The Calvin Forum: October, 1954
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 20, Issue: 3CONTENTS - VOLUME XX, NO. 3 OCTOBER, 1954
27 - Music Education and the Joint Responsibilities of the Home, School, and Church. By Henry Bruinsma
31 - A New Synthesis-Philosophy: III By Dirk Jellema
33 - The Effect of the Doleantie on the Christian Reformed Church: II By G. van Groningen
40 - Calvin College Chapel Talk. By R. Otten
42 - Liberalist Dogma. By Henry Zylstra
42 - Christenen in de Antieke Wereld. By Albertus Pieters
43 - Revised Version or Revised Bible. By John Wm. Wevers
45 - Economics and Religion. By Henry van Andel
46 - De Komst van het Koninkrijk. By Herman Kuiper
46 - Herman Witsius. By H. J. Triezenberg
47 - Diseases Mentioned in the Bible. By Stuart Bergsma
48 - Hart Tegen Hard. By Richard Veltman -
The Calvin Forum: April, 1955
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 20, Issue: 9CONTENTS - VOLUME XX, NO. 9 APRIL, 1956
171 - The Daane Reviews: I
171 - The Daane Reviews: II
Daane's A Theology of Grace: a Symposium
172 - Raymond Opperwall
175 - Edward Heerema
179 - William Young
181 - Leonard Verduin
182 - On Brute Facts (continued) By Harold J. Franz
186 - An Inherited Epistemology: I By James Daane -
The Calvin Forum: August-September, 1955
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 21, Issue: 1 & 2CONTENTS - VOLUME XXI, NO. 1-2 AUG - SEP, 1955
1 - The Maintenance of Power in the Pulpit. By Ben Lacy Rose
5 - The Battle of the Scrolls. By Simon J. De Vries
9 - Christian Principles and Assumptions for Economic Life. By John Vanden Berg
The Calvin Forum: December, 1955
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 21, Issue: 5CONTENTS - VOLUME XXI, NO. 5 DEC, 1955
49 - God's Calendar and Ours. By Henry Schultze
51 - Thou Shalt Not Steal. By John E. Meeter
53 - We Rethink Christian Education. By Cornelius Jaarsma
The Calvin Forum: February, 1955
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 20, Issue: 7CONTENTS - VOLUME XX, NO. 7 FEBRUARY, 1955
123 - All One Body We. By John Kromminga
128 - Augustine's Contribution to Constitutionalism in Government. By S. R. Kamm
133 - A 'Kafir' in Kashmir: II. By Stuart Bergsma
137 - Present Trends in 0. T. Theology as Represented in the Albright Influence. By Leon J. Wood
The Calvin Forum: January, 1955
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 20, Issue: 6CONTENTS - VOLUME XX, NO. 5 DECEMBER, 1954
75 - The Faith of Mary. By John Weidenaar
76 - We Are American. By John Kromminga
80 - Evanston-An Appraisal. By Jacob Hoogstra
84 - Trends of Biblical Studies of Old Testament Theology. By Martin Wyngaarden
90 - St. Augustine-Philosopher and Churchman. By Cecil De BoerCORRESPONDENCE
The Calvin Forum: June-July, 1955
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 20, Issue: 11 & 12CONTENTS - VOLUME XX, NO. 11-12 JUNE-JULY, 1955
219 - The Philosophy of Vollenhoven and Dooyeweerd. By J. P. A. Mekkes
222 - Answer to Mekkes. By Dirk Jellerna
223 - Holland's Struggle Against the Sea. By Peter Oppewall
226 - Some Comments on "The Christian and Philosophy" By Clifton Orlebeke
227 - Sins with a High Hand. By Martin Wyngaarden
230 - Opportunism, the Pbilosophy of Practical People. By Eric Eclwin Pcmlson
231 - Is Death the Only Punishment for Unbelievers? By J. R. Mantey
232 - Letter from Japan
233 - Sister Churches in Australia
233 - Reformed Theological College in Australia
239-240 - INDEX TO VOLUME XX -
The Calvin Forum: March, 1955
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 20, Issue: 8CONTENTS - VOLUME XX, NO. 8 MARCH, 1955
147 - Franklin's Proposal for Prayer in the Federal Convention. By Peter Hoekstra
150 - On Brute Facts. By Harold J. Franz
153 - The Death of a Salesman. By Charlotte F. Otten
157 - The Interpretatoin of Ecclesiastes. By Martin J. Wyngaarden
161 - Investing in Good Schools. By John A. Vander Ark
The Calvin Forum: May, 1955
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 20, Issue: 10CONTENTS - VOLUME XX, NO. 10 MAY, 1955
195 - The Christian and Philosophy. By Nicholas Wolterstorff
200 - History, Sextant and Compass. By John Rooze
202 - Dutch Art and Calvinism. By Benry J. Van Andel
204 - An Inherited Theology: II By James Daane
209 - A Letter from Northern Ireland
210 - Evangelical Theological Society News Release
210 - NAE News Releases
The Calvin Forum: November, 1955
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 21, Issue: 4CONTENTS - VOLUME XXI, NO. 4 NOV, 1955
33 - The Key of Knowledge. By William Spoelhof
36 - Must we Rethink Christian Education? By Cornelius Jaarsma
40 - Creation and Theistic Evolution45 - CORRESPONDENCE
The Calvin Forum: October, 1955
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 21, Issue: 3CONTENTS - VOLUME XXI, NO. 3 OCT, 1955
17 - Urbanism - A Christian Challenge. By Donald H. Bouma
20 - Science and Irreligion. By Cecil De Boer
25 - The Place of Mathematics in the Christian School Curriculum. By John Tuls28 - CORRESPONDENCE
The Calvin Forum: February, 1956
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 21, Issue: 6CONTENTS - VOLUME XXI, NO. 6 JAN, 1956
65 - Karl Barth on God's Decrees. By Herman Kuiper
67 - The structure of Personality. By Johannes D. Plekker
73 - Some Comments. By J. P. A. Mekkes
73 - Response to Prof. Mekkes. By Dirk Jellema
76 - Hebrew in a Nazi Court Room
The Calvin Forum: January, 1956
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 21, Issue: 7 & 8CONTENTS - VOLUME XXI, NO. 7 & 8 FEBRUARY - MARCH, 1956
81- Karl Barth on God's Decrees - Part II. By Herman Kuiper
84 - On Writing a LIfe. By John Timmerman
87 - "Curse of Souls" or "Pastoral Care". By Cornelius Jaarsma
92 - Detmold: A New Chapter in Reformed Eumenicity
95 - The American Role in the Awakening of the Near East. By Charles J. Miller
The Calvin Forum was published from May 1935 through March 1956. Recognizing that "The intelligent Christian is facing a serious and challenging situation today...living in an age of intellectual ferment and spiritual perplexity." The Calvin Forum sought to provide for the engagement of contemporary issues and devoted itself to provide "helpful discussion of subjects in the realms of Religion and Theology, History and Philosophy, Natural Science and Medicine, Sociology and Economics, Political Science and International Law, Psychology and Education, Literature and Art. Averse to anything musty or academic, it aims to be both popular and scholarly. It would seek to deal with these issues in such an untechnical way as to make an appeal to all intelligent and thoughtful Christians."
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