The Calvin Forum: May 1935
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 1, Issue: 1CONTENTS - Vol. I. No. 1, MAY, 1935
Editorial Contributions:
3 - Facing New Issues: A Statement
5 - Editorial Paragraphs
6 - A Vicious Circle
7 - The New Frontier DaysContributed Articles:
8 - Russian Communism - An Indictment. By Peter Hoekstra, Ph.D
10 - The Enigma of the Theology of Crisis. By Diedrich H. Kromminga, Th.B
13 - The Government Calls Me to Fight - Must I Obey? Two Views. By Jacob Harry Bruinooge, Th.D., and. Peter G. Berkhout, M.D
17 - Inst.ruction by the Living Voice: A Plea. By Henry Van Zyl, Ph.D.Books, Principles, and Ideas:
20 - Evolution Atheistic
21 - Recent Gospel Research
21 - Erasmus as Inclusive Religious Liberal.
22 - A Pastor on "Nervous Breakdown"
22 - Shall Christian Missions Continue Christian?
23 - America's Outstanding Literary Writers
23 - The Old Brand with a New Wrapper
23 - Books in Brief -
The Calvin Forum: September 1935
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 1, Issue: 2CONTENTS - Vol. I. No. 2, SEPTEMBER, 1935
27 - We Thank God and Take Courage
27 - Why Is Labor Day?
27 - Forty-three Years Ago
28 - Back to Christian Fundamentals in Education
28 - To Clarify or to Mystify?
29 - The War and Peace Discussion
29 - Only an InstanceARTICLES
30 - Youth, Impulse, and Discipline. By George Goris, Th.D.
33 - The Situation in the Far East. By Albertus Pieters, D.D.
36 - Encouraging W orReaders
38 - Denominationalist. By Ralph Stob, Ph.D.
40 - Ethiopia Cries to God. By Stuart Bergsma, M.D., D.T.M.BOOKS
42 - A Christian Philosophy of Education
43 - Were the Puritans Averse to Music?
44 - South African Calvinism
44 - On Revelation
45 - Bible Chronology
45 - In a Psychopathic Hospital
46 - What Barthians Preach
47 - Prostatitis
47 - An American NovelVERSE
29 - The Mystic
32 - Sufficiency
35 - Music
47 - God -
The Calvin Forum: October 1935
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 1, Issue: 3CONTENTS - Vol. I. No. 3, OCTOBER, 1935
51 - How Dead Is Calvinism?
52 - Crime and God
52 - Chapman on DanteARTICLES
53 - The Church and Peace. By Bernard J. Mulder, D.D.
55 - The Modern Pacifism Movement.· By John Bovenkerk
58 - Our Readers Have the Floor. On War and Peace
59 - A Calvinistic Political Program. By Henry J. Ryskamp, Ph.D.
62 - Rembrandt, Vermeer, Frans Hals. By H.J. Van Andel, A.M.
63 - Reformed Preaching. By P. A. Hoekstra
66 - Ethiopia in the Shadows. By John A. Cremer, M.D.
67 - Science and Religion Complementary. By John B. Schoolland, A.M.70 - CORRESPONDENCE
71 - The Delights of Poetry
71 - Peter Brueghel Novelized
71 - Recent Dutch Fiction
71 - With Psychopaths
72- The Religious Situation in Germany
72 - Glimpses of Russia
72 - South AmericaVERSE
57 - Leaves
69 - The Defaced Image
70 - Autumn on the Hill -
The Calvin Forum: November 1935
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 1, Issue: 4CONTENTS - Vol. I. No. 4, NOVEMBER, 1935
75 - To A Creed
75 - "Be A Good Neighbor"
75 - Armistice Day
75 - Peace At Any Price?
76 - On Murdering Bach
76 - Thirty Million JittersARTICLES
76 - The Gospel According to St. Mars. By John J. De Boer, A.M.
79 - The Social Concepition of the Kingdom. By Louis Berkhof, B.D.
82 - Christian and Pagan Ethics. By Gordon H. Clark, Ph.D.
85 - The State - Its Proper Function and Powers. By Peter Hoekstra, Ph.D.
88 - The League and a Just Peace. By Dorr Kuizema, LL.D.
89 - What Our Readers Think
90 - Reflections on Mysticism. By Jesse De Boer, A.M.BOOK REVIEWS
91 - The Mind of Jesus
92 - Abraham Kuyper on Revelation
92 - Dutch Anabaptism and Liberalism
92 - Christian Truth and Ancient Culture
93 - Debunking "Applied Psychologists"
94 - A Taste of the King's English
94 - lnternational Calvinism
95 - Government and! Private ControlVERSE
81 - More Comfortable
88 - Of Beauty
95 - The Silent Sacrament -
The Calvin Forum: December 1935
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 1, Issue: 5CONTENTS - Vol. I. No. 5, DECEMBER, 1935
99 - War, Peace, and the ChristianARTICLES
103 - Mark Twain and the Forgotten Boy. By Bastian Kruithof, A.M.
104 - Japan as an International Danger. By Albertus Pieters, D.D.
107 - A Quest for Certainty amidst Modern; Perplexity. By Cornelius Jaarsma, Ph.D.
109 - Nay! Nay! Nay! No A.A.A. By John Hanenburg
111 - The Message of the Reformation for Our Day. By Peter Holwerda
114 - Pure Pacifism. By B. D. Dykstra
116 - As Our Readers See ItBOOK REVIEWS
117 - The Soul of Mark Twain
118 - Lectures on Preaching
118 - Art in Story and Pictures
118 - Contemporary Educational Trends
119 - A Dutch Reformed Theologian
119 - A Cross Section of Mexico
119 - Home MissionsVERSE
115 - I Saw a Man -
The Calvin Forum: April 1936
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 1, Issue: 9CONTENTS - Vol. I. No. 9, APRIL, 1936
195 - The Risen Christ Fades Out
195 - The Profit Motive
196 - Progressive - Not Liberalistic
197 - The New Tide in Art
197 - Vitalism in LiteratureARTICLES
197 - Planned Conception: Religious and Moral Aspects. By Jacob D. Mulder,
S.B., M.D.
200 - In Defense of Kagawa. By Jan Karel Van Baalen, B.D.
202 - Your Magyar Calvinists. By Alexander Toth, D.D.
205 - The Antiques of Modernism. By Leonard Greenway, Th.B.
207 - Your Greek New Testament. By William T. Radius, A.M.
209 - Philosophy and Orthodox Christianity. By C. A. Plantinga, A.M.BOOK REVIEWS
214 - A Successful Bible Romance?
215 - Making the Epistles Real
215 - What is Form-Criticism?
216 - Good Sermons
216 - Poetry and ChildhoodVERSE
199 - Struggle No More
211 - The Lens
212 - The Crucifixion -
The Calvin Forum: August 1936
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 2, Issue: 1CONTENTS - Vol. II. No. 1, AUGUST, 1936
3 - The Presbyterian Church of America 3 - A Presbyterian Ccunter-Reformation?
4 - Chesterton, Christian Apologist and Social Reformer
4 - Practical Atheism
4 - The Chameleonic Church
5 - Our First CandleARTICLES
5 - Humanism in Literature. By Jacob G. Vanden Bosch, A.M.
8 - The Labor Problem and Christian Fundamentals. By Albertus Pieters., D.D.
10 - What is a Christian College? By Ralph Stob, Ph.D.
11 - Shall We Preach Doctrinal Sermons? By Frederic E. Williams, M.A., B.D.
14 - Protestant Principles and Social Reform. By Edward B. Horne, M:A., B.D.
