Works from 2001
Paul’s Ascent to Paradise: 2 Corinthians 12:1-4 in Its Ancient Context, Bethany Tanis, Calvin University
The Doctrine of Divine Immutability as God's Constancy, Tersur Akuma Aben, CalvinTheological Seminary
A central claim of orthodox Christian theology is that God is immutable. That is, God exists and he is unchangeable. But there are two major problems with this claim: Can a coherent account be given of what it means to say that God is immutable, which affirms God's intimate relatedness to us in our space-time world of change? And, if it can, are there good reasons or arguments to show that God is not immutable? In response to the second problem, I deny that there are good reasons or arguments to show that God is not immutable. I maintain that such arguments as allot immutability to Hellenistic philosophy and claim that immutability is alien to biblical Christian theology emphasize only one side of the origin of this term. I show, on the contrary, that the Christian doctrine of divine immutability issues both from philosophical construction and biblical revelation regarding God. So the...
Works from 2000
Dialogue, Staff and writers of Dialogue
2 September 20 Manifesto Mike Buma; 3 beads and a picture of a pretty face Annie Anderson; 4 Bradde Travis Blom; 5 Abercrombie Matt Stackowitz; 6 Sanctuary Sar Kontz; 7 Mandy Mitchell; 8 Studies of Light and Shadow Holly VanStaalduinen; 10 Notes on Racism Prof. Bob Butler; 11 gap Ryan Thompson; 12 Marie Ryan Thompson; 13 Ryan Reed; 14 Double Vision Tim Thompson; 15 Focus Anonymous; 16 Ryan Reed; 17 Chicago. November 27, 1999 Holly VanStaalduinen; 18 Kyoto: In the Courtyard of the Temple of the Goddess of Love Prof. James Vanden Bosch;19 Hattori Ryokuchi, July 24, 2000 Prof. James Vanden Bosch; 20 Prescience Nathan Sytsma, Johan de Zoete, T. J. Grant, Patrick Martin; 24 In which she ponders her ways Christy Phillips J. Rowley Kennerk; 27 Composition #1 Matt Stolle; 28 The Squirrel Joel Apple; 30 Suburban Landscapes Paul Birza; 32 Joy Anonymous Dave Van Noord; 38 Jetsmoke Nathan Sytsma;...
Dialogue, Staff and writers of Dialogue
1 Holly Van Staalduinen Discovery; 2 Anonymous Focus; 3 Benjamin Hoekstra Book Reviews; 4 lppel Inc. Advertisement; 5 Annie Anderson Beads and a Picture of a Pretty Face; 6 T.J. Grant; 7 Joel Apple The Squirrel; 8 Luke Moore Joey's Room; 9 Matt Stolle Composition; 10 Nathan Sytsma Prescience; 11 Travis Blom Bradde 1-3; 13 Mike Buma Manifesto September 20; 14 Ryan Thompson gap; 15 Caleb Abetti A Little While Before the Feet Washing Incident; 19 Ryan Thompson Marie; 21 Josh Hagedorn Genderen Editorial-Interview with myself; 22 Justin Van Pie. 5 From Reflection Series; 23 Appendix
...Dialogue, Staff and writers of Dialogue
5 Editorial: A Bucket of Marbles Peter Stroobosscher; 4 untitled Matt Poole; 6-7 untitled Christopher Filippini; 9 untitled Aimee Bell; 12-13 B. F. A. 2000: Luke Moore select works; 15 untitled Matt Stolle; 35 untitled Christopher Filippini; 36-37 B.F.A. 2000: Brian DeYong; 40-41 B. F. A. 2000: Stafford Trapp select works; 44 "Your tree" Eric Ebels; 48-49 B. F .A. 2000: Jill Bonner select works; 52-53 B.F .A. 2000: Jessica Getchell select works; 55 "Wonderstone" Travis J. Blom; 56-57 B. F. A. 2000: Mark Douma select works; 59 "The view from Moses" Peter La Grand; 60-61 B.F.A. 2000: Beth "Turtle" Barber select works
8 "saint gregory's" Meagan Luhrs; 8 "march 1" Meagan Luhrs; 10-11 "'Three Berry Poems" Rebecca Ruth; 14 "The Needful Portion" Jesse Meyer; 45 "Insides Out" Fled; 46 "An American Fhoto Album" Jay Robinson; 47 "A V...
Analysis and Critique of "Christ the Transformer of Culture" in the Thought of H. Richard Niebuhr, Michael Eugene Wittmer, CalvinTheological Seminary
This dissertation examines the world view slogan, "Christ the transformer of culture," in the thought of its creator, H. Richard Niebuhr. Although the phrase is popular in Neo-Calvinist circles, this study finds that its meaning in Niebuhr's theology deviates from Reformed orthodoxy. In order to understand what Niebuhr intends by Christ transforming culture, we begin by outlining his understanding of the biblical narrative of creation, fall, and redemption. Niebuhr describes the triadic community that exists between God, individuals, and the rest of creation. Unfortunately, humanity has always broken this community by distrusting God and being disloyal to his cause. Such depravity manifests itself in various henotheisms and polytheisms, which at bottom is a form of anthropocentrism. Nevertheless, God will inevitably reconcile the world to himself by instilling radical monotheism with...
