The Calvin Forum: October, 1944
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 10, Issue: 3CONTENTS - VOLUME X, N0.3 OCTOBER, 1944
35 - Professor Berkhof Retires
36 - A Forward Move for Christian. Schools
36 - Blossom Time in California
36 - The Dawning Liberation of the Netherlands
36 - Dispensationalism and Premillennialism
38 - Let Us Have More Calvinistic Conferences
39 - Roosevelt and DeweyARTICLES
40 - Calvinistic Training in a Disillusioned World. By Louis Berkhof
43 - Letters from New Guinea. By Benry Zylstra
47 - Personality Disorders and Religious Training. By Wendell H. RooksFROM OUR CORRESPONDENTS
51 - Letter from South India
52 - Correction
52 - Calvinistic Activity in South Africa
53 - Calvinistic Study Club
54 - From a University Campus
54 - News and ViewsOF BOOKS AND READING
55 - The Christ of Stanley Jones
56 - Occasional SermonsVERSE
42 - October Afternoon
50 - Our Trust is in Thee -
The Calvin Forum: April, 1945
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 10, Issue: 9CONTENTS - VOLUME X, NO. 9 APRIL, 1945
179 - Lent in Retrospect
179 - The Dumbarton Oaks Proposals
180 - The Generosity of Queen Wilhelmina
180 - Poor John Calvin!
181 - Congratulations, Potchefstroom!ARTICLES
182 - The Sovereignty of God in History. By WiLliam Goulooze
186 - Augustine's Psychology: Its Main Emphases. By Anthony Hoekema
188 - Evaluation vs. Measurement of Educational Products. By Cornelius Plantinga
190 - The Religion of Freemasonry. By James Putt
193 - "The Cabinet-Maker and His Son" By Ala BandonWORLD NEWS AND VOICES
195 - Conditions in Occupied Holland
197 - India
198 - Hungarian CanadiansBOOK REVIEWS
200 - Our Modern PredicamentVERSE
194 - Appraisement -
The Calvin Forum: August-September, 1945
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 11, Issue: 1 & 2CONTENTS - VOLUME XI, NO. 1-2 AUG. -SEPT., 1945
3 - Our First Decade
3 - A Good Suggestion
4 - Some Forms of Spiritual Relief
4 - Filling Empty Souls
5 - A Crying Need
6 - The Calvin ForumARTICLES
7 - The San Francisco Conference and Charter. By Amry Vandenbosch
10 - How to Deal With Doubt. By John Weidenaar
13 - Will the Liberal Arts Come Back? By Henry Schultze
15 - China, the Reluctant Dragon. By Cornelius Van Zwoll
19 - Psychological Adjustment of the Veteran. By Douglas D. Blocksma
22 - "The Journey of a Pilgrim Echo" By Ala BandonFROM OUR CORRESPONDENTS
23 - A Letter from the Netherlands
24 - Letter from Germany
25 - From South Africa
26 - From Princeton Seminary
27 - Westminster-O.P.C. Letter
28 - A Letter from SeattleOF BOOKS AND READING
29 - The Westminster Bible Atlas
30 - American Psychiatry
30 - Church History for High Schools
31 - Some Bible Topics
31 - Life in a Christian Family
31 - The Federal Council of Churches
31 - Moody Press Books
32 - Books in Brief -
The Calvin Forum: December, 1945
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 11, Issue: 5CONTENTS - VOLUME XI, NO. 5 DECEMBER, 1945
83 - The Christmas of the Atomic BombARTICLES
85 - The Offensive Cradle. By Henry Schultze
87 - A Letter from Japan. By Henry Zylstra
90 - Romans XIII: An Historical Interpretation. By Peter Hoekstra
91 - Scientific Interpretation: Its Increasing Scope. By Martin J. Wyngaarden
92 - The Psychology of Doubt. By John W. Wevers
95 - Christmas Tribute. By Ala BandonFROM OUR CORRESPONDENTS
96 - Netherlands Letter
97 - Conditions in Central Europe
98 - Campus-in-the-Woods
99 - Ann Arbor Letter
100 - The Pacific Northwest
100 - From the Christian School Front
102 - The Reformed Church in America
102 - Calvinistic Action CommitteeBOOK REVIEW
103 - Progressive Education
103 - Three Novels
104 - Iowa Pioneers
104 - On John's GospelVERSE
84 - Had I Been You
89 - Angel Choirs -
The Calvin Forum: February, 1945
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 10, Issue: 7CONTENTS - VOLUME X, NO. 7 FEBRUARY, 1945
131 - Christian Principles and a Durable Peace
132 - Should Preaching Be Theocentric or Christocentric?
133 - Stocking Your Theological Library
134 - Christianity and Anti-Semitism Do Not Mix
135 - Christian Principles and the Labor Problem
136 - Moral Obligations of American CitizenshipARTICLES
137 - Letters from the Philippines. By Henry Zylstra
140 - Calvinism and Education. By William C. Robinson
143 - Reality in Modern Science. By Frank V erbrugge
146 - The Boy at the Knot-Hole. By Ala BandonFROM OUR CORRESPONDENTS
147 - Letter from Palestine
148 - Conditions in the Netherlands
149 - South African Calvinists
150 - The French Reformed Church and the WarBOOK REVIEWS
152 - Shakespeare and the Nature of ManVERSE 136 - Reclaimed Soil
The Calvin Forum: January, 1945
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 10, Issue: 6CONTENTS - VOLUME X, NO .. 6 JANUARY, 1945
107 - On the Threshold of 1945ARTICLES
109 - Foundations of a Christian Peace. By Christiaan De Wit
113 - Psychology and Exegesis. By Jacob T. Hoogstra
116 - The Task of Calvinism in the Post-War World. By Arnold Brink
121 - Education for Peace. By W. J. Teeuwissen, Jr.FROM OUR CORRESPONDENTS
123 - What Constitutes an Effective Christian College?
