Works from 2016
Theologia Viatorum: institutional Continuity and the Reception of a theological Framework From Franciscus Junius's De theologia Vera To Bernhardinus De Moor's Commentarius Perpetuus, Todd M. Rester, CalvinTheological Seminary
Some scholars have identified a certain amount of vagueness in continuity theses of scholarship regarding medieval, Reformation, and post-Reformation thought. A criterion of continuity is necessary in order to prosecute a continuity thesis. One way to root intellectual history within a particular social context over time is to examine a conceptual framework as it develops, changes, and even declines within an academic institution like an early modern university. Institutional continuity is a methodological approach that seeks to clarify the relationship between continuity, influence, confessionalization and deconfessionalization diachronically within an institutional context of an early modern university. The test case for this method is the prolegomenal framework of Franciscus Junius, as first propounded in De Theologia Vera (1594) and developed by various theologians at Leiden Unive...
Works from 2015
Chimes: December 11, 2015, Calvin College
Michael Le Roy: A Retrospective by Anna Delph
ISIS, Terrorism & Refugees by Juliana Ludema
Airband Cancelled by Morgan Anderson
Basketball bounces MIAA foes by Mark Peless
Holiday tradition remains stable by Amelia Sterenberg
Theology, grammar and learning to write sentences by Eckhart Chan
...Chimes: December 4, 2015, Calvin College
Calvin launches college-wide effort to increase student retention by Josh Parks
Women's soccer: NCAA success by Mark Peless
"We Stand Together": Calvin shows solidarity against racism by Bethany Cok
Calvin ranked second for number of students studying abroad by Alicia De Jong
Open ocean fish display impressive biological cloacking by Natasha Strydhorst
Heartside gallery continues to grow by Saraphina Sefcik
Pope Francis visits Kenta, Uganda, and the Central Republic by Eckhart Chan
...Chimes: November 20, 2015, Calvin College
Students react to Paris attacks by Marisa Heule
"Macabre" impresses with haunting displays of art by Anna Delph
Calvin tied with Hope in flu vaccine challenge by Amelia Sterenberg
Symposium hosts Calvin professor by Alicia De Jong
Financial seminar trains students by Juliana Ludema
Student bands draw crowd by Deanna Geelhood
3D printing produces Disney-inspired prosthetics by Kelsey Powers
Women's basketball opens season with pair of wins by Anna Gernant
...Chimes: November 13, 2015, Calvin College
Dialogue celebrates record participation by Jon Gorter & Josiah Kinney
Students rally in vigil for Mizzou by Jon Gorter
New urban studies minor to be offered by Alicia De Jong
SAPT tackles myths about sexual assault in first lecture in month-long series by Juliana Ludema
Eastown's Kava House to close its doors by Saraphina Sefcik
Women's volleyball captures MIAA title by sweeping Hope by Anna Gernant
Chameleon color achieved by embedded crystals by Natasha Strydhorst
International Worship Night at LOFT by Eckhart Chan
...Chimes: November 6, 2015, Calvin College
Five professors let go due to program cuts by Josh Parks
Zombiefest returns to Calvin to the delight of students by Amelia Sterenberg
Student takes human eye research to Harvard University by Morgan Anderson
Biology class takes project to MSU by Amelia Sterenberg
Calvin student bank Liance releases first full-length album by Nate Hunt
Women's soccer adds to winning streak with defeat of Olivet by Mark Peless
