Works from 2010
Things Hold Together John Howard Yoder's Trinitarian theology of Culture, Branson L. Parler, CalvinTheological Seminary
Theologies of culture often focus on either Christ or creation as their primary source, to the exclusion of the other. At best, this approach is incomplete because it does not account for the continuity between creation and redemption. At worst, it posits a divide not simply between Christ and creation, but between persons of the Trinity, presuming contradictory moral and cultural norms issuing from different persons of the Trinity. John Howard Yoder is often depicted as a representative of a Christocentric and creation-deficient approach to culture. Against that faulty representation, this dissertation argues that Yoder advocates a Trinitarian theology of culture that upholds the continuity and coherence between God's work in creation and in redemption. To see why Yoder can be characterized as Trinitarian, his thought must be placed in the context of his engagement with the Niebuhrs...
"You alone are God" a canonical reading of Psalm 86., Elizabeth Kao Holmlund, Calvin Theological Seminary
Canonical readings of the biblical psalms have become increasingly popular of late and represent a positive trend away from fragmentation of the Psalter into its "original" and component parts and towards greater recognition of the value of the Psalter's final form and its theology. However, the methods and parameters of a canonical approach to the psalms require further definition. An exegetical methodology incorporating a wide variety of methodological tools alongside a canonical approach was thus proposed and subsequently tested on Psalm 86. The unique features of Psalm 86—its attribution to David (in a book of the Psalter with no other Davidic psalms), its use of language found in many other psalms, and its Exodus-Sinai background—make it a particularly fitting composition to be read in light of other canonical texts. Application of the proposed holistic methodology to the interpr...
Works from 2009
Dialogue, Staff and writers of Dialogue
2 Norm Zylstra- Jesus Takes a Break; 3-4 Chelsea Capobianco- Put it in your Pocket; 5 Marie Kissane- High School; 6 Shelby Meekhof- Never Compromise; 7-8 Leighanne Strugis- This is No Ordinary Apple; 9-12 Kristen McHugh(poem) and Miranda Brouwer; (i llustration)-Untitled
13 Bjorn Sparrman- Untitled; 14 Hannah Abma- Holy Strawberries Batman!; 15-18 Alexis Royce-Minds in the Making; 19 Kevin Morales- Untitled; 20 Joel Kligenberg-Character Profile #1; 21 Tia Wierenga- From the Batman Gotham Night II Series
Dialogue, Staff and writers of Dialogue
Visual Art
Cover Hannah Piedt Plugging In Graphic Design; 1 Meredith Donnelly Untitled Collage; 6 Karl Sparrman Paper Thin Photography; 7 Nola Nielson Diptych Collage; 10 Liesje Brouwer Untitled Cermanics, Brett Beasley Untitled Oil on Canvas; 11-12 Leighanne Evelyn Sturgis Homeless at Revere Beach Photography; 14 Scott Genzink Untitled Photography, Ashleigh Vandekopple Grand Rapids in all colors of light Photography; 16 Sean VandenBrink Bottles Ceramics; 17 Heather Bart/am Brooklyn Bridge Photography; 18 Karl Sparrman Peek Photography; 20 Tia Wierenga Friendship Mixed Media; 21-22 Rebecca Hiemstra Untitled Watercolor; 23-24 Jackson Hall The Softer Side of Death Graphic Design; 25-26 Silas Wolff Untitled Photography; 27 Sean VandenBrink Alice and Wonderland Rabbit Cermanics; 28 Norm Zylstra Editor and Chief Pen and Ink; 29-30 Rachelle Wunderink Drink Ultra Lounge A...
Dialogue, Staff and writers of Dialogue
Visual Art
Cover Joe Arens Information Suit ( detail); 3 Yohan Na NACREBS DOT COM; 5 Rachelle Wunderink Untitled; 7 Kate Eshelman "The Great Horned Owl has exraordinary binocular vision and is able to turn its head 270 degrees. They are night hunters."; 8 Kate Eshelman Visiting Home; 9 Robert Selles Early Morning Mist, Belgium; 11-12 Karis Medina BFA Spotlight; 12-13 Miranda Brouwer BFA Spotlight; 16 Katie Hiskes Untitled; 17, 18 Natalie Good BFA Spotlight; 20 Jennifer Waid Untitled Self-Portrait; 22 Kristen McHugh Untitled (book excerpt); 23-24 Joe Arens BFA Spotlight; 25-26 Kathrin Stahl Spiral; 27-28 Jennifer Waid Untitled Miniature Series; 30 Liesje Brouwer Untitled Mushrooms
2,33 Jered Sprecher, Miranda Brouwer, Ryan Weberling Editorial; 4 Mike Shade 25 Things About Me - Helicopter Ride Over Guantanamo; 6 Jonathan LeCureux...