124 - Calvinism and Christian Philanthropy
124 - Chips of NewsBOOK REVIEWS
125 - History of Scottish Theology
126 - The American Indian
126 - Six British Biographies
127 - Bible Study
127 - Dutch Handbook for Students
128 - Dutch Handbook for Juniors
128 - Heritage and Destiny
128 - Gilkey's BestVERSE
108 - Thou Art With Me -
The Calvin Forum: June-July, 1945
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 10, Issue: 11 & 12CONTENTS - VOLUME X, N0.11-12 JUNE - JULY, 1945
227 - The Problems of PeaceARTICLES
230 - Fantastic China. By Cornelius Van Zwoll
233 - Why Did God Permit Sin? By Egbert Lubbers
237 - Adjusting the Balances or Tipping the Scales. By Henry J. Ryskamp
240 - How Jesus Dealt With Doubt. By John Weidenaar
243 - The Serviceman as a Minister of God. By Marvin L. DerbyFROM OUR CORRESPONDETNS
247 - From Our India Cdrresponqent
248 - Nigerian Letter
249 - Michigan Calvinistic Discussion Club
250 - Hungarian Letter
250 - Michigan Calvinistic Philosophy ClubOF BOOKS AND READING
252 - Sociology - Not Pastoral Theology
252 - The Sacraments
253 - As to Preaching
254 - Pastoral Work
254 - A Book about BooksVERSE
242 - Lone Lane
255 - INDEX fo Volume X -
The Calvin Forum: March, 1945
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 10, Issue: 8CONTENTS - VOLUME X, NO. 8 MARCH, 1945
155 - Internationalism and Understanding
156 - Obstacles to Internationalism
157 - Subduing the EarthARTICLES
159 - Worship in the Vertical Mood. By Leonard Greenway
160 - God-Centered Education. By William C. Robinson
163 - Augustine as a Psychofogist. By Anthony A. Hoekema
165 - Science, Evolution and Christianity. By William T. Radius
169 - Missions in the Polar North. By William Vander Hoven
172 - A Little Bird's Nest. By Ala BandonFROM OUR CORRESPONDENTS
173 - The Church in Holland after the Liberation
174 - Letter from BelgiumBOOK REVIEWS
175 - Plato and Our Education
175 - Evolution and Creation
176 - Book ChatsVERSE
158 - Bilderdijk's Prophecy -
The Calvin Forum: May, 1945
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 10, Issue: 10CONTENTS - VOLUME X, NO. 10 MAY, 1945
203 - The Passing of a Great LeaderARTICLES
206 - God Incarnate for Suffering Men. By William C. Robinson
209 - The Augustinian Psychology. By Anthony A. Hoekema
214 - Materialism in Education. By Henry Schultze
215 - God's Sovereignty in History. By William GouloozeTHE VOICE OF OUR READERS
220 - Tribute to RooseveltFROM OUR CORRESPONDENTS
221 - The President's Last Worship Service
222 - National Association of EvangelicalsOF BOOKS AND READING
223 - Illustrating Sermons
224 - Tid-Bits on Books and ReadingVERSE
205 - Franklin Delano Roosevelt: 1882-1945
213 - Henri-Chapelle
213 - War's Toll
213 - Death -
The Calvin Forum: November, 1945
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 11, Issue: 4CONTENTS - VOLUME XI, NO. 4 NOVEMBER, 1945
59 - The Cancer of Liberalism
59 - The Southern Presbyterian Church
60 - Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship
61 - The Youth for Christ MovementARTICLES
64 - Artistic Interpretation. By Martin J. Wyngaarden
66 - Integrity in National and International Affairs. By Henry J. Ryskamp
68 - A Study in Honest Doubt. By John William Wevers
71 - Predestination. By Arthur Allen
76 - The Seldom Invited Guest. By Ala BandonFROM OUR CORRESPONDENTS
77 - From South India
78 - Presbyterian Church of New Zealand
79 - Boston and New EnglandBOOK REVIEW
80 - A Refutation of Dispensationalism -
The Calvin Forum: October, 1945
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 11, Issue: 3CONTENTS - VOLUME XI, NO. 3 OCTOBER, 1945
35 - Liberation and ThanksgivingARTICLES
37 - Controversy and Schism in the Netherlands. By Pieter Prins
41 - The Old Paths. By Harold B. Kuhn
43 - American Education-Appreciation and Criticism. By Cornelius Jaarsma
46 - The Re-formation of the Reformation. By Ala BandonFROM OUR CORRESPONDENTS
48 - Conference for Evangelical Scholarship
49 - Southern California Bible Conference
49 - Summer Ecumenical Jottings
51 - New York Letter
51 - Presbyterian Church in Canada
52 - Synod of the Reformed Church in America
53 - Spiritual Rehabilitation in FranceBOOK REVIEWS
54 - The Davis Bible Dictionary
55 - The Fiske Plan
56 - The Preacher's Voice
56 - Books in Brief -
The Calvin Forum: April, 1946
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 11, Issue: 9CONTENTS - VOLUME XI, NO. 9 APRIL, 1946
179 - Good Friday-Easter
180 - A Few ChipsARTICLES
182 - The Revised Standard Version of the New Testament. By William Hendriksen
184 - The Problem of Teacher Training. By Lambert J. Flokstra
187 - The Government and Liberty of Conscience. By John Weidenaar
190 - We Assume, Too Much. By Marinus Goote
191 - As to Being Religious. By Ala BandonFROM OUR CORRESPONDENTS
192 - The Reformed Churches in the Netherlands
193 - From Egypt and Palestine
194 - Boston Letter
194 - Ecumenicity-1946
196 - Humanism and Christianity
197 - A Critique of Modern Education
197 - Freud: An Appreciation
198 - Christian Civilization
199 - Worship and Liturgy
199 - Second Corinthians
200 - Books in Brief -
The Calvin Forum: August-September, 1946
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 12, Issue: 1 & 2CONTENTS - VOLUME XII, NO. 1-2 AUG.-SEPT., 1946
3 - Third American Calvinistic ConferenceARTICLES
6 - A Physician Meditates on Human Suffering. By Stuart Bergsma
11 - V-J Year Plus One. By Henry J. Ryskamp
14 - Modern China and Her New Independence. By Albert H. Smit
18 - The Doctrinal Significance of the New Revision. By Richard C. Oudersluys
21 - What Will Our Second Mowing Be? By Ala BandonCALVINIST VOICES AROUND THE WORLD
22 - Australian Calvinists
22 - From Cairo, Egypt
24 - The Race Problem in South Africa
25 - From North Ireland
25 - The Orthodox Presbyterian Church
27 - Westminster Seminary and the O.P.C.
