

The Aim of Christian Learning, Peter DeVos

Byzantium, Bert DeVries

Islam, Bert DeVries

Living with War: Views from Aman, Bert DeVries
War Awareness Series, 2008

Art Gallery Lecture, Herm De Vries

The 411 on Youth Ministry, Mark DeVries

The Dollar, Trade, and Debt, Rimmer DeVries
Business Interaction Seminar

World Recession: Causes and Cures, Rimmer DeVries
Business Interaction Seminar

Polls, the Mass Media, and American Politics, Walter De Vries

Political Discourse and the Task of Government-Nurturing Christian Citizens and Public Servants, Paul DeWeese and James Skillen
Christian Scholarship...For What?

An Introduction to Natural Resources, Calvin DeWitt
Teaching Seminar

Intoduction to Food, Calvin DeWitt
Teaching Seminar

Stewardship of Creational Resources, Calvin DeWitt

Systems and Systems Thinking Part 1, Calvin DeWitt
Teaching Seminar

Systems and Systems Thinking Part 2, Calvin DeWitt
Teaching Seminar

The Creation, Calvin Dewitt
Focus on the Environment

The Hunger Machine Part 1, Calvin DeWitt

Remembering, Mary de Young
Making Congregations Safe Places Conference

Long Term Care -- Who Should Pay?, Larry M. Diamond
Conference on Older Adults

Speaker, Anthony J. Diekema
Federation of CR Men's Societies Convention

Calvinism and Science, Thedford Dirkse

Seeking Truth in Jerusalem, Kent Dobson
Noontime Series

Plenary Session 3: Marriage and Moral Responsibility, William J. Doherty
Pine Rest Family Summit 2

Out of the Sex Industry-The Story of Anny Donewald and Eve's Angels, Anny Donewald
Sexuality Series

Women, Glamour and the Sex Industry, Anny Donewald
Sexuality Series

Responding to Neighborhood Change: CRC Congregations in Southeast Grand Rapids, 1970-2000, Kevin Dougherty and Mark Mulder

New Urbanism 101 (Session 1), Victor Dover
Testimony of Place: Building Churches & Neighborhoods

Integration of Faith and Learning-A Re-examination, Crystal Downing, David Guthrie, and Rita Lester
Christian Scholarship...For What?

Pella and its People - the First Seventy-eight Years, Richard L. Doyle
Conference on Dutch-American Studies

A Darwinian Argument from Evil, Paul Robert Draper
God and Evil Conference

Ethics and the World of Work, Kent Druyvensteyn
Business Interaction Seminar

Motives & Models for 1980's: Metro Ministries in Housing, Carl S. Dudley
Urban Congress

Culture and Pluralism - Plenary Session, Avery Dulles
Session III: Religious Liberty & Pluralism

Calvin Business Interaction, Max DuPree
Business Interaction Seminar

Economics 1 of 4, Eugene R. Dykema

Economics 2 of 4, Eugene R. Dykema

Economics 3 of 4, Eugene R. Dykema

Economics 4 of 4, Eugene R. Dykema

The Just Price, Eugene R. Dykema

Respect, Public Justification, and Restraint, Christopher Eberle
Political Thought After Liberalism Conference

The Thrill of the Chaste-Finding Fulfilment While Keeping Your Clothes On, Dawn Eden
Sexuality Series

DAVID EUGENE EDWARDS, David Eugene Edwards
Festival of Faith & Music, 2003

Long Term Sobriety, Saturday, June 22, Francie E.
Spiritual Awakenings

A View from My Window in Washington, DC, Vern Ehlers
Noontime Series

Time and Space, Vernon J. Ehlers

40 Years as a Federal Depository Library, Vern Ehlers and Bill Stevenson

The Jewish Concept of Stewardship and the Problem of Humanism, David Ehrenfeld
Lecture Council Series

John Hooper's Discontent and 'Reformers' or 'Puritans'? Francis Bacon's Response to Elizabethan Puritanism, Jim Ehrhard and Kenneth Hovey
Puritanism and its Discontents

This Nation Under God: The Aim of Redemption, Peter Eldersveld

Sea to Sea, Claire Elgersma
Calvin Academy for Lifelong Learning (CALL)

Christian Perspectives on the American Defense System, J. Harold Ellens, Ronald Sharette, and Richard J. Mouw

Sexual Misconduct-Policies and Prevention, D. Edward Emenheiser and Gene Chistofferson
Making Congregations Safe Places Conference

Building a Responsive Self in a Post-Relativistic World: The Contribution of Mikhail Bakhtin, Caryl Emerson
Loss of the Self in a Postmodern Therapeutic Culture

The Prophet: A Man Behind His Times, David Engelhard
Federation of CR Men's Societies Convention