Community celebrates Dia de los Muertos by Saraphina Sefcik
...Chimes: October 30, 2015, Calvin College
High participation for Food Day by Bethany Cok
Upperclassmen help harvest in the Community Garden by Alicia De Jong
Freelance journalist visits Calvin by Maddie Hughey
"Steve Jobs" a poignant portrait of an imperfect man by Nate Hunt
Holly Ellerbroek's moment of grace by Mark Peless
Could beer hold the key to saving the bees? by Michael Messina
Sesame Street and autism by Kelsey Powers
...Chimes: October 23, 2015, Calvin College
Students pray outside abortion clinic, meet opposition by Bethany Cok
Student Organization Spotlight: Cave Cafe by Nate Hunt
Grand Rapids Symphony seeks new music director by Josh Parks
Cross country finishes eleventh by Marissa Hielkema
Drew Holcomb performs personal folk concert by Marissa Heule
Flint water crisis estimated to affect 45,000 homes by Leira Law
Chris Tomlin returns to the Van Andel Arena by Eckhart Chan
...Chimes: October 16, 2015, Calvin College
Program cuts finalized, German major stays by Anna Delph
Nate Reuss impresses with energy, passion by Daniel Baas
Campfires on Commons Lawn bring summer back to Calvin by Bethany Cok
Literature classes: unfair to international students? by Jared Vanoeffen & Jon Gorter
Latin out loud by Maddie Hughey
Calvin musicians connect in the Pop Music Guild by Natalie Henderson
Cross country teams leave Lansing with success and optimism by Julie Woudenberg
U.S. honeybees content with mind-altering parasite by Natasha Strydhorst
ISIS to execute 180 assyrian Christian hostages by Eckhart Chan
...Chimes: October 9, 2015, Calvin College
Accredited film alumna returns to Calvin by Jack Van Allsburg & Juliana Ludenma
Student organization hosts talk about animal ethics by Alicia Dejong
Calvin hosts an Amazing Race-esque Art Prize scavenger hunt by Marisa Huele
New virtual reality technology signals bright future for video gaming by Nate Hunt
Hockey off to quick start of the season behind solid team work by Anna Gernant
Paid college athletes ruling overturned by Mark Peless
Prioritization, the new barbarianism by Frans Van Lier
...Chimes: October 2, 2015, Calvin College
Calvin considers its Future by Anna Delph, Katelyn Bosch & Josh Parks
New rehabilitation clinic to open on the East Beltline by Jon Gorter
Remembering the voice of men's basketball Doug Wentworth by Mark Peless
"The Intern" a feel-good comedy with wide audience appeal by Helen Groothuis
Plaster Creek Stewards event assists Alger Heights by Bethany Cok
Compassion at Calvin by Katy Gerber
...Dialogue, Staff and writers of Dialogue
Land of Enchantment - Maddy Wiering (cover); 4 Daybreak - Caitlin A Smits; 6 Backbone - Paola Koki; 8 Lake Effect - Hope Hinken; 11 Body Parts no. 2 - Jaclyn Kuyers; 12 cloud forest - Nathania Wijaya; 14 cosmos and chaos - Morgan Hayden; 16 Monument Valley - Brenna Mahn; 19 I Am Poor - Christina Weinman; 20 Home Trees - Sara Martinie; 22 Bodies Divided no. 3 - Sarah Bass; 24 Restrict/Revive - Whitney Badge; 27 Giraffe Trees - Brenna Mahn; 28 The Sky is the Limit - Mary Kosters31 Tessellate - Whitney Badge; 32 Las Salinas de Maras - Paige Van Drunen; 35 Secret Wishes - Mark Randall; 39 hand sketches - Morgan Hayden; 44 Pools - Whitney Badge; 47 Cleanse - Mark Randal I; 48 Bodies Divided no. 2 - Sarah Bass; 51 Truncated - Megan Grimm; 52 From the Elephant Cafe - Hailey Jansson; 53 Elephant Explorations - Quinn Bugner; 56 Pacaya - Hope Hinken; 58 waves - Martin...
