The Calvin Forum: October, 1949
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 15, Issue: 3CONTENTS - VOLUME XV, NO. 3 OCTOBER, 1949
35 - Reformed Ecumenical Synod: Amsterdam 1949
38 - South Africa's Race Problem. By Ralph J. Danhof
41 - Johann Wolfgang Goethe: 1749-1949. By Clarence K. Pott
45 - Hearts Aflame. By Anthony A. Hoekema
48 - Christianity and the Acquisitive Urge in Man. By Leonard Verduin
51 - Michigan Calvinistic Philosophy Club
51 - Glimpses from India
52 - Calvin's Institutes in Spanish
53 - From Princeton Seminary
54 - Tennyson: Man and Poet
55 - Theology and Philosophy
55 - Calvin on the Synoptics
56 - Calvin on JohnVERSE
50 - Bright Hours -
The Calvin Forum: April, 1950
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 15, Issue: 9CONTENTS - VOLUME XV, NO. 9 APRIL, 1950
179 - As to Calvinistic Political Action: A Symposium. By W. Stanford Reid
181 - Gerald Monsman
182 - Rene de Visme Williamson
183 - Richard Postma
185 - Is Thrift Outmoded? By Henry J. Ryskamp
188 - Puritanism in Bryant's Poetry. By Andrew Vanderzee
190 - California News Letter
191 - The Present Leaders of the "Societe Calviniste de France"
192 - The Voice of Our Readers
193 - Ethiopian Letter
193 - Netherlands LetterBOOK REVIEWS
195 - Barth in a Nutshell
196 - Principles of Christian Higher Education
196 - A Treasury of Teaching
198 -The Freedom of Science in Russia
199 - Homer's Iliad
199 - The Challenge of Labor
199 - Jesus' Trial
200 - The Church and the Ministry TodayVERSE
187 - Earth's Awakening
189 - Hold April Over -
The Calvin Forum: August-September, 1950
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 16, Issue: 1 & 2CONTENTS - VOLUME XVI, NO. 1-2 AUG.-SEPT., 1950
3 - Congratulations, Potchefstroorn!
4 - Jeno Sebestyen Called Home
6 - Workmen of Worth. By John T. Holwerda
9 - Prosperity: Lasting or Ephemeral? By Earl Strikwerda
11 - Calvinism-Fetish or Faith ? By George Stab
15 - John T. Flynn Looks Ahead. By Lester De Koster
19 - Our Goodly Heritage. By Charles Vincze
23 - Good News from South Africa
24 - The Calvin Foundation
25 - Canadian Calvinistic Conference
25 - Letter from South India
26 - Irish Evangelical Church
27 - All About the Temple
27 - Jewish Social Life
28 - Making Wise the Simple
28 - On the Miracles
29 - Higher Criticism on the Accuracy of Acts
30 - Calvin as a Preacher
31 - Christian Missions or Humanitarianism?
31 - Otherworldly Only?
31 - A Remarkable Family
32 - Christianity and CultureVERSE
18 - Apology -
The Calvin Forum: December, 1950
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 16, Issue: 5CONTENTS - VOLUME XVI, NO. V DECEMBER, 1950
81 - The Advent Gospel in Isaiah. By John H. Bratt
82 - Mary, the Virgin Mother of Jesus. By Harold J. Ockenga
86 - Scripture and Theology. By William H. Rutgers
89 - Calvinism: Faith, Life, and Worship. By Wm. Childs Robinson
90 - Some Currents Beneath the Elections. By Earl Strikwerda
92 - Evangelical Theological Society
92 - International Fellowship of Evangelical Students
93 - Dutch Emigration to Australia
94 - South African Letter
95 - National Association of Christian Schools
96 - The Imitation of Christ
96 - Recent Dutch Theological Works
97 - Christianity as Covenantal Continuity
97 - The Christian Principle in Politics
98 - Orthodox Heritage
98 - Two O. T. Commentaries
99 - Old Testament Studies
99 - Books for Children
100 - Denominations, Sects, Cults, Organizations -
The Calvin Forum: February, 1950
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 15, Issue: 7CONTENTS - VOLUME XV, NO. 7 FEBRUARY, 1950
131 - Orthodox Theological Scholarship
135 - Toward a Calvinistic Program of Social Action. By Lewis B. Smedes
139 - Calvinism as a Political Principle. By J. M. Vander Kroef
142 - These Middle Years. By Earl Strikwerda
144 - Strong's Conception of the Atonement. By Warren C. Young
147 - The French Calvinistic Society
148 - From the Calvin Campus
149 - An American Evangelical Theological Society
150 - Two New Testament Studies
150 - Religious Encyclopedia
151 - Is this the Gospel?
151 - Humanistic Moralism
152 - Communicating Ideas
134 - Etching
138 - Morning in Winter -
The Calvin Forum: January, 1950
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 15, Issue: 6CONTENTS - VOLUME XV, NO. 6 JANUARY, 1950
107 - Forward in FaithARTICLES
109 - Retrospect and Prospect: 1949-1950. By Henry Ryskamp
111 - A Living Theology. By Henry Stab
114 - Church and State in Dutch Education
117 - Professor Lecerf and French Calvinism
118 - A Letter from Holland
119 - Boston Christian Education Conference
121 - Britain and the U. S.
121 - Exposition Dutch Art and CultureBOOK REVIEWS
123 - The Humble Profession
124 - Towards a Definition of Democracy
124 - Early American Presbyterianism
126 - Translation or Revision?
