The Calvin Forum: October, 1939
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 5, Issue: 3CONTENTS - Vol. V, No. 3, OCTOBER, 1939
35 - The German-Russian Pact
35 - The Deeper Issue--Democracy vs. Autocracy
36 - The World Struggle and the Christian Church
36 - The British Empire and Christian Missions
37 - War, Pacifism, and Conscientious ObjectorsARTICLES
38 - War, Peace, and Pacifism: A Testimony
42 - Scotland's Fearless Reformer. By D. H. Kromminga
43 - Luther on the Rostrum. By John Bratt
45 - Radio Question Hour Echoes. By Henry Schultze
48 - The Vicarion. By Ala BandonFROM OUR CORRESPONDENTS
48 - A Canadian Letter
49 - London Letter
49 - A South India Letter
50 - Hungarian-American News Letter
52 - News Items and CommentsAROUND THE BOOK TABLE
53 - Three Studies in Puritanism
54 - The Covenant an One-Sidedness
55 - The Book of Revelation
55 - Today's Missionary Call
55 - The Reformed Faith
55 - On Psalm Tunes
55 - Books in BriefVERSE
37 - With Autumn Blended
41 - Ode to Education
44 - Trees
47 - A Very Little Child
47 - Like Butterflies
47 - Hallowed Hour
47 - Autumn's Herald
47 - No Matter
48 - God's Best -
The Calvin Forum: April, 1940
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 5, Issue: 9CONTENTS - VOLUME V, NO. 9 APRIL, 1940
187 - Calvinism versus Modernism in AustraliaARTILCLES
183 - Japanese Aggression and the Christian Conscience. By John C. De Kame
191 - Grafts of Thorns. By Calvin V. Hiwnemann
193 - The Challenge of the Reformed Faith. By H. K. Mack
197 - Tapestry or Cleaning Cloth? By Ala BandonAROUND THE BOOK TABLE
198 - Galileo and the Stars
198 - A Book on Pastoral Psychology
199 - A New Testament Introduction
199 - Cambridge Student Conference Addresses
199 - The Forerunner of Kampen Seminary
201 - Professor Sebestyen Writes from Budapest
202 - Religious Life in New Zealand
203 - The Battle against Modernism in Australia
203 - A Christian Hindu on India
204 - Church Life in Bulgaria
205 - A Letter from the Netherlands
206 - League Convention Echoes
207 - News Chips and CommentsVERSE
190 - Quitting Time
197 - This Country, Yes -
The Calvin Forum: August-September, 1940
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 6, Issue: 1 & 2CONTENTS - VOLUME VI, NO. 1-2 AUG.-SEPT. 1940
3 - Christian Principles and Scientific Study
4 - A Distinct Loss and a Great Challenge
5 - Let Us Pray!
6 - On "Grapes of Wrath"ARTICLES
7 - The Calvinistic View of History: Its Presuppositions. By W. Stanford Reid
10 - PerspectiveArt Economic Survey. By Henry J. Ryskamp
13 - Observations/ cin Evolution. By William Childs Robinson
16 - Genesis One and the Restitution Theory. By ·William Hendriksen
18 - "Not Many Mighty, Not Many Noble" By John H. Bratt
20 - Christ as Our Ransomer. By Loraine Boettner
22 - The Virgin Birth. By George Stibitz
23 - Ago bard of Lyons. By Allen Cabaniss
25 - A Scientist, Named Jesus. By Ala BandonCHRISTIAN WORLD VOICES
26 - Two Letters from the Netherlands
27 - From New Zealand
27 - Hungarian Letter
29 - Meeting of Calvinistic Study Group
29 - Religious News and ViewsAROUND THE BOOK TABLE
30 - A Fine Commentary
31 - Another Calvin Biography
31 - The Recent Presbyterian Conflict
31 - Jedidiah Morse
31 - On the Atonement
32 - Psychology and Spiritual LifeVERSE
12 - Modern
12 - Roses
17 - Themistocles and You
19 - Blackout
21 - Spheres
24 - Now Fortune; Say
25 - A Paradise of Loveliness -
The Calvin Forum: December, 1940
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 6, Issue: 5CONTENTS - VOLUME VI, NO. S DECEMBER, 1940
83 - The Failure of Our High Schools
83 - The Battle of Chicago
84 - Vexilla Dei Prodeunt
84 - Brave Little Holland
85 - Thank God for the BritishARTICLES
87 - The Birth of Jesus. By Henry Meeter
89 - The Structure of Matter. By John De Vries
91 - "'Who Is This 'Son of Man'?" By Leonard Verduin
93 - Building Personality in Education. By Henry Van Zyl
97 - Calvinism, the Nation and the Church. By John Gillies
99 - Harmonizing with Heaven. By Ala BandonFROM OUR CORRESPONDENTS
100 - From London Under Fire
100 - The Australian Calvinistic Society
101 - From an Old Christian
101 - Religious Development on the Continent
102 - Religious News and ViewsAROUND THE BOOK TABLE
103 - Dual Revelation
104 - Books in BriefVERSE
88 - The Seal
99 - Philosophy in Rhyme
99 - Assurance of Faith -
The Calvin Forum: February, 1940
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 5, Issue: 7CONTENTS - VOLUME V, NO. 7 FEBRUARY, 1940
135 - Calvinism and Constructive Scholarship
137 - The Religion of the Y.M.C.A. and Y.W.C.A.