Chimes: September 25, 2015, Calvin College
Water cleanup raise awareness by Natasha Strydhorst
Campus shooter situations by Josh Parks
Business department celebrates local partnerships by Jon Gorter
Incoming class most diverse in recent history by Josh Parks
New Horizons mission reveals complex landscapes on Pluto by Michael Messina
67th Emmys tackles social issues by Nate Hunt
...Chimes: September 18, 2015, Calvin College
SE dynasty delivers, wins by a tug by Maddie Hughey
Art exhibition premieres on campus by Jon Gorter
Student organization raises awareness about human trafficking by Maddie Hughey
Women's soccer wins fourth straight, two in conference by Mark Peless
Inside Out a huge return success for Pixar by Nate Hunt
Study observes whale social networks by Natasha Strydhorst
Syrian refugees need us by James Li
Cultural Awareness on Chaos Night by Kelsey Powers
...Chimes: September 11, 2015, Calvin College
Humanities professors take faculty buyouts by Josh Parks
New Calvin logo receives mixed reviews by Jon Gorter
Calvin to reoffer jazz band as an accredited course by Maddie Hughey
Men's golf opens season with win by Mark Peless
Jurassic World fun by ultimately disappoints by Nate Hunt
New study estimates earth's tree population at three trillion by Micheal Messina
Christian leaders found on ashley Madison by Eckhart Chan
The bias of art core's options Kelsey Powers
...Dialogue, Staff and writers of Dialogue
4 Kyle Einfeld, Excuse; 8 Coleson Smith, Check Engine Light (Abridged); 16 Erin Koster, E. Pluribus, Unum; 24 Kyle Einfeld, Desecration; 29 Rebekah Waalkes, A Likeness; 32 Julia LaPlaca, Ave; 36 Corry Remy, The Path to Loneliness; 39 Stephane Bradshaw, Frail
43 Rachel J. House, A Memoir of Blood and Water; 46 Lauren DeHaan, Reflections; 55 Jeff Peterson, If I Could Walk on the Ceiling
Visual Art
4 Zack Smidstra, Reaching Down; 13 Se Gyo Oh, A Wanted Connection; 14 Caitlin Smits, Chapter Four; 17 Jenna Griffin, Bird; 21 Sara Martinie, Tendonitis; 28 Caitlin Smits, Six Nude Studies; 33 Christina Vera, Six Pounds; 39 Christina Vera, Mirror Mirror; 54 Megan Grimm, My Bed; 59 Eunlee Cho, Orange Tree
12 Rebekah Waalkes, Periphrasis; 15 Caitlin Gent, Watercolor; 20 Amanda Bublinec, Summer Solstice; 21 J...
Calvin's Eschatology in Its Historical and Exegetical Context., Takashi Yoshida, CalvinTheological Seminary
This study reveals both the variety and complexity of Calvin’s eschatology by way of a historical and contextual approach. Against an ahistorical and dogmatic approach to Calvin, it discusses the necessity of locating and examining his eschatology in several contexts: theological and exegetical traditions, both his predecessors and contemporaries; variety of genre of his own works, from catechism to polemical treatise and biblical commentaries; and their chronological developments. Calvin’s eschatology is basically traditional and owes much to the theological and spiritual heritage in the past. It is definitely, among others, in the Augustinian tradition though strongly characterized by his biblical and teleological emphasis, in which his own study of the book of the Romans seems to have played a significant role. This study also demonstrates that Calvin’s teachings of last things ar...
Do not strike hands in pledge: comparative perspectives on surety for debt in Proverbs., Doren G. Snoek, Calvin Theological Seminary
Six proverbs on surety for debt present unique difficulties for interpreters of the Hebrew Bible. Because surety for debt is only occasionally mentioned, the inner-biblical data is hard-pressed to resolve the many differences of opinion. There is a large body of primary texts from the ancient Near East that indicates that surety was a widespread practice in a vast historical period. There is also a large body of secondary literature focused on these texts. The primary and secondary literature is sufficiently robust as to warrant a closer look from biblical scholars. This thesis argues that the extra-biblical texts elucidate the proverbs and presents a methodological framework by which the two sets of evidence may be compared. The bodies of evidence are large and similar enough to warrant a contextual method that assumes a common historical background. Both the proverbs and the ancient...
Elements of cultic prophecy in Psalm 75., Nielsen A. Tomazini, Calvin Theological Seminary
This work defends the thesis that Psalm 75 is the result of the participation of cult prophets in the worship of Israel. We argue that Gunkel’s form critical method and Mowinckel’s cult functional approach provides the necessary features to satisfactory explain the switches in speakers and addressees in this psalm. Additionally, we conclude that cultic prophecy is a valid approach to interpret the so-called “prophetic psalms” in the Psalter and, consequently, to interpret Psalm 75. In search for more arguments in defense of our thesis we use 2 Chronicles 20 as an example of the participation of prophets in a cultic situation in ancient Israel as well as Harry P. Nasuti’s distinction between quoted and unquoted divine speech. After that we apply different exegetical methods in order to execute a close reading of Psalm 75 and thus we substantiate that the unquoted divine speeches in its...