Dialogue, Staff and writers of Dialogue
5 Editorial: "Dysfunctional Toasters" and the Human Condition" Peter Stroobosscher
4 "Deus ex Machina" Jessica Getchell; 7 untitled Christopher Filippini; 9 untitled Tina Anderson; 12 untitled Stafford Trapp; 20-21 "bed pen" Phil Orr; 24 untitled Stafford Trapp
Book Review; 27 "Hello, Goodbye" (I) Matt Poole; 29 "nude reclining on asteroid" Josh Ippel; 31 "Hello, Goodbye." (II) Matt Poole; 32 untitled Luke Moore, Jessica Getchell, Jill Bonner; 37 untitled Beth "Turtle" Barber
Book Review
28 Travelling Marcies: Some thouhgts on Faith by Anne Lamott, Benjamin Boss
8 "A midnight walk: the gypsy's eternity" Melissa Kruse; 10 "Poriphera's Swing" Tim Thompson; 11 "Slow in Coming but Waiting Hard" Jill Eelkema; 11 "Leftovers" Peter La Grand; 22 "A Doxology of L...
Divine Passibility, Peter H. Vande Brake, CalvinTheological Seminary
The majority position in modern theology is that God is passible. Most modem theologians assert that the God portrayed by traditional theology is utterly impassible. They contend that the classical conception of God has been unduly influenced by Greek philosophical thought rather than biblical thinking This, however, is a hasty generalization that has little historical support. The word "impassibility" when it is used as a reference to God in modem theological discussions is taken to mean exclusively that God is "without the ability to have emotions and unable to experience suffering!' The historical material that deals with the issue of the impassibility of God makes the distinction that impassibility refers to the passions of God--those feelings or inclinations to participate in or commit sin. There are also very few theologians in any era who are willing to say that God cannot expe...
The Covenant theology of Francis Roberts, Won Taek Lim, CalvinTheological Seminary
The object of this study is to show how the covenant theology of Francis Roberts (1609-1675), an English Puritan, stands in the mainline of the Reformed tradition and assists in defining the seventeenth-century development of "covenant" or "federal" theology. In particular Roberts' covenant theology not only reflects the development and refinement of English covenant thought after the Westminster Assembly but also evidences the ongoing dialogue between the English Reformed writers, the Scottish Reformed writers, and the Reformed thinkers in Europe, particularly in the Netherlands. To judge the place of Roberts' covenant theology in relation to Reformed orthodoxy, the present study mainly concerns itself with the comparison of Roberts' theology with that of his Puritan predecessors, and the ways in which it stands in continuity with earlier Reformed covenant thought. Roberts divides in...
Works from 1999
Dialogue, Staff and writers of Dialogue
5 Editorial: Peter Stroobosscher
cover "Between Comfort and Reason"; 4 "Drawing #1!" Stafford Trapp; 7 untitled Stacy Wieringa; 8 "Substance" Tim Terry; 11 "sailing a broken ship" Aaron Horevay; 12 "Topography of Tion" Brian Deyong; 15 untitled Rachel Epp; 19 untitled Natasha Nelson; 21 untitled Beth "Turtle" Barber; 23 "Proclaimer" Luke Moore; 24 Ryobi RSll2 Matt Poole; 27 "anatomical study: Nate Post; 24 "Self-Consciousness is Exhausting" Josh Ippel; 31 from "hard evidence" series Mark Douma
18 "bagatelle" Scott Blasco
8 "Excuse" Jesse Meyer; 10 "In the wake of your future in Pennsylvania to D." Kathryn Kuipers; 13 "the midnight of his birthday" jane c knol; 14 "The Bible's Book of Sex" Lise Evans; 17 "By the Spirit" Jay Robinson; 18 "The Desire Quintet...
