy Eric Jager; 14 How Much Can TV Cost Calvin? teve Van Till; 19 Dutch Television Is Better Han De Bruyn; 21 The Clouded Crystal Tube . Bob Holkeboer; 23 Sugary Songs of Seduction Michael Schepers; 29 Refusing to Fall Max Vreugdenhil

12 Memories-One Fall/Ross McElroy; 20 Watching the Dominoes Fall/Bob Boomsma; 24 Television Twilight/Dan Hawkins; 25 Answer/Heidi Kartman; 31 Loneliness/translation by Han De Bruyn

16 Words and Works: Cathy Heerdt; 4, 5 Linda Slenk; 6, 25 Linda Ruiter; 12 Mike Lyzenga; 18 Jil Evans; 22 Sandy Jorritsma; 28 Joel Schaafsma; 31 Sue Kuiper

26 The Pencille as Symbol: Recently Discovered Poems by Donne and Herbert Paul Baker

Editorial 4



Dialogue, Staff and writers of Dialogue

7 Trusting Your Feelings Pam Dalfsen; 9 The Age of Happiness Steve Al sum; 12 Dynamic Tension: We are Two Sexes George Zuiderveen/M. Elaine Botha; 18 Avoiding the Void David Faber; 21 Internal Emigres David J. Diephouse; 25 Stranger in the World Kimberly Adams

6 Suffer. The Little Children./Derwin Scott Hessels; 15 Revenge I/Scott Joling; 24 fat man/Connie DeHaan Walking Out/G. Jhon Kleyn; 26 From Dad's slides, Korea, 1964/Bob Boomsma October/Heidi Kartman; 31 In Memory of Mr. V. Van Gogh/Chris Campbell

27 Beulah Lori Allen

16 Words and Works: Ben Tamminga First in a Series of interviews with student artists; Cover Jil Evans; 6 William Franson inside front
11 Joel Schaafsma; 20 Patriotism and Windshield Wipers Make Many a Country Great Todd Huizinga


Dialogue, Staff and writers of Dialogue

12 There is a Darkness at the Edge of Town Chris Campbell; 18 The Lady's a Peril Eric Jager; 19 Labor Pains Kimberly Adams; 21 Bringing Forth Renewed People Stan Blom; 25 In and Out of Artistic Servitude Brenda vanHalsema

7 The Diary of a Simple Pastor Philip C. Holtrop; 31 In Secondgrade I member Bobby VanAarden

26 Vending Machines and Sandwich Ovens Do Not a Cafe Make Bob Booms ma

6, 31 Dennis DeWinter

Editorials 4

Special Tear-Out Section, Attractive, Suitable for Training
16 Dialogue 1978-79 Poster



Dialogue, Staff and writers of Dialogue

28 Getting Into Leibniz T. A. Straayer

23 Bob Boomsma; 24 Sietze Buning

4 Sirs, I Wish to Tell You Dan Hawkins; 8 Frank Al Aas man; 18 Dialogue Lorelei Nieboer

1 Richard Abma; 7 Dennis De Winter; 9 Margriet Booy; 12 Armine Serijanian; 14 Lisa Lane; 15 Wayne Medendorp Jr.; 16, 17 Thane Macyn Bolt; 20, 21, 30 Stan Myers; 22 Thomas Kool; 31 Mike Lyzeng

Dennis DeWinter



Dialogue, Staff and writers of Dialogue

4 The Bricks of Knollcrest Mark Borst; 5 The Man Trap Charles H. Fondse

10 Olive Plants, Dancing and, Full Quivers Joan Huyser; 18 Libben of dea/Dead or Alive Grace Miedema; 23 What Makes it Poetry: A Symposium

8 G. Jhon Kleyn; 8 Robert Holkeboer; 9 John Suk; 9 Beth Style; 9 Dan Hawkins; 14 T.A. Straayer

2 Jil Evans; 7 Laura Bordewyk; 16 Kathy Heerdt; 24 Jil Evans; 26 Linda Wielenga; 22 Kathy Heerdt

Rachelle Smith



Dialogue, Staff and writers of Dialogue

4 Semester in Chicago Jim DeBoe and Jane Bosma; 8 Technology, Freedom, and the Christian Derk Pereboom; Photo Essay; 18 The Nuclear Energy Crisis T. A. Straayer; 29 The Problems and Promise of Biofeedback Michael Vredevoogd

10 Randy VanderMey; 14 Bob Boomsma; 26 Al Aas man; 26 Chris Campbell; 27 Connie DeHaan

2 Steve Vogel; 5 Christina Homan; 6 Ginny Elkema; 7 Herm Wei ma; 12 Mary Kamphuis; 13 Chuck Dykstra; 15, 25, 32 Margaret Dykhuis; 27 Nancy Ebbers; 28 Peter Dykhuis; 31 Sharon Visser

"Mantessa," by Margaret Dykhuis



Dialogue, Staff and writers of Dialogue

4 Sabbath Observance Rolf Bouma

5 Right of Passage Rod Blom; Letter to Patchetstroom Interview: Robbin Jensen

Short Stories
14 Grandfather at Home Dan Hawkins; 6 Against the Dying of the Light Tim Straayer; 20 Last Words Larry Ten Harmsel

10 Dan Hawkins; 22 R. W. Veltman; 22 Dan Hawkins; 22 Faith Van Alten

2 Jeff Robinson; 11 Stan Meyers; 16 Aaron Visser; 21 Herm Weima; 23 Chris Sharda

Mirros Tom Koole


Works from 1977


Dialogue, Staff and writers of Dialogue

22 David Westendorp

4 Are Men and Women Only Equal? Mary VanderGoot; 7 Women and the Church Marchiene Vroon-Rienstra; 12 Liberating Calvin's Women Jeanette Bult-DeJong; 16 Art Feature Helen Bonzelaar and Carol Jurgens Fryling; 25 Poetry Feature Mildred Zylstra; 26 Women and the Constitution: Notes on the ERA Sher Jasperse; 30 DeVries's Women T. A. Straayer; 34 Review: Sylvia Plath: Method and Madness Marilyn Tanis

14 Sonnets from the Misogynist T. A. Straayer; 23 Untitled Marianne Scholte; 3 First Hymn to Persephone David Westendorp; 24 New Clothes John Richter; 24 Opinions M. Edmund

6, 28 Drawings Amelia Harper; 11 Print: Tidal Wave Margriet Booy; 2, 23, 24 Drawings Shelly Smith; 29 Drawing Kathy Heerdt; 33 Drawing Katie Harper



Dialogue, Staff and writers of Dialogue

4 Why Radio at Calvin? Jan Chapin

6 Language Study and Liberal Arts: The Interpretation of Reality Clarence Walhout; 10 A Dime a Dozen Eric Jager; 12 Facing the Obligations of Mass Communication Sher Jasperse; 21 Of Centennials and the Holy Grail Ronald Wells; 24 Journalism at Calvin: A Review
Del Nykamp; 30 English-teacher Blues Mary Hietbrink; 32 Taxi Driver and the Savage Cinema Leonard Sweetman

15 Johnny Dooley and the Sandlot Boys Lori Allen

9 Connie De Haan; 9 Dan Hawkins; 9 T. J. De Boer

2 Mary Veenstra; 8 Linda Ruiter; 11 T. Macyn Bolt; 17 Ron Pederson; 19 Tim Van Laar; 35 Jil Evans

Greg Lidstone

Henry Gysen and Jeff Robinson