17 - News and Views. By the Editor
20 - Netherlands News. By Henry J. Van Andel, A.M.BOOK REVIEWS
21 - Communist Ideology in Action
22 - Old Testament Studies
22 - Southern Presbyterian Leaders
23 - A Former Agnostic SpeaksVERSE
13 - Hesitant -
The Calvin Forum: December 1936
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 2, Issue: 5CONTENTS - Vol. 2. No. 5, DECEMBER, 1936
99 - Christmas and Peace
99 - The St.atue of Liberty Assumes New Meaning
100 - Social Security for the Laboringman
100 - Sham Liberty and Real Liberty
101 - Guarding Our Religious Liberties
101 - The Struggle Between Democracy and Dictatorship
101 - Poor, Bleeding, War-Torn SpainARTICLES
102 - The Fulness of Time. By Ralph Stob, Ph.D.
104 - Handel's "Messiah." By .Seymour Swets, A.M.
107 - The Pleroma of Chronos. By Henry Schultze, B.D.
109 - The Election in Retrospect. By Amry Vanden Bosch, Ph.D.
111 - The Communist Menace. By Charles Vincze, S.T.D.
112 - Values of Prayer. By W. S. Van Saun, Ph.D.
113 - Dutch Calvinistic Thought and Action. By Henry J. Van Andel, A.M.
114 - West Mountain. By John H. De Groot
120 - Reactions of Our ReadersBOOK REVIEWS
116 - Is This Utopia?
116 - Meet the English Theologians
117 - Faith in Scripture and in History
117 - A Flimsy Loin Cloth
117 - Science and God
118 - Christ the Incomparable
118 - A Jewel on Prayer
118 - On the Holy Spirit
118 - Youth's Peril and Victory
118 - Books in Brief
119 - The Evil of GamblingVERSE
106 - the World Began
108 - The First Noel
110 - Deliverance
111 - Yonder
115 - Christian Home -
The Calvin Forum: February 1936
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 1, Issue: 7CONTENTS - Vol. I. No. 7, FEBRUARY, 1936
147 - The Supreme Need of the Church
148 - The Fundamental Issue in American Politics
148 - The Criminal and the Fear of God
149 - "What Hath God Wrought?"
149 - "God's Fool"ARTICLES
149 - Modernism - Paralysis of Nations. By Catherine Beach Ely, A.M.
151 - Surgeon, the Knife! By Royal Wilbur France, A.M.
154 - All Hail to the American System. By John D. MacNaughton
155 - Why Nestorian Missions in China Failed. By Lee S. Huizenga, M.D., F.R.G.S.
158 - Chemistry in the Service of Man. By Thomas De Vries, Ph.D.
161 - Croos Sections - Of Life and Thought. By the Editor
164 - A Letter from Addis AbabaBOOK REVIEWS
166 - Religious Plays
166 - Calvin on Christ
167 - Is This Hope Christian?
167 - Jesus-like or Christ-like
168 - Bible History TextbookVERSE
157 - Joan of Arc
160 - Snow Descending
164 - Progress
168 - Inadequate Response -
The Calvin Forum: January 1936
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 1, Issue: 6CONTENTS - Vol. I. No. 6, JANUARY, 1936
123 - Hands Off Christmas
123 - Authorities on God
123 - A Comment on Leadership
124 - The Impossible
124 - When Professors Speak
125 - Christian Political ActionARTICLES
125 - Economic Aspects of the New Deal. By Theodore J. Kreps, Ph.D.
129 - Calvinism and Islam. By Samuel M. Zwemer, D.D., F.R.G.S.
131 - Leadership. By Johannes Broene, A.M.
134 - Rembrandt Van Rhijn. By H. J. Van Andel, A.M.
136 - As to Limitation of Crops. By Paul De Koekkoek
139 - "God's Hunchback". By Carandasj
140 - We Listen To Our ReadersBOOKS
142 - A Christian-Theistic MethodologyVERSE
133 - The Continent of Heart
135 - Divine Program
135 - Tschaikowski -
The Calvin Forum: July 1936
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 1, Issue: 12CONTENTS - Vol. I. No. 12, JULY, 1936
267 - To My SouL
267 - No Ministers Wanted
267 - "Let Not the Sun Go Down on Your Wrath"
268 - Life's Maladjustments
268 - A Journal for Calvinistic Philosophy
268 - Freedom - Just a Word?ARTICLES
269 - Is Our Government Promoting Paganism? An Open Letter
272 - Christianity and the Lot of the Laboring Man. By Albertus Pieters, D.D.
273 - The Reformation of 1886. By Samuel Volbeda, Th.D.
276 - A Birth Control Testimony
277 - Two Billion Years! By John De Vries, Ph.D.
279 - Christ, the Church, and Social Problems. By Edward! B. Horne, M.A., D.D.
282 - Netherland Jottings. By H. J. V. A.BOOK REVIEWS
284 - Some Recent American Theology
284 - The New Testament Canon
285 - Politics and Moral Integrity
285 - The Soul of the Eskimo
286 - Those Seventy WeeksVERSE
276 - Summer Afternoon
282 - Blue Moonlight
283 - Scented Hour
286 - Index to Volume I -
The Calvin Forum: June 1936
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 1, Issue: 11CONTENTS - Vol. I. No. 11, JUNE, 1936
243 - Ecclesiastical Money Making Mania
243 - The Humanization of God
243 - Evolution and the Christian Faith
244 - What to Read on Evolution and Creation
244 - May We Ask Two Favors?
244 - An Alphabetical Index for your CALVIN FORUMARTICLES
245 - How Old is the Earth? By John De Vries, Ph.D.
247 - Reformation Heritage and Social Responsibility. By Edward B. Horne,
M.A., D.D.
249 - Secularizing the Lord's Day. By John G. Van Dyke, Th.M.
252 - Evolution and its Danger. By W. Bell Dawson, M.A., D.Sc., F.R.S.C.
253 - Divergences in Magyar Calvinism. By Alexander Toth, D.D.
256 - News from Holland
257 - Lower Prices Our Economic Remedy? A Review
258 - CorrespondenceBOOK REVIEWS
261 - Calvin and Economics
261 - Hungarian Scholars on Calvinism
261 - Cooperatives in Sweden
262 - Kagawa's Rock Not Our Rock
263 - From the Pyramids to Robinson
263 - Communism and CapitalismVERSE
251 - Final Arbiter
251 - O God of Heaven, Speak!
260 - God's Needlework
260 - Influence? -
The Calvin Forum: March 1936
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 1, Issue: 8CONTENTS - Vol. I. No. 8, MARCH, 1936
171 - Theology - A Queen?
171 - The Denominational College
172 - The Vagaries of Anglo-IsraelismARTICLES
173 - The Views of Toyohiko Kagawa. By Henry Schultze, B.D.
175 - Planned Conception. By Jacob D. Mulder, S.B., M.D.
177 - Dean Inge on Sin and Redemption. By J. G. Van Dyke, Th.M.
182 - On Studying the Greek New Testament. By W. T. Radius, A.M.
183 - The Realism of Washington. By Peter C. J. Goeree
185 - Cross Sections of Life and Thought. By the EditorBOOK REVIEWS
189 - Bliss Perry's Autobiography
189 - Man and the Universe
190 - Reformed Doctrine by Radio
190 - On Unitarianism
191 - Christianity Supernatural
191 - Immortality
191 - Kagawa's English Works
191 - Women of the BibleVERSE
179 - Invocation
180 - To the Rhine
191 - A Kind of Faith -
The Calvin Forum: May 1936
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 1, Issue: 10CONTENTS - Vol. I. No. 10, MAY, 1936
219 - Religious Liberty Imperilled
219 - Father Divine's Peace Mission
219 - The Old Modernistic TrickARTICLES
220 - National Sovereignty and Wars of Invasion. An Anomaly of International
Law. By Gerald Monsman, J.D.
224 - The Camel's Hump. A Phantasy. By Frank Vanden Berg
225 - Darbyism Versus the Historic Christian Faith. By Albertus Pieters, D.D.
229 - After the Spring. By Bastian Kruithof
233 - The Christian in Present-Day Society. By Paul W. Harrison, M.D.