28 - The Presbyterian Church U.S.A.
29 - Princeton Seminary
30 - Third American Calvinistic ConferenceBOOK REVIEWS
31 - Literature and Religion
32 - The Lord's PrayerVERSE
21 - Tread Not on These -
The Calvin Forum: December, 1946
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 12, Issue: 5CONTENTS - VOLUME XII, NO. 5 DECEMBER, 1946
83 - Mary and Jesus in Front Page Headlines
84 - The New Missionary ChallengeARTICLES
86 - The Reaffirmation of the Virgin Birth. By Henry Schultze
88 - Kleine Klaus, Pilgrim. By Bastian Kruithof
91 - Liberty and Intervention. By Cornelius Van Zwoll
94 - Some Thoughts on Labor. By Enno L. HaanTHE VOICE OF OUR READERS
97 - That First Reformed Ecumenical Synod Editorial Comment
98 - The O. P. C. and the University ProjectFROM OUR CORRESPONDENTS
100 - India and America
101 - Egypt and Palestine
102 - South African LetterBOOK REVIEWS
103 - Romans
103 - On Peter's Epistles
104 - New Testament Guide
104 - Chaplain's Account -
The Calvin Forum: February, 1946
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 11, Issue: 7CONTENTS - VOLUME XI. NO. 7 FEBRUARY, 1946
131 - Editorial ChipsARTICLES
134 - Authority, Government and Strikes. By Gerrii H. Hospers
137 - Inscriptions and the March of God. By Martin, J. Wyngaarden
138 - God's Reversible Dealings With the Nations. By Arnold Brink
141 - Calvinism in Ceylon. By H. H. Collette
145 - The Eagle and the Sparrows. By Alll BandonFROM OUR CORRESPONDENTS
145 - Netherlands Letter
147 - Calvinism in North Ireland
147 - Michigan Calvinistic Philosophy Club
148 - Indispensable or Expendable?
148 - What is Happening in Java?BOOK REVIEWS
150 - Catholic Philosophy
150 - Protestant Missions in South America
151 - Five Thousand Dollar Fiction Contest -
The Calvin Forum: January, 1946
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 11, Issue: 6CONTENTS - VOLUME XI, NO. 6 JANUARY, 1946
107 - New Year's Prayer
108 - That Escape Feeling
109 - The Future of China
109 - The Evangelical LibraryARTICLES
110 - Should We Try to Christianize the Realm of Common Grace? By W. Stanford Reid
114 - Flags in the Church. By Arnold Brink
116 - Labor and the Christian. By Richard Postma
119 - Calvinism in Ceylon. By H. H. Collette
121 - The Love of God. By Ala Bandon
121 - South African Letter
122 - From the New Hebrides
123 - From the Canadian North
124 - London's Evangelical LibraryBOOK REVIEWS
126 - Three Books on Christian Democracy
127 - As to Growing Old
128 - Design for Living -
The Calvin Forum: June-July, 1946
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 11, Issue: 11 & 12CONTENTS - VOLUME XI, NO. 11-12 JUNE-JULY, 1946
227 - Third American Calvinistic Conference
228 - The Schism in the Netherlands
229 - Campus in the Woods
231 - Needed-Men of Principle!
231 - The Recent Labor CrisisARTICLES
233 - The Christian College in the Atomic Age. By Jacob G. Vanden Bosch
233 - The Latter Mission. By Harold Dekker
240 - The Spiritual Interpretation of Israel. By Martin Wyngaarden
243 - For Intolerance. By Marinus Goote
245 - Westminster Assembly - A Short QuizVOICES AROUND THE WORLD
247 - South India Letter
248 - The Plight of Hungary
249 - Ways of Aiding the Hungarians
250 - Calvinists in Ireland
251 - China's New Missionary Challenge
251 - From Southern CaliforniaBOOK REVIEWS
252 - Dreiser's Latest Novel
252 - Covenant Theology in America
253 - The Essence of the Covenant
255 - INDEX -
The Calvin Forum: March, 1946
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 11, Issue: 8CONTENTS - VOLUME XI, NO. 8 MARCH, 1946
155 - A Damaging Admission
156 - The Missing Note
157 - That University Project
157 - Christ for China and JapanARTICLES
158 - The Boldness of the Ambassador of Christ. By Adam Persenafre
161 - The Problem of. Wages. By Henry J. Ryskamp
164 - Biblical Introduction and Its Increasing Evidence. By Martin J. Wyngaarden
166 - Education With or Without God. By Bastian Kruithof
169 - What's In a Name? By Ala BandonTHE VOICE OF OUR READERS
170 - Christian Schools in Canada
170 - As to Strikes and RevolutionFROM OUR CORRESPONDENTS
172 - Calvinism in North Ireland
173 - From South India
174 - Australian Voice
174 - From Michigan's University
175 - Reformed Church LetterBOOK REVIEW
176 - A Catholic Dutch HistoryVERSE
163 - Reminiscence -
The Calvin Forum: May, 1946
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 11, Issue: 10CONTENTS - VOLUME XI, NO. 10 MAY, 1946
203 - Reformed Ecumenical ConsciousnessARTICLES
206 - God and the Liberal Arts. By William T. Radius
208 - The New Covenant in Biblical Theology. By Martin J. Wyngaarden
212 - A Famine of Hearing. By Marinus Goote
214 - The Road to Paradise. By Chr. De WitFROM OUR CORRESPONDENTS
216 - The Reformed Churches in the Netherlands
217 - Important Happenings in South Africa
219 - The Bible in Ireland
220 - From Eastern Canada
220 - Edmonton Letter
221 - Revised Standard Version of the New TestamentBOOK REVIEWS
222 - American Education: An Evaluation
222 - Christo logical Eschatology
223 - A Few Theological Classics
224 - On Roman Catholicism
224 - Devotional Verse -
The Calvin Forum: November, 1946
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 12, Issue: 4CONTENTS - VOLUME XII, NO. 4 NOVEMBER, 1946
59 - Divine Justice
60 - On Being Reformed and EcumenicalARTICLES
62 - First Reformed Ecumenical Synod: A Report. By Louis Berkhof
66 - Economics and Ethics. By Henry J. Ryskamp
68 - The Synod at Zwolle. By H. Henry MeeterFROM OUR CORRESPONDENTS
70 - The O. P. C. and the University Project
72 - Appreciation
72 - Patrick of Ireland
73 - A Netherlands Letter