126 - Work on Paul Reissued
126 - Some Scientists on Evolution
127 - Toward a One-Church World
127 - Modernist Federal and World Council
127 - Peace of Soul
128 - Christian Fiction
128 - Religious Communism FictionalizedVERSE
108 - Year's End
113 - Yesterday-Today -
The Calvin Forum: June-July, 1950
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 15, Issue: 11 & 12CONTENTS - VOLUME XV, NO. 11-12 JUNE-JULY, 1950
277 - La Revue Reformee
228 - The Symposium Goes Forward
229 - Calvinism and Political Action: A Symposium. By J. C. Mathews
231 - The Symposium Continues: Dichotomy Revisited. By Justus M. VanderKroef
235 - Church Proclamation and the Modern Mind. By James Daane
238 - Desperately Needed-A Philosophy of Education. By Henry Schultze
241 - Abraham Kuyper: Forgotten Radical? By Dirk JellemaFROM OUR CORRESPONDENTS
243 - Synod Reformed Church in America
244 - Reformed Church of Ceylon
245 - International Christian Student ConferenceBOOK REVIEWS
247 - Fiction with Catholic Propaganda
248 - The Plight of the Negro
248 - What about Television?
248 - Miracle and Myth
250 - Old Testament Prophecy and Zionism
250 - The Apocalypse Popularized
251 - Ephesians and Philippians
252 - Barnes' Notes
252 - The Apostolic Church
253 - John Calvin as Preacher
253 - Advanced Catechism Manual
253 - The Shorter Catechism
254 - Is Calvinism Relevant Today?VERSE
228 - Discontent
255 - INDEX to Volume XV -
The Calvin Forum: March, 1950
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 15, Issue: 8CONTENTS - VOLUME XV, NO. 8 MARCH, 1950
155 - Calvinism and Political Action: A Symposium. By William Spoelhof
156 - Amry VandenBosch
157 - Edward J. Tanis
158 - Donald H. Bouma
159 - Earl Strikwerda
161 - The Place of Science in Christian Education. By Henry Schultze
164 - A Third "Reformed Ecumenical Synod"? By J. K. Van Baalen
167 - Festivities in South Africa
168 - A Letter from India
169 - Hungarian Letter
170 - Letter from Irish Calvinists
171 - Kierkegaardian Philosophy
173 - Sermons by Dr. Bonnell
173 - The Roman Octopus
173 - Two Works on the Old Testament
175 - Mid-Century Religious Art
176 - A Christology of Experience
176 - Puritan-Anglican Controversy
166 - Woods in Winter -
The Calvin Forum: May, 1950
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 15, Issue: 10CONTENTS - VOLUME XV, NO. 10 MAY, 1950
203 - Christian Social and Political Action: A Symposium Cecil De Boer
205 - Joseph Gritter
207 - Robert F. De Haan
209 - The Church and Her Proclamation. By James Daane
211 - Abraham Kuyper: Forgotten Radical ? .... Dirk Jellema 211
213 - With Paul Through Greece in 1950. By J. Gysbert Bouma,
.213 - A Junior College, What Kind? By James A. Van Zwoll
217 - Irish Calvini$t Letter
218 - An Australian Voice
218 - Letter from the Netherlands
219 - Literary Venture
220 - Wanted: A Protestant Philosophy of Education
221 - Commentaries on Genesis
221 - Modernizing St. Paul?
222 - Talks and Meditations
223 - Freedom of Conscience
223 - Calvinistic Principle in Sociology
224 - Dutch Calvinism in History -
The Calvin Forum: November, 1950
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 16, Issue: 4CONTENTS - VOLUME XVI, NO. IV NOVEMBER 1950
59 - Johann Sebastian Bach: A Lesson for Today. By Henry A. Bruinsma
61 - Scripture and Theology. By William H. Rutgers
64 - Abraham Kuyper: His Early Life and Conversion. By Catherine M. E. Kuyper
68 - Pastoral Psychology. By Anthony A. Hoekema
70 - Hungarian Letter
71 - Afrikaans, the Language of the BoersBOOK REVIEWS
73 - Literary Beginnings
73 - Can Science Save Mankind?
74 - Confronting the Church with Her Past
75 - Dr. Polman on the Creed
76 - Heaven and History
77 - The Polity of the Churches
77 - Church Polity: The Final Authority
78 - Payton Lectures at Pasadena by Robinson
79 - Searching the Scriptures
79 - Presbyterian and Reformed Groups -
The Calvin Forum: October, 1950
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 16, Issue: 3CONTENTS - VOLUME XVI, NO. 3 OCTOBER 1950
35 - Editorial Chips
87 - Training Ambassadors. By Henry Schultze
40 - Escapism and Realism in Christian Art. By W. Stanford Reid
43 - American Scientific Affiliation
44 - National Union of Christian Schools
45 - Calvin News Letter
46 - Presbyterian Church of Canada
46 - Netherlands Letter
47 - Christianity and Politics
48 - On Flynn and Socialism
49 - Reply to Mr. Maatman
50 - Apologetic-Dogmatic Studies of Dr. Berkouwer
51 - Mennonite History
52 - Calvinist Commentaries
53 - Stimulating a Social Consciousness
54 - What Did They Preach?
54 - Biographical Preaching
55 - A Faith for Today?