Dialogue, Staff and writers of Dialogue
5 Fditorial: "Nursing Regret" Peter Stroobosscher
cover untitled Paul Birza; 4 "Chicken Little" Mark Douma; 7 untitled Stafford Trapp; 11 untitled Josh Ippel; 13 untitled Stafford Trapp; 15 untitled Paul Birza; 20 "Alhambra" Paul Birza; 24 untitled Matthew Stackowicz; 27 untitled Josh Ippel; 29 untitled Brian De Yong; 30 untitled Manny Figueroa
8 Greenskin Peasants from Mars Brad Fruhauff; 12 "Visual A++raction" Adam Stout; 14 "Belief in God" Nick Dekker; 18 The umbilical Chord, The Tomb" Brad Fruhauff; 22 "Erratica" Joel Apple; 28 "Yardwork" Tim Thompson; 31 "An Unfinished Poem on Graces" Todd Slager
Short Fiction
8 "Thomas Grant" Thomas Grant; 19 "A Good Bed" Jay Robinson
Dialogue, Staff and writers of Dialogue
Cover Andrea Vanderpol; Poetry Josh Hagedoru; Fiction "a.m." Jay Robinson; Art untitled Brian De Yong; Poem "Throwing Rocks" Lauren Togtman; Art Aaron Schottelkorb; "Saint Anders Passion" Matthew Walhout; "untitled" TIm Terry; Essay (IN)corporatory Calvin (Out); "When the Stars Come Out" Aaron B. Smith; "Incidents from a life frozen still in the terror of unromanizing love" Todd Slager; "Reconstruction project" Mike Richtson; "Backpacks"; The Opera" Kevin Huizenga; "My Love" Candice Anderson; "To You" Tira Anderson
Dialogue, Staff and writers of Dialogue
Cover Wendy Grevengoed; editor's brainfart #3: a static life; "Sparky's Virtual Romance" Lorenzo Prada; "Partial Shade" P.W. Dykema; "Woman Resting" Jill Bonner; "Amalgorn" Peter Kooiman; "The Project" Brett Budde; "Emily" Sara Shewan; "Samuel" Michael Meinema; "Plymouth, Massachusetts" Rachel Schoerfuhs; "Meditation two: in between days" Josh Hagedorn; "Theiere d'Alladin" Dan vos; "Katrina Vegter; "Pablo and two weasel balls" Dave Prinsen; "Ode to the Gardener" Nick Dekker; "Julianne" Beth Barber; "A Queenly Solution to Fracture Feminism" Julianne Smith; "Inventory" Mike Richison; "Idealism, Dear ___, will kill you" Sara Byker; Kevin Huizenga; "Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow" William; Cover Wendy Grevengoed
...Works from 1998
Dialogue, Staff and writers of Dialogue
Cover Steve Smith "Drums"; Editor's Brainfart #2: Curtain things last; Art: Brad Tetzlof; "Procustean" Beoky Thomas; "The Intermediate State" Coray Ames; "to my pessimist re anger over suicides" Katrina Vegter; Art Krista Vander Wal, Tim Terry; Poem Betsy Verduin; Interview David Summers; "The 3Rs: representation/reproduction of reality" Reubon VanTil; "Bemis Street" Mike Meinema; "Main" - "Hombre" Manuel Vasquez; Art Jill Bonner; "Hardly Fitting" Part 2; Art "TEAPOT 5" Dan Vos, David Baxter; "Remembrance" Joe Lapp; Art Jessica Full James; "Anyone But Kerouac" Christy Bratt; "East Houston Street: #1 & 2" Mark Douma; Comic Kevin Huizenga; Poem Josh Hagedorn: This Amazing; Do-It Yourself DADA POETRY; Jayme Mellema & Jared Van Alstyne
...Dialogue, Staff and writers of Dialogue
Cover "Foresight" Becky Thomas; Editor's Brainfart #1: our (dis)inherited past; "Camera Thinking Itself" Mark Douma; Melissa Berghoef; "Mary Ellens-Bishop" Matthew Smith; "33" Peter Kooiman; "Couch" Janet Nowlin; Mike Richison "Commentary on Activity"; Nathan Woudenberg; "Desayuno Matutino" - "Daily Breakfast" Manuel Vasquez; Paul Schrader; "A Childhood without movies" Jessica Gotchell "Ophelia Brink"; Comic Kevin Huizenga; Poem Lori Slager; "Daniel" Jennifer de Boer; "Hardly Fitting" David Baxter; "Verius as a Wall Hanging" Christy Bratt; "Hardly"; "A Slow Intelligence"; "Cafe Sketch" Philip Christman; Art Melissa Berghoef; Poem Julianne Smith; "Hidden" Becky Thomas; Dialogue's Top 10 Books of The 20th Century
...Dialogue, Staff and writers of Dialogue
cover Untitled Peter Zylstra; 6 Sammy Whammy as Deadbeat Nick Jess Lilly; 9 Psalm 139 Jennifer Slofstra; 1 Listermint Carin Palsrok; 12 High Noon Jim Van Farowe; 15 Untitled Jill Bonner; 20 Landscape in the manner of Tung Yung Kevin Huizenga; 25 Untitled Mark Douma; 29 Don't Be Sad Brian De Yong; 30 Girl from J. Crew Krista VanderWal; 33 Brian De Yong Jon Den Hartigh; 37 Graveyard Barry Lemmen
8 deviant charms Peter Kooiman; 17Through the Eyes of The Virgin Andy Dykhouse; 18 Fade to White Joel Vanderveen
Untitled John Steenwyk; 19 Promised Land Tim A. Thompson
Tijuana Kevin Hommes; 19 Ducks Gesse and Pigeons Brad De Vries; 20 Mints Na than Swanson; 28 For T Sara Zoeterman; 31 Untitled Brook Pauley; 32 Let Go Amber McGill; 32 Untitled Benjamin David Brandt; 32 sleepy Becky Rosier; 36 Black, No Sugar Pam Henshell; 36 Th...