Inscrutable Providence: the Doctrine of Divine Concurrence and the theology of Charles Hodge., Nathan J. Archer, CalvinTheological Seminary
This dissertation will discuss the doctrine of concurrence within the larger doctrine of providence. Although concurrence was once a key component of the doctrine of providence, it was difficult to maintain in a post-enlightenment theological and philosophical context, even for a Reformed thinker such as Charles Hodge. Although Hodge labored to explain the older formulation of this doctrine—especially as articulated by Francis Turretin—Hodge found concurrence problematic and did not commend its use. In addition to shifting philosophical sensibilities, concerns regarding pantheism were a significant reason why some nineteenth-century American Calvinists distanced themselves from concurrence. Nonetheless, Hodge’s theology stands largely in continuity with Turretin and the echo of this doctrine continues in his theological system. For Hodge, the concept of the “efficient presence of God”...
Magic and Christianity in the acts of the apostles: the confrontation., Chandra Han, Calvin Theological Seminary
Magic is an intriguing topic in the New Testament but compared to other topics of discussion in New Testament Studies, the significance of the theme of magic has been unjustly undermined as indicated by David E.Aune. From the all eight occurrences of magic in the New Testament, four are found in the Acts of the Apostles. Therefore, the Acts of the Apostles is the most significant source to understand magic. The purpose of this thesis is to figure out the understanding of magic and Christianity in the Acts of the Apostles. Since Christianity flourished in the Greco-Roman era, the understanding of magic with its practices in the Greco-Roman era is significant in order to enlighten the serious confrontation between magic and Christianity in the Acts of the Apostles. The discovery of the Greek Magical Papyri (PGM: Papyri Graecae Magicae) has evidenced the practices of magic which is evil ...
Revelation as Primal Sensing: a theological investigation into the interaction Between Christian Faith and African Religious Traditions., Philip M. Wandawa, CalvinTheological Seminary
This dissertation fills a gap in African Christian thought regarding the relationship between Christian faith and African traditions. The gap is that—notwithstanding the light shed on the relationship by the debate within the threefold typology (exclusivism, inclusivism, pluralism)—there is ambivalence in African Christian thought regarding the value of African religious traditions for Christian faith. This ambivalence is sometimes expressed in complaints by theologians against what appears to be either “syncretism,” “divided loyalties,” “religious schizophrenia,” or “double-mindedness” in African Christian religious experience and expression. In the view of this dissertation, the ambivalence in African Christian thought stems from the inability of the current debate to provide a broad ranging theological understanding of African traditions as a whole. Although the typology clarifies ...
The End of the Natural Law: Dietrich Bonhoeffer's Christological Ethics., Jordan J. Ballor, CalvinTheological Seminary
Dietrich Bonhoeffer (1906-1945) has often been understood as articulating an occasionalistic, divine-command theory of ethics. In this regard, he is often seen as aligned with Karl Barth (1886-1968). This study challenges this view by demonstrating that Bonhoeffer’s own ethical project was aimed at resuscitating and reviving a distinctively Protestant form of natural-law thinking. Bonhoeffer’s approach was characterized by an emphasis on the origin, formation, and goal of natural mandates in, by, and toward Jesus Christ. Bonhoeffer’s early teaching concerning orders of preservation and laws of life was developed into a mature doctrine of divine mandates in his Ethics, which are best understood as Christologically defined manifestations of natural law. Christ is the “end” or telos of the natural law for Bonhoeffer, and in this way Bonhoeffer attempts to rehabilitate the concept of the ...
The Pactum Salutis in the theologies of Witsius, Owen, Dickson, Goodwin, and Cocceius., Byunghoon Woo, CalvinTheological Seminary
The doctrine of the pactum salutis (covenant of redemption) offers the idea of a covenant between the very persons of the Trinity for the redemption of humanity. The doctrine received most of its attention in seventeenth-century Reformed theology, but has been criticized and almost totally forgotten in dogmatics since the eighteenth century. Most of recent Reformed dogmatics, with very few exceptions, tend to ignore the doctrine or disparage it from biblical, trinitarian, christological, pneumatological, and soteriological perspectives—namely, the doctrine lacks scriptural basis; it is tritheistic; it leads to subordination of the Son; it omits the role of the Holy Spirit; and it applies a deterministic idea for the Christian life. The present study was designed not only to demonstrate the invalidity of these criticisms of the doctrine but also to point to its practical implications f...