74 - Michigan Calvinistic Philosophy Club
75 - Hungarian Letter
75 - Ecumenicity-Looking AheadBOOK REVIEWS
77 - Great Teachers
77 - Protestant Saints
78 - The Christian Reformed Church
79 - Bowen Bible Museum
79 - The Use of Scripture
80 - Biblical Novel -
The Calvin Forum: October, 1946
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 12, Issue: 3CONTENTS - VOLUME XII, NO. 3 OCTOBER, 1946
35 - A New EcumenicityARTICLES
37 - First Reformed Ecumenical Synod
37 - Prayer of Intercession. By Idzert Van Dellen
38 - Introductory Remarks and Welcome. By Louis Berkhof
39 - Testimony Adopted
41 - Calvinistic Schools Exchange Greetings
41 - Address of Prof. G. Ch. Aalders of Amsterdam
42 - Greetings of Prof. S. duToit of Potchefstroom
43 - Speech of Prof. H. G. Stoker of Potchefstroom
45 - The Value of Principles. By A. Warnaar
47 - Directed Education. By Henry SchultzeTHE VOICE OF OUR READERS
52 - On the Westminster Assembly
52 - AppreciationsLETTERS AND REPORTS
53 - A Netherlands Letter
54 - American Scientific Affiliation
55 - National Union of Christian Schools
55 - A Calvinistic Youth Movement -
The Calvin Forum: April, 1947
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 12, Issue: 9CONTENTS - VOLUME XII, NO. 9 APRIL, 1947
179 - Christian Principles on the Labor Front
179 - Worldly AmusementsARTICLES
180 - On Teaching Doctrine. By Henry R. Van Til
183 - Man and the Atom. By John R. Huizenga
186 - Grotius and His Contribution to World Peace. By Peter G. BerkhoutFROM OUR CORRESPONDENTS
190 - California Regional Calvinistic Conference
190 - Michigan Calvinistic Philosophy Club
191 - Netherlands Letter
191 - Hungarian Letter
193 - Pressure in Egypt
193 - Higher Education in South Africa
194 - Roman Catholicism in Canada
196 - The Controversy in the O.P.CBOOK REVIEWS
198 - Realistic Philosophy of Culture
199 - Up From a Manse
200 - A Provocative Article
200 - Fifteen Hundred Books -
The Calvin Forum: August-September, 1947
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 13, Issue: 1 & 2CONTENTS - VOLUME Xlll, NOS. 1-2 AUG.-SEPT., 1947
3 - Bill S. 2499
3 - Church vs. State
3 - Democracy and Christianity
3 - College Men
4 - Unified Thinking
4 - Our National Economy
5 - World Economy
6 - Totalitarianism and the Dignity of ManARTICLES
7 - God and Your College Diploma. By Clarence Bouma
11 - The Prayers of the Unregenerate. By Ring Star
14 - Religion in the Public Schools. By Lambert J. Flokstra
17 - The School of Stillness. By Aza Bandon
19 - A Criticism
19 - A Letter from Korea
20 - The Reformed Faith in Japan
21 - Lebanon and the Holy Land
22 - Black and White in South Africa
23 - A Letter from Switzerland
24 - A Letter from the Netherlands
25 - Letter from an Irish Calvinist
26 - From Princeton Seminary
27 - Troubled Waters in the Orthodox Presbyterian ChurchBOOK REVIEWS
30 - Is God Creator? or, Is Creativity God?
31 - Two Works on Calvinism
31 - Milton in Our Time
32 - The Congress of Vienna Reconsidered
32 - Gunther Comes Home -
The Calvin Forum: December, 1947
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 13, Issue: 5CONTENTS - VOLUME XIII, NO. 5 DECEMBER, 1947
83 - Salvation is of the Lord
83 - God's Gift to Man
84 - America's Gift to Europe
84 - The Person in the Body
86 - Food-Still a Major ProblemARTICLES
87 - Christian Morality and Contemporary Ethical Theories. By Cecil De Boer
90 - Origin and Destiny, 1847-1947. By Samuel M. Zwemer
94 - Christian Theism and Education. By Cornelius Jaarsma
97 - The "British-Israel" Movement. By Martin J. Wyngaarden
99 - The Three Rivermen. By Ala BandonFROM OUR CORRESPONDENTS
100 - Higher Education in South Africa
101 - The Irish Evangelical ChurchBOOK REVIEWS
102 - The Infallible Word
103 - Three Apologetic Works
103 - Van Wyk's Sermon Notes Continued
103 - Machen Re-issued
104 - Bible Stories for Children
104 - Rembrandt Etchings
104 - Christian Ethics -
The Calvin Forum: February, 1947
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 12, Issue: 7CONTENTS - VOLUME XII. NO. 7 FEBRUARY, 1947
131 - The Fade-Out of God
131 - An Atheist Heads UNESCO
132 - Our Godless Education
132 - Theological Liberalism Bethinks ItselfARTICLES
134 - What Kind of Education. By Henry Zylstra
137 - Early Dutch Protestantism and Toleration. By Leonard Verduin
141 - Changing Emphases in the Social Gospel. By Anthony A. HoekemaFROM OUR CORRESPONDENTS
146 - A Letter from France
146 - Eastern Canada
147 - Federal Council Meets at Seattle
148 - East Friesland and Dutch CalvinismBOOK REVIEWS
150 - A New Church History
150 - The Biblical Idea of Missions
151 - The Reverend Van Wyk's Notes
151 - Christian Broadcasting
152 - Concerning Minority GroupsVERSES
140 - The Key to My Heart -
The Calvin Forum: January, 1947
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 12, Issue: 6CONTENTS - VOLUME XII, NO. 6 JANUARY, 1947
107 - Evangelizing the Student Mind
107 - Common Sense on Church Union
108 - Protestantism versus RomanismARTICLES
110 - The Teacher as Scholar. By William T. Radius
112 - The Contribution of Calvinism to Social Work. By Donald H. Bouma
115 - Changing Emphases in the Social Gospel. By Anthony A. Hoekema
120 - Reflections on War and Peace. By John H. BrattFROM OUR CORRESPONDENTS
122 - Christian Reformed Church in Japan
123 - Netherlands LetterOF BOOKS
125 - Heaven and Hell
125 - An English Artist
126 - A Dutch Novel
126 - Tradition and Literature
127 - Plain Talk
127 - Creative Teaching
128 - Miss Schoolland's Books
128 - Dutch Paintings -
The Calvin Forum: June-July, 1947
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 12, Issue: 11 & 12CONTENTS - VOLUME XII, NO. 11 JUNE-JULY I 1947
