

Self-Nourishment and Support, Earl Grollman
Death and Dying Seminar

Survivors Panel, Earl Grollman
Death and Dying Seminar

The Family and Death, Earl Grollman
Death and Dying Seminar

The Good Grief; Role of the Caregiver, Earl Grollman
Death and Dying Seminar

The Process of Dying from the Medical Perspective, Earl Grollman
Death and Dying Seminar

Room to Speak: Writing and Publishing in the Chinese State, You Guanhui

German Calvinism in Crisis: The Heidelberg Conflict Over Church Discipline 1568-1571, Charles Gunnoe

A Social Scientific Critique of Hierarchical and Egalitarian Models of Christian Marriage, Majorie Gunnoe
Sexuality Series

Hierarchy vs. Partnership: What Scripture and Social Science Tell Us about Good Marriages, Marjorie Gunnoe
Sexuality Series

A Christian Vision for Marriage, David Gushee
Sexuality Series

The Future of Christian Higher Education, B.J. Haan

The Search for Extra-terriestrial Life, Loren Haarsma and Larry Molnar

Jesus: People of Israel and the Gentiles, Ernest Hahn
Christian Witness to Muslims

Shi'a and Sunni - What's the Difference, Ernest Hahn
Christian Witness to Muslims

Celebrating New Possibilities for City Life, Stanley Hallett and Anne Carlson
Urban Congress

Liberalism, Communitarianism, and the Political Theory of Antebellum Women, Mark Hall
Political Thought After Liberalism Conference

Conversion and Community in Crisis: The Negotiation of Authority in the Antinomian Controversy, 1636-1638 and Works Salvation and Community in The Scarlet Letter, Timothy Hall and Preston Harper
Puritanism and its Discontents

Responses to Plenary Speaker & Questions, Hall, White, Griffioen, and Bolt
Session IV: Law, Morality, & Culture

Discussion: Communities of Discourse, Jean Hampton, Martin E. Marty, Elizabeth Minnich, Jacob Neusner, Miroslav Volf, and Nicholas Wolterstorff

Don't Be Refugees, Be Missionaries! African Immigrants & the New Missionary Encounter with American Society, Jehu J. Hanciles
Nagel Institute

The State of Race Relations in the Greater Grand Rapids Area, William Hardiman

Animals and the Kingdom of God, John E. Hare
Animals and the Kingdom of God

Christian Scholarship and Human Responsibility, John E. Hare
Christian Scholarship...For What?

Is There an Evolutionary Foundation for Human Morality?, John E. Hare
Biology and Purpose-Altruism, Morality & Human Nature in Evolution Theory

Religion Bridges Falling Down: Secular into the Sacred in Contemporary Caribbean Gospel Music, Patricia Harkins-Pierre
Seminars in Christian Scholarship

The Economic Powers of Women, Elizabeth Harris

The Wisdom of Stability, Jonathan Wilson Hartgrove

Provost's Inauguration Lecture, Nathan O. Hatch

The State of Grand Rapids: Its Challenges and its Future, George Mayor Heartwell

How Christian Faith Can Sustain the Life of the Mind-Personal Reflections, Jeanne Heffernan, Susan Felch, Mark Schwehn, and Shirley Showalter
Christian Scholarship...For What?

Holy Worldliness: Culture and the Problem of Evil, Ken Heffner
Festival of Faith & Music, 2005

KEN HEFFNER, Ken Heffner
Festival of Faith & Music, 2003

Industrialism and Marxism, Henry G. Hekman

Death is Different: Investigating Legal Defense in Death Penalty Sentencing, Stephen Henderson

Beyond Political Moralisms, Paul Henry
Calvin-Western Sectional

Liberal Education and the Christian Viewpoint, William Herberg

The Concept of Culture Religion, William Herberg

The Debate Over Politics, Jerry S. Herbert
Christian College Coalition

Justice and Courage: Will We Rise to God's Challenge?, Carlos Hernández
Faith and International Development Conference

Christ's Church: Can it face Technology?, John Hesselink

Friday Evening Worship, Roberta Hestenes
Coffee Break Sectionals and Worship Services

Friday Morning Worship, Roberta Hestenes
Coffee Break Sectionals and Worship Services

Thursday Morning Worship, Roberta Hestenes
Coffee Break Sectionals and Worship Services

Necessary Journeys - What is Wilderness and Why Should We Care?, Harsten Heuer

Morning Devotions, Chris Heuertz
Faith and International Development Conference

Morning Devotions, Chris Heuertz
Faith and International Development Conference

Christian Learning and Kingdom Strategy, James Heynen

Careers in the Helping Careers, Garret Heyns

Drive Dull Care Away, Joe Hickerson

Clash of Global and Local Forces: The Case of the Church in India, Paul Hiebert
Seminars in Christian Scholarship

The Challenge of Globalization, Paul Hiebert and Frances Hiebert
Classroom Lecture

What Nature hath taught all Animals: Considerations on the Nature of Marriage, Russell Hittinger
Written on the Heart: The Tradition of Natural Law

Is South Africa Changing?, Sipho Hlakanyana

Hopeful, Suffering Selves, Bert Hodges
Loss of the Self in a Postmodern Therapeutic Culture

Issues In Persons and Pedagogy, Bert Hodges, Glenn Sanders, and Ron Wright
Christian Scholarship...For What?

