Works from 2011
Chimes: October 14, 2011, Calvin College
Youth Lagoon plays a synth set by Michelle Ratering
Occupy Together descends upon Grand Rapids by Libby Stille
Steve Jobs had eye for greatness by Jon Hielkema
Three women awarded Nobel Peace Prize by Josh Delacy
Bjork's latest album innovative, interactive by Samatha Wade
Women's golf qualifies for tourney by Mark Zylstra
...Chimes: October 7, 2011, Calvin College
Religious tolerance celebrated by Jasmine Wilson
Jazz club keeps modern music alive by Tyler Slamkowski
Liberia program expands by Allysa Metzner
Science in 'Contagion' accurate by Allison Schepers
Occupy Wall Street protesters frustated with financial situation by Rachel Hekman
Golf looks to final tourney by Jess Koster & Mark Dehaan
...Dialogue, Staff and writers of Dialogue
05 William Overbeeke, The Orchid Shop; 10 Andrew Steiner, Saint Daniel of Padua; 12 Jonathan Hielkema, Riffs and Variations on Coastal Rise; 15 Ta nice Mast, Untitled; 34 Maxwell Howard, Night Driving; 39 Caroline Higgins, Never See Me; 43 Jake Schepers, Antithises to Stork; 49 Joshua Epperly, Elysium
Visual Art
17 Bjorn Sparrman, Kotengu, Kappa; 19 Joanna Bayliss, Untitled; 20 Jenny Swim, #15. #3; 22 Bridgette Keehl, Untitled, Untitled; 24 Hannah Abma, Untitled, Untitled; 26 Ashleigh Vandel
09 Leah Sienkowski, Delighted Audio, Darling You are Mine; 11 Colleen M. Keehl, Infinitely Wild; 14 Justin Majetich, Nine/Ten; 33 Caroli...
Chimes: September 30, 2011, Calvin College
Volleyball beats Dutch by Jess Koster
Food fest educates campus, community by Libby Stille
ArtPrize enthralls GR by Hayley Cox
Study compares Internet speeds by Jon Hielkema
Nobel peace prize winner passes away by Greg Kim
Cut Copy rocks the CFAC by Nathan Ritsema
Knights win Alma invite by Josh Yonker
...Chimes: September 23, 2011, Calvin College
Men's soccer beats Hope 2-0 by Jess Koster
English department hosts kick-off picnic by Libby Stille
Calvin Professor explores role of art in healing by Elizabeth Steiner
Surgeons in London separate conjoined twins by Allison Schepers
Netflix's future predicted by Michelle Ratering
Knights golf going strong by Mark Zylstra
...Chimes: September 16, 2011, Calvin College
Beets-Veenstra dominates with back-to-back victories by Ryan Devries
Library offers more than just books by Glenn Remelts
Psalms study unites campus by Amanda Elliot
Mud Bowl Energizes KE by Amanda Elliott
Compound may deter poachers by Geneva Langeland
Economic disparity grows by Nathan Slauer
Classic witty comedy revisted by David Greendonner
Volleyball team undefeated in conference by Jess Koster
...Chimes: September 7, 2011, Calvin College
Controversy gains international attention by Andrew Steiner
Space heist story captivates by Colleen Keehl
President Byker bids Calvin fond farewell by Jasmine Wilson
Whimsical Google doodles delight by Allison Schepers
Writer reviews Hitchcock's return to form in 'Frenzy' by John Morton
Volleyball team starts off strong by Josh Yonker
NFC North Preview: North looking strong by Josh Yonker
...Chimes: September 2, 2011, Calvin College
Explore Grand Rapids by Stephen Mulder & Tyler Slamkowski
Buck Fridays offer late-night fun by Averi Mcewen
Free dinner and show sure to please by Abby Zwart
Calvin Jargon confusing? Look no further by Christy Admiraal
...Chimes: May 6, 2011, Calvin College
US finds Bin Laden by Griffin Jackson
Buck Fridays change by Hayley Cox
Band wins battle by Jon Behm
Tuition prices due to spin out of control, change needed by Andrew Steiner
Second US face transplant a success by Allison Schepers
Chimes seniors reminisce about their college years by Andrea Baas