138 - Better Uunderstanding Between Christians and Jews
138 - Special and Common Grace Both Reformed
139 - Common Grace and the Sovereign Grace Union
140 - A Hitler Prophecy Coming True?ARTICLES
141 - Faith and the Scientist. By John De Vries
143 - The Concordant Version of Scripture. By Henry Schultze
145 - God's Gifts. By Ala Bandon
146 - Guy de Bres. By D. H. Kromminga147 - VOICE FROM OUR READERS
150 - Reflections under a Washington Juniper Tree
151 - Christian Education in South Africa
153 - Calvinistic Conference of Central Iowa
153 - The Reformed Faith on the Air
154 - Hungarian-American Views and Glimpses
156 - An Australian Letter
156 - Religious News and ObservationsAROUND THE BOOK TABLE
158 - Predestination in Augustine, Thomas, and Calvin
159 - On Great Psychologists
159 - God and the Cosmos
160 - Books in BriefVERSE
140 - Sun on Snow
140 - Not So Simple
140 - I Shall Go On -
The Calvin Forum: January, 1940
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 5, Issue: 6CONTENTS - VOLUME V, NO. 6 JANUARY, 1940
107 - The Deeper Issue in the European War: An Exchange
113 - The Religion of the Navahos. By William Goudberg 113
118 - Louis Bourgeois: Chief Composer of the Genevan Psalter By Henry J. Van Andel
119 - The Present War and Economic Factors: A Discussion By Cornelius Bontekoe and Henry J. Ryskamp
122 - Dizzy Heights By Ala Bandon
123 - Radio Question Hour Echoes By Henry SchultzeFROM OUR CORRESPONDENTS
126 - Big Business and Social Responsibility
126 - War Over Scotland
127 - Calvinistic Study Groups in Australia
127 - Jew and Arab in Palestine
128 - Calvinistic Discussion Club in Western Michigan
129 - Religious News and CommentsAROUND THE BOOK TABLE
130 - A Fine Manual on Calvinism
131 - On Public Worship
131 - A Non-Evolutionistic Zoology Text
132 - Professor Honig's DogmaticsVERSE
117 - Chastening Love
117 - Invocation
117 - Eternity's Kiss
125 - Leafless
125 - Memory When Touched
125 - My New Year's Wish -
The Calvin Forum: June-July, 1940
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 5, Issue: 11 & 12CONTENTS - VOLUME V, NO. 11-12 JUNE-JULY, 1940
235 - The Demon of Totalitarianism
235 - At Last America Is Waking Up
236 - The War and Reformed Theology
237 - Human Question Marks and Divine Exclamation Points
237 - Those Desiccated PuritansARTICLES
239 - Michael Faraday: A Scientist and a Christian. By John De Vries
241 - The Development of the Cross in History. By Lee S. Huizenga
245 - Adam Smith and the Doctrine of Original Sin. By Carel Jan Smit
247 - Democratic "Divine Right" By Ala Bandon
248 - Sills and the Problem of Creation. By Dudley Joseph WhitneyBOOKS
250 - Religion and Child Psychology
250 - Expository PreachingCHRISTIAN WORLD VOICES
251 - From Soviet Poland, via Belgium
251 - Atheism and the Gospel in the Balkans
252 - A Netherlands Letter
253 - Glimpses of India
254 - Anglicanism, Eastern Orthodoxy, and Transylvanian Calvinism
255 - New Zealand Presbyterian Church Centenary: 1840-1940
258 - Cultural and Economic Rehabilitation in South Africa
258 - Radio and Pulpit on the Pacific Coast
259 - Southern Presbyterian Items
259 - Eastern Calvinistic Philosophy Club
260 - Today's Duty for the Minister
261 - Church News and CommentsVERSE
244 - Smothered in Silence
249 - In Faith
262 - Steel and Flame263 - INDEX to Fifth Volume
The Calvin Forum: March, 1940
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 5, Issue: 8CONTENTS- VOLUME V, NO. 8 MARCH, 1940
163 - What is Brewing in The Netherlands?
164 - Superstition Sanctioned by Prayer
164 - The League of Evangelical Students
165 - A Symposium on a Vital ProblemARTICLES
167 - Christian Theism and the Scientific Method. By Cornelius Jaarsma
170 - God's Antithesis. By Henry J. Stab
171 - The Reconciliationists. By Henry Schultze
174 - Easter Quiz. By Ala Bandon
175 - Jacob Cats (1577-1660). By Henry J. Van AndelAROUND THE BOOK TABLE
176 - A Contribution to Old Testament Scholarship
178 - News from Princeton Seminary
179 - A London Letter
180 - British Christians in War Time
181 - Looking Forward as Calvinists
182 - American Hungarians Use Genevan Psalter Tunes
182 - From the Presbyterian South
183 - The Passing of a Great Presbyterian
183 - Demoralizing Seminary Students
184 - News Items and CommentsVERSE
166 - Palm Sunday
166 - Three Crosses
166 - Father, Forgive
174 - Like Unto Dust -
The Calvin Forum: May, 1940
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 5, Issue: 10CONTENTS - VOLUME VI, NO. 10 MAY, 1940
211 - Discussion Among Dutch Calvinists: Historical PerspectiveARTICLES
213 - Freedom in Education. By Jacob G. VandenBosch
217 - The Tree of Christianity. By Calvin V. Huenemann
219 - "Behold, Thy Mother" By Ala Bandon
220 - A Declining World? By Henry J. Ryskamp
223 - Petrus Dathenus (1531-1588) By D. H. Kromminga224 - VOICES FROM OUR READERS
225 - Jesus Fictionalized
227 - From a Russian in Belgium
227 - Netherlands Church Conditions
228 - A Letter from the Punjab
229 - From the Arabian Peninsula
229 - A Glimpse of China
230 - From the Eastern Front
231 - As to the Fifth Calvinistic Congress
231 - Religious News and CommentsVERSE
219 - Like a Deep Shroud
222 - Consolidated
226 - Autographs -
The Calvin Forum: November, 1940
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 6, Issue: 4CONTENTS - VOLUME VI, NO. 4 NOVEMBER, 1940
59 - Brute Facts in Encyclopedias
59 - Brute Facts in Magazines
59 - Brute Facts After a Fashion
59 - The Conscientious Objector
60 - That Strange Thing-Man
60 - Such Fools We Be
60 - Sniping Against Academic Freedom
60 - Thanksgiving and No GodARTICLES
61 - Economic Freedom and War. By H. J. Ryskamp
64 - Freedom of the Seas and the Panama Declaration. By. P. Hoekstra
65 - Militant Christianity. By R. Stob
67 - A Relationship Between Theology and Politics. By Haver C. Currie
69 - Poetry and the Commonplace. By John L. Timmerman
72 - An Old, Remarkable Document. By H. J. Van Andel
74 - Words ... Words ... Words . . . . By Ala BandonFROM OUR CORRESPONDENTS
75 - Calvinism's Progress
76 - Trials of a Calvinist
76 - China's Changes
77 - An Australian Calvinistic Voice
77 - Was Warfield Right?
