The Sexual Role: The Subject of Divorce, Dean, De Jong, and Kik
Care of Souls
The Whole Person: Intimacy in Communication, Dean, De Jong, and Kik
Care of Souls
Visitation of the Sick / In Time of Death, Dean, De Jong, and Kik
Care of Souls
Christianity, John DeBie
Christianity, John DeBie
Gender and Competition: Book of the Quarter Discussion Session 1, Kathleen DeBoer
Gender and Competition: Book of The Quarter Discussion Session 2, Kathleen DeBoer
Who Were the Pharisees?, W. De Boer
Christian Faith and Diplomacy, Dominique Decherf
Guest Lecturer
War Awareness Memorial Service, Andy DeJong
War Awareness Series, 2008
Calvinism and Music Part 1, James De Jonge
Calvinism and Music Part 2, James De Jonge
Dutch American Historical Workshop, 4 of 5, Gerald DeJong, Robert Swierenga, Harry Boonstra, and Walter Lagerwey
Dutch American Historical Workshop
Christian Reformed Church History, James DeJong
Multi-Ethnic Conference
Christian Reformed Church History 2, James DeJong
Multi-Ethnic Conference
The Infallibility of the State of the Church, Peter De Jong
Lecture Council Series
CRC Survey Results, Peter DeJong and Carol Topp
Partnership in the Gospel Conference
Calvinism and Missions Part 1, Harold Dekker
Calvinism and Missions Part 2, Harold Dekker
Dutch American Historical Workshop, 2 of 5, Peter DeKlerk and Stanley (Sietze Buning) Wiersma
Dutch American Historical Workshop
DeKoster Honorary Dinner, Lester R. DeKoster
The Responsibility...College to the Church Part 1, Lester R. DeKoster
The Responsibility...College to the Church Part 2, Lester R. DeKoster
Auto Industry in Relation to World and National Economy, Don DeLarossa
Business Forum
Plenary #5, Augusto De La Torre
Faith and International Development Conference
Polity, Henry De Moor
Multi-Ethnic Conference
Polity 2, Henry De Moor
Multi-Ethnic Conference
Death and Dying, Lawrence Den Besten
Studies in the Dying Experience, Lawrence Den Besten
Fostering Religious Freedom in China: Are Property Rights the Key?, Kevin den Dulk
Pruis Rule of Law Lecture Series
Recovering from Iconoclasm-Reformational Scholarship and the Visual Arts, Adrienne Dengerink-Chaplin, Henry Luttikhuizen, Tim VanLaar, Nicholas Wolterstorff, and Lambert Zuidervaart
Christian Scholarship...For What?
Parenting for Partnership, Colette De Nooyer
Partnership in the Gospel Conference
The Middle Wall of Partition, Richard De Ridder
The Reluctant Ruler, Henry DeRooy
Techniques and Technology in the City of God, Peter De Vos
Lecture Council Series
Justice 1 of 6, Peter A. DeVos
Justice 2 of 6, Peter A. DeVos
Justice 4 of 6, Peter A. DeVos
Justice 5 of 6, Peter A. DeVos
The Aim of Christian Learning, Peter A. DeVos
American Scientific Affiliation Panel Discussion, Peter A. DeVos, L Wilkinson, Vernon J. Ehlers, and Eugene R. Dykema
Byzantium, Bert DeVries
Islam, Bert DeVries
Living with War: Views from Aman, Bert DeVries
War Awareness Series, 2008
Art Gallery Lecture, Herm De Vries
The 411 on Youth Ministry, Mark DeVries
The Dollar, Trade, and Debt, Rimmer DeVries
Business Interaction Seminar
World Recession: Causes and Cures, Rimmer DeVries
Business Interaction Seminar
Polls, the Mass Media, and American Politics, Walter De Vries
Political Discourse and the Task of Government-Nurturing Christian Citizens and Public Servants, Paul DeWeese and James Skillen
Christian Scholarship...For What?