Dialogue, Staff and writers of Dialogue
2 Editorial Ryan Weberling and Miranda Brouwer; 3, 4 (Untitled) Jenna Sue Vanden Brink; 5 (Untitled) Amy Crouch; 6 (untitled) Alice Scogin; 7 S-Bahn to Sachsenhausen Than DeJonge; 8 Vibrant Transportation Than DeJonge; 9 (Untitled) Sarah Vander Molen; 12 (Untitled) Silas Wolff; 13 (Untitled) Silas Wolff; 14 (Untitled) Jenna Sue Vanden Brink; 15, 16 (Untitled) Jenna Sue Vanden Brink; 17 Experts Agree ... Ryan Weberling; 18 American Unilateralism Than DeJonge
...Dialogue, Staff and writers of Dialogue
Editorial Miranda Brouwer and Ryan Weberling; The Bald Eagle level three orgami Natalie Good; Kind of like the Puking Chicken mixed media collage Meredith Donnelly; (Untitled) oil on canvas paper Shelly DeJong; Song in the Subway Luke J. Robinson; Someone on Mulford Loves You mixed media collage Greg Vondiziano, Megan De Maagd, Emma Slager; (untitled polaroid) polaroid Simon C. Kittok, Kristen McHugh, Miranda Brouwer; Pack Mentality, Progression Study mixed media collage Jennifer Waid; (untitled) pen and ink Katie Hazeu; Growing, But Not Done Yet pen and ink Liesje Brouwer; What Can I Fit? Will Refvem
...Dialogue, Staff and writers of Dialogue
3 On Games (An Editorial) Ryan Weberling; 4 MAD-DIA-LOGUE-LIB Cameron Latham; 6 Snake Norm Zylstra; 7 Simon's Stolen Sudoku Simon C. Kittok; 8 First Hat Anna M. Gretz; 10 Color-by-Letter Kristen McHugh; 11 Turtle Norm Zylstra; 12 Hat, Too Anna M. Gretz; 14 Escape to the Roof! (a multi-level maze) Austin Zane Hamilton; 19 Draw by Number Peter Plantinga; 20 DREAM ANALYSIS Mad Lib Cameron Latham; 22 Fish Norm Zylstra; 23 Simon's Stolen Sudoku 2 Simon C. Kittok; 24 Hat the Third Anna M. Gretz; 27 The Paper Kite Butterfly Mindy Lynn Capisciolto; 28 El Cuatro Sombrero Anna M. Gretz; 30 Tree, water, sky Norm Zylstra; 31-35 Answer Key
...Counsel and Conscience: Post-Reformation Lutheran Casuistry According To the Dedekenn-Gerhard thesaurus Consiliorum Et Decisionum and Its Cases on Marriage and Divorce., Benjamin T. G. Mayes, CalvinTheological Seminary
In much literature on early modern casuistry and conscience, Lutheran casuistry is denied a place, under-researched, or ignored. Yet in Lutheran Germany of the post-Reformation era (ca. 1580–1750), there was a genre of pastoral/ethical writings consisting in casuistry and in topically or thematically related theological counsels, aimed at instructing and comforting the consciences of Christians. An extensive example from this genre is Georg Dedekenn and Johann Ernst Gerhard, eds., Thesaurus Consiliorum Et Decisionum, 4 vols. (Jena: Zacharias Hertel, 1671). Lutheran casuistry, related to but also distinct from Roman Catholic and Reformed counterparts, arose especially as pastors looked within Holy Scripture, the medieval tradition, and the writings of Martin Luther and other Lutheran authorities for answers to ethical problems and doctrinal disputes. Dedekenn’s Thesaurus was an antholo...
Grace to You and Peace: An Analysis of the Pauline Letter Openings., João Paulo Thomaz de Aquino, Calvin Theological Seminary
This thesis argues that the Pauline letter opening has an anticipatory function alongside its relational role. This anticipatory function is a development of the epistolary features found in the ancient Greek letter openings. After the introductory chapter, is provided an analysis of form and function of ancient (III BCE to III CE) Greek letter prescripts. Chapters 3 and 4 provide a formal and functional analysis of the Pauline letter prescripts. The conclusion is that the anticipatory function works in two ways in the Pauline letters. First, Paul encapsulates his theology in the expression ‘grace to you and peace’ and uses it in the beginning of his letters, as did Plato and Epicurus who also coined their own greetings to communicate their philosophies. Second, Paul changes elements in the prescripts of all his undisputed letters to anticipate specific themes developed in the letter ...
"Have Salt in Yourselves, and Be at Peace With Each Other" the Irenic theology of Daniel Kałaj, Dariusz M. Bryćko, CalvinTheological Seminary
Daniel Kałaj (d.1681) was a Polish Reformer of Hungarian background, born in Little Poland (Małopolska) and trained in Franeker, Friesland under some of the most brilliant Reformed theologians of seventeenth-century Europe, such as Cocceius and Cloppenburgh. Kałaj’s ministry in the Reformed Church of Little Poland was abruptly interrupted when he was wrongly accused by Catholic authorities of spreading then-outlawed Arianism and being called a “Calvinoarian.” Kałaj became the first Polish Protestant minister to receive a sentence of capital punishment as a result of the new anti-toleration law issued in 1658 against Arians, under the false pretext of military treason during the Second Northern War (1655-1660). He escaped the ax by fleeing to Lithuania (and later to Gdańsk), where he wrote his best-known work, A Friendly Dialogue between an Evangelical Minister and a Roman Catholic Pri...
Old Testament Contributions to Ecclesiology: Engaging and Extending the Insights of John Howard Yoder, John C. Nugent, Calvin Theological Seminary
Conspicuously absent from ecclesiological literature is a volume dedicated exclusively to assessing the Old Testament‘s relevance to ecclesiology. With only a few exceptions, scant use is made of the Old Testament in ecclesiological primers and that use tends to be highly selective and often decontextualized. This dissertation argues that indepth engagement of the Old Testament furnishes a helpful context for ecclesiological reflection and that John Howard Yoder‘s canonical-directional approach to Scripture exemplifies such engagement. Though Yoder did not dedicate a treatise exclusively to the Old Testament‘s ecclesiological relevance, his numerous scattered essays on this topic evince a rich and coherent Old Testament narration that scholars have not sufficiently engaged and which pays significant ecclesial dividends.
For Yoder, God did not begin shaping the life of the Churc...
"The Limitless Horizons of Prolixity": the Contemporary Relevance of Kierkegaard's Critique of Biblical Exegetical Method and Practice, Bruce P. Baugus, CalvinTheological Seminary
This dissertation seeks to demonstrate that Soren Kierkegaard's critique of biblical exegetical methods and practices, and corresponding proposal, offers an interesting and relevant contribution to the current debate on biblical exegetical methods and practices taking place within the contemporary theological turn in biblical interpretation. The contemporary theological turn in biblical interpretation is represented in this dissertation by Timothy H. Polk, an important interpreter of Kierkegaard's exegetical method within the post-liberal tradition, and Kevin J. Vanhoozer, a leading contributor to the theological turn in contemporary biblical exegesis. Despite significant advances in understanding Kierkegaard as an explicitly Christian thinker there remains a significant gap within Kierkegaardian scholarship related to his thoughts on biblical exegesis. Although this gap has been note...
What the Korean Presbyterian Church can learn from contemporary debates about infant communion among Reformed Christians in North America., Hwa Rang Moon, Calvin Theological Seminary
Can children participate in the Lord’s Supper? This practice was prohibited at the fourth Lateran Council; however, at the end of the 20th century, among Reformed churches in North America and some Europe Churches, debated the validity of infant communion or children’s communion. Is, then, infant communion or children’s communion biblical? What was the practice of the early New Testament church? Can infants or children have faith and enough cognitive ability to discern the body of Christ? Many biblical scholars, systematic theologians, church historians and local church pastors participate in this debate. Both the Christian Reformed Church and Reformed Church in America deal with this theme as their denominational agenda. While studying at Calvin, this theme gave me a great motivation to study worship theology more deeply. I especially came to feel that this study requires interdiscip...