55 - Theological Classics Re-edited or Reprinted
36 - Lift Your Portals -
The Calvin Forum: April, 1951
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 16, Issue: 9CONTENTS - VOLUME XVI, NO. IX APRIL. 1951
177 - Loyal for Seventy-Five Years. By Henry Schultze
179 - Calvin College and Seminary - Out of One. By George Stob
180 - The Problem of Educational Reform in the Netherlands. By Cornelius Jaarsma
184 - The Preacher of Geneva. By Harold Deker
186 - Sinclair Lewis and F. Scott Fitzgerald. By John Timmerman
188 - Greetings from a Jubilating Campus
189 - Report from India
189 - The Dutch Again in Ireland
191 - Maintaining the Orthodox Tradition
192 - Classics Republished
192 - Biblical Interpretation
193 - Recent Literature on Martin Luther
193 - A Missionary's Biography
194 - Toward a Christian Literature
194 - Old Testament Come Alive
195 - Dispensationalism and the Bible
195 - The Study of God's Word
196 - Daily Devotions for Soldiers and Sailors
196 - Diekema as Orator
197 - Practical Jolts
198 - The Christian Home and Covenantal Culture
198 - Missionary Biography
198 - The Prophet Micah
187 - Come, Buy of Me -
The Calvin Forum: August-September, 1951
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 17, Issue: 1 & 2CONTENTS - VOLUME XVII, NO. 1.-11. AUG.-SEPT.
Calvinistic Action and the Realities in America. By Cecil De Boer
Albert Schweitzer as Theologian. By John Bratt
What Is History? By John Stam
Summons to Faithfulness. By Henry Bajema
The Summer at Princeton. By John Wevers
Secularization of Education. By Cornelius J aarsma
The Solution to America's Dilemma. By John L. De Beer
How Shall We Meet Roman Catholicism? By J. F. Schuurman
Confronting Western Culture with Christ. By Alexander C. De Jong
The Care of the Soul. By Alexander C. De Jong
Dispensational Devotion. By J. F. Schuurman
A New Reformed Commentary in English. By Henry Erffmeyer -
The Calvin Forum: December, 1951
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 17, Issue: 5CONTENTS - VOLUME XVII, NO. V. DECEMBER, 1951
71 - The Miracles of the Incarnation. By Henry Schultze
72 - Some Factors Involved in the Problem of Race. By Cecil De Boer
75 - What the Church Should Expect of Its Department of Missions. By Jacob T. Hoogstra
79 - Paul Tillich's Systematic Theology. By James Daane
83 - Aims and Purposes of Christian Trade Unionism. By W. F. de Gaay Foortman
88 - The Doctrine of the Deity of Christ in the Early Church. By John H. Bratt
91 - News from South Africa. By J. Chr. Coetze
91 - Creedal Controversy. By Alexander De Jong
91 - Heritage of a Statesman. By Henry R. Van Til -
The Calvin Forum: February, 1951
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 16, Issue: 7CONTENTS - VOLUME XVI, NO. VII FEBRUARY, 1951
129 - Moral Requisites of Peace. By Cecil De Boer
132 - Brunner's Idea of God. By James Daane
136 - The Quest for a Calvinistic Philosophy. By Henry J. VanAndel
138 - The Second Islam. By Harry R. Boer
140 - The Ecumenical Horizon. By Jacob T. Hoogstra
143 - South African Letter
143 - Tribute to Dr. F. Postma
144 - Netherlands Letter
144 - Evangelical Theological Society
146 - The Christian Renaissance and Calvinism
147 - Calvinistic Philosophy
148 - The Nation as Church
149 - Two Catholic Works on Calvinistic Theology
149 - Reformed Biblical Scholarship
150 - Scriptural Interpretation
150 - Orthodox Old Testament Studies
150 - Help for the Bible Student
135 - Walk In Winter -
The Calvin Forum: January, 1951
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 16, Issue: 6CONTENTS - VOLUME XVI, NO. VI JANUARY, 1951
105 - Capitalism or Socialism? Report of Symposium. By Dick L. Van Halsema
108 - Christianity, Capitalism, and Socialism. By William H. Jellema
113 - Is Free Enterprise Anti-Christian? A Reprint. By Clarence Bouma
119 - Theology and the Economic Question. By John H. Kromminga
121 - California News Letter
122 - Great Britain and Ireland
122 - The Free Church of Scotland
123 - Dutch Calvinists to Australia
124 - Communism and Christianity in China
124 - Hungarian Freedom and Russian Absolutism
125 - A Minister's Autobiography
125 - Comedy
126 - "Evangelical" Humanism
126 - Hymns in History -
The Calvin Forum: June-July, 1951
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 16, Issue: 11 & 12CONTENTS - VOLUME XVI, NO. Xl-XII JUNE-JULY, 1951
225 - The Theological Accent of Calvins Preaching. By Harold Dekker
227 - The Second Letter. By Bastian Kruithof
231 - Revelation in Nature. By Enno Wolthuis
235 - The Reformed Faith and the Unity of the Church. By W. Stanford Reid
238 - South Africa. By J. Chr. Coetzee
239 - The Netherlands. By Pieter Prins
240 - World Council Under Scrutiny
240 - An Appraisal of New Orthodoxy
241 - Peerless Passion Trinity Republished
242 - Postscript to the Preacher at Geneva
242 - Popular Dutch Commentaries Republished at Kampen
242 - Victorious Faith
243 - Another Approach to Passion Exposition
243 - Launching the Christian Textbook Program
243 - World Crisis
244 - Perspectives in Prophecy
230 - To a Cricket
245 - INDEX to Volume XVI -
The Calvin Forum: March, 1951
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 16, Issue: 8CONTENTS - VOLUME XVI, NO. VIII MARCH, 1951
153 - America as World Leader. By Cecil De Boer
156 - Rethinking Education in the Netherlands. By Cornelius Jacirsma
160 - Authority in the Sciences. By Enno Wolthuis
163 - The Weapons We Are Forced to Borrow. By Earl Strikwercla
166 - European Wanderings
167 - Second Annual Canadian Calvinistic Conference
167 - Chicago Calvinistic Student Forum
167 - California Association of Christian Schools
169 - Jerusalem and Athens
170 - Greek and Jew in Hellenistic Times
170 - Talks With Gabriel
171 - Literary Tid-Bits
172 - Venerable Thought in Modern Words
172 - How Old is the Earth?