78 - Priest Becomes Presbyterian
78 - Religious News and ViewsAROUND THE BOOK TABLE
80 - Ten Women of the Bible
80 - A Christian Novel
80 - Popular PsychiatryVERSE
63 - Little Lands
66 - Show His Grace -
The Calvin Forum: October, 1940
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 6, Issue: 3CONTENTS - VOLUME VI, NO. 3 OCTOBER, 1940
35 - Trends in Literature
35 - The Church and Unemployment
35 - Chaplaincy in the Army
35 - Christianity Again on the Balances
36 - Loyalty to One's Own Task
36 - A Human Interest Story
36 - "Science Studies Chastity"
37 - The Christian Church in GermanyARTICLES
37 - Adam Smith and the Doctrine of Original Sin. By Carel Jan Smit
41 - Geology and the Restitution Theory. By Dudley Joseph Whitney
44 - The Christian View of History. By W. Stanford Reid
47 - The Arena. By Ala BandonFROM OUR CORRESPONDENTS
48 - Spiritual Gain in Holland
48 - Calvinistic Thought in South Africa
50 - California's Confusion of Tonguess
51 - From the South
51 - Hungarian Letter1
52 - India's Problems Discussed
53 - A Letter from LondonAROUND THE BOOK TABLE
54 - Mr. Thwing is Not Pound-proof
55 - The Covenant and American Theology
56 - Hungarian Protestantism
56 - Some Weird English "Messiahs"
56 - Bible Charts
56 - Books in BriefVERSE
40 - None Like Unto Thee
47 - Wake Up, People -
The Calvin Forum: April, 1941
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 6, Issue: 9CONTENTS - VOLUME VI, NO. 9 APRIL, 1941
179 - In Days of World Crisis
181 - Nietzsche at Calvary
181 - Addressed to Easter
182 - Easter's ArtificialityARTICLES
183 - The Lord Is Risen Indeed! By Anne W. Kuhn
187 - The Heidelberg View of the Fourth Commandment: Is It Scriptural? By D. H. Kromminga
190 - The Locomotive and Mr. Russell. By Aza Bandon
191 - Paradise Lost: The Nature of the Edenic Creation. By Dudley Joseph WhitneyWHAT OUR READERS SAY
194 - America's Responsibility and Duty
195 - Don't Lower the Standard
195 - On the Fourth CommandmentFROM OUR CORRESPONDENTS
195 - Resurgeht Calvinism in Australia
196 - Sovereign Grace in War-Torn London
197 - A Letter from Scotland
193 - Hungarian Letter
198 - Newsletter from WheatonAROUND THE BOOK TABLE
200 - God-Centered Thinking and Living
200 - Teaching and Pragmatistic AssumptionsVERSE
182 - The Countryside
182 - God's Promises
186 - Friendship's Reciprocity
186 - Still and White
186 - "Come Ye ... and Rest"
186 - Earthen Vessels
190 - Estes Park
190 - From Death to Life -
The Calvin Forum: August-September, 1941
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 7, Issue: 1 & 2CONTENTS - VOLUME VII, NO. 1-2 AUG.-SEPT., 1941
3 - Rediscovering the Sovereign God
5 - Colleges Amid the Defense Program
6 - Can Christian America Be Allied with Ungodly Russia?ARTICLES
7 - Calvinism versus Non-Intervention. By William V. Muller
10 - Marriage and Its Corruption. By J. Van Beek
13 - Calvinism and Scientific Method. By Peter F. Dahm
16 - The Ethics of War. By William P. Brink
20 - Credimus ut Intelligamus. By Ala Bandon
22 - A Review of the Sabbath Discussion. By Albertus PietersFROM OUR CORRESPONDENTS
25 - The Reformed Church of America
26 - Another Netherlands Letter
26 - A Letter from Palestine
28 - Calvinism in New ZealandAROUND THE BOOK TABLE
29 - Koers in die Krisis
30 - Professor Bowman's Philosophy
31 - A Quaker Autobiography
31 - A Saga of Matanuska ValleyVERSE
12 - God's All-Embracing Grace
19 - High Cost
19 - Shekinah
21 - A Storm
21 - Perfect Love
21 - Passing Ships
25 - Atop the Continental Divide
32 - Be Still -
The Calvin Forum: December, 1941
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 7, Issue: 5CONTENTS - VOLUME VII, NO. 5 DECEMBER, 1941
83 - Sweet Land of LibertyARTICLES
87 - "And His Name Shall Be Called..." By Henry Schultze
89 - Art and Morality. By Jacob G. Vanden Bosch
92 - Conflicting Ideologies and the Coming Kingdom. By Harold J. Ockenga
94 - The Cause of the Deluge. By Dudley Joseph Whitney
97 - The Message of Christmas. By Ala Bandon
98 - Second American Calvinistic Conference, 1942FROM OUR CORRESPONDENTS
100 - Christmas Greetings from War-Torn London
100 - Calvinism in France
101 - A Nazi-Censored Letter from the Netherlands
102 - A London Letter -
The Calvin Forum: February, 1941
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 6, Issue: 7CONTENTS - VOLUME VI, NO. 7 FEBRUARY, 1941
131 - An Astrologer Debunked
131 - Revealing Sentences
131 - Education Fails
132 - Restorative EducationARTICLES
133 - American Policy in the Orient. By P. A. Hoekstra
134 - Calvin's View of the Fourth Commandment. By Albertus Pieters
137 - Either .... Or. By Harold B. Kuhn
139 - The Lost Chord .... Regained. By Ala Bandon
140 - Materialism in the Light of History. By R. E. D. Clark
143 - The Reformed Faith in the Modern World. By Robert Swanton
145 - Calvinism-A Creed and A Passion. By Theodore SchaapFROM OUR CORRESPONDENTS
149 - Democracy and the Spiritual View of Life
150 - War and Medical Missions in PunjabAROUND THE BOOK TABLE
151 - Homilesal Methodology
151 - Anti-WellhausenianVERSE
132 - Sharp Memory -
The Calvin Forum: January, 1941
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 6, Issue: 6CONTENTS - VOLUME VI, NO. 6 JANUARY, 1941
107 - Come On, 1941
107 - Fear Not
107 - Things Hoped For
108 - The Conscientious ObjectorARTICLES
111 - Recovery, Reform, Defence. By Henry J. Ryskamp
114 - Building Personality in Education. By Henry Van Zyl
118 - The Democratic Way. By Ralph Stob
119 - Three Views of the Fourth Commandment. By Albertus Pieters
121 - "The Land of the Free". By Anthony Hoekema
122 - An Hour Speaks. By Ala BandonFROM OUR CORRESPONDENTS
123 - What Our Readers Say
123 - A London Letter
124 - Hungarian News
125 - News and Views
126 - Things More Clearly StatedAROUND THE BOOK TABLE
126 - "Dutch Vitalism"
127 - Murder-Problems
128 - Evangelical Education
128 - Books in BriefVERSE
122 - When Day Is Done
122 - Possession -
The Calvin Forum: June-July, 1941
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 6, Issue: 11 & 12CONTENTS - VOLUME VI, NO. 11-12 JUNE-JULY, 1941
227 - Will Democracies Survive?
227 - Regulation vs. Regimentation
228 - Neutrality vs. "Nonbelligerency"
228 - Students Want StabilityARTICLES
229 - What Shall We Preach?. By Louis Berkhof
234 - The Enemies of Patriotism. By Arnold Brink
236 - Is the Decalogue Abrogated? By John Murray
239 - The "Emergency" Challenges Democracy. By Henry J. Ryskamp
242 - Dutch Reformed Churches in the East Indies and South Africa. By G. Besselaar
245 - The Religion of Authority. By Robert Swanton
246 - Modernity-Town. By Ala Bandon
246 - The Soap-Box and the University Atheist. By A. KrisnapolskiFROM OUR CORRESPONDENTS
247 - The Passing of a Great South African Calvinist
248 - A New Zealand Letter
249 - A Missionary Voice from China
250 - India in Ferment
251 - In London Under Fire
252 - A Letter from the Netherlands
252 - Eastern News LetterAROUND THE BOOK TABLE
254 - Now You Can Read "The Institutes"
254 - War and Peace
254 - Calvinistic Philosophy
255 - Christian Reformed MissionsVERSE
244 - No Eden
244 - Sometimes, Yes255 - INDEX to Sixth Volume
The Calvin Forum: March, 1941
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 6, Issue: 8CONTENTS - VOLUME VI, NO. 8 MARCH, 1941
155 - The Faith of a CalvinistARTICLES
157 - Authority-and the Present Economic Situation. By Henry J. Ryskamp
159 - The Preservation of Democracy. By Ralph Stab
161 - The Heidelberg View of the Fourth Commandment. By D. H. Kromminga
164 - On Peace. By H. J. S.