Dialogue, Staff and writers of Dialogue
Biblical Hermeneutics and Hebraism in the Early Seventeenth Century as Reflected in the Work of John Weemse (1579-1636), Jai Sung Shim, CalvinTheological Seminary
This dissertation presents a contextual and historical understanding of hermeneutics and exegesis in the early seventeenth century, in the form of a study of the biblical exegete and Hebraist, John Weemse of Lathocker and Prebend of Durham. This study argues both for the continuity of early seventeenth-century biblical exegesis with Reformation exegesis and for the progress of Protestant exegesis after the Reformation. In substantial similarity to the Reformers with regard to the doctrine of Scripture and to exegetical principles, the foundation of Weemse's exegesis was reading Scripture in its original languages. He enriched his efforts through grammatical and textual studies of masoretic scholarship with its highly scholarly apparatus, through study of Hebrew literary convention, and through a broad knowledge of Hebrew customs and tradition. Weemse made a significant contribution i...
Dialogue, Staff and writers of Dialogue
Cover Assemblage: Juxtaposition of Time Jason Reiffer; 6 Vibration Jason Reiffer; 11Transylvania Laurie Penning; 14 Tabby, Age 11 Sara Zuiderveen; 17 The Chicken Coop Brett Budde; 20 Fisherman Jim Van Farowe; 25 Relic Brett Budde; 30 alveoli (detail) Peter Zylstra; 33 left handed Becky Thomas; 38 Lounge Figure Study Brian De Yong
12 Winter Michael J. VanderBrug; 13 Fowl Preferences Andrew Zwart; 23 Contrasted Feminism Katrina Vegter; 24 the shape of the wind in silk jane c. knol; 29 Scars Andrew Zwart; 37 Flicker Todd Slager
39 Inheritance Katrina Vegter
8 The Things I Learned in Dutch Ruth Michelle Hollander; 26 For Communion Purposes Rebecca Ruth
15 Revealing the Law Jay Budziszewski discusses politics and Christianity, with special attention to ...
William Edwin Boardman (1810-1886): Evangelist of the Higher Christian Life, Roy Leonard Williams, CalvinTheological Seminary
The Presbyterian evangelist, William Edwin Boardman (1810-1886), has received limited attention in studies related to the American and British holiness movements. The attention he has received has been limited to his connection to other topics. The available analyses of his doctrine of sanctification does not clearly define the connection between his message and other nineteenth-century holiness theologies. Furthermore, these analyses of Boardman's message are generally based on a limited use of the primary sources. The purpose of this dissertation is to analyze Boardman's dextrine of sanctification in relation to the mid-nineteenth century American and British theological milieu. Attention will be given to the similarities and differences between his understanding of the doctrine of sanctification and that of the Wesleyans, the Oberlinians, the Reformed, and other proponents of the ...
Works from 1997
Dialogue, Staff and writers of Dialogue
Gallery Dialogue, Staff and writers of Dialogue Gallery Dialogue, Staff and writers of Dialogue Poetry Dialogue, Staff and writers of Dialogue Poetry Dialogue, Staff and writers of Dialogue Poetry Dialogue, Staff and writers of Dialogue Poetry Dialogue, Staff and writers of Dialogue Gallery Dialogue, Staff and writers of Dialogue Editorial Dialogue, Staff and writers of Dialogue Editorial Dialogue, Staff and writers of Dialogue Editorial Transcendence and History in Karl Barth's Amillennial Eschatology, Jean De Dieu Rajaonarivony, CalvinTheological Seminary Barth' s early claim that "Christianity which is not wholly eschatology and nothing but eschatology has nothing to do with Christ" reflects his understanding of theology as basically an eschatological concept. Though Barth does not explicitly identify himself with any of the three dominant millennial traditions, namely, amillennialism, premillennialism, and postmillennialism, this study seeks to demonstrate that the key to understanding Barth' s eschatology is to see him as an amillennial thinker by arguing that his concept of the three-stage parousia along with his doctrine of "nothingness" reflects the key notions of amillennial eschatology. Not only does the amillennial tradition provide a vehicle for clarifying Bartlh's eschatology but placing him broadly into the amillennial school of thought resolves the debate among Barthian scholars over the tension between transcendence and h... Dialogue, Staff and writers of Dialogue Editorial 4 Dialogue, Staff and writers of Dialogue Editorial 4 Dialogue, Staff and writers of Dialogue 6 Editorial The Litte Girl and the Golden Mountain - Christine Byl; illustrations, Gabriel Travis Dialogue, Staff and writers of Dialogue 6 Editorial Homeward Bound-Audrey Orteza Dialogue, Staff and writers of Dialogue 6 Editorial Here and Trembling-Christine Byl Dialogue, Staff and writers of Dialogue 6 Editorial A Gentler Reign -Christine Byl, illustrated by Gabriel Travis
cover Fat bottom bees, you make this rockin' world go round Nora Lagerway; 5 nudie John Den Hartigh; 7 After Richard Carin Palsrok; 11 L.A.G.W.A.F.I.S. Mark Johnson; 19 Victoria Harbor, Hong Kong Peter Szto; 21 The Harvester Jacoba Sytsma; 22 Playtime in a Vase Elizabeth Duffield; 26 Bodyscape #117 Steve Smith; 29 Nucleaer Arms Christina Bratt; 33 Solitude Greg Scholtens; 35 Untitled Diane Gillenwater; 37 Willie Jeff Casemier
6 21 lines on water Todd Slager; 13 Starry Nights Tim Thompson; 13; It's 3 am, I'm still awake Kara Breems; 14 50's Lambert J. Van Poolen; 18 "passion/plea" Mike Heerema; 18 less than before Chicago Mike Heerema; 20 artists Sarah Byker; 23 Emily Sherry Koll Levy; 30 unseen Michael J. VanderBrug; 32 Untitled Sarah Byker; 36 fame Todd Slager; 36 Untitled Matt Smith; 38 A Silly Story for Axl Jesse Buck
Cover Lone Shopping Cart Carin Palsrok; 7 Comfortable Shoes Carin Palsrok; 9 Cocoon Kelly Benjamin VanderBrug; 12 Nicole Jacoba Sytsma; 15 Bound Jim Van Farowe; 23 Crank (Cold) Mike Richison; 25 Big Steps Rachel Vandenbroek; 29 Alchemy Holly Huisman; 31 The Quest Jacoba Sytsma; 33 from "the lunatic dream series" Greg Scholtens; 37 Untitled Reuben Van Til; 38 Uncle Bud July 97 Sara Zuiderveen
14 Cut Flowers Michael J. VanderBrug; 16 WhispringWind Timothy J. Veltman; 17 Secure Lori Engbers; 32 the dream library jane c. knol; 34 Front Porch Michael J. VanderBrug; 39 denouement jane c. knol