174 - Preaching, but Not in Calvin's StyleVERSE
159 - The Women -
The Calvin Forum: May, 1951
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 16, Issue: 10CONTETNS - VOLUME XVI, NO. X MAY, 1951
201 - The Spirit of Catholic and Calvinistic Philosophy. By Cecil De Boer
205 - Calvin's Sermons-Their Structure and Style. By.Harold Dekker
207 - Can the Dutch Calvinists Save The Christian School? By Cornelius Jaarsma
210 - As to Being Sectarian. By Leonard Verduin
213 - The Reactions of Indian College Students to a "Religios" Address. By Stuart Bergsma
215 - Hungarian News. By Charles Vincze
216 - A Good Old Book
217 - New Testament Commentaries-Reprints
217 - A New Commentary on Leviticus
218 - Calvinism and Philosophy
218 - Calvinism and Art
219 - Contending Earnestly for the Faith
221 - What is the Covenant?
221 - Juvenile Fiction
222 - Is This Christianity?
204 - Displaced Person
222 - Announcement -
The Calvin Forum: November, 1951
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 17, Issue: 4CONTENTS - VOLUME XVII, NO. IV. NOVEMBER, 1951
47 - Contemporary Catholic Action. By Cecil De Boer
50 - Thanksgiving a Reasonable Service. By Henry Schultze
51 - Athleticism. By Henry Schultze
52 - The Christian's Mandate in the Field of Science. By T. P. Dirkse
57 - The Humanist of the Renaissance. By H. H. Meeter
61 - The Modernist and the Reformation. By W. Stanford Reid
65 - News from North Ireland. By Fred S. Leahy
66 - On Preaching the Word. By Peter Y. De Jong
66 - Know Thyself. By Peter Y. De Jong
67 - Doctrinal Preaching. By Alexander De Jong
68 - Books Received and Examined. By Henry R. Van Til -
The Calvin Forum: October, 1951
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 17, Issue: 3CONTENTS - VOLUME XVII, NO. III. OCTOBER, 1951
23 - Changes in Editorial Personnel
23 - The Sickness of Modern Man
25 - The Most Serious Threat in a Christianity CollegeARTICLES
26 - The Liberating Arts. By President William Spoelhof
31 - The Guilt of Modern Psychology. By Dr. C. Plantinga
34 - Calvin, the Champion of Liberty and Authority. By Professor H.J. Van AndelFROM OUR CORRESPONDENTS
38 - The General Situation in India
39 - News from the PunjabBOOK REVIEWS
40 - A Restudy of the Canons of Dort. By John Weidenaar
41 - Mid-Century Appraisal of Protestant Thought. John Weidnaar
43 - The Orthodox Origin of Modern Mission. By John Bratt
43 - Pusey Republished. Henry A. Venema
44 - Eschatology in Fiction. Helen Van Laar -
The Calvin Forum: April, 1952
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 17, Issue: 9CONTENTS - VOLUME XVII, NO. VIII. APRIL, 1952
167 - The Destructiveness of Courses in Education. By Cecil De Boer
168 - The Spirit of Christian Education on the College Level. By Cecil De Boer
169 - From One to Another. By Ralph Stob
170 - Self - Examination. By Henry Schultze
172 - One Great Need: An Appeal to Seminary Students. By J. K. Van Baalen
175 - A Chapel Speech. By J. G. Vanden Bosch
177 - The Dynamics of Peace. By Rene de Visme Williamson
183 - His Gorge Rises. By Henry Zylstra
184 - The Art of Speaking. By Melvin Berghuis
184 - Christian Prayer. By Herman Kuiper
185 - Hebrew Grammar Published. By Clarence J. Vos
186 - Scholarly Dissertation Commended. By William IVI. Trap
188 - Warfield Republished: Supernaturalism
188 - Reaffirmed. By John H. Bratt -
The Calvin Forum: August-September, 1952
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 18, Issue: 1 & 2CONTENTS - VOLUME XVIII, NO. I-II. AUG. - SEPT. 1952
3 - John Dewey. By Cecil De Boer
5 - Views on Gambling in Catholic and Protestant Circles. By Henry Schultze
9 - The Balance That is Calvinism. By R. B. Kuiper
13 - Special Revelation and the Problem of World Community. Cecil F. H. Henry
16 - Christian Symbolism in the Novels of Herman Melville. By Andrew Vander Zee
18 - Reaction to Mr. Postma's Article. By James Daane
19 - Professor Murray's Address. By Arthur W. Kuschke, Jr.
21 - Church News from Australia. By Arthur Allen
22 - News Letter from Japan. By Henry Bruinooge
24 - BOOK REVIEWS BY Henry R. Van Til, J. F. Schuurmann, Melvin E. Berghuis -
The Calvin Forum: December, 1952
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 18, Issue: 5CONTENTS - VOLUME XVIII, NO. V . DECEMBER, 1952
75 - "Thought It Not Robbery" By Henry Schultze
77 - What About the New Bible? By Simon J. De Vries
82 - Christ, the Great Temple-Builder. By Martin J. Wyngaarden
87 - Neighborhood Missions: Erroneous Method. By J· K. Van Baalen
90 - Education and Racial Hostility. By Donald H. Bouma
92 - CORRESPONDENCE. By Pieter Prins, D.D.
