

The Newcomer's Group (Sectional #16), Christian Reformed Church
Coffee Break Sectionals and Worship Services

Using Christian Resources (Sectional #28), Christian Reformed Church
Coffee Break Sectionals and Worship Services

Life Together, Todd Cioffi, Andrew Webster, Jasmine Wilson, Daniel Kamacho, Kelly Larsen, and Jack Organ

Calling Stories, Shane Claiborne

Pilgrims on Planet Hollywood-Christian Scholarship and Popular Culture, Rodney Clapp and Robert Johnston
Christian Scholarship...For What?

Youth Crime Prevention: Church and Family Responses - Session 5, Valerie Clark-Davis, Cliff Roads, Karen Helder, and Robert Butler
Youth Crime Conference 2001

Why Physics and Theology Need a Mediator: The Many Metaphysical Faces of the Quantum State, Phillip Clayton
Theology and the New Physics Conference

Protestants & Catholics: Rivals or Siblings?, Edward Clearly
Latin American Congress

Enriching Marriage and Family Life, Howard Clinebell
Growth Counseling

Sharing the Good Things With Teacher, Daniel Cloete
Multicultural Lecture Series

The Role of Love in the Development of the Self, Karen Coats
Loss of the Self in a Postmodern Therapeutic Culture

Interpreting Children's Literature-The Case for a Special Hermeneutics & Literality Matters, Karen Coats and Glenn Fetzer
Hermeneutics at the Crossroads Conference

When Old is New Again: Black Women's Motherwork as Political Activism, Patricia Collins

Technology and Government; A Necessary Alliance?, Barry Commoner
Lecture Council Series

Christian Scholarship..for Whom?, Elizabeth Conde-Frazier
Christian Scholarship...For What?

Opening Worship Service, ICCR Congress
International Congress on Calvin Research

Against Idolatry & Love's Reason, George Connell and Norman Wirzba
Postmodern Philosophy and Chrisitian Thought

Reaching the Aucas of your Community Tape 1, Harvie Conn
RBC Lecture

Reaching the Aucas of your Community Tape 2, Harvie Conn
RBC Lecture

Reaching the Aucas of your Community Tape 3, Harvie Conn
RBC Lecture

Reaching the Aucas of your Community Tape 4, Harvie Conn
RBC Lecture

The Church in Latin America: Affirming Tradition or Change, Guillarmo Cook
Latin American Congress

A Kenya Recue: The Story of Fear, Faith, and Gratitude, Jamie Cook, Dean Vander Mey, Brittanie VanderMey, and Aubrey VanderMey
Calvin Academy for Lifelong Learning (CALL)

Panel Discussion on Ridderbos' Lecture of 4/17/75, Cook, Richard Oudersluys, Herman Ridderbos, and VanElderen

A Time to Be Silent, Dale Cooper
Portable Calvin

Cultivating Congregational Hospitality, Dale Cooper
Worship Renewal, A Day Of Learning

How Should We Worship?, Dale Cooper

Revelation and Faith, Dale Cooper

Who is Fit to Lead?, Dale Cooper
Calvinette Leaders Convention

A Christian View of Man, John Cooper

Our Father-Mother In Heaven: Inclusive Language for God, John Cooper
Thursday Special Lectures

Feminine Language for God, John Cooper and Tom Bogart
Calvin-Western Sectional

New Directions in Christian Philosophy, Kevin Corcoran, Del Ratzsch, Nicholas Wolterstorff, and Lambert Zuidervaart
Christian Scholarship...For What?

Biblical Seed for Psychological Harvest, Mark P. Cosgrove
Christian College Coalition

Mission at the Periphery: A Galilian Model, Orlanda Costas
Multicultural Lecture Series

How to Respond When Disclosure Happens, Tom Cottrell
Making Congregations Safe Places Conference

Discussion: Life in the Crossfire-A Report from the Trenches, John Cox, Lee Hardy, Richard (Rick) Plantinga, and Caroline Simon

Does God Exist? Debate, William Lane Craig and Tim Kenyon

Jacques Maritan's Conception of History, Richard Francis Crane
Written on the Heart: The Tradition of Natural Law

Dilemmas In the Criminal Justice System, Robert G. Culbertson

Can a Natural Law Theorist Justify Religious Civil Liberties?, Terence Cuneo
Political Thought After Liberalism Conference

Conditional Moral Vegetarianism, Terence Cuneo

Biblical Inerrancy, James Daane
Lectures at Calvin

Reprobation, James Daane
Lectures at Calvin

The Nature of Christian Truth, James Daane
Lectures at Calvin

Can a Man Bless God? Human Variabilities and Natural Law, James Daane and Arthur Holmes
In Honor of Dr. Henry Stob