6 Binko Andrew Zwart; 24 A Lost Story John Ye
35 In the Buck Kelly Van Andel
19 Vigilante on a Slow Dark Train Bill Mallonee raps on the...
[untitled] by Sarah Byker ll 21; Nude Nylons by Kristi Dykstra 31; Jane E. Tebben: Four Poems Realism on the Wall 35; Black Butts 36; A waiting A Rising 37; Extended Lent 37; Scented by Claire Basney 40; Details by Sara Zuiderveen 44
Descriptions of Reality 18; Hilary Putnam, a leading Anglo-American philosopher, speaks of his experience as a scientific materialist, and other issues that shaped his career.
Amy Ray: Opening Parameters 6 Amy Ray reflects on the Indigo Girls'
albums, religion, and homosexuality.
Chicago Style by Benjamin Nava 5; Mother: Batahola, Nicaragua
by Betsy McCanse 9; Coorong Desen, South Australia by Sara Zuiderveen II; Self Ponrait by Marie O'Dell 15; Solace by Amy Anderson17; The Taking by Mike Byl 20; Porfolio: Carin Palsrok Parabolic 24; ...
[untitled] by Timothy J. Veltman 16; t/he poet by Yvonne Bouma 18; driving by Michael J. Vander Brug 27; [untitled] by Michael Heerema 28; Triptych by Matthew Walhout 36
Witness for Justice 6
Learning, China by Holly Huisman 5; Transformation by Mike Shih 8; Fagot by Rachel TeBrake 11; Confined-A Self Portrait by Daniel Vos 14; Reflection of my Passing by Jayme Mellema 17; Portfolio: Brenna Geehan I am Here 21; Step Unto 22; Reach 23; Transient 24; Two of Oneby Becky Thomas 26; Cat by Jim Van Farowe 29; Musabuwera's Gift
by Kelly Edwards 30; Haley and Joe by Jason Glerum 35; Be Yourself
by Jon Den Hartigh 38; Peppermints by Holly Huisman cover
Her by Karl Voskuil 25
12 Looking at the Frames by Julia Anema, For centuries museums have ...
body of water by Jane C. Knol 10; Gravemarker by Amy Sitar 18; When I Walked in Heaven by Timothy J. Veltman 24; Modem Judas y Timothy Lillis 33
On the Reality of Tables and Atoms by Joel Schickel 17
Three Doors by Carin Palsrok 5; Moment of Grace by Barbara Carvill 9; Quiet Musings by Amy Anderson II; Portfolio: Marie O'Dell D.H. 13; D.H. 14; D.H. 15; Amy 16; Thrown and Altered Bulbous Vessel by Anna Greidanus Probes 20; Ephemeral Vessd Study No.5 by Anna Greidanus Probes 22; The Fallen and Broken by Mike Byl 25; Untitled
by Gary De Witt 32; Diptych by Julia Schickel 34,35; Gestural Study of Michelle by Mike Byl 38; On to you by Brenna Geehan cover
Mechanic #7 by Gregory Veen 26
Round Table
Real Women's Lives 6
Works from 1996
Interstate 96 to Budapest by Claire Basney II; Desire by M. B. Smith 17; spirits by Lambert J. Van Poolen 18; encompassed by Sarah Byker 28; Impotency by Katherine Cummings 30; Lull by Ian Griffin 35; paperdoll by Jane C. Knol 37
Short Fiction
Eileen by Amy Adair 6; A Matter of "Principle" by Matt Forsythe 20
Aware by Mike Byl 5; Abandonment by Mike Shih 7; Car by Jon Den Hartigh 10; Pocket: Looking Inside by Julia Anema 12; One Crow, Two Crow by Susan Van Sant 16; The Silent Observer by Joel Zwart 19; Untitled by Jason Glerum 21; Portfolio: D.H. Chung Light Motifs: I. Shadow Climbing Wall 22; IL Three Rays of Light 23; IV. Stability 24; V. Action 25; Some Dreams Last Forever ... by Greg Scholtens; 29 Mother and Child II by Holly Huisman 36 The Display by Tricia Bos; Cover Art
by Gary De Witt