235 - A Letter. By John Clover MonsmaBOOK REVIEWS
236 - Dr. Lightfoot on the Gospels
237 - A "Scientific" Theory of Education
237 - Sound Religious Pedagogy
238 - Santayana's Puritan
238 - Evolution and the Species
240 - Original Monotheism vs. Primitive Animism
240 - The Missionary Education of Young PeopleVERSE
233 - For Three Friends
232 - Trees
240 - A Test for Wisdom -
The Calvin Forum: November 1936
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 2, Issue: 4CONTENTS - Vol. II. No. 4, NOVEMBER, 1936
75 - What Abides After November Third
75 - Frank Buchman Thanks God for a Hitler
76 - Yes - Let Us Have a Real Dictatorship!
76 - On a Certain Blindness in Human Beings
77 - The Social and the Individual Gospel
77 - Too Much EducationARTICLES
78 - How Beautiful Upon the Mountains. By Bastian Kruithof, A.M.
81 - Justice. By Dorr Kuizema, LL.D.
83 - The Place of God in Our Lives. By Mark Fakkema, A.M.
86 - Testimonials to Calvin's Institutes
87 - Spiritual Developments in Magyar Calvinism. By Alexander Toth, D.D.
91 - Our Readers Have the MicrophoneBOOK REVIEWS
93 - Flaying the Omniscient Modernist
93 - Pre-Columbian American History
94 - A Readable Church History
94 - Missions in the Middle Ages
94 - The Dissenting American Churches
95 - Humor and Science
95 - Black and White on the Negro Problem
96 - On the Apostles' Creed
96 - Two Devotional Books96 - Books in BriefVERSE
90 - Calvin
90 - This Garden
90 - The Triumphant Apologetic -
The Calvin Forum: October 1936
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 2, Issue: 3CONTENTS - Vol. II. No. 3, OCTOBER, 1936
51 - An Everlasting Sermon Moratorium
51 - America - Sick with Religions
51 - Canst Thou by Searching Find Out God?
52 - The Red Blight in America
52- The Depreciation of Human Personality
52 - Erasmus Celebration and ErasmusARTICLES
53 - Social Teachings of Calvin's Institutes. By Edward J. Tanis, A.M.
57 - Disillusionments of Modernism. By Louis Berkhof, B.D.
60 - Wanted: A Chr'istian Political Philosophy. By John J. De Boer, A.M.
63 - Coram Deo. By Thomas E. Welmers, A.M., B.D.
65 - The New Deal. By Henry J. Ryskamp, Ph.D.
68 - A Roman Priest in American Politics. By Charles Vincze, S.T.D.BOOK REVIEWS
69 - The Reformed Faith
69 - A Reduced Ghristology
70 - What is the Church?
70 - Christ in Africa
71 - Lyman Beecher Lectures
72 - Lighthouse LoreVERSE
56 - John Calvin
56 - The Mystic Key
64 - Stars and God
67 - Stubble and Clay -
The Calvin Forum: September 1936
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 2, Issue: 2CONTENTS - Vol. II No. 2, SEPTEMBER, 1936
27 - The Coming Presidential Election
27 - Once More Comes Labor Day
28 - Four Hundred Years Ago
28 - Sphere Sovereignty and Liberty
28 - Sphere Sovereignty and Philosophy
29 - Evangelical Women, Unite
29 - Is It True?
29 - Soil ConservationARTICLES
30 - John Calvin's Institutes - Then and Now. By H. Henry Meeter, Th.D.
33 - We in South Africa. By J. Christian Coetzee, Ph.D.
35 - Labor Conditions and Practical Christianity. By Albertus Pieters, D.D.
37 - Karl Barth and John Calvin. By William T. Riviere, D.D.
40 - An Approach to the New Deal. By Henry J. Ryskamp, Ph.D.
42 - Our Two Major Parties - An Interpretation. By Peter Hoekstra, Ph.D.BOOK REVIEWS
45 - Independency and Reformed Polity
45 - Man - Science - Telepathy - Miracles
46 - Christian Help on Moral Questions
47 - Het Reveil in NederlandVERSE
36 - My Choice
39 - As Calvin
47 - John Calvin - Man of God -
The Calvin Forum: April 1937
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 2, Issue: 9CONTENTS- Vol. II. No. 9, APRIL, 1937
195 - Sitting Down on Law and Order
195 - Prayer at Labor Union Meetings
196 - Germany and Russia Have Not Repented
196 - Bringing God's Word Into Contempt
197 - Ananias Was a Poor Communist
197 - The President Overreaches HimselfARTICLES
198 - The Protestant Reformation and Education. By Johannes Broene, A.M.
201 - Projected Christianity vs. Christian Education. By J. C. Lobbes, Ph.B.
203 - Is "Centrism" Calvinism? By Henry J. Van Andel, A.M.
205 - The C. I. O. and the C. L.A. By John Van Vels
206 - Premillennialism and Dispensationalism. By R. I. Campbell
209 - The Church and the Sects. A Preventative Attitude. By John Bovenkerk
216 - Out of the Editor's Mail BagBOOK REVIEWS
211 - What Is Sound Money?
212 - A Valuable Study
212 - Ministerial Success
213 - Jesus- A Classicist's View
213 - Peace, Satan, and the Millennium
213 - Jesus and Education
214 - Dr. Buswell's Theology
215 - The Doctrine of Inspiration
215 - Inspiration - Another ViewVERSE
200 - If I Follow Him
204 - Objects Divine Dissolved
204 - We, Not Angels
208 - Cathedrals
215 - The Glory -
The Calvin Forum: August 1937
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 3, Issue: 1CONTENTS - Vol. III. No. 1, AUGUST, 1937
3 - The Menace of Vigilantism
3 - Two Birth Control Decisions
4 - German Church Heroes
4 - Continuing the American Presbyterian Tradition
5 - Looking ForwardARTICLES
5 - The Galilean Conquers. By Henry Stob, Th.M.
9 - The Ethics of Reinhold Niebuhr. By E. F. J. Van Halsema, Th.M.
12 - The Centrality of the Cross. By William Childs Robinson, A.M., Th.D.
16 - Falstaff in Geneva. By Bastian Kruithof, A.M.19 - NEWS AND VIEWS By the Editor
24 - Dr. Pieters on Revelation
24 - Homilies on the Christian Life
24 - Doctrine in Simple FormVERSE
8 - Moses, Moses, Moses!
8 - Strange Song
18 - I Have Tried Them -
The Calvin Forum:December 1937
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 3, Issue: 5CONTENTS - Vol. III. No. 5, DECEMBER, 1937
99 - Christmas, Christ, and IncarnationARTICLES
101 - Christianity and Capitalism. By Albert Hyma, Ph.D.
104 - Dr. Kuyper and the Revival of Calvinistic Doctrine. By Louis Berkhof, B.D.
107 - The Dr. Kuyper Institute. By Dr. C. Beekenkamp
110 - Present-Day Teaching in the United States. By Henry Van Zyl, Ph.D.
112 - Voetius on Synodical Authority. By Samuel Volbeda, Th.D.THIS MONTH'S BOOK TABLE
115 - Science and Genesis
115 - The Common Grace Issue
115 - On the History of Dogma
116 - On the Christian Faith
116 - The Trinity
117 - An Editorial Chat
119 - An Eastern News Letter120 - RELIGIOUS NEWS CHIPS
100 - Toll
100 - Volcano
100 - Give Us a Burden
100 - Let Him In
106 - Come Ye Apart
109 - The Soapbox Orator -
The Calvin Forum: February 1937
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 2, Issue: 7CONTENTS - Vol. II. No. 7, FEBRUARY, 1937
147 - They Buried Machen But His Soul Goes Marching On
147 - Back to a God-Centered Outlook on Life
147 - The Federal Council Indicts Itself
148 - American Calvinistic Conference in New York City, 1939
148 - Biblicism and Scripturism
149 - Renewed Interest in the Church
149 - Russia's LessonARTICLES
150 - Calvinistic Conference for 1939
151 - Pearl Buck Paints Her Parents. By Marianne Vos Radius, A.M.