Works from 2008
Dialogue, Staff and writers of Dialogue
2 Ryan Weberling and Miranda Brouwer Editorial; 4 sean vrieland avocado and tomato on knackebrod Jack Kielstra and Amanda Pheeney A Bit About My Friend, Garlic; 5 Jacob Eizenga An Overripe Catharsis, Hope Velthouse Peanut Butter Chex Mix; 8 Jirn Hayes Food, Food, Everywhere, and Not a Bite to Eat; 9 Arielle Fischer Untitled Diptych; 11 Asa Forsythe The Doughnut Not Eaten; 12 Ryan Weberling The Ingredients (Found Poem); 14 Students for Compassionate Living Vegan Veggie Burgers "a la Brooks"; or, how to feed a lot of people with a little money; 15 Johnathan Lovelace A Vision of the City, Asia Club and Joshua Earn Chicken Fried Rice; 16 Calvin Dining Services Spotlight on Michigan, Products and Sustainability Practices at Calvin Dining Services; 17 International Student Association Committee, Apple Strudel, Curried Meatballs in Spicy Coconut Rundown; 19 Matthew Halteman Excerpt from Comp...
Dialogue, Staff and writers of Dialogue
Visual Art
cover Jake Hays, The Dark Side of the Moon; 04 Jennifer Waid, Untitled; 06 Lee Bolt, Toshika Takaezu; 23 miranda brouwer, Veiled and Robotic; 27 Jon Sp eyers, Untitled; 29 Michael Rodriguez, Islas de los condenados; 37 Adam Bock, Auto Portrait avec un Coeur Brise
05 Rachel van Wingerden, Sun- Jeweled; 07 Robert Zandstra, "Trees do not know how to stop loving." -- Jessica Miller; 08 David Ellens, [skinshedding.]; 09 Katie Pruss, Tribute to Chopin; 09 Kelly McCormick, Glories of War; 13 Calah Schlabach, Nighttime Necessity; 14 Amy Hoisington, IATA; 22 Kristofer Nivens, Asterion; 26 Robert Zandstra, Rising, Easter Morning, 2008; 26 Rebecca Van Dijk, The Word; 36 Julia A. Garvelink, Night Sounds
15 Dan Knapper, Beyond the Hills; 18 amy elise, shooter; 28 Rachel deLange, Ohio Hope...
Dialogue, Staff and writers of Dialogue
01 Tim Hurst, Crab Jenna Sue Vanden Brink, Stilted Slab Vessel; 04 Natalie Good, Landscape #4 with stalagmites; 05 Anonymous, Holy Spirit; 06 Jenna Sue Vanden Brink, Excerpts from Artist Statement; 07 Tim Hurst, Chameleon; 08 Sarah Bakker, Considering Colonies Robert Zandstra, Honey Bees and Fireflies; 11 Elizabeth Oliver, Illustration (Heartwood); 16 Paul Miyamoto, Untitled (Managua 2008); 17 rachelle allegrina marie sartini, Artist book; 18 Jo-Ann VanReeuwyk, Quest I and II; 20 Elizabeth Wroughton, Got the time I and II; 26 Lee Bolt, Skyline; 27 Norm Zylstra, Eve & Adam; 28 miranda brouwer, Photogram series; 30 Kat Stahl, The Little Things in Life; 33 Hannah Piedt, Putting Myself Together
05 Amanda Hayes, Stars Stream; 07 Jenna Sue Vanden Brink, Excerpts from Artist Statement; 09 Robert Zandstra, Honey Bees and Fireflies;...
A helper of thy faith and joy: Elnathan Parr as a pastoral teacher of predestination in early Stuart England., David H. Kranendonk, Calvin Theological Seminary
This thesis demonstrates that Elnathan Parr‟s (1577-1622) treatment of divine predestination in his homiletical commentary on Romans and in his catechism entitled Grounds of Divinity evidences a pastoral approach in which the scholastic precision characteristic of the era does not lead to speculative aridity but serves positive spiritual purposes. Parr was neither afraid of nor obsessed by this part of the “whole counsel of God.” While his popular teaching incorporated detailed theological argumentation, including an extended examination of the supralapsarian-infralapsarian issue, his concern was to apply this doctrine through multiple types of “uses” to his spiritually diverse readership with the desire they would be led to experience, be assured of, live out of, and glory in God's electing love. The thesis focuses on the early seventeenth-century teaching of predestination as it rel...
Christ's atonement: the Hope of Creation, Mary L. Vanden Berg, CalvinTheological Seminary
The rich history of research in atonement theology has focused its energy primarily on explanations of how the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ leads to the forgiveness of human sin and the restoration of a right relationship between God and humanity. While the biblical text does describe the work of Jesus Christ in those terms, it also makes clear that God's people look forward with hope to the restoration of all creation. Lacking in atonement scholarship is a clear explanation of how the work of Jesus Christ might be connected to and bring about this restoration, described in the Bible as the new heavens and new earth. The biblical narrative portrays human sin as the despoiler not only of the relationship between God and humanity, but also of creation itself and God's intentions for creation. The sacrificial system of the Israelite cult, especially the Day of Atonement...
Works from 2007
Dialogue, Staff and writers of Dialogue
The History Issue
02 Elizabeth Oliver, Editor's Note; 04 Kristofer Nivens, Life Again in the Province; 05 Kevin Buist, mountaineers: lake at night; 06 Anna M. Fongers, An Interview with Bob Daining; 07 Natalie Palacios, Sideways; 08 Ben Buursma, The Ithacan Press; 09 amy elise, the storm; 10 J Eizenga, A Scientific Discovery in Three or Four Parts; 12 Austin Hakes, The Truth About Darfur (And What You Can't Do About It); 14 Tamara Verhelle, The LuminoLU Bituminoud; 16 Jeffrey Knol, A short history of us; 17 John Van Dyke, Winter; 17 amy elise, strawberry blonde; 18 miranda brouwer, Selection from artist book; 20 Julia A. Garvelink, Peace: In Memory of Poe; 22 Peter Clemo, Excerpts from untitled analog series; 25 Sarah Baker, Untitled; 26 Erik J. De Vries, The Great Equation; 27 Chris Molnar, Harmony Korine popping Quaaludes with Jake Hoskins, The General Dance; 30 ...