93 - Isaiah and the Critics. By Clarence J. Vos
93 - Christ for Every Crisis. By Peter Y. De Jong
93 - An Uncertain Trumpet. By Edward J. Young
94 - Lutherans Look at the History of Revelation. By John H. Bratt
95 - Psychology for Sunday School Teachers. By Cornelius Jaarsma -
The Calvin Forum: Febraury, 1952
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 17, Issue: 7CONTENTS - VOLUME XVII, NO. VII. FEBRUARY, 1952
119 - The Easy Road to Culture. By Cecil De Boer
120 - The Roots of Our Unique Concept
of Education. By Cecil De Boer
121 - The Predicament of the Liberal
Arts Colleges. By Cecil De Boer
122 - One and Al. By Ralph Stab
123 - Self-Denial and Consecration. By Henry Schultze
123 - Militant Theology. By Henry Schultze
124 - Scriptural Truths and Scientific Thought. By H. G. Stoker
130 - The N.A.E. Must Linger With Us. By Jacob T. Hoogstra
133 - William Cowper, Calvinistic Poet. By Andrew Vander Zee
135 - The Infallibility of Scripture and a Specific Application. By Martin J. Wyngaarden
137 - A New Task. By Pieter Prins
138 - Something of the "Shorter Catechist" By John Timmerman
139 - The World of the New Testament. By Ralph Stab
140 - Isaiah. By Martin Wyngaarden
140 - Children's Books (Two) By Helen Van Laar -
The Calvin Forum: January, 1952
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 17, Issue: 6CONTENTS - VOLUME XVII, NO. VI. JANUARY, 1952
95 - Ambassador to the Vatican and the Separation of Church and State. By Cecil De Boer
96 - Does Vatican City Have a Spy System? By Cecil De Boer
96 - At the Shrine of Method. By Henry Schultze
99 - Christian Film Action. By Hendrik J. Spier
101 - Calvin's Attitude Towards Art and Amusements. By Simon J. De Vries
108 - Old Wine in New Bottles. By Henry R. Van Til
109 - The Comprehensive Approach; Biblical Or Modernistic? By Peter De Jong
115 - Sounding the Alarm. By Henry R. Van Til
116 - I Believe in God, the Creator. By Edwin Y. Monsma
116 - A Juvenile Book. By T. Huizenga -
The Calvin Forum: June-July, 1952
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 17, Issue: 11 & 12CONTENTS - VOLUME XVII, NO. XI-XII. JUNE-JULY, 1962
215 - The Tint of Pragmatism. By Henry Schultze
217 - Prophets, True and False (Concluded) By John H. Bratt 217
222 - The Dynamics of Peace (Concluded) By Rene de Visme Williamson
226 - The Christian Critique of Art. By H. R. Rookmaster
227 - The Quest for Serenity. By J. Broene
228 - The Empirical vs. the Formal Approach in Language Teaching. By J. J. Lamberts
232 - Professor Vander Zee's Answer
232 - Missions in Kentucky
233 - From North Ireland
235 - BOOK REVIEW By Cornelius J aarsma
235 - Index to Vol. XVII ( 1951-1952) . -
The Calvin Forum: March, 1952
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 17, Issue: 8CONTENTS - VOLUME XVII, NO. VIII. MARCH, 1952
143 - Religion "Useful" in Education. By CeciZ De Boer
144 - Some TV Problems. By Henry Schultze
146 - All in All. By Ralph Stob
147 - Christian Doctrine in Higher Education. By Jesse De Boer
151 - The Pressure of Pan-Statism. By Jan Schouten
154 - The Modernist and the Reformation. By W. Stanford Reid 154
157 - "Go Ye" .... Who? By Edward Postma
From Charles Vincze
163 - On Christian Ethics. By J. K. Van Baalen 163
164 - Helps to Bible Study. By .H. H. Meeter 164
164 - Chalk Artistry. By Helen Van Laar 164 -
The Calvin Forum: May, 1952
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 17, Issue: 10CONTENTS - VOLUME XVII, NO. X. MAY, 1952
191 - Life No Longer An Adventure. By Cecil De Boer
192 - American Protestantism Meets a Life-and-Death Issue. By Cecil De Boer
193 - Self - Examination. By Henry Schultze
194 - The Old and the New. By Ralph Stob
195 - How Free Is Man By Enno Wolthuis
197 - Prophets, False and True, in the Old Testament Dispensation. By John H. Bratt
200 - Notes on the Relation of Theology and Philosophy. By Jesse De Boer
203 - Calvin's Golden Booklet. By H. J. Van Andel
206 - A Letter
207 - News from South Africa
208 - Information from Behind the Iron Curtain
211 - BOOK REVIEW By Fred H. Klooster -
The Calvin Forum: November, 1952
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 18, Issue: 4CONTENTS - VOLUME XVIII, NO. IV. NOVEMBER, 1952
51 - Intimations of the Police State. By Cecil De Boer
54 - What About Com? By Ralph Stab
55 - The Place of Bible in a Liberal Arts
College Curriculum. By H. Henry Meeter
58 - "Except They Have Agreed" By Jacob T. Hoogstra
61 - The Temptation of Knowledge. By Cornelius Jaarsma
63 - A Preface to Eliot. By Rod Jellema
66 - CORRESPONDENCE By Arnold Brink
67 - College Text with Commentary on a Church Fathe. By J. K. Van Baalen
67 - Socrates on Calvin Campus. By John H. Skilton
68 - Calvin's Conception of Christian Piety Republished. By John H. Skilton
68 - Dictionary of Biblical Symbols.By Clarence J. Vos
69 - Woman Suffrage-Ecclesiastical. By Martin Monsma
70 - Children as Christian Parents
70 - Should See Them. By Cornelius Jaarsma
71 - A New National Union Publication. By Madelene H. Roersma -
The Calvin Forum: October, 1952
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 18, Issue: 3CONTENTS - VOLUME XVIII, NO. III. OCTOBER, 1952
27 - Sources of Danger to a Free Society. By Cecil De Boer
28 - The Menace of the Welfare State. By Cecil De BoerARTICLES
31 - Special Revelation and the Problem of World Community (Concluded) By Carl F. H. Henry
34 - How Do We Know? (An Introduction to the Epistemology of Cornelius Van Til) By John Vriend
38 - Natural Law. By Peter Berkhout
41 - From South Africa. By J. Chr. Coetzee
42 - General Assembly of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church. By Arthur W. Kuschke, Jr.