153 - Medicine and the M·achine Age. By Martin Batts, Jr., M.D.
156 - Dwight Lyman Moody. By Diedrich H. Kromminga, Th.B.
158 - Projecting Christianity Into the Public School. By Leonard Gernant, A.M.
161 - Darbyism, Premillennialism, and Spiritualization. By Gerrit H. Hospers, D.D.
164 - The Future of Missions in Ethiopia. By John A. Cremer, M.D.BOOK REVIEWS
165 - The Living Christian Faith
165 - A Valuable Life of Christ
166 - A Dutch Commentary on Galatians
166 - Sketches on Current Sects
166 - Mission Church Architecture
166 - Calvinism in Hungary
167 - God Has Spoken and Will Speak
167 - On the Heidelberg Catechism
167 - Roads - Which Way?
167 - Dwight L. MoodyVERSE
155 - Winter Blessing
160 - Whenever
160 - Final Exodus -
The Calvin Forum: January 1937
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 2, Issue: 6CONTENTS - Vol. II. No. 6, JANUARY, 1937
123 - A Severe Test for Constitutional Government
123 - Saying "No" to the King
123 - Thou Shalt Not Covet Thy Neighbor's Wife
124 - The Smeenk Jubilee
124 - The Real Rembrandt
124 - Dramatic and Silent Factors in History·
125 - Money
125 - That New TaxARTICLES
126 - The Emergence of the Chinese Nation. By Harry A. Dykstra, A.M.
128 - Calvinism and Revelation. By Leonard De Moor, Ph.D.
131 - The Dutch Churches in South Africa. By J. Chris. Coetzee, M.Ed., D.Phil.
134 - The Disease of Institutionalism in Our Schools. By Henry Van Zyl, Jr., Ph.D.
138 - The Meaning of the Constitution. By P. C. J. Goeree
140 - Bishop Baltazar and Magyar Calvinism. By Louis Nanassy, S.T.D.BOOK REVIEWS
141 - Science, Evolution, and Revealed Truth
141 - Re-Rethinking Missions
142 - The Greek of Mark's Gospel
142 - A Life in Retrospect
143 - On the Atonement
143 - Barth Speaks on Church Union
143 - The God of the Actualist
144 - The Apostles' Creed
144 - Paul's Jewish Antecedents
144 - The Holy Spirirt
144 - The Liberal "Gospel"VERSE
125 - We, Small Creatures
127 - Apostrophe to a Sower
133 - Into the New -
The Calvin Forum: July 1937
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 2, Issue: 12CONTENTS - Vol. II. No. 12, JULY, 1937
167 - Thou, Divisive Creed
267 - Convenience, The Sabbath Determinator
267 - The A. M. A. Yields
267 - The Christian Religion Indispensable
268 - Are We Sober?
268 - Times Still Change
268 - The Lesson of HistoryARTICLES
269 - Grreco-Roman and Christian Ethics. By Henry Stob, Th.M.
272 - Communism and the Sit-Down Strike. By Albert Hyma, Ph.D.
275 - The Word of the Cross. By William Childs Robinson, A.M., Th.D.
278 - Is Protestantism Bankrupt? By Luther Craig Long
281 - The English Churches in South Africa. By J. Chr. Coetzee, M.Ed., D.Phil.283 - LETTERS
285 - Calvin's Institutes
285 - Dr. Maier's Radio Sermons
285 - Jesus Among Humans
286 - What Is Christianity?
286 - The Child, Nature, and GodVERSE
271 - To the Evolutionist
286 - Index to Volume II -
The Calvin Forum: June 1937
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 2, Issue: 11CONTENTS - Vol. II. No. 11, JUNE, 1937
243 - Whither, American Education?
244 - Home, Church, and School Christian - All Three
244 - From Puritanism to Pragmatism
244 - In Revolt Against Naturalistic Education
245 - The School at the Crossroads
245 - Pagan Versus Christian Rearing
246 - Vital Christianity and IntoleranceARTICLES
246 - Pragmatistic and Christian Education. By George J. Van Wesep, A.M.
249 - Tendencies Among Youth. By Johanna Timmer, A.M.
251 - Christian Schools and Public Funds. By James A. Van Zwoll, A.B.
252 - Educational Nuggets
254 - War, Peace, and Neutrality. By Amry Vanden Bosch, Ph.D.
257 - The End of the World. By R. I. Campbell
259 - Catholics, Jews, Protestants. By Charles Vincze, S.T.D.260 - LETTERS
262 - On Christian Origins
262 - On Preaching
262 - Christian Marriage
263 - A Matter of Balance?
263 - On Cooperatives
263 - The American Indian
263 - Chinese Culture
263 - Rabbinic Lore264 - NEWS CHIPS
248 - May
256 - Hidden Jewels
259 - The Blessed Hope -
The Calvin Forum: March 1937
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 2, Issue: 8CONTENTS -Vol. II. No. 8, MARCH, 1937
171 - The Rape of Easter
171 - A Vain Day of Atonement
171 - Back to the Empty Tomb
Economics and Ethics
172 - Three Basic Economic Principles
173 - Economic Platform of Dutch Calvinists
173 - Educational Formalism
173 - Historical RoomsARTICLES
174 - If Christ Be Not Risen. By Jacob T. Hoogstra, Th.D.
177 - Christian Teaching in the Public School. A Confession. By Mark Fakkema, A.M.
180 - Calvinism and Premillennialism. By R. I. Campbell
182 - The Farmers' Union. By John G. Van Dyke, Th.M
184 - The Church and the Sects. A Comparison of Concepts. By John Bovenkerk
188 - The Magic of Rome. By Albert Piersma
189 - News from the Hungiarian Church Front. By Lou'is Nanassy, S.T.D.BOOK REVIEWS
190 - Passion Studies
190 - Easter Lore
191 - Lenten Reading
191 - The All-Sufficient Christ
191 - Missions and the New Tescament
191 - Human Derelicts
192 - December Roses
192 - Church History Chart
192 - Calvary and the Problem of EvilVERSE
173 - Now Let Me Wait
176 - Death On a Tree
179 - The Lance, Entering
187 - Youth Dying -
The Calvin Forum: May 1937
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 2, Issue: 10CONTENTS - Vol. II. No. 10, MAY, 1937
219 - The Revolt Against Reason
219 - The Wagner Labor Relations Act
220 - The Commercialization of Religion
220 - Labor Prefers the C. I. 0. to the C. O. G
221 - Footsteps of the CreatorARTICLES
221 - Design in Nature. By John P. Van Haitsma, Ph.D.
225 - Defensive Mechanisms of the Body. By Ralph Ten Have, M.D., C.P.H.
226 - God's Extravagance vs. Our Control. By Lee S. Huizenga, M.D., Dr. P. H.
227 - What is Eschatology? By J. T. Hoogstra, Th.D.
231 - A May Day. By M. M. S.
232 - The Sit-Down Strike: Two Different Views
234 - Cross Sections of Life and Thought. By the Editor
239 - News ChipsBOOK REVIEWS
236 - Dr. De Boer's First Book
237 - Dr. Machen's Last Book
238 - Crime
238 - Divine Guidance
239 - The Christ of ScriptureVERSE
224 - O, For Words!
230 - Jeremiah -
The Calvin Forum: November 1937
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 3, Issue: 4CONTENTS - Vol. III. No. 4, NOVEMBER, 1937
75 - The Oxford Conference Dies!
75 - The System vs. the Individual
76 - Must We Remain Mute?
76 - Accounting-to Whom?
76 - Unemployment and the Span of Life
77 - The Stock Market DeclineARTICLES
78 - Can the Chinese Nation Survive? By Harry A. Dykstra, A.M.