Solirude by Greg Scholtens 4; Study of the Backside by DH. Chung II; Portfolio : Mike Byl Gestural Figure Study 14; God Fearers 15; Burden Bearers 17; Jacob's Struggle with Angel 18; Silence and the Observer - Portrait of a Survivor by Eli:2;abeth Tjoelker 19; Virga by Kelly Edwards 22; Fallen Troy [ which I created] by Mike Shih 30; Clarissa: the Shoes and the Stairs by Julia Shickel 34; Evan by Aaron Breland 38; Falling by Kelly Edwards cover
epiphany by Sarah Byker 10; The Rapture by Salomon Orellana 24; Several Very Bad Sonnets by EJ. Feddes 28; Untitled by Bruce James 35; each night there is a moon by Jane C. Knol 36
The Apparent Asymmetry of Time by Edward L Hamilton 26; Slowness and Pleasure by Angela Ajayi 29; Postmodernism 32; Mapping the Bewildering Landscape by Rob Huie
Reading Lightly 4 Peter Vander Meer
King Arthur: The Man Behind the Myth 6 Matthew Carter; Magical Mystery Tour 40 John Rushing
Photographs 30 Daniel Cooper; Intaglia 35 Emily Watson
"Becoming One" 26 Jennifer Tarpley; "Daddy Longlegs" 28 Melissa La Grand; "Episode" 28 Melissa La Grand
"Life" 26 Amy Ewaldt
Visual Art
Untitled 5 Jason Glerum; "Engl berg" 10 Marc Wiegers; "Waiting for Mr. Tumnus" 11 Jason Glerum; Untitled 14 Jason Glerum; "Let's Swing" 15 Ralph Faasse; "Reflection the Empire" 16 Ralph Faasse; "The Farytale" 17 Karen Lugtigheid; Untitled 18 Dan Cooper; Untitled 33 Harriet Vander Meer; Untitled 22 Kim Speelman; "Hold On" 29 Emily Watson; "Serenity" 48 Emily Watson
Variations on a Scene Peter Vander Meer 4
... And The Mountains Should Crumble into the Sea ... Jamey Bouwmeester 11; Russia, My Love Sarah C. Vos; Neighborhood Watch Laura J. Veltman 23; Severed in Unity Kelley Evans 34
Middle of Nowhere Kirk Dombeck 6; The Television Andy Rau 16; Lost, Found, and Hidden Susan Bruxvoort 27
Aaron Breland 30; Ralph Faasse 36
"The Cobalt Maternity" Jane C. Knol 19; "Her Testimony" Emily McDermitt 26; "Variation on Love" Sarah Byker 29
Visual Art
"Investment" Geneva J. De Groot 5; "The Hate Tree" Shawn Krueger 8; "Life On The Table" Julia Schickel 10; "Return To Innocence" Grace Lee 13; Untitled Jesse Claggett 15; "Sometimes Day in January" Wayne Adams 20; "The...
Joseph Vander Meer 4
Mass Media in Song Dave Buursma 30
The Dead on Clearance Caleb Seeling 8; Elevator Karl Voskuil 22; Blindness J. Roger 24; Looks Can Be Deceiving Kim Clausing 33
Untitled Michael VanderBrug 10; "Acquaintanced Friendships" Risa Jung 11; "Awake" Phil deHaan 13; "Hospitality" Jane E. Tebben 15; "Saul" Karl Voskuil 19; "My Sometimes Peace" Emily Tanis 28; Untitled Joe Sushi
"Liberty State Park" Mark Wiegers 5; "The Long Drive" Daniel Cooper
Visual Art
"Coney Island" Mark Wiegers 2; "Sunset at the Bush's" Shawn Krueger 12; "Evoke" Dan Van Til 14; "Struggle" Dan Van Til 15; "Evan" Aaron Breland 16; "Dan" 17 Aaron Breland; Untitled 18 Jesse Claggett; ''Crucifixion'' 20 Erik Nyka...
Works from 1995
Reunion Andy Rau 15; Tracks Yvonne Bouma 22
Saints and Superstars John H. Timmerman 26
Environmental Stewardship Directors of the Au Sable Institute 6
"Guardian Angel" Dan Olydam 2; "Faring Well" Jane C. Knol 14; "The Twilight passage" Jouwert Shane Wagenaar 17; "Reflections in a Bowl" Tim Veltman 23; "Comfortable Silence" Risa Jung 29; "Emancipation" Robert V. Shipman Jr. 30
Visual Art
"Away" Susan Van Sant 5; "Angelic Tree" Emily McDermitt 12; "Bitter Tree" Emily McDermitt 13; "Manhole with Aaron's Shadow" Carin Palsrok 19; "Thinking of You" ErikNykamp 20; "Drums of Heaven" 21; Untitled Woodcuts Rob Monacelli 24, 25; "Sun Window" Carin Palsrok 31; "An Arch, A Pillar, and A Tree" Carin Palsr...