Works from 2014
Dialogue, Staff and writers of Dialogue
4 Jonathan Gorter, Rubin's Vase; 8 Jeffrey Peterson, Gaps; 20 Josiah Sleppy, An Easter Ode; 22 Casey McIntosh, My Organ Has Emphysema; 26 Josiah Kinney, To the Gentleman in the Urinal...; 30 Caitlin Gent, Visitation; 39 Josh Parks, Triskaidekaphobia; 43 James Li, The Good Country; 47 Erin Smith, Morning Altar
Visual Art
7 Se Gyo Oh, Scratched Away; 12 Christina Geating, Unkaged; 18 Sara Martinie, Fernweh; 23 Christina Vera, Tall Bumpy Pot; 27 Laura Hop, Coil; 31 Christina Vera, fidgets; 38 Caitlin Smits, Inner Portrait; 44 Laura Sheppard, Tram 47; 60 Molly DeDona, Girl in Box
6 James Li, Rat House; 13 Sadie Burgher, Burials; 16 Caitria Jade, Remember Me; 34 Rona Das, Ekta Sriti (A Memory); 35 Alex Bass, The Memory Hoarder; 46 Laura Sheppard, Trams of Budapest; 50 Katerina Parsons, Making a Living; 5...
Chimes: May 9, 2014, Calvin College
Professor of the year awarded to philosophy professor Daniel Herrick by Joseph Matheson
Engineering senior design teams wrap up year-long projects by John Muyskens
Annual Special Olympics hosts 532 athletes at Calvin by Bekah Coggins
"Happy Is..."-themed Dance Guild entertains dozens by Hayley Cox
Calvin sports season wrap-up:every team has a story by Jacob Kuyvenhoven
A&E staff hail favorite pop culture events of the year by Nick Keeley
Chimes: May 2, 2014, Calvin College
Calvin hosts Special Olympics event on Saturday by Emily Cole
Forum continues We Are Calvin [too] campaign by Kate Parsons
Annual 5k Spring Classic attracts 1,200 runners by Joe Mohan
Calvin spring sports entering postseason by Brian Exner
Calvin responds to Heartbleed bug by John Muyskens
Chaplain to spend administrative sabbatical in Lithuania by Bekah Coggin
Six seniors to start intentional community in Sacramento by Nathan Groenewold
...Chimes: April 25, 2014, Calvin College
Jonathan Eigege and Laura Sterenberg win student senate election by Hayley Cox
Cello Cabaret promises uniqye concert experience by Bethany Cox
Student senate to replace handicap signs on campus by Daniel Paulson
First-year student relaunches rowing club at Calvin by Kellee Dragt
Biennial Festival of Faith and Writing gathers 2,000 writers and readers by Connor Sterchi
The National's distinct style vows by Ben Rietema & Leah Jonker
Festival brings Hollywood to Calvin by Nick Keeley
Baseball in national spotlight by Brian Exner
...Chimes: April 11, 2014, Calvin College
Campaign of two executive teams the focus of this year's senate election by Kate Parsons
Cellists take home prize at well-attended Calvin's Got Talent by Joe Mohan
Interim to Disney World to be offered for January 2015 by Audrey Enters
Calvin approves Hampshire community garden by Joseph Matheson
Chimes triumphant against student senate in dodgeball showdown by Alden Hartopo and Connor Sterchi
Calvin's 15th Goldwater Scholarship awarded to senior Abby Leistra
Off-campus housing mutually beneficial by Bob Crow