82 - Educational Heresy. By Ralph Stob, Ph.D.
85 - Dr. Abraham Kuyper as Churchman. By Samuel Volbeda, Th.D.
88 - Kuyper's Significance for Christian Politics. By Dr. J. W. Notenboom
91 - Renaissance and Reformation Teaching - Was It Integrated? By Henry Van Zyl, Ph.D.RECENT DUTCH CALVINISTIC PHILOSOPHY -Review of Its Literature. By Clarence Bouma, A.M., Th.D.
93 - Dr. Vollenhoven's Book.
94 - Dooyeweerd's Magnum Opus
94 - A New Philosophical Magazine
94 Defense and Attack
95 - Reformation or Deformation?
95 - A New Theological Weekly: CredoOTHER BOOKS REVIEWED 96 - More Sermons by Karl Heim
96 - A Christian Jew on Jesus
96 - Studies in John's Writings
96 - Miracle Sermons
96 - Sunday School Lesson helpsVERSE
84 - The Valley of the Shadow
84 - November
90 - Broken
90 - Gold and Autumn Trees -
The Calvin Forum: October 1937
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 3, Issue: 3CONTENTS - Vol. III. No. 3, OCTOBER, 1937
51 - The Centenary of Abraham Kuyper's Birth
51 - Honoring the Memory of Kuyper
52 - America Knows Only One Flag
52 - Can Nothing Be Done?ARTICLES
53 - Abraham Kuyper, Christian Statesman. By Edward J. Tanis, A.M.
56 - Go to the Ant. By M.M.S.
58 - The Political Party of Abraham Kuyper. By Leroy Vogel, Ph.D.
61 - The Relation Between Church and State. By D.H. Kromminga, Th. B.
63 - Lack of Integration in the Past. By Henry Van Zyl, Ph.D.
66 - Calvinism and the Economic Order: A DiscussionBOOK REVIEWS
69 - Worship-Mystical or Reformed?
70 - The Problem of Prayer
70 - On God's Eternal Election
71 - Foster on E. A. Park
72 - Dutch Church History
72 - Believing the Bible
72 - Cow-ology and So ForthVERSE
56 - Thy God Is Able
57 - Abraham Kuyper
60 - Jesus of America
65 - Summer Shower
65 - Summer Night -
The Calvin Forum: September 1937
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 3, Issue: 2CONTENTS - Vol. III. No. 2, SEPTEMBER, 1937
27 - Prayer for Labor Day 1937
27 - The New Deal at its Best
28 - The Sino-Japanese Crisis
28 - Revolt on the Navajo Reservation
29 - Authority and LibertyARTICLES
30 - Church and State in History. By Diedrich H. Kromminga, Th.B.
33 - Folklorism and Calvinism. By Henry J. Van Andel, A.M.
34 - Detached Versus Integrated Teaching. By Henry Van Zyl, Ph.D.
36 - The Ethics of Reinhold Niebuhr. By E. F. J. Van Halsema, Th.M
39 - D. L. Moody and His Successors. By R. I. Campbell42 - DUTCH NEWS CHIPS
45- A Philosopher on Individualism
46 - The Moslem World
47 - The Christian and Money
47 - Dictatorship Versus Democracy
47 - A Poem on Peace
47 - Communism
47 - Confessing Christ
48 - A Modernist on Christian Education
48 - Sermons by Karl Heim
48 - Verbal Inspiration
48 - Southern Baptist SermonettesVERSE
38 - Only Obey
38 - Quietness
43 - Grieve This Way -
The Calvin Forum: April 1938
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 3, Issue: 9CONTENTS - Vol. III. No. 9, APRIL, 1938
195 - An Infidel Meets His Maker
195 - The Nazi Juggernaut Rolls On
196 - Let Us Pray For Niemoller
196 - Injecting the Poison of Race Hatred
197 - Death and Christian RealismARTICLES
198 - The Source of a Living Hope. An Easter Message. By William Hendriksen, Th.M.
200 - Rosenberg's Myth and Nazi Paganism. By Leonard De Moor, Ph.D.
204 - Chains of Our Own Forging. By Henry J. Ryskamp, Ph.D.
206 - The Day of the Lord. By R. I. Campbell
211 - Genesis Fourteen. A Review. By Martin J. Wyngaarden, A.M., B.D., Ph.D.LETTERS
213 - India, Gandhi, and Christ
213 - Calvinism in California
214 - A Voice from Canada
214 - As to "Cheap Rascality"BOOKS
214 - A Wholesome Story
214 - Life Variegated
215 - Books in Brief215 - RELIGIOUS NEWS AND VIEWS
197 - The Veil is Rent
197 - God Alone
210 - Darkness
210 - The Spear Prints
210 - Resist Temptation
210 - Kaleidoscope
210 - Not With Glib Words210 - Blue Skies of Easter
212 - April Even
212 - Awakening in Jesus -
The Calvin Forum: August 1938
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 4, Issue: 1CONTENTS - Vol. IV, No. 1, AUGUST, 1938
3 - Consistent Christianity
5 - Four "Republican" PrinciplesARTICLES
6 - Aldous Huxley. By Jacob G. Vanden Bosch, A.M.
9 - Chiliasm in the Writings of the Apostolic Fathers. By Albertus Pieters, D.D.
12 - "The American Way." By Henry J. Ryskamp, Ph.D.
14 - A Conservative and Aggressive Church. By Leonard Greenway, Th.M.
15 - Calvin and Art: A Review. By Jacob T. Hoogstra, Th.D.CORRESPONDENCE AND NEWS
17 - Calvinistic Study Club
17 - India's Untouchables
18 - A Hungarian-American Voice
18 - At the Foot of the Himalayas
19 - Netherlands Cliurch Items
20 - American News Items and CommentsBOOKS
21 - Jeremiah Come to Life
22 - A Book for Teachers
22 - Jesus as Shepherd
23 - Jesus as Pastor
23 - The Gospel and Pastoral Care
23 - Dr. Maier's Radio Addresses
24 - Protestant Principles and. Leaders
24 - Saul, David, and Solomon
24 - Book NoticesVERSE
11- Renewal
14 - God Rules
16 - The Lake -
The Calvin Forum: December 1938
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 4, Issue: 5CONTENTS - Vol. IV, No. 5, DECEMBER, 1938
99 - Angelic Song and Redemptive Fact
100 - In Pursuit of an Ideal
101 - Toward Security
102 - The Perennial Jewish Problem
102 - The Odor is BadARTICLES
103 - The Munich Conference. By Peter Hoekstra, Ph.D.
105 - The Trek of the South-African Ox-Wagon: 1838-1938. By J. Chr. Coetzee, D. Phil.
109 - The Theology of Karl Barth: Alterations Indicative of Weakness. By D. H. Kromminga, Th.B.
113 - The Primacy of the Intellect in Theology: A DiscussionBOOK REVIEWS
115 - Ancient History in Bible Light
115 - The Divine Plan
115 - Topical Bible Studies
117 - A London Letter
118 - From Boston and Harvard
118 - An Eastern Letter
119 - A Letter from Amsterdam
120 - A Cry from ChinaVERSE
112 - Ingratitude
114 - My Heart's Thanksgiving
116 - What It Means
120 - My Christmas Gift -
The Calvin Forum: February 1938
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 3, Issue: 7CONTENTS - Vol. III. No. 7, FEBRUARY 1938
147 - On the Labor FrontARTICLES
149 - Dualism in Education. By Louis Berkhof, B.D.
152 - After the Service. By Frank Vanden Berg
155 - The Ideal Science. By H. G. Stoker, M.A., D.Phil.
157 - The Balances of Goel. By R. I. Campbell
159 - Render to Caesar the Things that are Caesar's. By Paul W. Harrison, M.D.