Calvin crew strives for recognition by Josh Yonker
...Chimes: April 29, 2011, Calvin College
Senate debate flares up on hot topics, winners announced by Griffin Jackson
Research astounds by Tyler Slamkowski
Obama targets oil subsidies by David Ryou
Dialogue for community by community by Colleen M. Keehl
Decemberists give thrill to crowd of thousands by Eric Thayer
Mast phenomenal, softball founders by Tim Clover
Calvin climbs to second by Luke Leisman
...Chimes: April 15, 2011, Calvin College
'To see or not to see' no question by Eric Thayer
New Forum raises issues by Jasmine Wilson
Professors presented with Fulbright awards by Joseph Matheson
Student debts ballooning by David Ryou
Art students spur inter-college art war with Trojan Horses by Colleen M. Keehl
Knights kill at GLCA tourney by Mark Zylstra
Knights ready for Jamboree by Jon Behm
...Chimes: April 8, 2011, Calvin College
Caffeine tolerance genetically linked by Katie Faber
Senate faces organizational restructuring by Griffin Jackson
Weather causes crash in Congo by Joseph Matheson
Knights slam Hornets by Jon Behm
Knights have solid showing at Grand Rapids Open by Mark Zylstra
Calvin welcomes musicians, presenters for the Festival of Faith and Music by Madeline Tracy
...Chimes: April 1, 2011 (April Fools' Edition), Calvin College
VerMerris to say farewell by Tyler Slamkowski
Calvin oil spill contaminates Seminary Pond by Seamus Boaz Ackbar
'Love Wins' inflames myriad philosophical controversies by Jasmine Wilson
Bachmann weighs presidential bid by Joseph Matheson
Nuclear plant has ecological implications by Greg Kim
Calvin students discover new planet, make contact with alien life by Kate Fa'Brie
What makes us beautiful by Katie Hall
Softball bookends spring break trip by Tim Clover
...Chimes: March 18, 2011, Calvin College
Nuclear fallout clouds Japanese horizons by Allison Schepers
New student organization on the market by Jasmine Wilson
Bach festival bathes community in classical elegance by Tyler Slamkowski
Robots search for earthquake survivors by Geneva Langeland
Boerner claims national title by Mark Zylstra
Knights receive accolades by Jon Behm
...Chimes: March 11, 2011, Calvin College
Limelight shines on Calvin stars by Griffin Jackson
Screenings could save student athletes by Allison Schepers
Discovery completes final flight by Katie Faber
Nation of Palestine makes bid for statehood at the United Nations by Christine Bennett
Knights fall in second round of NCAA tourney by Derek Neice
...Chimes: March 4, 2011, Calvin College
Knights overcome Hope to snag MIAA championship by Jon Behm
Colorful show delights all by Jasmine Wilson
New murder mystery and director hit GR theaters by Tyler Slamkowski
Hamas assaults Israeli town by Greg Kim
Baseball builds on experience by Mark Zylstra
'Rabbit Hole' honest, yet hopeful by Colleen M. Keehl
...Dialogue, Staff and writers of Dialogue
04 Sabrina Lee, Tewnty-First Century Tomb Raiding; 11 Jake Schepers, De Rigueur for Men; 41 Sarah Vander Molen, For Whom the Bell Dings; 49 Nard Choi, Steady the Light
07 Brian Alford, Im Spiegel; 09 Elaine Schnabel, Spoils of War; 36 Elaine Schnabel, Best Years; 45 Abby Koning, Pranayama
Visual Art
17 Hannah Abma, Bridge)· Suspension). Crossover; 20 Sean Vandenbrink, Henk van B) 1930). Nennetje Rijksen 1930; 22 Henry Muller, Everyday Interactions; 24 Jay Howard, Waiting I; 25 Alice Keyes, Life Amid the Rubble; 26 Andrew Fisher, Red Brick)·Broken Mansion; 28 Sheila Morken, Box)· Cup; 30 Jenny Swim, Middle Big Pot)· Little
Big Pot
06 Nard Choi, Deny Myselp?· The Endless Inbetween; 08 peopleherd, Exquisite Corpse - The Reasons I Retired Young; 08 Adam Wolpa, ...