227 - In Memoriam Diedrich H. KrommingaCONTRIBUTED ARTICLES
229 - Hendrik Scholte and Pella, Iowa. By Loostendorp
233 - Religion and Mental Illness. By Donald H. Bouma
238 - Van Raalte and Union with the Reformed Church. By John H. Kromminga
241 - The Claims of Neo-Thomists on Augustine. By Prudence Todd
246 - Inalienable Right to Life. By Ala BcmdonFROM OUR CORRESPONDENTS
247 - Calvinistic Minorities in Protestant Churches
248 - Contact with the Netherlands
248 - The Faith of our Fathers (Holland Centennial)
249 - Convention of the National Association of EvangelicalsBOOK REVIEWS
251 - Sinclair Lewis on Racial Prejudice
252 - A Good French Novel
252 - Contemporary Calvinism
253 - Two Works on Calvinism
253 - The Apostle John and His Writings
253 - Commentary on Acts
253 - George Macdonald's Christian Teaching
254 - Jefferson on Democracy
254 - Tawney on CapitalismVERSE
237 - Pleasures
255 - INDEX -
The Calvin Forum: March, 1947
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 12, Issue: 8CONTENTS - VOLUME XII. NO. 8 MARCH, 1947
155 - Centenary of the Van Raalte Colony
155 - The Centenary and Historical Sense
156 - The Passing of Professor Welmers
156 - The Plight of Hungarian CalvinistsARTICLES
157 - The Faculty Makes an Educational Institution. By Henry Schultze
160 - Medical Lore in the Bible. By Stuart Bergsma
163 - We Preach Christ. By John O. Schuring
167 - Fair Employment Practices. By Henry J. RyskampFROM OUR CORRESPONDENTS
169 - Hungarian Calvinists
170 - A Letter from Switzerland
171 - In Memoriam
171 - City of Holland CentennialBOOK REVIEWS
173 - A Volume of Sermons
173 - A History of Doctrine
174 - Four Deserving Dutch Publications
175 - Crisis in China
175 - Noblesse Oblige
176 - Patriotic VerseVERSE
168 - Rose of Sharon -
The Calvin Forum: May, 1947
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 12, Issue: 10CONTENTS - VOLUME XII, NO. 10 MAY, 1947
203 - Catholics, Protestants and Divorce
204 - Three Reformed PillarsARTICLES
205 - Literary Inspiration. By Jacob G. Vanden Bosch
203 - Naturalism in Public Education. By Henry Zylstra
211 - Albertus C. Van Raalte, 1811-1876. By John H. Kromminqa
214 - "Twilight and Evening Bell" By Harold DekkerFROM OUR CORRESPONDENTS
216 - Another Centennial Celebration
216 - From the British Isles
217 - The Situation in India
218 - Reformed Theology in New ZealandVOICES OF OUR READERS
219 - On Teaching Doctrine
219 - The Other Side of the O.P.C. Controversy
221 - Dr. Clark DissentsBOOK REVIEWS
221 - Earth Can Be Ravished
222 - Towards a Responsible Press
223 - Professor Hyma's Van Raalte
224 - Popular Sermons
224 - Reference Work on the Family -
The Calvin Forum: November, 1947
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 13, Issue: 4CONTENTS - VOLUME XIII. NO. 4 NOVEMBER, 1947
59 - Dangerous Preaching Methods
60 - The Church and Education
61 - Is Our Economy Mature?
61 - Dutch Comment on the Van Raalte SettlementARTICLES
63 - We Know. By John Gritter
64 - The Relation Between Christian and Philosophic Ethics. By Cecil De Boer
68 - A Mind and Heart to Work. By Henry Van Zyl, Jr.
70 - Education and the Crisis of Our Time. By Cornelius Jaarsma74 - THE VOICE OF OUR READERS
75 - Our Dutch Correspondent in America
75 - Michigan Calvinistic Philosophy Club
76 - Calvinism in North Ireland
77 - Presbyterian Church in CanadaBOOK REVIEWS
78 - A Novel with a Religious Theme
78 - The Anatomy of Bewilderment
79 - Labor Explains Itself
80 - Biblical Interpretation
80 - A Treasury of Bible Knowledge -
The Calvin Forum: October, 1947
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 13, Issue: 3CONTENTS - VOLUME XIII, NO. 3 OCTOBER, 1947
35 - Academic Freedom
36 - Swing to the "Right"?
36 - Our Brothers' Keeger?
37 - Art and Religion
37 - Progressive Education
37 - Strictly Literal Interpretation
38 - The World Cringing in FearARTICLES
38 - The Christian's Relation to the World According to Barth-Brunnel. By Diedrich H. Krmnminga
44 - Christian Higher Learning and the Humanities. By J. Allen Cabaniss
46 - The Crisis of the Church. By George Stob
49 - For the Time is Come. By Ala BandonFROM OUR CORRESPONDENTS
50 - Calvinists Displace Unitarians in Boston
50 - Impressions of an Afrikaner
51 - The Reformed Church of Ceylon
52 - The New India
53 - American Scientific AffiliationBOOK REVIEWS
53 - Van Til's Philosophy of Common Grace
55 - For Freedom and for Food
56 - New Approaches to Lincoln
56 - A Founder of the American UniversityVERSE
4 - Jacob's Triumph -
The Calvin Forum: April, 1948
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 13, Issue: 9CONTENTS - VOLUME XIII, NO. 9 APRIL, 1948
179 - Neo-orthodoxy or Neo-modernism
179 - The Pattern of American Education
180 - Separation of Church and State
180 - Helping Europe
181 - Maintaining Economic Equilibrium
182 - 1948 - A Significant YearARTICLES
183 - On Detesting Anabaptists. By Leonard Verduin
186 - The Psychology of Sin. By W. Stanford Reid
191 - The Manikin-maker. By Ala Bandon
192 - Conditions in the Netherlands
194 - Britain and Ireland
194 - The Reformed Faith in the New Hebrides and New Zealand
196 - The Students of China
196 - Experiment in Tolerance
197 - An Anthology of Dutch Literature
197 - Lovelessness
198 - Dutch Constitutional Government
198 - A New English Quarterly
198 - American Religious Groups
200 - New Books on the BibleVERSE
190 - My Prayer -
The Calvin Forum: August-September, 1948
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 14, Issue: 1 & 2CONTENTS - VOLUME XIV, NO. 1-2 AUG.-SEPT., 1948
3 - Now is the Time!