165 - The Atheist. A Dialogue. By Ala BandonFROM OUR CORRESPONDENTS
166 - Education and Missions In India
167 - A Letter from Bulgaria
168 - The Boers in South Africa
169 - Preaching Parsons in London Shelters
169 - A New Zealand Calvinist
170 - The Presbyterian Southland
171 - The Latest Christian School Census
171 - New Jersey-Pennsylvania LetterWHAT OUR READRS SAY
172 - Calvinism and "The Simple Gospel"
173 - From Minister Loudon
173 - Hitlerism and Slavery
173 - Anent Synodical TestimonyAROUND THE BOOK TABLE
174 - Educational Philosophies and Divine Revelation
175 - Religious Education without the Bible
175 - Literature in the Thirties
176 - Calvinism and Divine Sovereignty
176 - Books in BriefVERSE
156 - The Faithful Messenger
156 - Sanctuary
160 - Fond Memories -
The Calvin Forum: May, 1941
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 6, Issue: 10CONTENTS - VOLUME VI, NO. 10 MAY, 1941
203 - Christianity and Democracy
203 - Must They Starve?
204 - Maintaining American InstitutionsARTICLES
204 - The Fourth Commandment: According to the Westminster Standards. By John Murray
207 - Science and an Ideal Creation. By Dudley Joseph Whitney
211 - The Resurrection of Jesus. By Anne W. Kuhn
214 - Dutch Reformed Churches in European Countries. By G. Besselaar
217 - Krisnapolski Twits Ala Bandon and Gets a ReplyFROM OUR CORRESPONDENTS
219 - A London Letter
219 - Items from Chicago
220 - Grand Rapids NotesAROUND THE BOOK TABLE
222 - A Scripture Study in Heredity
223 - A History of Ethics
223 - The Sovereignty of God
224 - Utilizing Life's Experiences
224 - Zwemer Writes AgainVERSE
218 - Motherhood
218 - First Lord's Day -
The Calvin Forum: November, 1941
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 7, Issue: 4CONTENTS - VOLUME VII, NO. 4 NOVEMBER, 1941
59 - The Three Horsemen Ride Again
59 - The Flames of Anti-Semitism Also Kindled in America!
60 - Lacking a Proper Sense of AuthorityARTICLES
61 - The Kingdom of God and the Conflict of Ideologies. By Harold J. Ockenga
64 - Monologue on Death. By Ruth Bernice Hoekenga
66 - The Social Implications of Christian Marriage. By J. Van Beek
69 - The Bounds of Thanksgiving. By Ala Bandon
70 - The Sabbath Symposium. By John Murray
73 - Democracy and Total Depravity
73 - The Reformation and Assurance of Faith
74 - The Son of Man and the Christian SabbathFROM OUR CORRESPONDENTS
75 - Ecumenical Calvinism
75 - Westminster and the East
77 - South African Calvinists and the WarAROUND THE BOOK TABLE
78 - The Dutch Pioneer of the Middle West
79 - All the Branches of ChristendomVERSE
60 - Thanksgiving Worship
60 - Like a Ship in Passing
69 - Education's Dilemma
72 - Memoria Amoris
78 - The Larder -
The Calvin Forum: October, 1941
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 7, Issue: 3CONTENTS - VOLUME VII, NO. 3 OCTOBER, 1941
35 - The Sovereignty of God-Its Wide Scope
35 - Rudderless Rabbits
36 - Let Us Have More Theological Discussion!
37 - Holland's Heroic ResistanceARTICLES
38 - The Protestant Reformation: Its Three Basic Principles. By Leonard DeMoor
41 - A World of Contradictions. By Henry J. Ryskamp
43 - The Restoration of Marriage. By J. Van Beek
47 - There Go the Ships. By Ala Bandon
48 - A Criticism of the New View of the Sabbath. By D. H. KrommingaFROM OUR CORRESPONDENTS
51 - From Michigan's University Campus
52 - From South India
53 - Calvinistic Study Club
54 - The Presbyterian Church U. S. A.
55 - From Blitzed Old Britain
56 - The Reformed Church in AmericaVERSE
40 - Steps and Stops
46 - Columbus
47 - A Legend -
The Calvin Forum: April, 1942
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 7, Issue: 9CONTENTS - VOLUME VII, NO. 9 APRIL, 1942
179 - United We Stand!ARTICLES
181 - Easter Contrasts. By John G. Van Dyke
183 - Amoral Art and Rational Morality. By Jacob G. Vanden Bosch
185 - Science versus Seance. By Arnold Brink
188 - Ecumenical Calvinism. By Jacob T. Hoogstra
191 - A Critique of Pacifism. By Raymond R. Van Heukelom
194 - Teacher Education in Church-Related Colleges. By A BroadcastFROM OUR CORRESPONDENTS
197 - The Australian Calvinistic Society
Calvinism and Democracy
199 - From the NorthwestAROUND THE BOOK TABLE
200 - Two New Testament Books
200 - Acts of the ApostlesVERSE
194 - The Call to Us
196 - Consistency? -
The Calvin Forum: August-September, 1942
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 8, Issue: 1 & 2CONTENTS - VOLUME VIII, NO. 1-2 AUG.-SEPT., 1942
3 - Growing Interest in the Reformed Faith
3 - The Christian and Fraternal Orders
4 - Amillennialism
4 - Southern Presbyterian Journal
5 - Congratulations, Your Majesty!
5 - Editorial ChipsARTICLES
6 - Klaus Harmsen. By Bastian Kruithof
8 - Integration in Education. By Henry Schultze
10 - The Artistic Potency of Calvinism. By Henry J. Van Andel
11 - Dialogue between Rabbi and Pastor. By J. Keizer
13 - Federal Union of Nations. By Jacob T. Hoogstra
15 - Teachingby Signs. By John W. Currie
18 - God and War. By Ala BandonNEWS AND CORRESPONDENCE
20 - A Letter from Australia
20 - The First Australian Calvinistic Conference
22 - Observations from South India
23 - A London Letter
24 - Another Glimpse of the Hindu Mind
24 - Reformed Church in America
25 - Southern Presbyterian General ASsembly
26 - Orthodox Presbyterian Church
27 - The Presbyterian Church, U. S. A.
28 - Princeton Institute of Theology
29 - Gospel Work Among the FlemishAROUND THE BOOK TABLE
30 - Is this the Christian Faith?
30 - The Papacy Today
31 - Kierkegaard
32 - Prominent Holland-AmericansVERSE
32 - "I"
32 - With Peace and Power -
The Calvin Forum: December, 1942
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 8, Issue: 5CONTENTS - VOLUME VIII, NO. S DECEMBER, 1942
83 - "Haven't We a Great God!"