Chimes: February 25, 2011, Calvin College
Aquatic knights win championship, set new records by Luke Leisman
'The Least of These' brings clothing to global community by Jasmine Wilson
Calvin silences Thunder by Jon Behm
Oscar nominations give hope, cause distress by Jackson Hall
The new sounds of Radiohead lack direction by John Kloosterman
Cane toad threatens Australia by Allison Schepers
...Chimes: February 18, 2011, Calvin College
Studying abroad fun but trying by Abby Zwart
Smoking ban inevitable? by Griffin Jackson
Annual conference musters Calvin, worldwide patronage by Tyler Slamkowski
Egyptian Museum ransacked by Taylor Vanderveen
Knights demolish Scots by Luke Leisman
Athletes honored for academics by Jon Behm
...Chimes: February 11, 2011, Calvin College
Go, Pack, go: Lombardi trophy returns to Green Bay by Jon Behm
Calvin's own to perform in "Manon" by Charlie Lapastora
Regathering highlights students' experiences abroad by Griffin Jackson
"Calvin's Got Talent" to premiere Saturday by Andrew Steiner
Wikileaks rights bought by Madeline Tracy
Knights drop another by Mark Zylstra
'The King's Speech' brings hope to stutterers by Allison Schepers
...Chimes: February 4, 2011, Calvin College
Revolution stirs millions in streets of Egypt by Joseph Matheson
Snowed-in Calvin closes for a day by Griffin Jackson
UKnight enlivens campus by Tyler Slamkowski
Calvin website improves by Elizabeth Vander Heide
Symposium inspires worshipers with growth, ecumenism by Griffin Jackson
Snowpocalypse hits US by Nate Slauer
Calvin hosts first indoor meet by Jon Behm
Knights exterminate Hornets in Van Noord by Tim Clover
...Chimes: January 21, 2011, Calvin College
Knights' skill leaves no hope for Flying Dutch by Luke Leisman
Fierce tournament thrills by Charlie Lapastora
King's legacy exhorts generations to pursue social justice by Griffin Jackson
Tuition on the rise by Ben Orlebeke
Tunisian uproar initiates major change by Joseph Matheson
New Facebook app launched by Jon Behm
The man with the beard by Tim Clover
Talented ensemble to perform in CFAC
...Chimes: January 14, 2011, Calvin College
Nation shocked by Tuscon shooting, honors dead by Abby Zwart
Knights sink the Flying Dutchmen by Jon Behm
Crowds flood J. Series by Elizabeth Vander Heide
Kill-A-Watt calls for stewardship by Tyler Slamkowski
Floods hit Australia by Christine Bennett
Grandin lectures in CFAC by Josiah Kuiper
Knights douse Comets, stay perfect by Tim Clover
...As good as it gets: a review and consideration of "healing prayer", its theological and ministry implications, and the hope for change it evokes., Henry Kranenburg, Calvin Theological Seminary
If healing is possible, and Christian prayer is a means to achieve it, how do Christians 'make it happen'? The answer to this question has had renewed and increasing interest for Christians in Reformed circles (Chapter I). While different healing 'ministries' have claimed to unlock (some aspect) of healing, there has been limited assessment of these ministries in both their methodologies and their claims. This paper reviews four of these ministries, first looking at aspects of their teaching and methodology (Chapter 2). It then reflects on these from a behavioural-psychological perspective by asking a number of questions (Chapter 3) before moving to a behavioural-theological analysis that looks a little more deeply at the foundations, methods and claims of these ministries (Chapter 4). This includes critique of these ministries (weaknesses, lacunae, inconsistencies) but also an recogn...
Called into Communion: a Paradigm Shift in Holiness theology, B. Susan Carole, CalvinTheological Seminary
This dissertation argues that current problems in Nazarene holiness theology can be traced to a person-centered theological approach, which was introduced into theological reflection and practice during the Nineteenth Century Holiness Movement. Subjectivism has resulted in articulations of holiness doctrine that over-value the human role in religious experience and obscure the primacy of grace. These problems can be overcome by an articulation of holiness doctrine from the standpoint of its transcendent goalfullness in divine-human communion. Fullness of communion is divine-human fellowship characterized by the full actualization of divine Lordship and wholehearted human devotion, through the fullness of the Holy Spirit. Entire sanctification is the decisive moment of faith, subsequent to justification, in which the Holy Spirit cleanses the believer from inherited sin and initializes ...
Covenant in Conflict: the Controversy Over the Church Covenant Between Samuel Rutherford and Thomas Hooker, Sang Hyuck Ahn, CalvinTheological Seminary
This dissertation examines the mid-seventeenth-century controversy over the church government between Samuel Rutherford (Presbyterian) and Thomas Hooker (Congregationalist) focusing on its theological underpinnings. The church covenant played a significant role: For Hooker, it constitutes the theological and logical foundation of his systematic defense of the New England Way—particularly in the issues of the nature of the visible church, church membership, the power of the keys, sacraments, and church discipline. Rutherford considers the church covenant as a human invention because it is unknown to Scripture. In reply, Hooker argues both that the concept of church covenant is warranted by God’s word, and also that Rutherford’s Presbyterianism is neither biblical nor true to the Reformation. Their differing views of the church covenant are closely interconnected with each man’s covenan...