Your Development, John Daling

A Journey in Ministry in Bangladesh, Kohima Daring
Faith and International Development Conference

Don't Believe Everything That You Breathe: The Importance of Being Skeptical, David Dark
Pop Culture Lecture Series

On Not Lying: Faithfulness in the Age of "Hurry Up and Matter!", David Dark
Pop Culture Lecture Series

Poetry and Pentecost: In Every Voice a Story, David Dark
Festival of Faith & Music, 2005

Storm and the Reality Studio: Experiments in Telling the Truth, David Dark
Festival of Faith & Music, 2005

The Meaning of the Ascension for Christian Scholars, Stephen Davis
Ascension Conference

A Face Like This One-The Significance of the Doctrine of the Ascension, Gerrit Scott Dawson
Ascension Conference

The Ascension in the Mission, Worship and Education of the Church, Gerrit Scott Dawson
Ascension Conference

Return to Healthy Living, Saturday, June 22, Carl D.
Spiritual Awakenings

Acceptance / Keeping Away from People, Dean, De Jong, and Kik
Care of Souls

Depression / Anxiety, Dean, De Jong, and Kik
Care of Souls

Feelings on Death / Visitation, Dean, De Jong, and Kik
Care of Souls

Motivation in Life / Subject of Suicide, Dean, De Jong, and Kik
Care of Souls

Spiritual Growth / On Drugs, Dean, De Jong, and Kik
Care of Souls

The Elder as a Person: The Parishoner as a Person, Dean, De Jong, and Kik
Care of Souls

Therapeutic Attitude / Understanding Affliction, Dean, De Jong, and Kik
Care of Souls

The Sexual Role: The Subject of Divorce, Dean, De Jong, and Kik
Care of Souls

The Whole Person: Intimacy in Communication, Dean, De Jong, and Kik
Care of Souls

Visitation of the Sick / In Time of Death, Dean, De Jong, and Kik
Care of Souls

Christianity, John DeBie

Christianity, John DeBie

Gender and Competition: Book of the Quarter Discussion Session 1, Kathleen DeBoer

Gender and Competition: Book of The Quarter Discussion Session 2, Kathleen DeBoer

Who Were the Pharisees?, W. De Boer

Christian Faith and Diplomacy, Dominique Decherf
Guest Lecturer

War Awareness Memorial Service, Andy DeJong
War Awareness Series, 2008

Calvinism and Music Part 1, James De Jonge

Calvinism and Music Part 2, James De Jonge

Dutch American Historical Workshop, 4 of 5, Gerald DeJong, Robert Swierenga, Harry Boonstra, and Walter Lagerwey
Dutch American Historical Workshop

Christian Reformed Church History, James DeJong
Multi-Ethnic Conference

Christian Reformed Church History 2, James DeJong
Multi-Ethnic Conference

The Infallibility of the State of the Church, Peter De Jong
Lecture Council Series

CRC Survey Results, Peter DeJong and Carol Topp
Partnership in the Gospel Conference

Calvinism and Missions Part 1, Harold Dekker

Calvinism and Missions Part 2, Harold Dekker

Dutch American Historical Workshop, 2 of 5, Peter DeKlerk and Stanley Wiersma
Dutch American Historical Workshop

The Responsibility...College to the Church Part 1, Lester R. De Koster

The Responsibility...College to the Church Part 2, Lester R. De Koster

Auto Industry in Relation to World and National Economy, Don DeLarossa
Business Forum

Plenary #5, Augusto De La Torre
Faith and International Development Conference

Polity, Henry De Moor
Multi-Ethnic Conference

Polity 2, Henry De Moor
Multi-Ethnic Conference

Death and Dying, Lawrence Den Besten

Studies in the Dying Experience, Lawrence Den Besten

Fostering Religious Freedom in China: Are Property Rights the Key?, Kevin den Dulk
Pruis Rule of Law Lecture Series

Recovering from Iconoclasm-Reformational Scholarship and the Visual Arts, Adrienne Dengerink-Chaplin, Henry Luttikhuizen, Tim VanLaar, Nicholas Wolterstorff, and Lambert Zuidervaart
Christian Scholarship...For What?

Parenting for Partnership, Colette De Nooyer
Partnership in the Gospel Conference

The Middle Wall of Partition, Richard De Ridder

Techniques and Technology in the City of God, Peter De Vos
Lecture Council Series

Justice 1 of 6, Peter DeVos

Justice 2 of 6, Peter DeVos

Justice 4 of 6, Peter DeVos

Justice 5 of 6, Peter DeVos