3 - The N.U.C.S: and the N.A.C.S.ARTICLES
5 - Idolatry and Scientism. By Ala Bandon
6 - Kinsey and His Buyers. By William T. Radius
8 - Calvinism and Evangelism Today. By R. O. De Groot
12 - The Report of the President's Commission. By Henry Schultze
15 - Child Delinquency Reconsidered. By Donald H. BoumaTHE VOICE OF OUR READERS
18 - Religion in the State University
20 - A Reformed Voice from Japan
20 - The Dialectic Theology
20 - Secularism in Palestine
20 - "Our Youth and Atomic Age"FROM OUR CORRESPONDENTS
21 - Netherlands Letter
22 - The South African Elections of 1948
23 - The Orthodox Presbyterian Church
25 - Calvinists in Ireland
26 - The Reformed Faith in Canada
27 - From the Christian School FrontBOOK REVIEWS
28 - Contemporary Science and the Bible
29 - The Resurrection Truth
30 - Hypnotic Influence
30 - Bible Stories
31 - The Decline of the West
31 - A Tragedy of Pity -
The Calvin Forum: December, 1948
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 14, Issue: 5CONTENTS - VOLUME XIV, NO. 5 DECEMBER, 1948
83 - The Newborn King
83 - Karl Barth's Bomb Shell at Amsterdam
84 - Communism and Capitalism at Amsterdam
85 - History Begins to Judge
85 - Organized Calvinistic YouthARTICLES
86 - Modernism-Romanism-Fundamentalism -Calvinism. By W. Stanford Reid
90 - The Saviour of the World. By H. Henry Meeter
92 - A Calvinistic Youth Movement. By Richard Postma
94 - The Blasphemy Agafost the Holy Ghost. By Joseph Zsiros
96 - Ecumenical Activities of the Christian Reformed Church
97 - Christian Student Work in China
98 - The South African Race Problem
99 - From the New Hebrides
100 - Christian Mysticism
101 - Patristic and Mediaeval Preaching
102 - Dr. Bavinck's Mission Lectures
102 - The Church Choir
103 - The Eerdmans Prize Novel -
The Calvin Forum: February, 1948
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 13, Issue: 7CONTENTS - VOLUME XIII, NO. 7 FEBRUARY, 1948
131 - Nihilism and Calvinism
133 - The Church Concept in Christian History. By John H. Bratt
136 - The Scientific Mission. By John Van Lonkhuyzen
141 - The Mirage Shall Become a Pool. By Ala BandonThe VOICE OF OUR READERS
142 - The Christian Physician and Psychosomatics
143 - Ethiopian Letter
143 - Calvinists in North Ireland
144 - Netherlands Letter
146 - Conference on Atomic Energy
146 - A Serious Threat to Religious LibertyBOOK REVIEWS
147 - Barth, Brunner, and Van Til
149 - Christ and Oriental Mysticism
149 - A One-Volume Religious Encyclopedia
150 - The Reformed Faith
150 - Inter-Varsity Fellowship Publications
151 - Natural Science in General Education
152 - Some Works on Christian ApologeticsVERSE
135 - Frost Flowers -
The Calvin Forum: January, 1948
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 13, Issue: 6CONTENTS - VOLUME XIII, NO. 6 JANUARY, 1948
107 - Humanity Discredited 107
107 - Education for Democracy
108 - Palestine-The Pawn of the Nations
109 - Military Training and EducationARTICLES
109 - Perspectives for Reformed Advance. By Harry R. Boer
114 - Our Own Grub Street. By John Timmerman
116 - 1848: A Century After. By Earl Strikwerda
118 - "Vacuum Packed" Christianity. By W. Stanford Reid
122 - Stirrings in the Reformed Church in America
123 - The London Evangelical Library
124 - From the Christian School Front
124 - National Association of Christian SchoolsBOOK REVIEWS
125 - Medieval Thought
126 - Handel: Man and Musician
126 - Classics of Devotion
127 - Contemporary Literature
127 - A Boettner Volume
128 - The Christian Idea of Sympathy -
The Calvin Forum: June-July, 1948
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 13, Issue: 11 & 12CONTENTS - VOLUME XIII, NO. 11-12 JUNE-JULY, 1948
227 - An Educational SymposiumARTICLES
228 - Religion and the State University. By Richard Bardolph
231 - Symposium by Ten Educators
239 - The World Council at Amsterdam. By Jacob T. Hoogstra
242 - Trained for Tragedy. By George StabTHE VOICE OF OUR READERS
246 - Barthianism and Modernism
247 - "Our Youth in the Atomic Age"
247 - Unintended Slight
248 - Wealthy ShepherdsFROM OUR CORRESPONDENTS
248 - A Word of Farewell
248 - Irish Calvinists
249 - The Supreme Court DecisionBOOK REVIEWS
250 - The Heidelberg Catechism
251 - The Barsabbas Family
251 - The Status of Reason
253 - Towards Christianity
253 - "Religious" Fiction
254 - Comfort in DesolationVERSE
233 - Leaves...in a Setting Sun
255 - INDEX -
The Calvin Forum: March, 1948
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 13, Issue: 8CONTENTS - VOLUME XIII, NO. 8 MARCH, 1948
155 - Interchange of Views and Opinions
153 - The Enigma of PalestineARTICLES
157 - That They May Be One. By Jacob T. Hoogstra
160 - Doctrine: A Scriptural Evaluation. By Henry R. Van Til
163 - Did Jesus Die of a Broken Heart? By Stuart Bergsma
168 - The Saga of Two Philosophic Ants. By Ala Bandon
169 - Stimulating Scholarly Reformed Thought
170 - Appreciations and SuggestionsFROM OUR CORRESPONDENTS
170 - South African Observations
171 - On Palestine and Egypt
172 - From British West Africa
173 - Reformed Church in America News
174 - The Idea of Missions
175 - Presbyterians: Scotch, Irish, American
176 - Denominations, Sects, and Cults -
The Calvin Forum: May, 1948
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 13, Issue: 10CONTENTS - VOLUME XIII, NO. 10 MAY, 194S
203 - Peace of Mind
204 - Are We Asking For It?