Johannes Piscator (1526-1625) and the Consequent Development of the Doctrine of the Imputation of Christ's Active Obedience, Heber Carlos De Campos Júnior, CalvinTheological Seminary
Though the forensic understanding of imputation of Christ's righteousness was consistently asserted by the Reformers, the discussion around what constituted this imputed righteousness was a Post Reformation debate. However, secondary literature is often unaware of the development of such doctrine when they assert that early Reformed figures such as John Calvin, Zacharias Ursinus and Caspar Olevianus were either in favor or opposed to the doctrine of the imputation of Christ's active obedience. These labels are preferable if attributed to those who responded to Johannes Piscator's disagreement with Theodore Beza's theology of imputation of righteousness, this being the debate which sparked the controversy in Reformed circles. Piscator understood that justification consisted in its entirety of the remission of sins imputed to the believer. Justification, then, was a simplex actio Dei, ...
John Edwards (1637-1716) on the Freedom of the Will: the Debate on the Relation Between Divine Necessity and Human Freedom in Late Seventeenth Century and Early Eighteenth Century England., Jeongmo Yoo, CalvinTheological Seminary
This dissertation examines John Edwards’ (1637-1716) doctrine of free choice, focusing on his understanding of the relation between divine necessity and human freedom as an illustration of the way Reformed theologians of the late seventeenth and the early eighteenth century developed their ideas of human free choice. Even though free choice is an important theme in the history of Reformed theology, Reformed teaching on free choice has gained much less attention by modern scholars than other Reformed themes such as faith, grace and predestination. Moreover, the traditional Reformed doctrine of free choice has been frequently criticized as metaphysical or philosophical determinism by modern scholars. The crux of this evaluation or criticism is the claim that the classical Reformed doctrine of divine necessity such as divine decree, predestination, foreknowledge, providence, and grace ru...
Kees Van Til als Nederlandse-Amerikaanse, Neo-Calvinistisch-Presbyteriaan apologeticus: an analysis of Cornelius Van Til's presupposition of reformed dogmatics with special reference to Herman Bavinck's Gereformeerde Dogmatiek., Laurence R. O'Donnell III, Calvin Theological Seminary
The purpose of this essay is to demonstrate that Cornelius Van Til’s (1895–1987) presupposition of Reformed dogmatics is largely a presupposition of Herman Bavinck’s (1854–1921) Gereformeerde Dogmatiek. The argument proceeds in three steps. First, by situating Van Til’s life and work in the neo-Calvinist intellectual milieu within which he operated throughout his career, the prevailing Copernican interpretation of Van Til’s thought is challenged on the grounds of historical abstraction. Second, his formal, material, and polemical appropriations of Bavinck’s Dogmatiek are analyzed in order to show not only that Van Til appropriates Bavinck’s thought pervasively, but also that his apologetics cannot be properly understood apart from Bavinck’s dogmatics. Third, Van Til’s criticisms of the alleged scholasticism in Bavinck’s thought are analyzed in terms of their originality and their vali...
The Mythos of Sin: C. S. Lewis, the Genesis Fall, and the Modern Mood, Jeremy G. Grinnell, CalvinTheological Seminary
This dissertation wrestles with the question how to profitably and theologically handle the Fall narrative of Genesis 3 once it has been classified as “myth,” as was the conclusion of the Formgeschichte school. The dissertation begins by establishing the theological conversation of the mid-twentieth century, which marks a zenith in the discussion. Beginning with a survey of the traditional interpretation of the narrative as historical account, which dominated pre-Enlightenment churchly thought, the survey then summarizes the change of tenor that Enlightenment and higher critical voices brought to the question. The survey concludes with consideration of Reinhold Niebuhr, Karl Barth, and Rudolph Bultmann on the definition and role of myth in the Bible. At this point C. S. Lewis is brought into the conversation in the belief that his expert status as a literary critic and Medievalist wou...