Dialogue, Staff and writers of Dialogue
03 Last Words, Robert Zandstra
English Honors Spotlight
13 Tom Mazanec; 16 Amy Lewis; 34 Daina Carr
BFA Spotlight
10 Brad Smith; 18 Robert Bosscher; 22 Heather Luimes; 23 Taylor Greenfield
30 Phulery's Farewell, Thomas B. Phulery; 33 Dutch Ways in the Big City, Jon Bratt
06 The Weasel, Nathan Gelinas; 07 the tuesday of our lives, annreilly
07 "while on the blue line train," anonymous; 08 Leaving Church after Communion, Anonymous; 11 Mesa, Cal en Ru bin; 24 Your First Rosary, Anonymous; 24 Oh Circulating Cell, Ryan Weberling; 25 Appalachian Morning, Anne VanLoon; 25 Jejune, poemol; 27 Cloves, Kristofer Nivens; 28 Mary Jo, Bull
Visual Art
01 Untitled, Tamara Verhelle; 03 Excerpts from "Crossi...
Dialogue, Staff and writers of Dialogue
03 Art, Nature, and the Detritus of Civilization, Robert Zandstra
12 Proven: The Grass is Greener, Anna M. Fongers
14 The Politics of Grass, Kaitlyn C. Bohlin; 22 Farming for Shalom: Going Beyond 'Organic' for a Sustainable; Agriculture, Eric Bradley; 26 Realizing an Aesthetic Ethic on Calvin's Campus, Nate Haan
04 The Unnameable - Fragment #1, Tom Mazanec; 06 Nude in My Peacock Mirror, Anonymous; 07 Salisbury Cathedral, Calen Rubin; 09 For a Forest Fire Fighting Friend, Anonymous; 12 Titan Arum: Carpe Florem, Tom Mazanec; 18 Sanctification, Dave Warners; 18 creation's chorus, Annalise Venhuizen; 19 Untitled Metaphor #7, Jonathan Lovelace; 21 the coin, annreilly; 24 Bladdernuts and Bricks, Anonymous
Visual Art
All Subjects of the Kingdom of Christ: John Owen's Conceptions of Christian Unity and Schism, Sung-Ho Lee, CalvinTheological Seminary
Throughout the seventeenth century the Church of England experienced disintegration and schism. Each Protestant party charged the other with breaking the unity of the church. For this reason, schism and unity were one of the most controversial issues that leading theologians wrestled with. However, scholars have not paid due attention to this issue. The object of this dissertation is to explore how John Owen, a great leader of the second-generation Congregationalists, defended Congregationalism, Protestantism, and Nonconformity from the charge of schism. Aware that the ecclesiological terms, such as “schism,” “unity,” and “separation,” were seriously abused by his opponents, Owen carefully redefined those terms based upon his own biblical interpretation. Accordingly, the dissertation surveys Owen’s ecclesiastical life and works against the historical background of ecclesiology in the ...
Works from 2006
Dialogue, Staff and writers of Dialogue
03 Books and the Stories of our Lives, Robert Zandstra
14 Persuasion, Anna M. F angers
15 Telling the Truth, Amy Lewis
Graphic Poetry
18 Excerpt, Thomas J. Mazanec, Kyle J. Schultz, and Gabriel J. Kruis
06 More or Less: A Villanelle, Tom Mazanec; 07 Things to Expect, Amy Lewis; 09 Psalm 139: B Text, annreilly; 10 In Motion In Moment, Kaitlyn C. Bohlin; 11 bitter s w e e t, anonymous; 11 Hedge Trimmings, Meredith C. Mele; 12 Obituary, Debra Rienstra; 12 Advice to My Daughter, De bra Rienstra; 21 Love Song, Matt Walhout; 22 in the waiting room, Meredith C. Mele; 26 impression of you, jessica a. miller
Visual Art
01 Exodus Scroll, Isaac Young; 04 Images from Crossing the River, Eugene Dening; 08 Hide ...
Dialogue, Staff and writers of Dialogue
03 Dialogue: An Introduction, an Apology, and a Challenge, Robert Zandstra
06 An Open Letter Concerning the Michigan Proposed, Elementary Education Standards, Jo-Ann Van Reeuwyk
12 The Drawings of Magdalena Abakanowicz, Sara Bakker; 13 Memory, Truth, and South Africa: The PoetnJ of Ingrid de Kok, Robert Zandstra
22 10 Steps to Becoming a Famous Writer, Erica Boonstra
29 Anxiety of Art and Entropy, Gabriel J. Kruis
07 With the Yellow Sea, Tom Mazanec; 14 in the sultry half-light, annreilly; 14 st einstein, Gabriel J. Kruis; 15 Perichoresis, Janelle Nichole; 15 ain't nobody here but us sinners, annreilly; 24 Song for the Princess #2, Jonathan Lovelace; 26 To My Na:ive and Foolish Wife, Simo...