Approaching the Cults, Anthony A. Hoekema

Filling of the Holy Spirit, Anthony A. Hoekema

The Hope of the Church, Anthony A. Hoekema
Federation of CR Men's Societies Convention

Liberal Education for a Pluralistic Society: Why Religious Voices Must Not Be Silenced, David A. Hoekema
Political Thought After Liberalism Conference

The Fallacy of Just War, David A. Hoekema
Written on the Heart: The Tradition of Natural Law

Flood Protection and Land Reclamation in the Netherlands, Robert Hoeksema
Calvin Academy for Lifelong Learning (CALL)

Christian Management in Turbulent Times, Timothy E. Hoeksema
Business 1997

CCCS Education Conference 1991, Timothy E. Hoeksema, Tena Sienbenga, Leo Van Arragon, Art De Jong, Sheryl Weirs, and Judy Vos
CCCS Education Conference 1991

Teaching Catechism, Dennis Hoekstra

From Success to Significance: Transitioning Instead of Retirement, Dennis Hoekstra and Preston Kool
Business 1997

CPOL Lecture, Dennis Hoekstra, Charles Miller, Don Vroon, Peter De Boer, and Willis De Boer

Language Lab, J.B. Hoekstra

God Sends His Love: The Mystery and Gift of Preaching, Scott Hoezee
Seminars at Calvin

Opening Worship, Scott Hoezee
Ascension Conference

Show, Don't Tell: Keeping Sermons Vivid, Scott Hoezee
Worship Renewal, A Day Of Learning

Afternoon Worship, Ruth Hoffman
Partnership in the Gospel Conference

Colossians 1:24-29 'The Mystery', Ruth Hoffman and Melvin Hugen
Partnership in the Gospel Conference

Pastoring Toward the Partnership Church and 1992, Ruth Hoffman and Melvin Hugen
Partnership in the Gospel Conference

Christian Scholarship in the Field of Political Science-Its Nature and Purpose, Stephen Hoffman, Doug L. Koopman, and William R. Stevenson Jr.
Christian Scholarship...For What?

Joint Meeting with Synod and Keynote Address, Leonard Hofman
Multi-Ethnic Conference

Finding a Self to Love, David Holley
Loss of the Self in a Postmodern Therapeutic Culture

Teaching as Formation, Arthur Holmes
Winter Conference

Plenary Session 1: America's Families, Henry Holstege
Pine Rest Family Summit 1

Question and Answer Period, Henry Holstege
Conference on Older Adults

When Christians Divorce, Henry Holstege
Portable Calvin

There's a Spirit that Transcends the Border: Religious Activists for Immigrant Rights, Pierrette Hondagneu-Sotelo
Bouma Lecture Series

Calvin in Geneva & Calvin in Strassburg, Richard Horcsik and Cornelius Augustijn
International Congress on Calvin Research

Discussion of Addresses by Horcsik & Augustijn, Richard Horcsik and Cornelius Augustijn
International Congress on Calvin Research

Christian Education Outside North America, Hajnal Hos, Daryl McCarthy, Teresa McCarthy, and Leroy Seat
Christian Scholarship...For What?

Christian Scholarship with Whom-Across the Theological Boundaries, Ann Hostetler, Mark Schwehn, Kang Phee Seng, and James Turner
Christian Scholarship...For What?

Where the Jobs Are, Jack Houston

Worship-Act not Experience, Thomas Howard
Lecture Council Series

Lecture for the Friends of American Business, Carl Huele

How Do You Care When Everything is Falling Apart?, Melvin Hugen
Cascade Family Camp 1987

Will Our Children have Faith?, Melvin Hugen
Cascade Family Camp 1987

Conference Reflections, Melvin Hugen and Marchiene Rienstra
Partnership in the Gospel Conference

Letting Go Versus Forgiveness, Melvin Hugen and Albert Seinen
Making Congregations Safe Places Conference

The Word and the World, John B. Hulst
Federation of CR Men's Societies Convention

The Pain, The Power, & The Promise: Feminist Liberation, Mary Hunt
Association for Theological Field Education

Evolution, Relational Reality, and the Image of God, William Hurlbut
Loss of the Self in a Postmodern Therapeutic Culture

Christianity 101: The Marks of a Christian, Bill Hybels
Christianity 101

Christianity 101: The Message of the Christian Faith, Bill Hybels
Christianity 101

Christianity 101: The Miracle of Christian Life, Bill Hybels
Christianity 101

I'm Listening Lord, Jo Ilbrink
Calvin Counselors Convention

Run to Win, Jo Ilbrink
Calvinette Leaders Convention