83 - Nazi EducationARTICLES
85 - Shall We Observe Christmas? By Henry Schultze
87 - The Christian Student's Attitude toward His Education. By W. Stanford Reid
91 - Klaus Harmsen. By Bastian Kruithof
92 - Calvin on the Holy Spirit. By Frederick R. Hellegers
95 - Dutch Masters in Chicago. By Henry J. Van Andel
96 - Covenant Truth Today. By D. H. Kromminga
99 - China Missions Today and Tomorrow. By John C. De KorneFROM OUR CORRESPONDENTS
100 - A Dµtch Refugee Church in London
101 - A Letter from Princeton
102 - Reformed Church in AmericaBOOK REVIEWS
102 - God in Our Public Schools
103 - A Good Investment
103 - George Mccready Price's CredoVERSE
84 - Christmas
86 - Year's End
90 - Another Year
94 - In an Army Chapel -
The Calvin Forum: February, 1942
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 7, Issue: 7CONTNETS - VOLUME VII, NO. 7 FEBRUARY, 1942
131 - The Colleges and the WarARTICLES
133 - Kant or Christ? By Cornelius Van Til
136 - The Democratic Method in the Christian School. By Cornelius Bontekoe
140 - Thy Rod and Thy Staff. By Ala Bandon
141 - Israel and Her Pagan Neighbors. By John H. BrattTHE VOICE OF OUR READERS
144 - India and War's Shadows
146 - The Ossebrandwag in South Africa
147 - When Portsmouth Was Blitzed
149 - The Presbyterian Church U. S. A.
151 - The 1942 Calvinistic ConferenceAROUND THE BOOK TABLE
151 - Storm
152 - Medical Psychology
152 - A Church History
152 - Who's Who Among the Clergy? -
The Calvin Forum: January, 1942
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 7, Issue: 6CONTETNS - VOLUME VII, NO. 6 JANUARY, 1942
107 - The Bombs of Pearl Harbor
107 - Our Attitude Toward Jews
108 - Acknowledging Almighty God
108 - Three Leaders Retire
109 - Our Need of Christian FictionARTICLES
110 - The Task We Face. By Henry J. Ryskamp
113 - A Proposed Ecumenical Synod. By Idzerd Van Dellen
116 - Why Art for the Calvinist? By Henry J. Van Andel
119 - Back to the Cross Roads. By Ala BandonTHE VOICE OF OUR READERS
121 - Theocentric or Christocentric?
121 - Experiencing God's SovereigntyFROM OUR CORRESPONDENTS
122 - Hungary's Paradoxical Position
124 - Canada in War Time
125 - From the NorthwestAROUND THE BOOK TABLE
126 - Berkhof's "Systematic Theology"
128 - A Novel on Holland's Invasion
128 - A Brief Church HistoryVERSE
112 - Courageous Doing
115 - Lines for a Friend
120 - Cross and Rock
120 - Echo Lake
120 - Possessing All
120 - The Antidote -
The Calvin Forum: June-July, 1942
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 7, Issue: 11 & 12CONTENTS - VOLUME VII, NO. 11-12 JUNE-JULY, 1942
227 - A Soli Deo Gloria Conference
227 - Calvinistic Ecumenicity
228 - Dutch Calvinism in the Shadows
228 - The Task that Challenges
229 - Calvinistic Conference CommitteeARTICLES
230 - The Christian College Graduate in Time of War. By Henry J. Kuiper
234 - A Chronicle of Art. By Henry J. Van Andel
235 - Unitarianism from the Tombs. By Arnold Brink
238 - Christian Theism and the New Supernaturalism. By Ray W. Teeuwissen
241 - Democracy, Authoritarianism, and Christian
Education. By C. R. Jaarsma
244 - Economic Organization in War and Peace. By H. J. Ryskamp 244
247 - Little Man, What Now? By Ala BandonNEWS AND CORRESPONDENCE
248 - The Second American Calvinistic Conference
249 - Michigan Calvinistic Philosophy Club
250 - Calvinism Club at Calvin College
250 - Hungarian Reformed Church Life
252 - British Inter-Varsity Fellowship Conference
252 - Calvinism-Dead and Living
253 - A Letter from AustraliaAROUND THE BOOK TABLE
253 - A Bad Novel
254 - Meet Dirk and Bello Again
254 - Big Ben
255 - Books in BriefVERSE
237 - Wings
247 - To the Flag255 - INDEX to Seventh Volume
The Calvin Forum: March, 1942
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 7, Issue: 8CONTENTS - VOLUME VII, NO. 8 MARCH, 1942
155 - The Dry Rot of Pacifism
156 - Is War Sin?
156 - Some Plain Forthright Duties To Observe
157 - The Church's Heroic Testimony
158 - America on Its KneesARTICLES
159 - The Rappings and Trappings
of Spiritualism. By Arnold Brink
161 - Some Ancestors of Hitlerism. By Leonard Greenway
163 - Israel and Her Pagan Neighbors. By John H. Bratt
168 - Condition-Critical. By Ala BandonFROM OUR CORRESPONDENTS
169 - A Century of American University Education
169 - Calvinistic -Study Club
170 - A Unique Radio Broadcast
171 - West Coast and Black-Outs
172 - From New Zealand
172 - New Jersey and PhiladelphiaAROUND THE BOOK TABLE
174 - The Child, the School, the Curriculum
175 - Psychoanalysis
175 - On Kierkegaard
176 - Book BrevitiesVERSE
158 - Beatitude
162 - Alcatraz
167 - Close to God -
The Calvin Forum: May, 1942
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 7, Issue: 10CONTENTS - VOLUME VII, NO. 10 MAY, 1942
203 - Calvinistic Conference at Grand RapidsARTICLES
204 - Can Civilization Fail? By W, T. Radius
207 - Those Who Chirp and Mutter. By ArnoZd Brink
214 - The Bible' and the Pacifist. By Raymond R. Van Heukelom 214
215 - Democratic Method and Christian Education: A Discussion. By Nicholas J. Monsma and Cornelius BontekoeFROM OUR CORRESPONDENTS
218 - The Calvinistic Study Club
219 - Christian World Order Conference
220 - The Presbyterian Church, U. S. A.