43 - Reaction to the Christian Film Movement. By Peter L. Van Dyken
45 - Attack on Atheism. By Paul Szto
46 - Good Sermons. By R. J. Sutton
46 - Theology in Translation. By J. F. Schuurmann
47 - "Art Is Long and Time Is Fleeting" By Andrew Vander Zee
43 - Reappearance of Maclear. By John H. Bratt
48 - Liberalism Today. By Henry R. Van Til -
The Calvin Forum: April, 1953
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 18, Issue: 9CONTENTS - VOLUME XVIII, NO. !X. APRIL, 1953
171 - Church and State in a Secularized Society. By Cecil De Boer
174 - The Old, Old Story. By Ralph Stob
175 - Capitalism and the Reformation. By John Vanden Berg
180 - Education and Women's Welfare in an Industrial Society. By Clarence De Graaf
186 - You Don't Live Alone. By John T. Daling
187 - From The Netherland. By Pieter Prins
188 - An Outstanding Book. By Henry J. Van Andel
188 - Introducing Dr. Berkouwer in Translation. By Nick Van Til
190 - The Inspiration of Prophecy. By Burton L. Goddard
190 - Reformed Fundamentals. By C. Huissen
191 - For Sunday School Teachers. By D. H. Wa_lters
192 - Mass Child Evangelism. By Peter De Jong -
The Calvin Forum: August-September, 1953
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 19, Issue: 1 & 2CONTENTS - VOLUME XIX, NO. I.-II. AUG:-SEPT.,
The New Apologetic. By Cecil De Boer
7 - Professor Van Til's Apologetics. By Jesse De Boer - Part I: A Linguistic Bramble Patch
13 - On Brute Facts. By Clifton J. Orlebeke
18 - Our Dearth in Leadership. By Annette Bouma Morris
21 - From the Union of South Africa. By J. Chr. Coetzee
22 - Adventuring for God. By Peter Y. De Jong
23 - The Pastor and Psychiatry. By Cornelius Jaarsma
24 - Exegesis of Matthew. By Elco H. Oostendorp -
The Calvin Forum: December, 1953
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 19, Issue: 5CONTENTS - VOLUME XIX, NO. V. DECEMBER, 1953
75 - Christmas Faith for Today. By John Kromminga
77 - The Significance of the Latest Research - About the Apostle Peter. By Stephen Benko
82 - Van Til in Review. By Franklin Van Halsema
86 - A Letter from New Jersey. By George Stab
87 - How Old is the Earth? By Enno Wolthuis
88 - The Crisis Theology on Luther. By William H. Rutgers
91 - An Authoritative Discussion of Cardinal Doctrines. By Gerrit Hoeksema
91 - A Commentary on Hosea. By Edward B. Pekelder
92 - Woman-Suffrage in the Netherlands. By Edward B. Pekelder -
The Calvin Forum: February, 1953
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 18, Issue: 7CONTENTS - VOLUME XVIII, NO. VII. FEBRUARY, 1953
123 - Shall We Impute? By Ralph Stob
124 - Confirmation vs. Information. Henry Schultze
126 - REligious Philosophy: A Discussion of Richard Kroner's Book, Culture and Faith. By Cornellus Van Tu
128 - The Balance of the Reformed Ministry. By Charles Vincze
133 - The New Version. By Martin J. Wyngarden
135 - "Except THey Have Agreed" By Jacob T. Hoogstra
138 - About Hungry. By Charles Vincze
139 - Calvinism in the Arena. By Robert D. Knudsen
142 - The Quality of Student Writing. Richard R. Timersma
142 - A Recent Best-Seller. By Franklin Van Hatsema
143 - Current Short Stories
144 - Science and Basic Commitment
144 - Lovely Poetry -
The Calvin Forum: January, 1953
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 18, Issue: 6CONTENTS - VOLUME XVIII, NO. VL JANUARY, 1953
99 - Technology Raises a Problem. By Enno Wolthuis
101 - A Generation of Vibrant Theology. By Henry Schultze
105 - Religion and the State University. By Leonard Verduin
108 - "On the Ground-With Both Feet" By Charles Vincze
110 - The Cocktail Party-A Modern Miracle Play. By Paul Elmem
114 - "In a College Chapel" By Lambert J. Flokstra
115 - Trends in Library Book Classification. By Lester De Koster
117 - A Valuable Work on Sermon Types. By J. K. Van Baalen
118 - Theological Tradition Preserved. By George Gritter
118 - A Calvinistic Philosophy. By John Weidenaar
120 - The Reformed Diaconate. By Martin Monsma . -
The Calvin Forum: June-July, 1953
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 18, Issue: 11 & 12CONTENTS - VOLUME XVIII. NO. XI.-XII. JUNE-JULY. 1953
219 - Literature in a Christian College. ByJ. G. Vanden Bosch
223 - Witnessing to an Apostate Generation. By Richard R. De Ridder
227 - Our Distorted Conception of Education. By Neal Rensenbrink
230 - Francis Bacon on Hindrances to Learning. By Steve J. Van Der Weele
232 - From Nigeria. By R. Recker
233 - From Cey Ion. By A. G. W. Foenander
233 - The Evangelical Library. By Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones, Chairman