161 - The Boers and the Great Trek. By Marianne Vos Radius
162 - A Canadian Christian Statesman Speaks. By the Editor BOOKS
163 - Religion in Cultured Form
163 - High Grade Commentary
164 - A Study of the Kingdom
164 - A Novel on the Dutch Secession
164 - Colijn-Christian and Statesman
164 - A Christian Journalist on Russia
165 - Dutch Poetry
165 - Dutch Literature
165 - Books in Brief166 - NEWS ITEMS AND REFLECTIONS. By H. S.
154 - Duality154 - The Fog Comes In
154 - Prayer
156 - Victory
168 -Prelude to Action
168 - The Poem -
The Calvin Forum: January 1938
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 3, Issue: 6CONTENTS - Vol. III. No. 6, JANUARY, 1938
123 - Watchman, What of the Night?
125 - Colijn Not a Liberal, but a CalvinistARTICLES
126 - The Reformation and Social Authority. By Jesse De Boer, A.M.
128 - The Gospel in the Twentieth Century. By C. Huissen
130 - Cremation. By Gerrit H. Hospers, D.D.
133 - The English Churches in South Africa. By J. Chr. Coetzee, M.Ed., D.Phil
135 - Rambles Along the Foreign Front. By Peter Hoekstra, Ph.D.
136 - China's Extinction Looms Up. By Lee S. Huizenga, M.D.137 - CROSS SECTIONS OF LIFE AND THOUGHT. By the Editor
139 - The Oxford Conference: A Letter and a Reply
141 - A Letter from IndiaTHIS MONTH'S BOOK TABLE
142 - A Doctor's Thesis on Kuyper
142 - Rural America and the Church
143 - The Mountaineers Need Christ143 - RELIGIOUS NEWS
125 - Old Year
125 - New Year
132 - Consolation
132 - Woods in Winter
141 - He Has Not Turned Away -
The Calvin Forum: July 1938
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 3, Issue: 12CONTENTS - Vol. III, No. 12, JULY, 1938
267 - American Liberty and Rotten Eggs
268 - The Church's Attitude Toward Its Creed
268 - Dr. Homrighausen's Name WithdrawnARTICLES
269 - Calvinism and World Politics. By Amry Vanden Bosch, Ph.D.
273 - The Theory of a Perfect Creation. By Dudley Joseph Whitney
276 - Hitler's Anti-Semitism. By Leonard De Moor, Ph.D.
279 - Zion-the Symbol and the Reality. By R. I. CampbellBOOK REVIEWS
282 - Sex and Christian Virtue
282 - Lenski Commentary Completed
282 - Boy's Clubs
283 - Amateurish Story
283 - Book NoticesLETTERS AND NEWS
284 - War and Missions in China
284 - An Eastern Letter
285 - Hungarian Church News286 - Netherlands News ChipsVERSE
278 - Pure Delight
283 - Picture
283 - Wood's Call
283 - Soft Insistence287 - INDEX to Third Volume
The Calvin Forum: June 1938
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 3, Issue: 11CONTENTS - Vol. III, No. 11, JUNE, 1938
243 - Princeton, Barthianism, and Brunner
246 - Realistic Fiction and Godless Propaganda
246 - Modern Art and Cliristian Standards
247 - Studying Calvinism in its Deeper ImplicationsARTICLES
247 - The Voortrekkers of South Africa. By J. Chr. Coetzee, D.Phil.
251 - Schools of Nineteenth Century Painting. By Henry J. Van Andel, A.M.
253 - The German Church Crisis. By Leonard De Moor, Ph.D.
256 - Toward Understanding. By Henry J. Ryskamp, Ph.D.
258 - Professor Lecerf on Religious Knowledge. By Jacob T. Hoogstra, Th.D.BOOK REVIEWS
260 - Psychology and Pastoral Care
260 - Calvinistic Philosophy Club
261 - On Inspiration
261 - An Expose of Liberalism
261 - Organizer of American Presbyterianism
262 - A Lenski Commentary
262 - A New Testament Introduction
262 - Monkey Mileage
262 - Nether lands Church News
263 - Religious News ItemsVERSE
257 - Light in Darkness -
The Calvin Forum: March 1938
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 3, Issue: 8CONTENTS - Vol. III. No. 8, MARCH, 1938
171 - Is Christian Soul-Saving Cheap Rascality?
172 - Martin Niemoller and Martin Luther
173 - Paging a Preview of Pageant
173- Prayer as Psychological Exercise
174 - Lowering of Theological Standards
174 - Honoring MotherhoodARTICLES
175 - Government Glorification of Paganism-A Report
177 - Calvinism and Democracy. By Johannes Zandstra, Ph.D.
180 - A Theory of Law. By Dorr Kuizema, LL.B.183 - Modern Trends in Art and Music. By Henry J. Van Andel, A.M.
185 - Calvinism and Capitalism. Dr. Hyma Writes a Significant Book. By Clarence Bouma, A.M., Th.D.BOOKS
187 - The Imitation of Christ
188 - The Grace of God
189 - The Passion of Christ
189 - Proper Use of Scripture Proof
189 - Jonathan Edwards
190 - Christian Character Training
190 - Marriage191 - RELIGIOUS NEWS AND COMMENTS. By H. S
184 - Sin-Grace
184 - Vapor
190 - March Song -
The Calvin Forum: May 1938
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 3, Issue: 10CONTENTS - Vol. III. No. J 0, MAY, I 938
219 - The Office of Indian Affairs RepliesARTICLES
221 - Is It the Moonlight? By George W. Bloemendal, M.S.
224 - The Birth of the Now Declining Mission Age. By Lee S. Huizenga, M.D., F.R.G.S.
227 - The Hebrew Sabbath. By Marinus Cook
230 - The English Churches in South Africa. By J. Chr. Coetzee, M.A., M.Ed., D.Phil.
232 - Mute Bells. By Beth Merizon
233 - Calvinism and Capitalism-Clarifying the Issue. By the EditorCORRESPONDENCE
236 - From War-Torn ChinaBOOK REVIEWS
237 - The Church is Challenged
237 - A Book on Bishop Butler
237 - Woman, Sex Life, and Christ
238 - Our Modern Gypsies
238 - Youth and Sex Poison
238 - Lutheran Sermons
238 - Arguments for Immortality
238 - Barnes' Notes
238 - Teaching Missions
239 - These Latter Days
239 - Christ's Cross a Crucible
239 - Christian Students of China
239 - Books in Brief226 - A PAGE OF VERSE. By Joan Geisel Gardner
The Only One
Deep Inside
Harsh CryVERSE
235 - May
245 - Make Me a Blessing -
The Calvin Forum: November 1938
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 4, Issue: 4CONTENTS - Vol. IV, No. 4, NOVEMBER, 1938
75 - Armistice Day, 1938
76 - Is This Neutrality?
77 - Natural Science and Scripture Truth
77 - Dr. Craig Carries OnARTICLES
78 - Palestine Today. By Lee S. Huizenga, M.D., F. R. G. S.
81 - Was Carlyle a Calvinist? By Effa Zwier, M.A.
84 - Temple Worship in Yucatan, Mexico. By Morris Steggerda, Ph.D.
85 - The Theology of Karl Barth: Revision. By Diedrich H. Kromminga, Th.B.
89 - The Urim and the Thummim. By Marinus Cook
91 - Cremation and the Resurrection Body: A DiscussionLETTERS AND CORRESPONDENCE
92 - A Letter from India
93 - A Letter from Holland
93 - "I Am the Voice"BOOKS REVIEWED
94 - Humor at Britain's Expense
94 - The Life Hereafter
95 - On Tabernacle and TempleDISCUSSION CLUBS
95 - Calvinistic Discussion Club
95 - Nature and Scripture Study ClubVERSE
83 - Peaceful Interlude
83 - Thanksgiving -
The Calvin Forum: October 1938
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 4, Issue: 3CONTENTS - Vol. IV, No. 3, OCTOBER, 1938
51 - Group Pressure: A Two-Sided Evil
52 - "Gott Mit Uns"
53 - Not Aquinas, but Calvin and Kuyper
54 - Queen Wilhelmina and Dutch Calvinism
54 - One Generation Passeth Away
54 - The American Calvinistic Conference for 1909ARTICLES
55 - The Theology of Karl Barth: His Basic Position. By Diedrich H. Kromminga, Th.B.