221 - A Letter from NigeriaAROUND THE BOOK TABLE
221 - Monotheism and Evolution
222 - Two Books on the Atonement
223 - Devotional Theology
223 - The Decalogue
223 - Barth on the War
214 - Ecclesia Catholica
214 - Times Like These
214 - On Calvary -
The Calvin Forum: November, 1942
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 8, Issue: 4CONTENTS - VOLUME VIII, NO. 4 NOVEMBER, 1942
59 - Reformation Day
59 - Underground
59 - Dutch Calvinistic Press
59 - Calvinist Resistance
59 - Honest Confession
59 - Ecumenical Calvinism
59 - Princeton Theological Seminary
60 - Free Magyar Reformed Church
60 - Honorary Divinity DoctoratesARTICLES
61 - A World of Paradoxes. By Henry J. Ryskamp
64 - Klaus Harmsen. By Bastian Kruithof
66 - The Covenant Doctrine in History. By D. H. Kromminga
70 - "For All Thy Goodness Hath Bestowed ... " By Ala Bandon
71 - Armistice Day, 1942THE VOICE OF OUR READERS
71 - Deferment and Theological Students
73 - Common Grace and General RevelationFROM OUR CORRESPONDENTS
75 - South Africa
76 - French Canadians and .South Africans
78 - Common Grace Discussion
79 - The Reformed Faith in CanadaBOOKS
80 - Doctors of the Mind
80 - Gospel Walks and TalksVERSE
63 - Give Thanks
65 - The Bell Tolls -
The Calvin Forum: October, 1942
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 8, Issue: 3CONTENTS - VOLUME VIII, NO. 3 OCTOBER, 1942
35 - The Democratic Method and the Christian School - A DiscussionARTICLES
41 - General Revelation and the Holy Spirit. By Peter G. Berkhout
45 - Calvinism and the Covenant. By D. H. Kromminga
48 - Chronicle of Art. By Henry J. Van Ande
50 - Unrealistic Tower-Builders. By Ala BandonCHRISTIAN WORLD VOICES
51 - A NetherlandsLetter from London
51 - Dutch Calvinism in the Light
51 - Beddington Free Grace Library
52 - From Australia
53 - Presbyterian Church of New Zealand
53 - From the New Hebrides
55 - The Basis for DemocracyVERSE
40 - Peculiar Patriotism
49 - Bombers -
The Calvin Forum: April, 1943
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 8, Issue: 9CONTENTS - VOLUME VIII, NO. 9 APRIL, 1943
179 - Paganizing the Christian Festivals
180 - United Evangelical Action
180 - Roman Catholic Totalitarianism
181 - You Will Want This BookARTICLES
182 - Why Talk Peace Now? By Henry J. Ryskamp
185 - Planning for Higher Education. By Henry Schultze
188 - The Christian Philosophy of History. By D. H. Kromminga
192 - Two Approaches in Teaching Organic Sciences. By Edwin Y. Monsma
194 - British-Israelism. By Raymond R. Van Heukelom
197 - Modernism Refuted at Calvary. By Ala BandonAROUND THE BOOK TABLE
198 - Dr. Baillie's Pilgrimage
199 - Vindicating Faith in God
200 - Wolf-Children and Educational Psychology
200 - Books in BriefVERSE
184 - The Cross
187 - Not Death
191 - The Love of Christ
193 - Question and Answer -
The Calvin Forum: August-September, 1943
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 9, Issue: 1 & 2CONTENTS - VOLUME IX, NO. I - 2 AUG - SEPT., 1943
3 - Beginning Our Ninth Year
3 - Now That It May Be Had
4 - Secret Societies and the Orthodox Presbyterian Church
4 - The Civil Government and the Christian Faith
5 - Geerhardus Vos and Biblical TheologyARTICLES
7 - The Jew. By Jacob T. Hoogstra
10 - The Basis for a Durable Peace. By Chr. De Wit
12 - The Westminster Assembly. By Paul Woolley
16 - Jockeying for Position. By Henry J. Ryskamp
19 - What is Design? By Robert E. D. Clark
21 - Australian Calvinistic Pulse Beat
22 - Canadian Presbyterianism
22 - India in Ferment
24 - Dutch Reformed Ceylonese Tercentenary
25 - Medical Missions in India
25- The Presbyterian U. S. A. Church
27 - General Synod of the R. C. A.
28 - From a University Center29 - WHAT OUR READERS SAY
31 - Theological Bibliographies
31 - Westminster Assembly and Scotch Presbyterianism
31 - Reformed and Christian Reformed Church History - Sources
32 - Books in Brief
6 - Security
6 - He Must Increase
6 - Momentous Moment -
The Calvin Forum: December, 1943
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 9, Issue: 5CONTENTS - VOLUME IX, NO. 5 December, 1943
83 - Southern Regional Calvinistic Conference
83 - "The Methodist Challenge"
84 - Wilson and Roosevelt Vindicated
85 - A Triumphant Calvinism
86 - Editorial ChipsARTICLES
87 - The Christian View of Art: Consequences for Today. By Harold Dekker
90 - Christmas and the Second Adam. By Henry Schultze
92 - Our Achievements and Our Responsibilities. By Henry Ryskamp
95 - A Boy and a Boat. By Ala Bandon
96 - The Earth and Design. By R. E. D. ClarkLETTERS AND NEWS ARTICLES
98 - From the Christian School Front
99 - A Calvinistic Publication Society
100 - Religious News and CommentsOF BOOKS AND READING
101 - Whither Education?
102 - Genesis and the Restitution Theory
102 - Conservative or Liberal?
104 - Books in BriefVERSE
86 - Christmas and Bombs -
The Calvin Forum: February, 1943
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 8, Issue: 7CONTENTS - VOLUME VIII, NO. 7 FEBRUARY, 1943
131 - Global CalvinismARTICLES
132 - Liberal Arts in the Balances. By Henry Schultze
135 - Calvin and the Psalms. By John Gillies
138 - The Christian Philosophy of History: A Challenge. By D. H. Kromminga
141 - Recent American Labor Policies. By Joseph Gritter
144 - Christianity and International Relationships. By Chr. De Wit
146 - The Calvalcade of Salvation. By Ala BandonFROM OUR CORRESPONDENTS
147 - A Voice from Calvinistic France
148 - As a Christian Indian Sees India
149 - Ecumenical Calvinism and THE CALVIN FORUMBOOK REVIEWS
150 - From Genesis to Revelation
150 - This Freedom-Whence?
151 - God in History
152 - Six American Preachers
152 - Roman CatholicismVERSE
141 - January Zephyr -
The Calvin Forum: January, 1943
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 8, Issue: 6CONTENTS - VOLUME VIII, NO. 6 JANUARY, 1943
107 - Facing GodARTICLES
109 - Semantics. By Jacob G. Vandenbosch
112 - Extra-Territoriality _and Missions. By John C. DeKorne
113 - Recent Trends. By Henry J. Ryskamp
116 - A Prayer for the New Year. By Ala Bandon
117 - Klaus Hatmsen. By Bastian Kruithof
119 - The Holy Spirit and Sanctification. By Frederick R. HellegersTHE VOICE OF OUR READERS
121 - God in Our Public Schools
122 - Amillennialism-A DiscussionFROM OUR CORRESPONDENTS
124 - Mid-Western Discussion Club Meeting
124 - Michigan Calvinistic Philosophy Club
126 - Hungarian LetterTHE BOOK TABLE
127 - Europe's Churches Under the Cross
128 - Books in Brief -
The Calvin Forum: June-July, 1943
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 8, Issue: 11 & 12CONTENTS - VOLUME VIII. NO. 11-12 JUNE-JULY. 1943
227 - Tercentary Westminster Assembly
227 - Dr. Henry Sloane Coffin
228 - Calvin and Church Union
229 - Australian Calvinistic Voices
230 - The Free University of Amsterdam ClosedARTICLES
231 - The Story of the Westminster Assembly. By Thomas H. Spence, Jr.
234 - Klaus Harmsen on Realism. By Bastian Kruithof
236 - The Christian· and Organized Labor. By Clarence Boomsma
240 - Pyramidology, Anti-Semitism, and British-Israelism. By R. R. Van Heukelom
243 - More Rats on the Ship of Democracy. By Ala BandonFROM OUR CORRESPONDENTS
245 - Presbyterian Church of New Zealand
245 - The Free Church of Scotland
246 - Michigan Calvinistic Philosophy Club
247 - Synod of the Christian Reformed Church
248 - Westminster and the O. P. C.