Dialogue, Staff and writers of Dialogue
01 Bob Bosscher; 02 Editorial; 04 BFA Spotlight: Craig Hoeksema; 06 Kimberly Webster; 07 Melanie VanderWal; 08 Rachel S. deLange Joanna deWalle; 09 Gabriel J. Kruis; 12 Amy Lewis Tom Mazanec; 13 BFA Spotlight: Zoe Perkins; 14 Lisa Szumiak; 15 Ryan Weberling & Gabriel Kruis Tom Mazanec; 16 BFA Spotlight: Joseph Post; 18 English Honors Spotlight: Rachel Borycz; 19 Daina Carr; 20 Nikki Stusick; 21 English Honors Spotlight: Jennifer L. Langefeld; 24 English Honors Spotlight: Stephanie Magdalena White; 25 Gregory Grutman; 26 Liz Senefeld; 28 BFA Spotlight: Kevin Buist; 30 danny arens Hannah Elizabeth Piedt; 31 Contributors
...Dialogue, Staff and writers of Dialogue
01 Craig Hoeksema; 02 Editorial; 04 David Garber; 06 Chad Engbers; 07 Eugene Dening; 08 Anna Marielle Fongers; 09 annreilly
R. David Weberling; 10 Anna Fongers; 12 Tom Mazanec Peter Cook & Steve Jackson; 13 Eugene Dening; 14 Rachel Reed Katherine Boomsma;
15 Jonathan Lovelace; 16 Kevin Buist; 18 Gabriel J. Kruis; 19 Eugene Dening; 21 Irene Borngraeber; 22 A. M . Fongers; 23 Tyler Gau I and Gabriel J. Kruis; 24 Kevin Fuller; 25 Craig Hoeksema; 26 Katie Bolt; 27 Kristofer Nivens, Christina Lechlitner, Chris Molnar; 28 Kate Block; 30 Contributors
Baptismal Practice and Trinitarian Belief in Joseph Bingham's Origines Ecclesiasticae: a Study in the Historical and theological Contexts of Patristic Scholarship at the Close of the Era of Orthodoxy, Yudha Thianto, CalvinTheological Seminary
Joseph Bingham belonged to a group of late seventeenth- and early eighteenth-century Anglican scholar-clergymen that endeavored to provide their contemporaries with a comprehensive picture of the practice and worship of the early church. Bingham's historical study is unique, since he presents the ancient church in a non-chronological method, but through a systematic and thematic investigation of the rites and ceremonies, together with other dynamic aspects of Christian antiquity. This dissertation proposes to situate Bingham in the context of the late seventeenth- and early eighteenth-century English church, its scholarship, and its theological controversies. This understanding of Bingham will, in turn, reveal hitherto unexamined aspects of the development and alteration of Christian teaching in the midst of the political turmoil following the Glorious Revolution of 1688. A central th...
From Here To Eternity a Biblical, theological, and Analogical Defense of Divine Eternity in Light of Recent Challenges Within Analytic Philosophy, Douglas Allan Felch, CalvinTheological Seminary
Four decades ago, several analytical philosophers began to reconsider the traditional doctrine of divine eternity, which maintains that time is part of the created order, that God is not subject to its limitations, and that the mode of God's existence (following Boethius) is "the complete possession all at once of an unlimited life." Critics objected that this doctrine was biblically underdetermined, that it was more Greek than Christian, and that it was incoherent since an eternal God could not redeem or be actively involved in the temporal world, could only minimally be considered a person, and could not possess knowledge of tensed truths such as what is happening "now." They argued God should be considered "everlasting" (infinitely extended in time) rather than eternal. This challenge generated an extensive published debate. In this thesis, I maintain that the traditional view of...
Missio Politica Oecumenica: Mission and Political Action in the Life and Thought of Johannes Verkuyl (1908-2001), Hidalgo B. Garcia, CalvinTheological Seminary
This is a study on the relationship between evangelism and church planting and political action. Against the background of polarization between the ecumenical movement and the evangelical movement on the question, the study demonstrates that missio politica oecumenica defined as struggle for justice and righteousness and against evil is a distinct and integral aspect of mission, alongside kerygma, koinonia, and diakonia. It develops this thesis from the life and thought of Johannes Verkuyl (1908- 2001), a Dutch Reformed missionary to Indonesia who was involved in the decolonization of the country. His experience in Indonesia, together with his later experience as a mission executive, in which he was involved in various political activities, shaped his missiology. This study analyzes his missiology in its political dimension, and thus, provides a basis for missio political oecumenica. ...
Works from 2005
Dialogue, Staff and writers of Dialogue
01 Dock Jung Hyun (Peter) Nam; 02 Editorial Jennifer Buist; 04 breathe (d) rift Michael J. Brooks; 05 Psalm 8 Melanie Vander Wal; 06 A Backyard Funeral Amy Lewis; 07 Prayer of the Drowned Man Kristofer Nivens; 08 untitled Brad Smith; 09 untitled Joseph Zandstra #7, #10, Jacqueline Klamer; 10 Divan Jennifer Joy Weixler;
11 February Third Emily Ulmer; 12 Matthew3 Daina Carr; 13 Commissioning Melanie Vander Wal; 14 Tattoos Christina Kangas
Dang, Bobby! Hope Lane, The Lodestar of my Northern Love Gabriel J. Kruis; 15 Wheelchair Anna Rodenberg; 16 untitled Joe Post; 18 Ophelia's Lament Amy Lewis; 19 WATERROOTS. dave ellens A Gentleman Karen Moschenrose; 20 Playing Mary Horning; 21 The Silly Liberation of a Musical Genius Benjamin Alford; 22 Composition in Dust Amy Lewis; 23 is it cold in there? Zoe Perkins; 24 Sijos on the Korean War Anonymous; 25 Catching Out Joel Voogt; 26 The Ci...
Dialogue, Staff and writers of Dialogue
01 Lonely Drew Moeller; 02 Editorial Emily Ulmer; 04 Untitled Joe Post; 05 Untitled Craig Hoeksema; 06 The Reign of True Michael Brooks; 07 Untitled Lauren Vanderveen; 08 Self Portrait # 1 Infinite Landscape Craig Hoeksema; 09 Image from series, Portrait of a Girl; 10 Central Station, Sydney, Australia Zoe Perkins Nate Rusch; 11 The Steel Forest Julia Vander Molen; 12 razor love simon c. kittok highway sixty-six sonnet annreilly; 13 easter weekend, what's the plan? spirit wind ... LET 'EM HAVE IT! Peter J Brant; 14 EBB AND FLOW dave ellens; 15 wewerestill born: to Forget Gabriel J. Kruis; 16 Lauren Kate DeNooyer; 18 Agnostracized Michael Brooks; 19 untitled t. guajardo, Untitled John Van Dyke; 20 Morning Star Melanie Vander Wal; 21 Remarkable Amy Lewis; 22 La Iguana Perdida Kate Block; 23 Foggy St. James Zoe Perkins; 24 Charlotte Jennifer Joy Weixler; 25 Sasha # 1 and #2 Jennifer Jo...
Dialogue, Staff and writers of Dialogue
01 Untitled Raleigh Chadderdon; 02 Editorial Kevin Buist; 04 Bob and Andrea Cooking Anne Carlton Prins; 05 Untitled Kel Lynch; 06 Cuddle Up Angel Night Audrey Befus; 07 Twilight Bethany Keeley to (un)weave a fever Erin Bryant; 08 Sunset in Coyotepe, Nicaragua Janelle M. Terpstra; 09 Untitled Jackie Klamer Seneca Kricket Hoekstra; 10 Benny and I Gabriel J. Kruis; 12 Holding Hands with El Muerte Daniel Lynch; 13 Collectors Sarah Wenger; 14 road scholar, come annreilly Mitsy Maria Rose Post; 15 They turn their back on the land Leslie Harkema; 16 BFA Spotlight: Juan Garcia, BFA Spotlight: Shannon Gales; 18 Found Poetry Gabriel J. Kruis, Looking Glass Krista Brobst; 19 The Summer of the Lobster Peter Vander Wal; 20 BF A Spotlight: Raleigh Chadderdon; 21 Google Walk Ben Schaafsma; 22 Children and Pride Elizabeth Oliver; 23 The Broken Covenant Robert Zandstra; 24 Buoys Adam Fleming Petty; 2...