60 - Bavinck's Conception of Man. By Walter Van Saun, Ph.D.
62 - The Blue Fringe. By William T. Riviere, D.D.
63 - American Calvinistic Conference
65 - More Secularization of Our Schools. By Henry Van Zyl, Ph.D.BOOKS REVIEWED
67 - Evaluating Recent American Fiction
67 - A Humanist on Current Fiction
68 - America's Small Sects
68 - A Sound Apologetic
69 - Suffering from Seven-itis
69 - God's Plan
69 - Evangelistic Sermons
69 - Fresh Sermons
69 - Sunday School Lesson HelpsCORRESPONDENCE AND NEWS
70 - A London Letter
70 - Netherlands Church News
71 - A Glimpse of Hungarian Calvinism
72 - News and CommentsVERSE
59 - We Are of God
59 - Rest in God
59 - The All-Seeing Eye -
The Calvin Forum: September 1938
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 4, Issue: 2CONTENTS - Vol. IV, No. 2, SEPTEMBER, 1938
27 - The Church Follows Its Students
27 - The Secularization of Our Colleges
28 - What Makes a College Christian?
28 - Philosophy Teaching and the Christian Faith
29 - A Step in the Right Direction
29 - Let the Revolt Continue!
30 - The Christian Primary School Movement
30 - You Can Help Us. Will You?ARTICLES
31 - More Lost Provinces in Education? By Henry Van Zyl, Ph.D.
34 - The Latchet of Whose Shoes. By Bastian Kruithof, A.M.
37 - Chiliasm in the Writings of the Apostolic Fathers (Part II). By Albertus Pieters, D.D.
40 - Cross Sections of Life and Thought. By the EditorBOOKS REVIEWED
43 - "The Veritable Word of God"
43 - Not Chaos but Divine Control
43 - Christian Communists
44 - A Symposium on Communism
44 - Letters of John Calvin
44 - Letter Excerpts of Da Costa
44 - A New Book on Christian Doctrine
44 - The Reformed Ecumenical Ideal
45 - A Book on Modern Cults
45 - A Christian Nature ReaderNEWS AND LETTERS
46 - Report of Calvinistic Congress
47 - From Syria and Mesopotamia
47 - From the Chinese Front
47 - The Edinburgh Congress
48 - A Christian School ConventionVERSE
36 - Over and Over Again
36 - Divine Surgery
39 - Surrendered -
The Calvin Forum: April 1939
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 4, Issue: 9CONTENTS - Vol. IV, No. 9, APRIL, 1939
195 - But Now is Christ Risen
196 - The Reformed Faith and Its Ethical Consequences
197 - The International Calvinistic Congress for 1940
197 - First American Calvinistic Conference
198 - The Gospel of Christ and the Student MindARTICLES
199 - Brunner on the Word of God. By E. J. Tanis
202 - Pierre Viret: Popularizer of the Calvinistic Reformation. By D. H.
206 - The Empiricist and the Beam. By Ala Bandon
207 - Contemporary Economic Survey. By H. J. RyskampWHAT OUR READERS THINK AND SAY
209 - Hungary and Czechoslovakia
210 - Flattery vs. Truth SpeakingFROM OUR CORRESPONDENTS
211 - Report Calvinistic Discussion Club
211 - City Mission Work in Holland
212 - The Pacific Northwest
212 - Calvinistic Study Club in CanadaBOOK REVIEWS
213 - A Passion Poem
213 - Inter-Varsity Publications
214 - Dr. Henry Stob's Dissertation
214 - As to Questing
214 - Practical Psychological Tips
215 - Why Be Good?
215 - Books in Brief215 - NEWS ITEMS AND COMMENTS
204 - God With Us
206 - Contrast
206 - Song of Mary Magdalene
208 - Serenity -
The Calvin Forum: August-September 1939
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 5, Issue: 1 & 2CONTENTS - Vol. V, No. 1-2, AUG.-SEPT., 1939
3 - Cultivating a Reformed Ecumenical Consciousness
3 - First American Calvinistic Conference
4 - Getting Back to John Calvin
4 - The Confirmation of Homrighausen
5 - Discussion Clubs of Alumni
5 - Not a Question of Chestnuts
6 - A Governor Laughed At
6 - A Mayor Blinks at the LawARTICLES
7 - The Cambridge Evangelical Student Conference. By the Editor
9 - Sin ... on a Summer's Day . . . By Ala Bandon
10 - The Puritan Defended. By Jacob G. Vanden Bosch
14 - Disturbing Economic Reflections. By Henry J. Ryskamp
17 - Gaspard de Coligny (1516-1572). By Henry J. Van Andel
18 - Water, Air, Earth, and Fire. By John De Vries
21 - Labor Day and Temple Builder. By Ala Bandon
21 - Radio Question Hour Echoes. By Henry SchultzeFROM OUR CORRESPONDENTS
24 - The American Calvinistic Conference
25 - South African Church News
26 - Hungarian News Letter
27 - Christian School Convention Flashes
28 - News Items and CommentsAROUND THE BOOK TABLE
30 - Days of Our Years
31 - William Lyon Phelps
31 - The College Curriculum
31 - Genesis Translated Anew
32 - Luther on Galatians
32 - Maier's Radio Addresses
32 - A Christian Novel
32 - War-Stricken ChinaVERSE
6 - Shall We Weep?
16 - Release
16 - It is Possible
23 - Committed
23 - Through a Glass Darkly -
The Calvin Forum: December 1939
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 5, Issue: 5CONTENTS - Vol. V, No. 5, DECEMBER, 1939
83 - Christmas in Scripture and HistoryARTICLES
85 - Christmas: The Story of the Unexpected. By Jacob T. Hoogstra
88 - John a Lasco (1499-1560). By D. H. Kromminga
89 - Leprosy and Tuberculosis. By Lee S. Huizenga
92 - Kierkegaard for Americans. By William T. Riviere
94 - Christmas Musings. By Ala BandonFROM OUR CORRESPONDENTS
96 - A Christian Russian Exile Writes
96 - Calvinism and Modernism in Australia
97 - The Sino-Japanese War
98 - Echoes from India
99 - Hungary and the European War
100 - Canada at War
100 - California's Spit and Argue Club
101 - Religious News and ViewsAROUND THE BOOK TABLE
102 - A History of American Theology
103 - Dutch Reformed CHurch History
03 - A Theological Bibliography
104 - One Hundred Select Books for Bible Study
104 - A Friesian Dog StoryVERSE
91 - He Came
95 - My Lord
95 - Last Month, and Now
95 - Peace on Earth
95 - Acquiescence -
The Calvin Forum: February 1939
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 4, Issue: 7CONTENTS - Vol. IV, No. 7, FEBRUARY, 1939
147 - Lives of Great Calvinists
147 - State and Church in Politics
148 - Is There Hope in Our Democracy?
148 - A Return to Religion?ARTICLES
149 - Saint Paul in Italy. By Albertus J. Rooks
153 - Cubism and Surrealism. By Henry J. Van Andel
155 - Guillaume Fare!. By D. H. KrommingaDISCUSSION
156 - Is Cremation Unbiblical? By G. H. HospersLAY NOTES ON LETTERS
159 - The Road from XanaduBOOK REVIEWS
160 - The Quintuplets
161 - The Old Testament in the Early Church
161 - Abraham to Allenby
162 - Calvin and Early Christian Dogma
162 - An Answer to Amillennialism?