...Chimes: April 4, 2014, Calvin College
Le Roy answers students' questions on core, prioritization by Kate Parsons
Calvin bans e-cigs indoors, keeps window open to stricter policy by Daniel Paulson
Nominations announced for Student Employee of the Year by Angelyn Groenboom
Student develops sophisticated computer program for astronomy by Connor Sterchi
Calvin's Got Talent introduces texting as a new voting method by Bethany Cok
Virtual reality startup Oculus VR to be acquired by Facebook by Jonathan Hielkema
Baseball and Softball by Jacob Kuyvenhoven
...Chimes: March 21, 2014, Calvin College
Bosnian-Americans a fixture of Calvin dining halls by Kate Parsons
SAGA's LGBT panel discusses experiences of LGBT people at Calvin by Lauren Hubers
Only one executive team registered for senate election by ben Rietema
Calvin to host biannual Festival of Faith and Writing by Audrey Enters
Student runs marathon to promote girls' empowerment by Emily Cole
ThinkFast game show tests students' knowledge on pop culture by Joe Mohan
Calvin lacrosse looking to build foundation by Brian Exner
Local rabbi talks about being Jewish in Grand Rapids by Katelyn Bosch
...Chimes: March 14, 2014, Calvin College
Calvin community responds to political situation in Ukraine by Leah Jonker
Calvin plays in sweet 16 by Jacob Kuyvenhoven
Orientation Board prepares for 2014-2015 academic year by Angelyn Groenboom
Student senate votes 'yes' on changes to Johnny's Cafe by Carolyn Muyskens
History department debuts new blog by Daniel Paulson
Calvin website redesign targets mobile devices, prospective students by John Muyskens
Creation Care floor servers beyond van Reken by Natasha Strydhorst
...Chimes: March 7, 2014, Calvin College
Amber Warners to work with head coach of US women's volleyball by Alden Hartopo
First-year Calvin student hopes to compete in 2016 Paralympics by Emily Cole
Students climb and cook by Audrey Enters
Auditions kick off Calvin's Got Talent by Joe Mohan
Rangeela performance helps audience 'see beyond the veil' by Hayley Cox
Professor Lew Klatt to be GR poet laureate by Grace Ruiter
...Dialogue, Staff and writers of Dialogue
06 Jack Van Allsburg, Glory Breathes; 17 Neil Gilbert, The Empty Cage; 26 Alex Westenbroek, The Photo Albums; 38 Benjamin Rietema, Bowling; 50 Julia LaPlaca, When I Was A Child I Spoke Like a Child; 52 Kent Sanders, A Fish in the Freezer; 52 Cassie Westrate, A Note in a High School Year Book; 56 Corrin Baker, June 23rd - Leaving Home;
Visual Art
04 Anna Hanchett, Shoes; 10 Megan McCrary, Untitled; 11 Tanice Mast, Twig/Bill; 14 Kellan Day, Advent; 16 Anna Hanchett, Blood Orange Towels; 21 Maria Smilde, The Pardoner's Tale 2 - Continued on: 45; 22 Jade Acosta, Beef Wellington #1; 23 Joel Bulthuis, TomLigula II; 24 Kendra Kamp, Ostensible; 29 Anna Hanchett, Bread Tiles; 30 Dania Grevengoed, Bone of My Bones Continued on: 32, 34
; 37 Anna Hanchett, Drapery 2; 39 Katherine Nyczak, Untitled; 40 James Li, Phlebas; 42 Teunis Verwijs, Pe...