Dialogue, Staff and writers of Dialogue
01 Untitled Kasarian Dane; 02 Editorial Mary Herrema; 04 Rainy Afternoon in the Library Katie Alley; 05 Untitled Melanie Vander Wal; 06 Rebecca Gregory Grutman; 07 My Father Singing Adam Fleming Petty; 08 Let it be Heard! Ben Schaafsma; 09 Optical Anxiety John Lucca, Downtown Debauchery Daniel Lynch; 10 NIGHT BEACH Juan Garcia; 12 On Giving Blood Bethany Keeley; 13 Anatomical Depiction of the Crucifixion Isaac Young and Vijay Bangalore; 14 Their Secret Amy Elise; 15 Darpe Ciem bh, Compassion and Truth Gabe Kruis, The Dream Simon Kittok; 16 Vortex Skin Deep Jo-Ann Van Reeuwyk; 18 For Dialogue Calen Rubin Spring Break Robert Zandstra; 19 A periodic sentence Hendrik Johan de Zoete; 20 Green reduction print Lance Kraai; 21 Ruth 1:20 Mary Herrema; 22 Up in Smoke: Our Calumet Region Funeral in DeMotte Robert Zandstra; 23 Joe See Ya Richard Coe; 24 Wisdom's Plea Michelle Larsen; 25 Bicyclis...
Christ and the Covenant: Francis Turretin's Federal theology as a Defense of the Doctrine of Grace, Mark Beach, CalvinTheological Seminary
The subject of this dissertation is Francis Turretin's federal theology as a defense of the doctrine of grace. Specifically, it deals with Turretin's exposition of the twofold covenant of God--that is, the covenant of nature and the covenant of grace. In treating this subject, the dissertation has a twofold objective--first, to conitribute to an understanding of the theology of Turretin; second, to offer an evaluation regarding the validity of certain trajectories of scholarship pertaining to federal theology in general. This study, in its analysis and exposition of Turretin's understanding of the twofold covenant, deals with several issues that have arisen in the secondary literature on federal theology, namely whether it is a species of legalism, whether it emerged in an effort to escape certain questions surrounding the doctrine of predestination and whether it remained entangled i...
The Decree of Redemption Is in Effect: a Covenant David Dickson and the Covenant of Redemption, Carol A. Williams, CalvinTheological Seminary
While a significant amount of study has been devoted to the twofold system of covenants of works and grace, development of the threefold covenant system in Reformed theology of the seventeenth century that includes the pactum salutis has not been thoroughly researched. The doctrine of the intratrinitarian covenant between the Father and the Son concerning the whole work of redemption has been characterized in some secondary literature as speculative, unbiblical, the result of faulty exegesis, crassly contractual, a deviation from the pure teaching of the Reformers, and of dubious value. Moreever, these claims of discontinuity and questionable origin of pactum salutis have not been adequately considered, nor has the early development of federal theology after the Reformers and prior to the Westminster Confession of Faith and Johannes Cocceius been sufficiently investigated. Writers of ...
Works from 2004
Dialogue, Staff and writers of Dialogue
01 What a Horrible Night for a Curse Juan Garcia; 02 Editorial Kevin Buist; 04 Installation view of untitled works Raleigh Chadderdon; 05 Test #09 Kyle Schultz; 06 Diddo #9 Cody Shaffer; 07 I Shivered and Awoke Jacklyn Ab bas A fantasy on Oxford in Fall Na than Sytsma; 08 Growing is for Children Ben Schaafsma; 09 Untitled Jung Hyun (Peter), Nam; 10 Lost and Found on The Rapid; Stephen Kurczy 11 Petrarch 140, Revisited Ann Reilly; 12 Self-Recognition David Wunderink Blinded by the Sea Elizabeth Gonzalez; 13 Untitled Erin Bryant; 14 Chad Elevator Edward Westerhuis; 16 What a Horrible Night for a Curse Juan Garcia; 18 In Tribute to a Memory Joel Moyer, I looked for you, my friend Elizabeth Gonzalez; 19 In the Darkness I See Her Now Jackford Daedalus; 20 Saturday 5 Kyle Schultz; 21 Unkown Joe Post; 22 Hate Ash Bury Robert Zandstra, Pass Sarah Greenlee; 23 Most things C. K. Schicktanz, ...
Dialogue, Staff and writers of Dialogue
01 Gilded Flicker Adam Wolpa; 02 Editorial Kevin Buist; 04 Red Light District Edward Westerhuis; 05 Untitled Heather Farrell; 06 September mornings in our new apartment, Hendrik Johan de Zoete, Haiku for Jim Vanden Bosch David Urban; 07 Welcome to the endless chaos, A Sestina Brian Medema; 08 Untitled Juan Garcia; 09 Blind Contour Study Zoe Perkins; 10 A Farewell to the Ghost of Christmas Past Kate Block; 12 Red Clay Susan Meyerer; 13 Green Betsy Robert Zandstra; 14 Hanging Back Nathan Sytsma; 15 Taste of Heaven Elizabeth Gonzalez, Of the Epicureans Ann Reilly; 16 Birds Adam Wopla; 18 We Were Seven Mandy Suhr; 20 Waiting Mary Horning; 22 Rainy Awakening Elizabeth Gonzalez, Another Self Robert Zandstra; 23 Keeping Up Thomas B. Phulery; 24 An Ascent Nathan Sytsma; 25 Experiments With Lasers Tina Jackson; 26 Ash Wednesday at the Abbey Nathan Sytsma; 27 The Night is a Mystic Elizabeth Go...