250 - United American Calvinistic Action
251 - Afrikaans and English in South AfricaAROUND THE BOOK TABLE
253 - A New Testament Introduction
253 - Jesus and the Early Church
254 - A Critique of Pentateuchal CriticismVERSE
230 - Blot
244 - Harmony of Life
252 - Singing Tower
255 - INDEX -
The Calvin Forum: March, 1943
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 8, Issue: 8CONTENTS - VOLUME VIII, NO. 8 MARCH, 1943
155 - Donald Maclean: An Editorial TributeARTICLES
157 - Chemistry in a Christian College. By Harry G. Dekker
160 - The Christian View of the Strike. By Joseph Gritter
163 - The Christian Philosophy of History: Basis and Task. By D. H. Kromminga
167 - Calvinism and Baroque. By Henry J. Van Andel
168 - The Law and Grace. By G. H. Hospers
170 - Klaus Harmsen. By Bastian Kruithof
171 - Twenty Lenten Voices. By Ala BandonFROM OUR CORRESPONDENTS
172 - Canadian-Dutch Tribute to the House of Orange
173 - Appreciation of Dr. Maclean
173 - From CaliforniaBOOK REVIEWS
174 - Shops, Strikes, Unions
174 - How to Conduct Funerals
175 - Classified Scripture Texts
175 - On the Mennonites
175 - Sects and Isms
176 - Books in Brief -
The Calvin Forum: May, 1943
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 8, Issue: 10CONTENTS - VOLUME VIII, NO. 10 MAY, 1943
203 - Dr. Kraemer and His Testimony
204 - Post-War Rehabilitation Funds
204 - Feeding Starving Europe
204 - Commemorating May 10, 1940ARTICLES
206 - The Church-Related College Justified. By Henry Schultze
208 - Design in Inorganic Nature. By R. E. D. Clark
211 - Calvinism and Precisianism in Dutch Art. By Henry J. Van Andel
213 - Are the Anglo-Saxons Israelites? By Raymond R. Van Heukelom
216 - Labor Unions and Christian Principles. By Clarence Boomsma
219 - Rats Aboard the Ship of Democracy. By Ala BandonFROM OUR CORRESPONDNETS
220 - Dr. Maclean and the "Evangelical Quarterly"
220 - Church and School in Quebec Province
221 - The Calvinistic Study Club
221 - Ecumenical Calvinism and Special Benevolent Funds
222 - The American Scientific AffiliationTHE VOICE OF OUR READERS
223 - From the Canal Zone
223 - From a Naval Chaplain
223 - Appreciation and SuggestionBOOKS
223 - Repentance
224 - Lyman Beecher Lectures
224 - Books in BriefVERSE
205 - Call to Worship
222 - Pentecost -
The Calvin Forum: November, 1943
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 9, Issue: 4CONTENTS - VOLUME IX, NO. 4 November, 1943
59 - An American Calvinistic University?ARTICLES
60 - A University, the Capstone of Our Christian Educational System. By Clarence Bouma
66 - Klaus Harmsen on Deep Sermons. By Bastian Kruithof
68 - The Christian and Art: Basic Principles. By Harold Dekker
71 - Five Men and God. By Ala BandonLETTERS AND NEWS ARTICLE
72 - Conditions in India
73 - The War and Politics in South Africa
74 - Ecumenical Notes
75 - Hungarian Letter
76 - Michigan Calvinistic Philosophy Club
77 - News Chips
78 - News Release re Christian UniversityOF BOOKS AND READING
79 - On the Holy Spirit
80 - The Sabbath-Sunday Issue in Reformed Thought
80 - My Father's WorldVERSE
65 - The Dark -
The Calvin Forum: October, 1943
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 9, Issue: 3CONTENTS - VOLUME IX, NO. 3 October, 1943
35 - Calvinism Vibrant with Life
35 - National Association of Evangelicals
36 - Our South Afriean Brethreh
37 - Promoting the Reformed FaithARTICLES
39 - Cultural Democracy. By Henry Schultze
42 - The Ethics of Capital Punishment. By Ralph Wildschut
47 - Design and Life. By Robert E. D. Clark
50 - Principia-Non Homines. By Ala BandonFROM OUR CORRESPONDENTS
51 - Australian Calvinistic Society
52 - Religious News and CommentsOF BOOKS AND READING
53 - Hutchins on College Education
53 - Buttrick on Prayer
54 - A South-African Doctor's Thesis
55 - Blitz, Dictators, and Dynamite
55 - Klausmer on Jesus and Paul
56 - Vagaries on Russia
56 - McCready on CreationVERSE
38 - Oh Absalom, My Son, My Son!
46 - Tower View -
The Calvin Forum: April, 1944
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 9, Issue: 9CONTENTS - VOLUME IX. NO. 9 April. 1944
179 - Four R. C. A. VoicesARTICLES
182 - The Stigma of Stigmatization. By Henry Verduin
183 - The Westminster Standards and the Formulas of Unity. By D. H. Kromminga
188 - "The New Minister" By Leonard Verduin
192 - Amillennialism-An Open Letter. By Albertus PietersTHE VOICE OF OUR READERS
195 - As to President Roosevelt
196 - Amillennialism
196 - A Contagious EnthusiasmFROM OUR CORRESPONDENTS
196 - The Jackson Calvinistic Conference
198 - From New Zealand
200 - News and CommentsVERSE
181 - Easter -
The Calvin Forum: August-September, 1944
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 10, Issue: 1 & 2CONTENTS - VOLUME X, NO. 1-2 Aug - Sept., 1944
3 - Dewey Bites Back
3 - Newspaper Monopoly
3 - The Outstanding Radio Racket
4 - The Disintegration of Christian Sensitiveness
4 - Education on the Balances
5 - The Youth Looks at the Church
5 - Psychoneurosis and EducationARTICLES
6 - Planning for Freedom. By Henry J. Ryskamp
9 - The Value of a Calvinistic Training in a Disillusioned World. By Louis Berkhof
13 - Personality Disorders and a Calvinistic Approach. By Wendell H. Rooks 13
16 - Crime and Religiqn. By Donald H. Bouma
19 - The Principle of the Moral Margin. By Titus Heyboer
23 - Americanization. By G. BesselaarFROM OUR CORRESPONDENTS
27 - The Presbyterian Church in the U. S. A.