Beyond Pentium Jason Van Lier 7; Salty Drink Karl Voskuil 31
The New England Gazetteers Gary D. Schmidt 9; Music From The Underground Rebecca Lew 34
Philosophical Peelings James Blankespoor 22
Eric Nykamp 12
"Music Submits" Trevor Westerhoff 8; "Coming Disconsolate" Jane C. Knol 16; "Fireflies" Deborah S. Leiter 17; ''A Friend Remembered'' Peter V. Tigchelaar 17; "Writers' Block" Deborah S. Leiter 24; "September" Monique Bos 28; "Going Down" Claire Basney 29; "Upwards of Heaven" Dan Olydam 30; "Bigger" Jouwert Shane Wagenaar 32; "Jane Austen's Falling Women" Mary Dengler 38
Visual Art
Untitled Ink Drawing Daniel Vos 2; Untitled Photos Mark Wiege...
11 Poem Redeeming - DanOlydam
12 Story A Boy and his Dog - Rob Lubbers; illustrations, Gabriel Travis
18 Conversation Finding an Earth-Careful Way - Lionel Basney, with Christine Byl
21 Poem Backbone Love - Betsy Grant
27 Poem A Poem for Claude about Claude - Dan Mudde; illustration, Dan Mudde
28 Poem Your Skin and Mine - Elizabeth VerHeul
29 Essay Whose Story?: Diversity in History - -Tom Guikema
32 Poem Creating - DanOlydam
34 Sketch Two Southern Towns - Kristin Dombek
46 A-haha, mhnff, heh Are You Game?
8 Poem The Invitation-John Hare
10 Story The Laying of Hands-Tina Boscha
18 Poem Raisin the Host-Rob Huie
20 Poem A dubiousdoubtful Eden-Laura Veltman
22 Conversation From Patriarchy to Partnership-Gregory Heille, with Christine Byl
28 Poem jericho-Lambert VanPoolen
29 Essay Blue Gardens-Alan Aukeman
34 Poem STREETSigns-Jennifer Gillenwater
35 Portfolio The Further Adventures Of ..-Matt VanderPol
38 Yuk-Yuk Herman Newt Tickles Circle
8 Poem Untitled-DanMudde
11 Round Table Once Upon a Time ... -Eight Women Speak; graphics, Lisa Daley
22 Sketch Some Fair, Some Foul-David Koning
24 Poem Bellyache-Christina Bratt
25 Poem The Front-Jane E. Tebben
26 Essay Learning to Float-Audrey Orteza
32 Poem To All the Men In My Life-Monique Bos
33 Conversation "The Ghosts of Puritans Die Hard"-Harry Stout, with Kyle Farley
38 Guffaw!! "AnvOpen Letter to the Calvin Community"
Works from 1994
9 Poem Untitled -Elizabeth VerHeul
10 Essay The Rest of the Story -Doug Frank, illustrated by Gabriel Travis
18 Letter From Kazakhstan-Olga Babich, intoduction by Dave Ihmels
20 Poem Boulder Scene-Lambert Van Poolen
23 Portfolio Conceptual Explorations-Peter Vandenkieboom
29 Poem Hypocrisy-Lambert Van Poolen
30 Sketch Old Stone Bridge-Matt Forsythe, photograph by Ralph Faase
36 Poem Weather: the Bridgers-Lynelle Regnerus
38 Ho Ho Ho! You Can Dress Him Up ... w!!
Dialogue, Staff and writers of Dialogue
6 Editorial Hanging from the Tree of Knowledge-Christine Byl
8 Poem Willow-Claire Basney
9 Essay Church Going-Cole Ruth
14 Poem After School-Elizabeth VerHeul
15 Portfolio Documentary: China-Lisa Daley
18 Conversation Prai rie Visions
26 Poem To J.D., for Lucille Clifton-Jennifer De Graff
28 Play Stuck Somewhere, a little ditty-Matt Sahr, illustrated by Aaron Breland
36 Poem Untitled-Jennifer De Graaf
38 Ha! Onomatopoeia
Dialogue, Staff and writers of Dialogue
Aaron Breland i; Sara Penninga ii; Ralph Faase 7; Amy Kitchin 16; Roland Hultink 17; Eric Nykamp 17; Kelly Benjamin 20; Mark Hofland 20; Lynelle Regnerus 21; Gabe Travis 21; Sarah Taylor 24; Kelly Benjamin 24; Heather Saxton 29; Jesseca Davis 29; Steve Luimes 30; KirkDatema 30; Matt VanZomeren 31; Steve Luimes 32; Roland Hultink 33; Kristi Visser 34; Kim Hartman 34; Sara Penninga 35; Gabe Travis 39; Amy Wenger 39
...Dialogue, Staff and writers of Dialogue
Editorial 2
Interview 4
Portfolio 9
Interview 12
Portfolio 16
Essay 24
Interview 32
Short Story 37
Letters and Such 40
Dialogue, Staff and writers of Dialogue
Visual Contents
Cover, Sung Ha Shin mixed media construction
Sarah Taylor i; Kim Tran ii; Kelly Benjamin 11; Kristi Visser 11; Gabe Travis 12; Karen Mienema 13; Kristi Riemersma 14; Brad Tichelaar 15; Kevin Lise 15; Kelly Benjamin 21; Margaret Vos 22; Ted Sandstra 23; Lizanne Beckering 30; Jeannie Merkel 31; Gabe Travis 31; Roland Huitink 39