An Introduction to Natural Resources, Calvin DeWitt
Teaching Seminar
Intoduction to Food, Calvin DeWitt
Teaching Seminar
Stewardship of Creational Resources, Calvin DeWitt
Systems and Systems Thinking Part 1, Calvin DeWitt
Teaching Seminar
Systems and Systems Thinking Part 2, Calvin DeWitt
Teaching Seminar
The Creation, Calvin DeWitt
Focus on the Environment
The Hunger Machine, Calvin DeWitt
The Hunger Machine, Part 2, Calvin DeWitt
The Hunger Machine, Part 3, Calvin DeWitt
The Hunger Machine, Part 4, Calvin DeWitt
The Hunger Machine, Part 5, Calvin DeWitt
The Hunger Machine, Part 6, Calvin DeWitt
The Hunger Machine, Part 7, Calvin DeWitt
American Scientific Affiliation, Calvin DeWitt and James Bosscher
Remembering, Mary de Young
Making Congregations Safe Places Conference
Seven Deadly Sins and Spiritual Formation, Rebecca Konyndyk DeYoung
Seminars in Christian Scholarship
Long Term Care -- Who Should Pay?, Larry M. Diamond
Conference on Older Adults
Speaker, Anthony J. Diekema
Federation of CR Men's Societies Convention
Calvinism and Science, Thedford Dirkse
Seeking Truth in Jerusalem, Kent Dobson
Noontime Series
Plenary Session 3: Marriage and Moral Responsibility, William J. Doherty
Pine Rest Family Summit 2
Out of the Sex Industry-The Story of Anny Donewald and Eve's Angels, Anny Donewald
Sexuality Series
Women, Glamour and the Sex Industry, Anny Donewald
Sexuality Series
Responding to Neighborhood Change: CRC Congregations in Southeast Grand Rapids, 1970-2000, Kevin Dougherty and Mark Mulder
New Urbanism 101 (Session 1), Victor Dover
Testimony of Place: Building Churches & Neighborhoods
Integration of Faith and Learning-A Re-examination, Crystal Downing, David Guthrie, and Rita Lester
Christian Scholarship...For What?
Pella and its People - the First Seventy-eight Years, Richard L. Doyle
Conference on Dutch-American Studies
A Darwinian Argument from Evil, Paul Robert Draper
God and Evil Conference
Ethics and the World of Work, Kent Druyvensteyn
Business Interaction Seminar
Motives & Models for 1980's: Metro Ministries in Housing, Carl S. Dudley
Urban Congress
Culture and Pluralism - Plenary Session, Avery Dulles
Session III: Religious Liberty & Pluralism
Fund Raising...the Pro's Speak, Robert F. Duncan
Calvin Business Interaction, Max DuPree
Business Interaction Seminar
Economics 1 of 4, Eugene R. Dykema
Economics 2 of 4, Eugene R. Dykema
Economics 3 of 4, Eugene R. Dykema
Economics 4 of 4, Eugene R. Dykema
The Just Price, Eugene R. Dykema
Respect, Public Justification, and Restraint, Christopher Eberle
Political Thought After Liberalism Conference
The Thrill of the Chaste-Finding Fulfilment While Keeping Your Clothes On, Dawn Eden
Sexuality Series
DAVID EUGENE EDWARDS, David Eugene Edwards
Festival of Faith & Music, 2003
Long Term Sobriety, Saturday, June 22, Francie E.
Spiritual Awakenings
A View from My Window in Washington, DC, Vernon J. Ehlers
Noontime Series
Time and Space, Vernon J. Ehlers
40 Years as a Federal Depository Library, Vernon J. Ehlers and Bill Stevenson
The Jewish Concept of Stewardship and the Problem of Humanism, David Ehrenfeld
Lecture Council Series
John Hooper's Discontent and 'Reformers' or 'Puritans'? Francis Bacon's Response to Elizabethan Puritanism, Jim Ehrhard and Kenneth Hovey
Puritanism and its Discontents
This Nation Under God: The Aim of Redemption, Peter Eldersveld
Evolution: Hope or Hype?, Niles Eldredge and Philip Johnson
Sea to Sea, Claire Elgersma
Calvin Academy for Lifelong Learning (CALL)