235 - A Master RepubHshed. By Jacob H. Bruinooge
236 - A Christian Tragedy. By C. Huissen
237 - Experiment in Mercy. By Helen Van Laar
238 - Notable Criticism. By J. G. Vanden Bosch
238 - A Christian Novelist. By Franklin Van Halsema
239 - The Reformed Doctrine of Regeneration. By Cornelius Jaarsma
240 - INDEX Vol. XVIII, 1952 - 1953 -
The Calvin Forum: March, 1953
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 18, Issue: 8CONTENTS - VOLUME XVIII, NO. VIII. MARCH, 1953
147 - Church and State in a Christian Society. By Cecil De Boer
150 - A Prolegomena to a Christian Psychology. By G. Roderick Youngs
156 - Worship in Heart and Art. By Theodore J. Jansma
159 - Educational "Thought Control" in America. By Mark Fakkema
160 - Montpellier - August, 1953 By .J. T. Hoogstra
162 - Campaign Year - 1952. By Lester De Koster
163 - From South Africa. By Christian Coetzee
165 - Calvinistic Ethics. By Henry R. Van Til
167 - The Spiritual Values of the Old Testament. By Arnold Brink
167 - America Unlimited. By John Timmerman
168 - Berkouwer on Christ. By Herman Kuiper -
The Calvin Forum: May, 1953
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 18, Issue: 10CONTENTS - VOLUME XVIII, NO. X. MAY, 1983
195 - Reformed Ecumenical Exploration. By Jacob T. Hoogstra
198 - Nimrod and the Mol. By Cecil De Boer
200 - Labor, the Union, and Industrial Democracy. By Cecil De Boer
206 - "Thou Shouldest Take Hold of This" By Henry Van Zyl
208 - Announcement of the International Congress for Reformed Faith and Action, Montpellier, France
209 - A memorandum Concerning the Reformed Church in Hungary
210 - From North Ireland. By Fred S. Leahy
212 - Holland in Canad. By Paul De Koekkoek
213 - From the Gordon Divinity SchooL. By Burton L. Goodard
214 - Calvinistic Literature in Modern Holland. By Henry J. Van Andel -
The Calvin Forum: November, 1953
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 19, Issue: 4CONTENTS - VOLUME XIX, NO. IV. NOVEMBER, 1953
51 - Professor Van Til's Apologetics. Jesse DeBoer
Part III: God and Human Knowledge
58 - A Calvinistic Social Ethic. By Tony Brouwer
62 - The Minister's Reading Habits. By J. K. Van Baalen
64 - A Letter from Grand Rapids. By Martin Monsma
65 - A Letter from Iron Springs, Alberta. John De Jong
65 - Another from Grand Rapids. By R. B. Kuiper
67 - Two Worlds. ByJohn Timmerman
68 - 2,585 Illustrations. By George Gritter
68 - Prescriptive not Descriptive. By J. G. Vanden Bosch
68 - Spiritual Riches. By George Gritter
69 - Good Teaching. By Cornelius Jaarsma
70 - Valuable Studies on Divor. By John Vander Ploeg
70 - Abbreviation of an Abbreviation. By J. Hasper
71 - A Devotional Work by Prof. Aalders. By Elco H. Oostendorp
71 - An Inadequate Angelology. By J. Hasper -
The Calvin Forum: October, 1953
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 19, Issue: 3CONTENTS - VOLUME XIX, NO. III. OCTOBER, 1953
27 - Professor Van Til's Apologetics. By Jesse De Boer - Part II: God and Human Knowledge
35 - Sanctification in Relation to the Will: Historically Considered. By Fred S. Leahy
41 - " ... As Thyself" (A Chapel Talk) By William T. Radius
42 - Two Arguments for the Christian School. By Mark Fakkema
43 - A Letter from Ripon. By John D. Hollander
45 - The Reply. By Henry Zylstra
34, 40 - Two Poems. By Calvin A. Busch
46 - Scholarship in Typology. By H. Henry Meeter
47 - Essays on Philippians. By F. Van Halsema
47 - The Calling of the Christian Church. By Peter Y. De Jong
48 - Book Briefs. By John H. Bratt -
The Calvin Forum: April, 1954
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 19, Issue: 9CONTENTS - VOLUME XIX, NO. IX. APRIL, 1954
167 - Necrology. By Dezso Abraham
169 - The Philosophy of Vollenhoven and Dooyeweerd:
Part I: Its Claims and its 169 - Reception. By Dirk Jellema
172 - New Views Regarding Common Grace. By William Masselink
177 - Chapel Talk. By George Harper
178 - New Testament Survey. By Ned B. Stonehouse
179 - Dutch Love for Liberty. By Henry J. van Andel
180 - Divine Adoption. By William Rutgers
185 - Source-book in Christian Education. By Cornelius Bontekoe
183 - Ethics and Eschatology not Incompatible. By Christian Huissen -
The Calvin Forum: August-September, 1954
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 20, Issue: 1 & 2CONTENTS - VOLUME XX, NO. 1-2 AUG-SEPT.
We'd Better Pray. By C. D. B.
The Creation Story. By T. P. Dirkse
The Methodology of Christian Evidences: Part III, By William W. Paul
The Cross Versus the Crescent: Part II. By Stuart Bergsma, M.D.