Dialogue, Staff and writers of Dialogue
02 Editorial Lisa Van Arragon; 06 Psuedo-Humility #1, #2, #3, #4, #5Michelle Vondiziano; 08 Yellow Spot of Light Becca Morrison; 10 Tawas State Park, Surf Riding Abby Leja; 12 Untitled Nick Zondervan; 13 Hotel Haven Nathan Sytsma, Back Ann Reilly; 14 Interception Kevin Buist, Michelle Vondiziano, Raleigh Chadderdon, Juan Garcia; 16 Reflections on Faith and UpbringingMatt Jensen, Distance Kirk Stewart; 17 Shafts into the Dark Jonathan Hiskes, La Armonfa del Mar Adam Petty; 18 Untitled Kasarian Dane; 20 Lost and Found Emily C. DiFrisco; 22 Untitled Jevon van Vliet; 25 Untitled Peter Dewey; 26 Untitled Lindsay Goodyk; 27 Full Moon with Icicles Mark Speyers; 28 Judgement Day Peter J. Berghoef, Imitation of a W. S. Merwin Poem, Erin Bryant Give Me a Bomb Peter J. Berghoef; 29 Moments Audrey Befus, I Haven't Seen the Ganges, But Here's What the Concord Told Me Jonathan Hiskes; 30 Mexican St...
Dialogue, Staff and writers of Dialogue
1 Cover Image David Maida; 3 Editorial Kevin Buist 4 Traveling Sales Bat Alex Beerhorst; 5 Untitled Steph Ainsworth; 6 I was once a lion-tamer Steve Kurczy; 7 Tuesday News Richard Coe, Light from a Vault
T. C. Avery; 8 Under Lock and Key Josh Leo; 9 Broken Crutch Grant Stoye; 10 D Monkeys All Adam Forrest; 12 A Prayer James K. A. Smith; 13 Untitled Rachel Weening; 14 Those People Audrey Befus, Treading Air Amy VanNocker; 15 9-24 Telegram Adam Forrest; 16 1981 Kevin Buist; 18 Good Aim Leslie Harkema; 20 Sketch Book Drawing David Maida; 21 Would You Like a Shot of Justice With Your Coffee? Emily Venn; 22 The Daily News Thomas B. Phulery; 24 Glamour Line Portrait Michelle Vondiziano; 26 Girl Meredith Kathryn-Case Hoogendam; 27 Ben Playing the Keys Peter Brant; 28 Go and Do Likewise Derek Peterson; 30 Contributor Information
Modified Kenotic Christology, the Trinity and Christian Orthodoxy, Thomas H. McCall, CalvinTheological Seminary
There has been a recent resurgence of interest in the exploration of the resources of kenotic Christology as a way of countering charges that the traditional doctrine of the Incarnation is incoherent. However, John Hick and others have charged the proponents of this strategy with saving coherence at the price of orthodoxy. Some analytic philosophers of religion and philosophical theologians (notably Stephen T. Davis, C. Stephen Evans and Ronald J. Feenstra) defend a modified version of kenotic Christology, one that they think does not contradict the major creedal Christological statements. But to this date no one has produced an extended study of the relation of modified kenotic Christology to classical Christian orthodoxy. In chapters one and two I introduce both this study and the modified kenotic model under consideration. The third chapter explores ability of modified kenotic Chri...
Theological Foundation For a Reformed Doctrine of Natural Law, Stephen John Grabill, CalvinTheological Seminary
Although the magisterial Reformers inherited the natural-law tradition as a noncontroversial legacy of late medieval scholasticism, their twentieth-century descendents have, more often than not, assumed a critical stance toward that tradition. This antipathy has been fueled in large part, but not exclusively by Karl Barth's vigorous repudiation of natural theology in the 1934 disputation with Emil Brunner. Like Herman Dooyeweerd, G.C. Berkouwer, and Cornelius Van Til, Barth identified the doctrines of natural theology/natural law as rationalistic vestiges of Thomism that Calvin and Luther had unwittingly assimilated and that, in the scholastic systems of Reformed orthodoxy, became the foundation for the anthropological turn in theology that would eventually run its course in the nineteenth century. A major obstacle for twentieth-century Protestant and Reformed theologians in assessing...
Works from 2003
Dialogue, Staff and writers of Dialogue
01 Cover Image Meagan Luhrs; 03 Editorial Jon Hiskes; 06 SinTitulo Leslie Harkema; 07 Your Torso is a Canvas Adam Petty; 09 Drumroll Please T. C. Avery, Taking Notes Jon Hiskes; The Powers That Be Mindy"DeYoung, 12 What Remains T. C. Avery, LP Erin Bryant; 14 4th of July Peter Berghoef; 18 In Blue Nathan J. Carpenter; 21 Flight Plans
Jon Hiskes; 23 Little miscarriages along the way Meredith Kathryn-Case Hoogendam; 24 Imaginary Love Audrey Befus; 26 To Rise and Do Battle Thomas B. Phulery; 27 Goodbye Peter Berghoef, Staring out Amy Lewis; 30 Cont~ibutor Information
Dialogue, Staff and writers of Dialogue
03 Editorial Meagan Luhrs and Ryan Thornpson; 04 Milk Michelle Vondiziano; 05 Untitled Abby Leja; 06 The Essence of Gallup, NM Becca Morri son; 08 Untitled Ryan Schoonover; 09 Sleeve by Sleeve Annie Anderson, A Small Case of Ergative Poems-III James Vanden Bosch; 10 Untitled Jim Kuipers; 12 Midnight Scenes Anonymous; 13 Postcard
Kevin Buist; 14 Spring Walk Abram Van Engen, Guilt Ruth Krygsheld; 15 Saturday night, spent in a Marseille train stataon kelly anne ziegler;16 #4, #5 liz dieleman; 18 Sometimes, you just don't know what to say Ben Frederiksen; 19 History Notes Taken as Haikus Sean Michael Baker; 20 Untitled Alex Beerhorst; 21 4 Marer, 2002 Jessica Head, Sun Spots Joe Kawano; 22 Jurne 1st, 1942: 927 Calories, 63 ° Fahrenheit meredith kathryn-case gipson; 23 untitled Lindsay Goodyk; 24 Untitled 1 Juan Garcia; 25 Montmarte, Paris kelly anne ziegler; 26 Pool Hall in River City...