Works from 1993
Dialogue, Staff and writers of Dialogue
Visual Contents
Cover, Barb Brackemyer Raku
Gabe Travis i; Dan Ehrlich ii; Amy Kitchin 6; Kelly Benjamin 8; Marc -Wieggers 12; Allen Machielson 13; Eric Nykamp 14; Susan Holwerda 15; Rob Monacelli 20; Kim Hartman 21; Barb Brackemyer 22; Rob Patete 23; Esther Schaap 30; Mandy Ryan 31
Dialogue, Staff and writers of Dialogue
Visual Contents Cover image, Susan Heida
Ted Sandstra i; Kelly Benjamin ii; Gabe Travis 6; Aaron Breland 7; Kevin Lise 11; Tanya Black 22; Mark Hofland 22; Steve Luimes 24; Diane Sundling 25; Sara Taylor 33; Jesse Claggett 34; Ben Kroese 35
The Use of Lament in Pastoral Care: Exploring its Use with Those Working Through the Loss of a Child, Cornelius J. DeBoer
The general purpose of the thesis is to reintroduce an ancient Jewish/Christian tradition of lamenting which taps the anger and inappropriateness of death, destruction, and injustice. This ancient tradition has been lacking and has not been readily encouraged in the Christian community, even though lamenting can easily be understood as a vital part of our relationship with a covenantal God.
More specifically the thesis describes ministry to bereaved parents, and the important place of lament in this ministry. Although the psalms of lament are set forth as the main model, other creative avenues of lamenting are explored. Some prayers and a baptismal form which incorporate the lament theme are included. Pastors and Christian caregivers have many opportunities to minister to people in crises: who struggle with physical, emotional or spiritual problems. What we say or do, as well a...
Dialogue, Staff and writers of Dialogue
4/This is not an editorial... Kristin Dombek
Short Story
8/Prince of Frogs Nathan Bruinooge
Round Table
14/The Old Man And The Seals Jim Hommes
32/Basic Instict J. Alan Speer
40/The Mission Tim Carson
Flotsam & Jetsam
Dialogue, Staff and writers of Dialogue
4/Voices, and a Serverer Listening
Short Story
8/Sunshine and the Fat Man
20/Susan Gallagher Matthew DeGroot
21/Mary Steward Van Leeuwen Bo-Mi Choi
Round Table
28/Four stories: Calvin Students on Being Gay
40/Artists' voices
Dialogue, Staff and writers of Dialogue
4/Mosaic Peace by Christine Weeber
16/Bards, Bowls and Balance by Mark A. Cullision
Short Story
8/Denouement by Christ Byl
34/Greetings from Liberia by Rachel Ippel
Flotsam and Jetsam
41/The Calvin Catalog
Works from 1992
Dialogue, Staff and writers of Dialogue
4/Scrablle, with Love By Kristin Dombek
Short Story
8/Life in a Teapot By Daniel Paul Phillips
12/Will Campbell By the Fire with W. Dale Brown
20/A Rhetoric of Prudence By Kurt C. Schaefer
Short Story
28/Assistant G.A. By Nathan Bruinooge
38/Sketchbook Psalm 1 By Amy Orne
41/Flotsam and Jetsam
Dialogue, Staff and writers of Dialogue
4 Treasure hoarding and the Emperor's new clothes-Kristin Dombek
8 Thoughts on Elections in Britain and America O Ronald A. Wells
26 Modem Philosophy and Philosophical Consciousness O Matt Sahr
16 "Kierkegaard Dealing Drugs" Jeremy Lloyd Interviews Paul Schrader
Denise Bloem
April Diephouse
Dave Ihmels
Patty Matuszak
Dave Vanderlaan
36 "Thoughts on Writing" - English 333, 1992
Flotsam and jetsam
41 Survey: Do you make a good date?
Andrew Botts
Rob Patete
Sarah Taylor
Sarah Kendall
Sarah Penninga
Patrick Byrne
Steve Bardolph
Dialogue, Staff and writers of Dialogue
Constructive Conspiracy 6
Short Story
Mister Thomas Benjamin Grierson Rey L.D. Romero 10
Walk like a new yorker J. Alan Spper 18
William Fyfe Jon Vandervelde 28
Flotsam & Jetsam
The Instant Spring Poem 37
On Life and M. Blanchot by Patti Matuszak 8; Friday, November 2, 1990 by Mary VanderMeer 17; Carnations by Sarah MacDonald 26; Teaching Lessons by Mary VanderMeer 34
Photograph by Julie Uken 3; lithograph by Wendy Levy 9; Photograph by Ralf Scharnowski 27; drawing by Scott Millen 36; photograph by Julie Uken 38; cover art Conrad Bakker