The Prophet: A Man Behind His Times 2, David Engelhard
Federation of CR Men's Societies Convention

Developing an Incarnational Model of Scripture, Peter Enns

The Deprivation of Academic Freedom on the West Bank, Sa'eb Erakat

Alexander Solzhenitsyn, Ed Ericson
Portable Calvin

Imperialism, Human Rights, and Christian Mission Today Part 1, Samuel Escobar
Multicultural Lecture Series

Imperialism, Human Rights, and Christian Mission Today Part 2, Samuel Escobar
Multicultural Lecture Series

Marxism & Religion: The Paradox of Church Growth in Ethiopia, Tibebe Eshete
Nagel Institute

Christian Scholarship as a Calling-What Does It Mean for Business Faculty?, Terry Etter, Lee Hardy, Bob Husband, Cynthia Moody, Brian Porter, and Steve Vanderveen
Christian Scholarship...For What?

The Politics of Oil, Robert Evans

Scholarship in Community-Recent Interdisciplinary Projects, Steve Evans, Tremper Longman, and James Marcum
Christian Scholarship...For What?

Confronting the Denying Perpetrator, Mary Kay Ewing
Making Congregations Safe Places Conference

Old Time Religion Broadcast, Henry Exoo

Ethical Hermeneutics and the Theater-Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice & The Knowledge that One Does Not Know-Gadamer, Levertov, and the Hermeneutics of the Question, Benne Faber and Christina Bieber
Hermeneutics at the Crossroads Conference

Getting Away from It All Together!, Sunday, June 23, Art F. and Grant J.
Spiritual Awakenings

Essential Beliefs, Ronald Feenstra
Multi-Ethnic Conference

A Federal Judge Looks at Sentencing, John Feikens
Lecture Council Series

Teaching Bible in the School Part 1, Harry Fernhout

Teaching Bible in the School Part 2, Harry Fernhout

Recent Developments in Religious and Value Education in Public Schools, Harry Fernhout and Tom Malcolm

Christianity for the Future, Adam Daniel Finnerty

Popular Ecumenism at the Grass Roots Level from a Roman Catholic, James F. Fisher
From Catholic Information Center of Grand Rapids

How to Influence Your Church, Joan Flikkema
Partnership in the Gospel Conference

Chaplains at War, Melvin Flikkema
War Awareness Series, 2008

Women in S.A.A. (Personal Story), Sunday, June 23, Marilyn F.
Spiritual Awakenings

The Basic Human Right to Food: A Biblical Perspective, James Forbes
Urban Congress

Legal Obligations and Liabilities for People in Ministry, Ronald Foster
October 5 - Mini Conference

Developing Written Policy Before Crisis Hits, Ronald L. Foster
Making Congregations Safe Places Conference

Window on the Post-Modern Condition, James Fowler
Christian Association for Psychological Studies

Court Processing of Juvenile Delinquent: Issues and Trends - Session 3, Frank ., Sandy Metcalf, David Dorr, and Patricia Gardner
Youth Crime Conference 2001

World Catholicism: Reality and Prospects, Bryan Froehle
Byker Chair

Discerning the Voices-Praise and Lament in the Tradition of the Christian Psaltar, Karlfried Froehlich
Praise & Lament Conference

Psalms 88 and 89-Medieval Reading by Monks and Scholars, Karlfried Froehlich
Praise & Lament Conference

Lull & His Mission to Muslims, C. George Fry
Christian Witness to Muslims

Iran's Revolution and Christ's; The Role of Education in Middle Eastern Change, C. George Fry and George Jennings
Christian Witness to Muslims

Action Examples-Bella Vista Church, John Frye and Kurt Dillinger
Making Congregations Safe Places Conference

Panel Discussion with Calvin College Faculty, David Fuentes, David Laverell, Steve Matheson, and Ellen Van't Hof
Ascension Conference

A Review of Eight Years of Calvin Research, Richard C. Gamble
International Congress on Calvin Research

Calvin & 16th Century Spirituality: Comparisons and Contrasts, Richard C. Gamble
Colloquium on Calvin & Calvin Studies

Paul Rorem Discussion: A Review of "Eight Years of Calvin Research", Richard C. Gamble
ICCR Congress 1990

Man in Orbit, Don Gardner

Waiting in the Winds, Marti Garlett
Calvin Women Through the Decades Conference

Responses to the Plenary Speaker, Craig Gay and Bob Goudzwaard
Session II: Christianity & the Humane Economy

Teenage Fun, Al Gelder and Ron Zwiers

John Calvin's Eucharistic Piety, Brian A. Gerrish
Colloquium on Calvin & Calvin Studies

For-going FOREIGN-AID, Shane Gilbert
Faith and International Development Conference

World War IV, Denny Gillem
War Awareness Series, 2008