205 - Education During the Cold War
206 - The Rediscovery of the Missionary Task. By Johan H. Bavinck
211 - We and Our Youth in the Atomic Age. By Clifford Vander Ark
217 - Our Own Grub Street
217 - Reformed International Council of MissionsFROM OUR CORRESPONDENTS
218 - From South India
219 - Hungarian Letter
220 - International Calvinistic Conference at Amsterdam
221 - Calvin's Works: Centennial Republication
221 - The Epistle to the Romans
222 - The Book of Isaiah
223 - The Epistle to the Hebrews
224 - The Epistles to the Corinthians -
The Calvin Forum: November, 1948
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 14, Issue: 4CONTENTS - VOLUME XIV, NO. 4 NOVEMBER, 1948
59 - Ownership and Trusteeship
59 - Economic Cooperation Administration
60 - Political Alignment and World ResponsibilityARTICLES
62 - The Federal Government and Education. By L. J. Flokstra
64 - Shade or Fruit? By Ala Bandon
65 - Christian-Principles and the Organizatfon of Labor. By George Holwerda
70 - Christianity in Ethiopia
71 - A Letter from Peiping
72 - Hungarian Letter
73 - Dutch ·Emigration to Canada
74 - Scotland's Free Church CollegeBOOK REVIEWS
75 - Professor Kromminga's Millennial Views
76 - A Theological Orientation of Culture
78 - Wanted: A Calvinistic Anthropology
79 - An A. J. Cronin EntertainmentVERSE
61 - Without Words -
The Calvin Forum: October, 1948
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 14, Issue: 3CONTENTS - VOLUME XIV, NO. 3 OCTOBER, 1948
35 - Sarospatak and Calvin Seminaries. By Jacob T. Hoogstra
38 - Ethiopia and the Return of the Italian Colonies. By John A. Cremer
39 - Recent Trends in New Testament Study. By William Hendriksen
44 - No Concern of Ours. By H, Z.
45 - Some Presuppositions in Evolutionary Thinking. By Edwin Y. MonsmaTHE VOICCE OF OUR READERS
48 - "A Real Gem"
48 - Appreciation
48 - As to BarthianisrnFROM OUR CORRESPONDENTS
50 - South India Letter
51 - Presbyterian Church U. S. A.
52 - From Princeton Theological Seminary
53 - CorrectionBOOK REVIEW
53 - Christian Philosophy
54 - Dutch Poetry in Translation
55 - Poetry and Religion
55 - A Coimtry Report
56 - Walcheren at Bay -
The Calvin Forum: April, 1949
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 14, Issue: 9CONTENTS - VOLUME XIV, NO. 9 APRIL, 1949
179 - Denying the Lord of Glory
179 - Fraternizing with Liberals
180 - Indictment by a Suicide
180 - The Dutch Have Done ItARTICLES
182 - Organization of American States. By George N. Monsma
185 - The Need for Understanding. By Henry J. Ryskamp
187 - Was Calvin a philosopher?-A Symposium. By W. Stanford Reid, Cecil De Boer, Albert Hyma, Averill Gouldy
192 - Letter from Holland
193 - A Letter from South India
193 - Foenander Ordination at Wolvendaal Church
194 - Reformed Church Life in Canada
195 - Christ: Human and Divine
196 - Theology and Philosophy
198 - Towards Standards
199 - Christian Dogma and History
200 - Free Enterprise and CartelsVERSE
191 - Brief Season -
The Calvin Forum: August-September, 1949
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 15, Issue: 1 & 2CONTENTS - VOLUME XV, NO. 1-2 AUG. - SEPT. 1949
3 - Economic Trends and Opinions. By Henry J. Ryskamp
5 - A New Isaiah Manuscript. By Martin J. Wyngaarden
7 - Hearts Aflame. By Anthony A. Hoekema
10 - Help the German Huguenots. By William Hendriksen
11 - Does God Sympathize? By Elco H. Oostendorp
15 - Christianity and the Inquisitive Urge in Man. By Leonard Verduin
17 - The Rising Tide of Pan-Slavism. By Endre Sebestyen
21 - Foreign Mission Strategy. By John A. CremerTHE VOICES OF OUR READERS
22 - Apartheid in South Africa
23 - Westminster Theological Seminary
24 - The Struggle in Ireland
25 - Important Doings in Ceylon
26 - Letter from Ceylon
27 - From the Calvin CampusBOOK REVIEWS
28 - The Early Church
29 - Plain Talks on Calvinism
29 - Genesis of the Modern Mind
30 - Dogma and Life
31 - Two Kinds of Evolution
31 - The Church and the Aged
32 - An Historical Chronicle -
The Calvin Forum: December, 1949
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 15, Issue: 5CONTENTS - VOLUME XV, NO. 5 DECEMBER, 1949
83 - Prostituting Christmas
83 - Albert Schweitzer, a Noble Pagan
84 - World Council Turned Down
86 - The Theological School at Kampen
87 - The Star of Bethlehem. By Henry Schultze
89 - Poet and Public. By Henry Zylstra
92 - Christianity and the Race Problem. By Ralph J. Danhof
97 - Calvinistic Action Committee
98 - National Union of Christian Schools
99 - International Fellowship of Evangelical StudentsBOOK REVIEWS
101 - Protestant Apology and Rome
102 - A Call for Conservatism
103 - Calvin's Own Compendium
103 - Gesenius Reissued
103 - Zionism ReconsideredVERSE
91 - But When in Time -
The Calvin Forum: February, 1949
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 14, Issue: 7CONTENTS - VOLUME XIV, NO. 7 FEBRUARY, 1949
131 - The Future of the Colleges. By Wm. T. Radius
134 - Is Free Enterprise Anti-Christian? By Clarence Bouma
137 - Our Missionary Dichotomy. By Harry R. Boer
141 - Bible Reading in Christian History. By John H. Bratt
144 - Historians on F.D.R.