Chimes: February 28, 2014, Calvin College
Calvin names new Provost-Elect Cheryl Brandsen by Lauren DeHaan
Calvin yearbook Prism returns after four-year absence by Connor Sterchi
Calvin hosts Grand Rapids Original Swing Society by Kelee Dragt
Fundraiser event planned for biology professor with lymphoma by Angelyn Groenboom
Fridays at Calvin to host largest number of students in years by Daniel Paulson
A Father's Walk supports single dads in GR area by Connor Sterchi
Trials & Tributes: Yonker's story of overcoming grief by Casey McIntosh
...Chimes: February 21, 2014, Calvin College
Annual sem pond jump has record participation, some injuries by Hayley Cox
Knights4Life hosts '100-day countdown' party for seniors by Joe Mohan
Calvin Community Garden to expand to new location by Emily Cole
New GR basketball team to play first game Feb 25 by Grace Ruiter
CRC announces grant increase by Bekah Coggin
Asian elephants express empathy in stressful situations by Jonathan Hielkema
Calvin swim historically sweeps MIAA by Jacob Kuyvenhoven
...Chimes: February 14, 2014, Calvin College
Creative "Into the Woods" opens with rousing success by Leah Jonker
uKnight Games kicks off its fourth year of competitions by Casey McIntosh
Students for Life organization starts on campus by Daniel Paulson
Calvin students participate in Food Recovery Network distributions by Kellee Dragt
Philip Seymour Hoofman dies at 46 by Sierra Savela
Knights win one, lose one by Jacob Kuyvenhoven
Conference attracts students with international interests by Joe Mohan
...Chimes: February 7, 2014, Calvin College
Board of trustees approves strategic plan for the next five years by Lauren DeHaan
Low numbers reported for faculty participation in diversity events by Ben Rietema
New online faculty evaluation form available to students by Alden Hartopo & Connor Sterchi
Calvin students develop new Android application for student news by Joe Mohan
Hackers hit big targets around the world by Jonathan Hielkema
DAAC to reopen doors following sudden closure by Nathan Slauer
Calvin softball's new culture by Brian Exner
...Chimes: January 17, 2014, Calvin College
Committee votes to open library on Sundays, but future uncertain by Ryan Struyk & Hayley Cox
Business class explores possibility of new master's programs by Ben Rietema
Student senate joins push to renovate Johnny's by Daniel Paulson
Record breaking snowstorm hits Midwest by Ben Rietema
Calvin students aim to improve book buying experience by John Muyskens
Knights fall to hot-shooting Hope by Jacob Kuyvenhoven
Band to return to Calvin by Nick Keeley
...A critical examination of Justin Ukpong's inculturation hermeneutics., Matthew Lanser, Calvin Theological Seminary
The interpretation of the Bible in Africa is a broad and rapidly developing field, and also one that has attracted relatively little attention in the academy. While Justin’s Ukpong’s theory and method of biblical interpretation has generated significant discussion in the field, this study offers the first broad, critical examination of the internal coherence of Ukpong’s inculturation hermeneutics and of its broader usefulness for the theory and practice of interpreting the Bible in Africa. I begin by describing the assumptions, method, and practice of Ukpong’s inculturation hermeneutics. I proceed by using Schreiter’s criteria for contextual theologies to evaluate the coherence of Ukpong’s theory, method, and practice of biblical interpretation, and to assess the usefulness of his method and practice. While Ukpong’s theory and practice are largely consistent, his model would benefit f...
"A Knot Worth Unloosing": the interpretation of the New Heavens and Earth in Seventeenth-Century England, John H. Duff, CalvinTheological Seminary
Scholars interested in the history of Christian eschatological thought have focused primarily on the theme of heaven or on the various interpretations of the thousand years mentioned in Revelation 20:1-6. Virtually no attention has been given to past interpretations of the biblical phrase the new heavens and earth. This dissertation uncovers the interpretations of this phrase that were extant in seventeenth-century England. These interpretations fall into two basic camps—those that understood the phrase metaphorically and those that understood the phrase literally. One group of English divines believed the new heavens and earth was a phrase referring to the new age of the gospel that commenced in the first century CE. Subsequent to the earthly ministry of Jesus, God flung open the doors of salvation to Gentiles while at the same time bringing judgment to the Jewish nation for its fail...
From the Fathers to Trent: An Examination into the Patristic Grounds for Transubstantiation, Klaas Walhout, Calvin University
God of Friendship: Herman Hoeksema's Unconditional Covenant Conception., Ronald L. Cammenga, Calvin Theological Seminary
This thesis is a study of the doctrine of the covenant of grace as developed by the Protestant Reformed theologian Herman Hoeksema (1886-1965). In the thesis I will focus particularly on Hoeksema's teaching that the covenant of grace is unconditional, both in its establishment and its maintenance. I will demonstrate that already in the early 1920s, while yet a minister in the Christian Reformed Church, Hoeksema's understanding of the covenant was impacted by his convictions concerning election. Throughout his lifetime Hoeksema never wavered from his fundamental view of the covenant of grace in its relationship to God's sovereign, gracious decree of election. Hoeksema formulated his views already in the early years of his ministry, especially in connection with his writing for the rubric "Our Doctrine" in the periodical of the Christian Reformed Church, the Banner. Hoeksema se...