Works from 2010
Chimes: December 10, 2010, Calvin College
'Wednesday' hits stage by Jasmine Wilson
Calvin gets new land for Christmas by Amanda Elliott
Foreign students face mistreatment by Rachel Hekman
Humans are a species unlike any other on the planet by Matthew Koh
Make, bake, share Christmas chear by Kendra Haan
Hope slashed and iced in Knight victory by Tim Clover
Swim and dive teams host annual Calvin Winter Invitational by Luke Leisman
...Chimes: December 3, 2010, Calvin College
Bump, set, spike: Knights win championship by Jon Behm
Capella makes a joyful noise by Brandon Van Dyke
Project combines poetry and justice by Jasmine Wilson
Christmas tree lays roots by Aleesa Ribbens
Unknown Picasso works discovered by Josh Delacy
Peer into anatomy at the Bodies Revealed exhibition by Bridgette Keehl
Calvin sprints into top ten by Tim Clover
...Chimes: November 19, 2010, Calvin College
Volleyball wins first regional title since 1992 by Mitch Blankerspoor
Cortez steps in for Suh as student senate VP by Griffin Jackson
Wikki Stix competition draws in artists of all stripes by Aleesa Ribbens
Palin ventures to the small screen by Nate Slauer
Orcas are the predators of the sea by Matthew Koh
Actor unions reach new agreement by Madeline Tracy
Calvin trounces Manchester by Mark Zylstra
...Chimes: November 12, 2010, Calvin College
Knights exorcise Blue Devils second time around by Tim Clover
New gallery, masterpiece by Tyler Slamkowski
Slain family's murderer sentenced by Rachel Hekman
Biodiversity summit sets global goals by Katie Faber
Basketball teams ready to begin season by Mark Zylstra
Soccer snags piece of title by Derek Neice
Swimmers split meet at Wheaton by Tim Clover
...Chimes: November 5, 2010, Calvin College
Light in the Night proves a trear by Griffin Jackson
Giraffe bust goes down by Aleesa Ribbens
Zombies walk GR streets by Jasmine Wilson
Brazil elects Rousseff, first female president by Joseph Matheson
Over the Rhine christens CFAC by Josiah Kuiper
Alumnus wins physics prize by Katie Faber
Knights claim share of MIAA title by Mark Zylstra
Knights sting Hornets by Tim Clover
...Chimes: October 29, 2010, Calvin College
Former Calvin athlete represents Canada in India by Jon Behm
Chimes sweeps paper awards by Jay Danforth
Homecoming brings family and music to campus by Josh Delacy
Classes of Calvin alumni happily reunited after decades departed by Amanda Elliot
Poster fair showcases student research by Katie Faber
Swim and dive teams open season strong at home by Derek Neice
Hooker saves Knights by Jon Behm
Center Art Gallery a 'showpiece' for Calvin by Sama Vanderberg
...Chimes: October 22, 2010, Calvin College
Fort Hood trial commences; Hasan emotionless by David Joon Ryou
CFAC dedicated by Griffin Jackson
Environmental activism streams from Appalachia by Libby Stille
Football player killed, perhaps wrongfully, by police by Rachel Hekman
Two species wield powerful claws by Matthew Koh
Religion professors face controversial scrutiny by Joseph Matheson
'Wall Street 2' had potential to be better by Nick Keeley
Swimming and diving teams prepare for season by Luke Leisman
...Chimes: October 8, 2010, Calvin College
New material is strongest ever, wins Nobel Prize by Katie Faber
Don't steal "The Book Thief" by Libby Stille
Outreach touches lives by Aleesa Ribbens
Kagan makes her debut by Nate Slauer
IVF Pioneer wins Nobel by Joseph Matheson
Knights figth to draw with Alma, now 1-1-1 in MIAA by Derek Neice
...Chimes: October 1, 2010, Calvin College
ArtPrize brings crowds and culture to Grand Rapids by Amanda Elliott
Grab you camera on Oct. 6 by Amy Surbatovich
Academic freedom blurs by Griffin Jackson
Calvin students lace up for the cure by William Overbeeke
Space flights could be going commercial by Geneva Langeland
The Reasons perform strongly by Jackson Hall
Knights fall to rival Dutch, win streak ended by Derek Neice
Calvin facing substantial budget cuts by Griffin Jackson
...Dialogue, Staff and writers of Dialogue
08 Mag Kim, JiVhy I Want to be an Asian; 13 Lander Hultin, Eternal Living; 34 Kevin Moralez, Like a Forest in Heat; 41 Jake Schepers, Spontaneous Combustion; 45 Caroline Higgins, This Little Light; 50 Josh Brooker, Manifest Destiny
57 Ben Alford, Strange Gethsemane
Visual Art
17 Rebecca Hiemstra, Portrait of Vati; 18 Tia Wierenga, Urban Landscape; 19 Sean VandenBrink, Italian Street; 20 Jo-Ann Van Reeuwyk, Nave, Shroud, Tabernacle; 22 Ashleigh VandeKopple, Red
Composition; 22 Alice Keyes, Lock; 23 Hannah Abma, Untitled
24 Stephen Clark, Untitled; 25 Andrew Szobody, Oil; 26 Adam Wolpa, Cumberland; 27 Bjorn Sparrman, Sit Next to Me, Oden, Run Run; 28 Liesje Brouwer, Waiting into the Water; 29 Kyria Osterhouse, Fragile/Hibernation; 30 Emily Helmus & Kerry Aarnoutse, The Selby
Calvin Colle...