29 - Eastern Church News LetterBOOK REVIEWS
30 - Ministering to the Afflicted
31 - History of the Sunday School
31 - Doctrine for Laymen31 - NEWS AND VIEWS
The Calvin Forum: December, 1944
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 10, Issue: 5CONTENTS - VOLUME X, NO. S DECEMBER, 1944
83 - No Christmas Here
83 - Hendrikus Colijn Answers the Great SummonsARTICLES
85 - Light Came Into the World. By Henry Schultze
87 - Education Begins at Forty. By WiLliam T. Radius
90 - Joshua, Hezekiah, and Harry Rimmer. By John De Vries
92 - Educational Policy and Population Changes. By Lambert J. Flokstra
95 - The Religion of the Zunis. By Engbert UbelsFROM OUR CORRESPONDENTS
98 - Reformed Church in America
99 - Calvinistic Philosophy ClubBOOK REVIEWS
100 - The Cross and the Atonement
101 - Worship
101 - On the Gospels
102 - New Light on the Institutes
103 - On the French Dutch Psalter
103 - Charles G. Finney
104 - On Genesis
104 - Recent Trends
104 - FictionVERSE
84 - Christmas Peace
89 - In Holland's Streets
89 - Argument -
The Calvin Forum: February, 1944
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 9, Issue: 7CONTENTS - VOLUME IX, NO. 7 February, 1944
131 - Back to God
131 - What Our Seminaries Desperately Need
132 - Anabaptistic Extremism
133 - The Reformation and Liberalism
133 - Calvinistic ConferencesARTICLES
136 - The Screwtape Letters. By Christian De Wit
140 - Christian Labor Unions. By Dorr Kuizema
143 - Nature God's Handiwork. By R. E. D. Clark
145 - "This Do in Remembrance of Me" By Ala BandonTHE VOICE OF OUR READERS
146 - The Essence of ProtestantismFROM OUR CORRESPONDENTS
147 - A Princeton Letter
148 - Regional Calvinistic Conference at Jackson, Miss
148 - Inside Heroic, Suffering Holland
149 - News and CommentsOF BOOKS AND READING
150 - Holland and the Nazis
150 - The Christian Reformed Tradition
151 - The Screwtape Letters
151 - The Person of Christ
151 - The Restitution Theory of Creation
152 - Keep Up Your Reading: A Book a MonthVERSE
135 - Unhewn
135 - Acknowledgment
135 - Wider Horizons -
The Calvin Forum: January, 1944
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 9, Issue: 6CONTENTS - VOLUME IX, NO. 6 January, 1944
107 - Realistic IdealismARTICLES
109 - Jesus in a Philosopher's Christmas. By Carl F. H. Henry
111 - The Theology of the Westminster Standards. By John Murray
115 - Things the Bible Does Not Teach About Labor. By Martin Monsma
117 - Why the University Student Believes in Evolution. By Donald H. Bouma121 - THE VOICE OF OUR READERS
122 - Calvinism and the Forum
122 - The Calvinistic Study Club
123 - Eastern News Letter
124 - Southern Regional Calvinistic Conference
125 - News Chips and CommentsOF BOOKS AND READING
126 - American Idealism
127 - Books in Brief
127 - Keep Up Your Reading: A Book a Month
128 - Recent Magazines of Value -
The Calvin Forum: June-July, 1944
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 9, Issue: 11 & 12CONTENTS - VOLUME IX, NO. 11-12 June-July, 1944
227 - A Calamity Averted
227 - Roman Attack on Protestant Missions
228 - Returning Service MenARTICLES
229 - The Bible on Liberty. By Charles Vincze
223 - Kleine Klaus. By Klaus Harmsen
235 - The Christian Approach to the Writing of History. By W. Stanford Reid
239 - Crime and Religion. By Donald H. Bouma
241 - The Status of Israe. By G. H. Hospers
243 - From the Gutter to the Holy Hills. By Ala BandonFROM OUR CORRESPONDENTS
244 - A Letter from South Africa
245 - Conditions in India
246 - From the Christian School Front
248 - Michigan Calvinistic Philosophy Club
249 - "God Will Take Care"
249 - News and Views
251 - The Church in HollandOF BOOKS AND READING
253 - Milton's Calvinism
254 - History of Civilization
254 - False Religions
254 - Theology TodayVERSE
232 - Sunrise255 - INDEX
The Calvin Forum: March, 1944
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 9, Issue: 8CONTENTS - VOLUME IX, NO. 8 March, 1944
155 - The Jackson Calvinistic ConferenceARTICLES
157 - Christian Shibboleths and the Post-War World. By W. Stanford Reid
162 - Life Without Father. By Klaus Harmsen
164 - The Quest for Security. By Henry J. Ryskamp
165 - Open Letter on Amillennialism. By Albertus PietersFROM OUR CORRESPONDENTS
169 - The Jackson Regional Calvinistic Conference
170 - Wooster Student Planning Conference
171 - President Mackay at Western Seminary
172 - "The Good Neighbor Alibi"
172 - National Association of Evangelicals
173 - News and CommentsOF BOOKS AND READING
175 - With a Dutch Accent
176 - Netherlands Culture
176 - Dutch Thought
176 - A Book a Month: Calvin's Institutes -
The Calvin Forum: May, 1944
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 9, Issue: 10CONTENTS - VOLUME IX, NO. 10 May, 1944
203 - A Serious Situation
204 - The N. A. E. Goes Forward
204 - A War-Time Confession
205 - Sovereign GraceARTICLES
206 - Why Not Two Universities? By Henry J. Van Andel
211 - The National Association of Evangelicals. By William H. Rutgers
215 - Economic Statesmanship. By Henry J. Ryskamp
217 - The Need and Place of the Church. By Ala BandonTHE VOICE OF OUR READERS
218 - Christianity and Labor
218 - Appreciation of Roosevelt
218 - The Dutch Theological SourcesFROM OUR CORRESPONDENTS
219 - The Calvinistic Study Club
219 - Michigan Calvinistic Philosophy Club
221 - Convention National Association of Eveingelicals
222 - News and ViewsOF BOOKS AND READING
222 - Three New Testament Books
224 - A Book a Month: Compend of the InstitutesVERSE
210 - Eternal Life -
The Calvin Forum: November, 1944
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 10, Issue: 4CONTENTS - VOLUME X. NO. 4 NOVEMBER, 1944
59 - Dewey versus RooseveltARTICLES
61 - The Scapegoat in Education. By Henry Schultze
63 - Freedom in the Post-War Economy. By Henry J. Ryskamp
66 - The False Antithesis. By Peter Y. DeJong
69 -Population Changes and Educational Policy. By Lambert J. FlokstraFROM OUR CORRESPONDENTS
72 - The Reformed Testimony in Canada
72 - Hungarian-American Plea in Behalf of Transylvania
74 - "God Will Take Care"
75 - Letters from the Southwest PacificBOOK REVIEWS
78 - The World Order and Religion
78 - Minority Groups
79 - Two Books to Study Dutch
79 - America's Dutch Immigrants
80 - Making the Reformers Live
The Calvin Forum was published from May 1935 through March 1956. Recognizing that "The intelligent Christian is facing a serious and challenging situation today...living in an age of intellectual ferment and spiritual perplexity." The Calvin Forum sought to provide for the engagement of contemporary issues and devoted itself to provide "helpful discussion of subjects in the realms of Religion and Theology, History and Philosophy, Natural Science and Medicine, Sociology and Economics, Political Science and International Law, Psychology and Education, Literature and Art. Averse to anything musty or academic, it aims to be both popular and scholarly. It would seek to deal with these issues in such an untechnical way as to make an appeal to all intelligent and thoughtful Christians."
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