Letter from Ceylon. By John Van Ens
Letter from the American Calvinistic Conference on Christianity, Pschology, and Psychiatry. By James Split
Letter from South Africa. By S. Du Tait
Another Letter from Ceylon. By Clarence Van Ens
Letter from Washington, D. C. By Normund W. Leas
The Craft of Fiction. By Henry Zylstra
The Optional God. By Lewis Smedes
Calvijn. ByHenry Van Andel -
The Calvin Forum: December, 1954
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 20, Issue: 5CONTENTS - VOLUME XX, NO. 5 DECEMBER, 1954
75 - The Faith of Mary. By John Weidenaar
76 - We Are American. By John Kromminga
80 - Evanston-An Appraisal. By Jacob Hoogstra
84 - Trends of Biblical Studies of Old Testament Theology. By Martin Wyngaarden
90 - St. Augustine-Philosopher and Churchman. By Cecil De BoerCORRESPONDENCE
The Calvin Forum: February, 1954
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 19, Issue: 7CONTENTS - VOLUME XIX, NO. VII. FEBRUARY, 1954
119 - Ecumenicity Whither. By Fred S. Leahy
121 - We Need Specialized Evangelism. By William W. Paul
125 - Calvinism in Ceylon. By H. H. Collette
129 - The Churches and the Labor Problem - Part II: Policy of the "Gereformeerde Kerken" By Sidney Newhouse
131 - Letter from Ceylon. By Clarence van Ens
136 - Letter from South Africa. By J. Chr. Coetzee
137 - Letter of Announcement. By Martin Wyngaarden
137 - Letter from Ringwood, New Jersey. By William W. Paul
137 - Letter from Hudsonville. By Jack Arens
138 - Letter from the Evangelical Library
133 - Kierkegaard and the Bible. By James Daane
139 - What is Calvinistic Philosophy? By Clifton Orlebeke -
The Calvin Forum: January, 1954
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 19, Issue: 6CONTENTS - VOLUME XIX, NO. VI. JANUARY, 1954
95 - Church and Labor Union. By Cecil De Boer
101 - The Labor Policy of the Christian Reformed Church
Compared with those of Other Churches. Part I: Modernist and Catholic Policies. By Sidney Newhouse
107 - "Ye Have Heard That It Hath Been Said" By Garrett Heyns
114 - Groen van Prinsterer. By Dirk Jellema
116 - Korte Verklaring. By Wm. Haverkamp
116 - The Second Coming of Christ. By Leonard Greenway -
The Calvin Forum: June-July, 1954
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 19, Issue: 11CONTENTS - VOLUME XIX, NO. 11 JUNE-JULY, 1954
215 - The Cross Versus the Crescent. By Stuart Bergsma
219 - Pharisaitis. By Leonard Verdiiin
222 - The Methodology of Christian Evidences: II. By William W. Paul
227 - The Effect of the Doleantie on The Christian Reformed Church. By G. Van Groningen
Edmund Burke. By A. Vandel· Ze
234 - Letter from Shelton College
235 - Alexander's Commentary on the Prophecies of Isaiah; Warfield's Miracles; Smeaton's The Doctrine of the Atonement. By John H. Bratt
235 - Gera Kraan-van den Berg, Brandende Harten. By Richard Veltman
236 - Index to Volume XIX -
The Calvin Forum: March, 1954
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 19, Issue: 8CONTENTS - VOLUME XIX, NO. VIII. MARCH, 1954
143 - "Day Unto Day Uttereth Speech" By Charles Vincze
147 - The Extent of the Antithesis. By Thedford Dirkse
149 - Evaluating our Teacher Training Program. By Lambert J. Flokstra
152 - The Church and the Labor Problem. Part III: The Policy of the Christian
Reformed Church. By Sidney Newhouse
158 - Letter from Ripon
160 - A Note in Reply
160 - A Case of Incompatibility. By James Daane
161 - Karth Barth: Prophet or Heretic? By James Daane
163 - The Atonement. By J. D. Eppinga
163 - Kingdom Within. By Steve Van Der Weele
164 - Brief Reviews. By John H. Bratt -
The Calvin Forum: May, 1954
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 19, Issue: 10CONTENTS - VOLUME XIX, NO. X. MAY, 1954
191 - No Voice Against Evil? By Thedford P. Dirkse
192 - The Philosophy of Vollenhoven and Dooyeweerd: Part II: Dooyeweerd and Hartmann. By Dirk Jellema
194 - New Views of Common Grace in the Light of Historic Reformed Theology. By William Masselink
204 - The Methodology of Christian Evidences. By Wmiam W. Paui
209 - Letter from Gordon Divinity School
209 - Letter from Conference Reporter
210 - The Crowded Intellectual. By John Timmerman 210
211 - Calvin Literary Review Reviewed. By Dean Ben Euwemci 211
212 - Ellicott's Commentary. By Henry Schultze 212
212 - Making Men Whole. By Ann Janssen 212
212 - Book Briefs -
The Calvin Forum: November, 1954
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 20, Issue: 4CONTENTS - VOLUME XX, NO. 4 NOVEMBER, 1954
51 - Mary, the Mother of Jesus: A Protestant Point of View of the "Marian Year" By Stephen Benko
55 - Wonders of the Universe of Stars. By Peter Berkhout
58 - An Evaluation of Christian Colleges. By T. M. Benson
62 - Caricature. By Edwin H. Palmer
65 - The Calvinistic Critic. By Andrew Vander Zee
67 - Eve: Milton's Concept of Woman. By Betty Duimstra
The Calvin Forum was published from May 1935 through March 1956. Recognizing that "The intelligent Christian is facing a serious and challenging situation today...living in an age of intellectual ferment and spiritual perplexity." The Calvin Forum sought to provide for the engagement of contemporary issues and devoted itself to provide "helpful discussion of subjects in the realms of Religion and Theology, History and Philosophy, Natural Science and Medicine, Sociology and Economics, Political Science and International Law, Psychology and Education, Literature and Art. Averse to anything musty or academic, it aims to be both popular and scholarly. It would seek to deal with these issues in such an untechnical way as to make an appeal to all intelligent and thoughtful Christians."
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