Chimes: September 24, 2010, Calvin College
Knights' record remains unblemished by Luke Leisman
Senate plans ahead by Griffin Jackson
Prestigious award won by Amanda Elliot
Go Bike comes to GR by Elizabeth Vander Heide
UN addresses poverty by Josh Delacy
Corn syrup may have a new name by Katie Faber
Colour Revolt delivers lively performance by Colleen Keehl
Knights dominant at invite by Mark Zylstra
...Chimes: September 17, 2010, Calvin College
Dorms clash on Chaos Day by Alice Keyes
Green program thrives, earn recognition by Elizabeth Stille
Students enjoy muddy mayhem by Griffin Jackson
Turkey moves toward democracy by Josh Delacy
Opportunity, adventure: find them here by Katie Hall
Calvin wins two, remains perfect by Luke Leisman
Golfers on par by Mark Zylstra
Well known artist to lecture at Calvin by Michelle Ratering
...Chimes: September 10, 2010, Calvin College
Calvin loses beloved professor by Griffin Jackson
SAO announces lineup by Colleen Keehl
FAC renovations hammer ahead, opens in October by Elizabeth Stille
Dining halls inch forward with trayless dining initiative by Jasmine Wilson
Study tips help students begin another year by Katie Faber
Knights climb to top of nation by Jon Behm
Dorm themes create vibrant Calvin spirit by John Kloosterman
...Chimes: September 3, 2010, Calvin College
Dorm Activities offer fun community by Michelle Ratering
Explore Grand Rapids by Stephen Mulder
Save money, save the environment - buy secondhand by Amy Surbatovich
Richard says hello by Richard Chimes
CADS (Calvin Acronym Definition Sheep) by Christy Admiraal
Professor awards creative pranks by John Kloosterman
Pull an exciting prank by Griffin Jackson
Fall sports preview: Just press 'repeat'
Thoughts from Behm's brain by Jon Behm
...Dialogue, Staff and writers of Dialogue
Senior Spotlights
4-5 Jessica Roodvoets, 5-6 Hannah Piedt, 10 Amanda Marcotte, 13 Kristin Kurtz, 14-15 Stephen Clark, 18-19 Loren Henry, 22-23 Kristin McHugh, 27 Joel Kligenberg, 28-29 Kirsten Hix, 32-33 Carla Andela, 36 Annica Vanderlinde, 38-39 Michael Rodriguez, 43 Aliza Flores-Jordan, 44 Rachelle Wunderink
cover Hannah Abma, 17 Emily Helmus, 20 Joe Salowitz, 26 Katie Hiskes, 35 Shelia Morken, 46 Ashleigh VandeKopple
2-3, 45, 48 Tabitha Speelman, 8-9 Josh Delay, 11 Jacob Schepers, 12 Kathleen O Bannon, 16-17 Mitchell Terpstra, 20-21 Kimberly Randle, 24 Jacob Eizenga, 25 Leah Nieboer, 29 Erica Jensen, 30 Michael Shade, 31 Jessica Miller, 34 Julia Garvelink; 37 Stephanie Kurtz 40-41 Hannah Piedt, 42 Cameron Morse. 46-47 Ae Hee Lee
Dialogue, Staff and writers of Dialogue
Cover Paula Manni: Typewriter Photography, 4 Henry Muller: Abstract Collage Collage, 5-6 Ali Kopseng: Untitled Ceramic, 9 Kristen McHugh: Untitled Collage, 12 Kristin Kurtz: Heart and Hand Graphite Pencil, 13 Karl Sparrman: Untitled Photography, 16 Karla Andela Ceramic, 17 Aleitha Shin: Raku Vessels Ceramic, 18 Michael Rodriguez: Alarm Found Object Assemblage, 21 Eryn Schmikla: Tree Typography Graphic Design, 26 Rachelle Wunderink: It's all Greek to me Collage, 27-28 Michael Rodriguez: Family Typography Installation, 29 Liesje Brouwer: Raku Vessel Ceramic, 31 Jackson Hall: Untitled Graphic Design
Written: 3 Kathleen O'Bannon: A Commiseration with the Wind, 7 Leah Nieboe:r entomology, 8 Leah Nieboer: [inquiry of mushrooms], 10 Jacob Eizenga: Theory of Mind, 11 Brandon Haan: Birmingham, 14 Jonathan Coe: Aspen Leaf Volvo, 15-16 Brett Beasley: Vegetarianism With A Literary Voice: A...