163 - Premillennial Prophetic Interpretation
163 - The Jesus of Thinly-Disguised Modernism
163 - Sunday School Lesson Help164 - Defense of the New Testament
164 - Germany and Hitler
165 - As to "Old Haven"
165 - About Cremation165 - NEWS ITEMS AND OBSERVATIONS
167 - Evangelizing the Unchurched in Holland
167 - Christianity in India
168 - The Free Reformed University at AmsterdamVERSE
152 - Contamination
152 - Who Loves the Most?
164 - Tyranny -
The Calvin Forum: January 1939
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 4, Issue: 6CONTENTS - Vol. IV, No. 6, JANUARY, 1939
123 - The Light of God's Countenance
123 - Government Officials Police Korean Church Assembly
124 - War News and Mission Progress in China
124 - Will Madras Turn the Corner?ARTICLES
125 - A Philosopher Must Be a Christian and a Theologian. By John Van Beek, A.M., Th.M.
128 - The Rise of Fauvism. By Henry J. Van Andel, A.M.
130 - The Theology of Karl Barth: A Critical Evaluation. By D. H. Kromminga, Th.B.TWO RECENT NOVELS
134 - Old Haven
135 - My Son, My Son!DISCUSSION
136 - Should Christians Cremate Their Dead? By Dr. H. H. Kuyper and Dr. G. H. HospersBOOK REVIEWS
140 - The Ten Commandments
140 - America Through Smiling Eyes
140 - A Stimulating Book
140 - The Sterilization Problem
141 - Speech
141 - Welsh-American Calvinists
142 - From Northern India
143 - The Road to Syria
143 - From the Southland
144 - Religious News ChipsVERSE
135 - Christian Certainty
135 - A New Year's Wish
139 - Prayer for Our Country
139 - "Learn of Me" -
The Calvin Forum: June-July 1939
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 4, Issue: 11 & 12CONTENTS - Vol.IV, No.11-12, JUNE-JULY, 1939
243 - Can Science Save Us?
243 - The Soul's Deep Need
244 - The Torch of Liberty Still burns
244 - Hyphenated Americanism Must Cease
245 - To the Cambridge Conference
245 - Looking ForwardARTICLES
246 - What is Wrong with Buchmanism? By Henry J. Triezenberg
249 - Children's Day
250 - St. John and Greek Intellectualism. By Jesse De Boer
251 - Thomas Mann's Joseph Story. By Bastian Kruithof
253 - New Musical Trends. Church Choirs and School Choirs. Henry J. Van Andel
254 - Theodore Beza (1519-1605). Associate and Successsor of Calvin. By D. H. Kromminga
255 - Fourth or Force of July?
256 - Art, Truth, and Beauty. By Cornelius Van ZwollFROM OUR CORRESPONDENTS
260 - From Seattle and the Northwest
260 - From Philadelphia and New York
260 - The Reformation at Fontenelle
261 - Hungarian-American Relations
262 - Calvinistic Educational Convention
263 - The Near East and Islam
264 - From the Southern Presbyterian General Assembly
264 - More About Early ManBOOKS REVIEWED
265 - Pastoral Psychiatry
265 - The Plymouth Brethren
266 - The Tree of Life
266 - Orthodox Lutheran Doctrine
267 - A Juvenile Classic
267 - Handbook of Psychiatry
268 - The Christian Faith
268 - On Humanism
268 - Christian Education in South Africa
268 - Modern EducationVERSE
249 - "If Ye Abide in Me"
250 - I Know
252 - All Things Are Possible
264 - Blessing in Contrast269 - NEWS AND COMMENTS
271 - INDEX to Fourth Volume
The Calvin Forum: March 1939
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 4, Issue: 8CONTENTS - Vol. IV, No. 8, MARCH, 1939
171 - Strengthening Reformed Theology
172 - Beware of Cynicism!
173 - When the Cynic Turns Pious
173 - Honest-to-Goodness Truth Speaking
173 - A Few QuestionsARTICLES
174 - Brunner's Philosophy of Religion. By E. J. Tanis
177 - Breakers Ahead! By D. Veltman
180 - Recent Trends in Old Testament Criticism. By Marinus Cook.
181 - Philips Van Marnix. By Henry J. Van AndelLAY NOTES ON LETTERS
183 - "Passenger of Infinity"CORRESPONDENCE
184 - From China
184 - India, Islam, and the Gospel
185 - A Pilgrimage to Mecca
186 - A Letter from South Africa
187 - Church and State in Manchoukuo
188 - A London LetterOF BOOKS
189 - Church History? 189 - Lenten Sermons
189 - A Classic on Prayer
189 - Calvary
189 - Gospel Expositions
189 - Biederwolf Sermons
189 - The Persecution of the Jews
190 - The City Church
190 - Christian Painting
190 - Women and Christianity190 - NEWS AND OBSERVATIONS
179 - The Bible
179 - Valued Service
182 - Peace -
The Calvin Forum: May 1939
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 4, Issue: 10CONTENTS - Vol. IV, No. 10, MAY, 1939
219 - Brunner Leaves Princeton
219 - Youth and Sex Education
220 - Industrial Peace Through Justice
221 - Americans Murder Chinese
221 - Three Editorial ChipsARTICLES
222 - Thomas Mann, Artist and Social Philosopher. By Bastian Kruithof
225 - The Bread of God. By Marinus Cook
227 - Economic Control in a Democratic Way. By Dorr Kuizema
230 - William of Orange, 1533-1584. By Henry J. Van Andel
231 - He's a Very Sick Boy. By Ala BandonLAY NOTES ON LETTERS
232 - Siegfried Sassoon's "Old Century"FROM OUR CORRESPONDENTS
233 - Princeton and Brunner
234 - The Oxford Movement
234 - Madras and India
235 - A London Letter
236 - Hungarian News Items
237 - From the Chinese Front
237 - Eastern LetterBOOKS REVIEWED
239 - New Testament History
239 - William Cowper, Humanitarian
239 - Christian Witnessing240 - NEWS ITEMS AND COMMENTS
229 - Clouds of Heaven -
The Calvin Forum: November 1939
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 5, Issue: 4CONTENTS - Vol. V, No. 4, NOVEMBER, 1939
59 - The War in Europe
60 - Jesus Comes to Judgment in 1963
60 - Prophetic Study and Idle Curiosity
61 - Tribute to Protestant Missions
61 - The Beddington Free Grace LibraryARTICLES
62 - This Is My Father's World. By Henry J. Ryskamp
64 - The Ministry of Healing and the Task of the Church. By Stuart Bergsma
67 - Mixed Marriages ... Considered Beforehand. By Charles Vincze
70 - Creeds and Christian Faith. By Ala Bandon
71 - Not a Blue Flower. By John TimmermanFROM OUR CORRESPONDENTS
73 - Canada, the War, and the Northwest
73 - Higher Education in South Africa
75 - A Letter from the Balkans
75 - An International Calvinistic Library
76 - News Items and CommentsAROUND THE BOOK TABLE
77 - Remarkable Gifford Lectures
78 - The Mormons in a Prize Novel
79 - Evangelism on a Reformed Basis
79 - As To Preaching
80 - On the Heidelberg Catechism
80 - The Faith of Edwin Lewis
80 - Books in BriefVERSE
66 - Thanksgiving Prayer
72 - Off Scapa Fiow
80 - God's Gold
80 - Use My Words
The Calvin Forum was published from May 1935 through March 1956. Recognizing that "The intelligent Christian is facing a serious and challenging situation today...living in an age of intellectual ferment and spiritual perplexity." The Calvin Forum sought to provide for the engagement of contemporary issues and devoted itself to provide "helpful discussion of subjects in the realms of Religion and Theology, History and Philosophy, Natural Science and Medicine, Sociology and Economics, Political Science and International Law, Psychology and Education, Literature and Art. Averse to anything musty or academic, it aims to be both popular and scholarly. It would seek to deal with these issues in such an untechnical way as to make an appeal to all intelligent and thoughtful Christians."
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