Revelation 13 and the Imperial Cult, Chang In Sohn, Calvin University
Symphonia Catholica: the Merger of Patristic and Contemporary Sources in the theological Method of Amandus Polanus (1561-1610)., Byung Soo Han, CalvinTheological Seminary
This dissertation intends to answer, by investigating the merger of patristic and contemporary sources in the theological method of Amandus Polanus, a significant question concerning the way in which the intellectual and methodological eclecticism of the Reformed was able to establish a coherent “system” of thought capable of defense as not only confessional but also orthodox in its theology and broadly catholic, drawing both on the thought of the Reformers and on the resources of the great tradition of Christian thought that extended back to the church fathers. From a methodological perspective, Polanus’s development from the Ramistically-organized doctrinal framework of the early Partitiones, through the increasingly detailed and specialized efforts of the commentaries, disputations, and Symphonia, indicates a fairly clear, concerted effort to build toward a detailed systematic pres...
The liturgical use of spiritual gifts: discerning next steps in contextual Nigerian practice., Emmanuel Saba Bileya, Calvin Theological Seminary
The use of spiritual gifts is a blessing to the Church today, especially when it functions within the liturgical forms in a worship service. Specifically, the liturgical use of spiritual gifts is a great benefit for the edification of both the mainline and the Pentecostal churches. In Nigeria, the use of spiritual gifts is significantly contextual to the African world view. Some Nigerian theologians suggest that the compatibility of spiritual gifts to the African world view is one of the main factors that contributes to the fast growth of Pentecostal and charismatic churches in Africa. Due to its compatibility with the African world view, charismata has gradually gained acceptance into the mainline churches in Nigeria. The problem is that while the mainline churches refrain from the practice of spiritual gifts in their gatherings and thereby face the consequence, the Pentecostals enga...
"The Loved One Does Not Yet Know All She Shall Become": mysticism as eschatology in medieval writers., John C. Medendorp, Calvin Theological Seminary
New developments in the study of Western Christian mysticism demand that the mystics be interpreted theologically if we are to accept the mystics on their own terms and take them seriously. This study argues that the medieval mystics in Europe up to the 13th century understand their work to be eschatological in nature, interpreting the mystical experience of union with the Divine as an inbreaking or foretaste of the eschaton. Reading Hadewijch of Antwerp, a 13th century Dutch mystic, together with contributions from Augustine of Hippo, Bernard of Clarivaux, and Hildegard of Bingen, this study attempts to demonstrate that the medievals understand the eschatological promise of the visio dei to be a reality already accomplished through the work of Christ, a reality which is thus assured in the life to come and accessible in some limited sense to individuals in this life. The mystical exp...
Works from 2013
Chimes: December 6, 2013, Calvin College
Arts programs would be hit hard in recommended round of cuts by Ruthy Berends
Departments may see tuition hike by Ben Rietema
Curriculum Center may close by Lauren DeHaan
Student senate forgoes Operation Christmas Child by Jeronica Andrews
Judge dismisses lawsuit regarding Google book scanning by John Muyskens
Stories of spiritual intimacy and healing offer humor and hope by Gabe Gunnink
Students refocus the Christmas season on Advent by Nathan Groenewold
...Chimes: November 22, 2013, Calvin College
'Zero' chances of passing new core by May. leaders say by Ruthy Berends
Calvin considers more master's programs by Ben Rietema
Preliminary evaluations suggests First Year Seminar a success by Hayley Cox
Calvin ranks fifth for study abroad, third for int'l students by Jeronica Andrews
Calvin gives student org $1 million to invest in stocks, funds, bonds by Sierra Savela
Grand Rapids offers wide variety of winter events by Angelyn Groenboom
Common faith unites internationals in Hungary by John Michael Lasalle
Senior leads student section by Jess Koster
...Chimes: November 15, 2013, Calvin College
Calvin considers three-year on-campus residency requirement by Ruthy Berends
Women's soccer tops MIAA, heads to NCAA tourney by Brian Exner
Climbing competition draws over 45 students in its fifth year by Anna Delph
New Calvin mission statement in progress by Leah Jonker
Calvin beats Hope in exciting MIAA final by Jacob Kuyvenhoven
Play boasts great cast by Sierra Savela