Baptist Sacramental theology: a Covenantal Framework For Believer Baptism, Brandon C. Jones, CalvinTheological Seminary
A recent resurgence of Baptist works that defend sacramental theology has revived the mid-twentieth-century debate among Baptists over the meaning of baptism. Just as the mid-twentieth-century generation of Baptist sacramentalists struggled to get other Baptists to accept their views, the problem remains today that most Baptists do not and will not seriously consider Baptist sacramental theology. The purpose of this dissertation is to help solve this problem by presenting a historically informed systematic theological defense of covenantal sacramentalism, which uses covenant theology to enhance a sacramental theology of baptism. This dissertation argues that the covenantal view of Baptist baptismal sacramentalism appeals to sacramentalists and ordinance-only Baptists alike, because it enhances Baptist theology of the meaning of baptism in helpful and unique ways. This dissertation de...
Calvin's Defense and Reformulation of Luther's Early Reformation Doctrine of the Bondage of the Will, Kiven S. Choy, CalvinTheological Seminary
This dissertation finds that Calvin's reformulation of the doctrine of free choice reflects his convictions of the early Reformation heritage, his learning of the tradition from the early church fathers and especially from Augustine, the influences generated by his continuous dialogues with the development of the formulations among the Reformers in the second phase of the Reformation, and his personal theological convictions. Calvin formulated his defense as a Reformer of the second phase of the Reformation defending the early Reformation formulation set by Luther. The early Reformers used various necessitarian arguments to argue their cases. The Reformers in the second phase had the apologetic and pedagogical need to shift from the necessitarian argument. They incorporated theodical concern in their reformulations. They generally affirmed the genuine integrity of second causality, by...
Emil Brunner's theological Contribution To the Concept of Divine Action., James Norman Mayer, CalvinTheological Seminary
Through a careful examination of Emil Brunner's theology, this dissertation shows that when the concept of divine action is be examined in the context of the nature and work God the idea that God acts can better understood. After a brief introductory chapter, chapter 2 argues that contemporary discussions surprisingly fail to consider what God does and what God is like as possible resources for making sense of problems associated with the concept of God's activity. This chapter also suggests that a model of divine action should take into account the means, manner, effect, purpose, extent, and degree God's activity. Investigating the nature and work of God could prove useful for constructing a clear concept of divine action. Chapter 3 briefly introduces scholarship on Brunner and examines his theological writings regarding the nature of God. This chapter argues that Brunner's discuss...
The Doctrine of the Holy Spirit in the Major Reformed Confessions and Catechisms of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries, Yuzo Adhinarta, CalvinTheological Seminary
With the rise of Pentecostalism in the early twentieth century and the charismatic movement from the middle of the century until recently, a resurgence of interest in the Holy Spirit and Christian spirituality in both theology and the church's life has become evident. Along with the increase of interest in the doctrine of the Holy Spirit in the twentieth century, there are criticisms of the treatment of the doctrine in church history, including in the Reformed tradition, for having neglected the Holy Spirit in both theology and the church's life. These criticisms have helped to incite a burgeoning interest in pneumatology within Christendom. Critical studies of the treatments of the doctrine of the Holy Spirit in church history have been laboriously conducted. However, there have not been many studies on the doctrine of the Holy Spirit in Reformed orthodoxy, particularly in its confes...