144 - Another Wisconsin Voice
144 - On the Millennium
145 - A Christian Philosophy of History
145 - National Association of EvangelicalsFROM OUR CORRESPONDENTS
146 - Presentation Address of Dr. Zsiros
147 - Chicago Calvinistic Discussion Club
147 - Michigan Calvinistic Philosophy Club
143 - Christian Education in North IrelandBOOK REVIEWS
149 - New Interpretations
150 - Glorification of Humanism
150 - Unpardonable Ignorance
151 - Psychiatry for Specialists
151 - The Gospel of John
151 - A Faith to Live By
138 - Winter Night -
The Calvin Forum: January, 1949
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 14, Issue: 6CONTENTS - VOLUME XIV, NO. 6 JANUARY, 1949
107 - Looking Forward and Looking Upward
107 - Coram Deo 1948
108 - Christian Students in China
109 - The Freedom of Science. By G. Hoeksema
110 - Natural Science and Divine Teleology. By J. P. Van Haitsma
111 - Now and Then. By Henry Zylstra
112 - Four Stages in the Expansion of the Church. By H. Bavinck
116 - "Sing a New Song" By Henry Brandt Rose
119 - Is Free Enterprise Anti-Christian? By Clarence Bouma
122 - China's Students and the Gospel
123 - The China Prayer MovementBOOK REVIEWS
125 - Solid Sermons
125 - Sounding the Alarum
127 - The Criticism of Fiction
127 - The Criticism of Poetry
108 - Winter Mood -
The Calvin Forum: June-July, 1949
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 14, Issue: 11 & 12CONTENTS - VOLUME XIV, NO. 11-12 JUNE-JULY, 1949
227 - Christian Witness in the Social Struggle. By Clarence Bouma
231 - The Netherlands and Indonesia. By Amry VandenBosch
234 - Concerning a Philosophy of History. By James Daane
237 - The Communistic Menace. By Endre Sebestyen
240 - Appreciation
240 - Of Necessity Calvinists
240 - Need for Apologetics
241 - As to Fighting Totalitarianism
242 - Natural Science and the Faith
243 - From the Union of South Africa
245 - Hungarian Letter
245 - The Dutch and the East Indies
245 - What Happened on Java?
247 - Religion and Superstition in Ethiopia
249 - The Amsterdam Assembly Series
250 - Christianity and Modern Culture
251 - A Gift Volume
251 - Worship and Work
252 - International Drama: 1941-1945
253 - The Mistress of the Manse
254 - Sentimental FictionVERSE
236 - Grandfather
255 - INDEX to Volume XIV -
The Calvin Forum: March, 1949
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 14, Issue: 8CONTENTS - VOLUME XIV, NO. 8 MARCH, 1949
155 - Was Calvin a Philosopher? By John P. Le Coq
158 - Was Calvin a Philosopher?-A Reply. By Carl F. H. Henry
160 - Dr. Conant on Democratic Education. By Cornelius Jaarsma
163 - A Glimpse of Balkan Life. By .J. Gysbert Bouma
165 - The Voice in This Dark Hour. By Jacob T. Hoogstra
168 - On Free Enterprise and Communism
168 - The Millennium Issue
168 - "Youth Speaks on Calvinism"
169 - Reformed Church Life in Canada
170 - The Reformed Church in Japan
171 - A Letter from Ceylon
172 - Dr. Vos' Biblical Theology
173 - Great Teachers
175 - Man as Saviour
175 - A Campus Novel
176 - English Edition of Gysbert JapicxVERSE
162 - The Trinity
162 - Spring Song -
The Calvin Forum: May, 1949
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 14, Issue: 10CONTENTS - VOLUME XIV, NO. 10 MAY, 1949
203 - The Creeds, the Bible and Higher Education. By William T. Radius 203
205 - The Netherlands and Indonesia. By Amry VandenBosch 205
209 - Concerning a Philosophy of History. By James Daane 209
211 - Was Calvin a Philosopher? By Leonard Verduin 211
212 - H. G. Stoker 212
214 - Henry Stob 214
214 - Herman Kuiper 214
215 - Communism in Japan
215 - A. Layman's Opinion
215 - Just Where to Draw the Line
215 - "Youth Speaks on Calvinism"
216 - Church Union Movement in Australia
217 - Racial Segregation in South Africa
218 - Calvinism in North Ireland
219 - A Letter from Holland
220 - The True American Way of Life
221 - Growth of a University
222 - T. S. Eliot on Culture
223 - Literary Scholarship
224 - Spiritual Autobiography
224 - The Deity of Christ
224 - Radio SermonsVERSE
208 - Spring Walk
208 - Trio of Trio lets -
The Calvin Forum: November, 1949
Calvin College and Seminary
Volume: 15, Issue: 4CONTENTS - VOLUME XV, NO. 4 NOVEMBER, 1949
59 - Ecumenicity - Spurious and Genuine
62 - A Note on Division of Income. By T. P. Vander Kooy
64 - Night in the Area of Education. By Henry Schultze
68 - Guardianship and Segregation. By Ralph J. Danhof
71 - In the Court Room of Heaven. By Ala Bandon
73 - From the Union of South Africa
74 - Nigerian Mission Activity
75 - From North Ireland
77 - Niebuhr's Sense of History
78 - Westminster Edition of Scripture
79 - From Bethlehem to the City of God
79 - The Power State
80 - Background of the Bible
The Calvin Forum was published from May 1935 through March 1956. Recognizing that "The intelligent Christian is facing a serious and challenging situation today...living in an age of intellectual ferment and spiritual perplexity." The Calvin Forum sought to provide for the engagement of contemporary issues and devoted itself to provide "helpful discussion of subjects in the realms of Religion and Theology, History and Philosophy, Natural Science and Medicine, Sociology and Economics, Political Science and International Law, Psychology and Education, Literature and Art. Averse to anything musty or academic, it aims to be both popular and scholarly. It would seek to deal with these issues in such an untechnical way as to make an appeal to all intelligent and thoughtful Christians."
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