Dialogue, Staff and writers of Dialogue
03 Editorial Ryan Thompson; 04 Companions at Dusk Dan Clemo; 05 Guatemalan Market Jes Brouwer; 06 After Four Years Some Black-Rimmed Art Critic Micah Bruxvoort; 07 Buddha, Boston M.F.A. Nathan Sytsma, Come Back Mary Herrema; 08 Ain't No Man Righteous Erin Bryant; 09 CLARITY Kim DeHoog, 10 The Mother land Emerson Hettinga; 11 A Smail Case of Ergatives II James Vanden Bosch; 12 may 25th 2001 meredith kathryn-case gipson, The Tourist Adam Petty; 13 Bergheim Cathedral Matt Walhout; 14 postcards (from Spain) noah paul borgondy; 16 Untitled #1/#2 Raleigh Chaderdon; 18 Surrender Andrew White, Night Laughter T. C. Avery; 19 White Circle meredith kathryn-case gipson; 20 Royal Tennenbaums Portraits Jenny Scott; 21 In the Basement Peter Berghoef, One Valentine Nightmare Ted Fackler; 22 Untitled Josh Speyers; 23 English 101: Deliberate Dissonance Jerry Fondse; 24 What Passed Between Abram Van En...
Calvin's Hermeneutics of the Imprecations of the Psalter, Paul Mbunga Mpindi, CalvinTheological Seminary
This dissertation rehearses the issue of Calvin's Old Testament exegesis in the light his hermeneutical approach to the imprecatory passages of the Psalter. The imprecatory passages of the Psalms offer an ideal place to examine the thesis that Calvin's exegetical principles shared elements of the late medieval hermeneutics, but also moved him away from late medieval exegesis toward a more direct application of the literal meaning of the text to his contemporary situation. Our analysis of Calvin's exegesis of the imprecatory passages of the Psalter reveals that the Reformer of Geneva followed a three-pronged approach: With traditional and sixteenth-century commentators, Calvin read the imprecations of the Psalter historically. Calvin acknowledges that on the historical-literal level, the imprecations of the Psalter are prayers offered to the God of the covenant by David, the chosen Ki...
Embracing Leer and Leven: the theology of Simon Oomius in the Context of Nadere Reformatie Orthodoxy, Gregory D. Schuringa, CalvinTheological Seminary
Scholarship has tended either to brush aside the Dutch Reformed piety of the movement known as the Nadere Reformatie (c.1600-1750) as an aberration from the Reformation, or it has tended, more recently when it has shown interest in the movement, to fail to place the theology of its proponents in its proper orthodox Reformed theological context. This latter failure has resulted, often, in a bifurcation between the Nadere Reformatie and Reformed orthodoxy and scholasticism during the post-Reformation era of Reformed church history and theology. The two have tended to be viewed as mutually exclusive movements. The Nadere Reformatie, with its strong spirituality and practical drive, has been separated from Reformed orthodoxy and scholasticism with their academic rigor, feisty polemics, and concern for right doctrine. Beyond creating a bifurcation between the two movements past scholarship...
From "Winner" To "Sign": the Changed Understanding of the Church-World Relation in Twentieth-Century Ecumenical Thought, Benebo Fubara-Manuel, CalvinTheological Seminary
Many critics and supporters alike of the World Council of (WCC) contend that it has shifted from its original Christocentric and Trinitarian "Basis." Some, especially conservative evangelicals, see this shift as a. movement away from Christian evangelism and the uniqueness of Christ to the unification of humanity in a syncretism of in which the gospel is replaced by social work. Others have identified the shift to be a movement away from Christology to cosmic prieurnatology, or from an eschatological vision of human unity to a narrow vision of church unity, or from a Christocentric universalism, which did not allow for the wider vision of unity of humankind, to a fuller Trinitarian vision encompassing all of life and all of creation in one grand view. The argument of this dissertation is that the shift in understanding of twentieth-century ecumenical church-world relation is not from...
Works from 2002
Dialogue, Staff and writers of Dialogue
03 Editorial Meagan Luhrs; 04 Self Portrait Ari Tenyenhuis; 05 Dress
Rachael Stevenson; 06 Cancer, Communion, and Christmas Chad Engbers; 07 Radioactive Jesus, Abril 25, Tegucigalpa, Honduras
Ben Frederiksen; 08 No Common Ground Raleigh Chadderdon; 09 Black Roses T. C. Avery, Untitled Zachary Campbell; 10 Lamp Katie Alley; 11 cop-out Zachary Campbell; 12 Heaven-Haven Nathan Sytsma; 13 StarTrail Lake Andrew Vanden Heuvel; 14 November, PA Noah Borgondy; 16 Untitled, Terra lncognita Series Jennifer Steensma Hoag; 18 Threads of Home Abram Van Engen; 19 Window Sight Tiffany Leighton, Chris and Nina Michelle Vondiziano; 20 Dance Jessica Head; 21 A Small Wreath Daniel McWhirter; 22 Self Portrait Andy Stob; 23 Arse Poetica Noah M. Thomas; 24 On the Poesy of Dialogue v.35.1 Andrew White, Title Nine Molly F. Delcamp; 25 Polka Party Jenny Scott; 26 The Beejabers Thomas B. Phulery; 27 Arc...
Dialogue, Staff and writers of Dialogue
03 Editorial Meagan Luhrs Ryan Thompson; 04 Lights of a Different Nature Chad Terpstra; 05 Man Aaron Bandstra; 06 September, Indiana
Noah Borgondy; 07 Overexposure Nate Carpenter, Id Sum Matthew Hall; 08 Dad Kevin Buist; 09 Footnote on Plantonism Adam Petty, untitled b. h.; 10 Heart Trouble William J. Vande Kopple; 12 MAN OF [((1 +4)"2)-(3(2(4)))+ 1] MINDS Ben Giudice; 13 Self-Portrait Helena Wunderink; 14 Self-Portrait Shaving Andy Stob; 15 Essay David Billings; 16 Shoe Jessie Lair; 17 Paint Study Michelle Vondiziano; 18 My Dad & my summer Ted Fackler; 19 Acorns and Photo #2 Lee Bolt; 20 Surreal 1 Tiffany Leighton; 21 A Small Case of Ergative Poems James Vanden Bosch; 22 Interview with Miroslav Volf Mike Van Eerden; 24 Our History is the Summer of 1982 Josh Speyers; 25 Artifacts Bert de Vries, Sally de Vries; 26 untitled Peter Berghoef, Blatantly Buscemi Tamara Goodrich; 27 Who i...